PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 1 DR. RAY FISHES SOX. Dentist ** Prepared to do all kinds of Dental Work. Office over the Brookland Bank. NEW BROOKLAND, - - - S. C. 11TM. W. HA WES, VV Attorney and Counselor at Law. NEW BROOKLAND. S. C. PrflrrtoA in all Courts. Business solicited. November i, 19C5. 0. M. EFIBD. F. E. DBEHKB. EFIRD & DREHER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON 0. H., a C. Will practice In all the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the firm will always be at office, Lexington, S. C. T H. FRICK, J . ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHAPIN, a 0. Office: Hotel Marlon, 4th Boom. Second Fioor. "Win practice in all the Courts. * THURMOND & TIMMERMAN, 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL C0URT8, \ Citizens' Bank B'ld'g, Batesburg, S. C. We will be pleased to meet those having legal business to be attended to at our office * In the Citizens' Bank Building at any time. Respectfully, Wm. THURMOND. G. BELL TIMMERMAN. ALBERT M. BOOZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ? r 4 O n COLlMma, o. v. Omcs: 1316 Main Street, upstairs, opposite Yan Metre's Furniture StoreEspecial attention given to business entrustv ed to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington county. George r. rembert attorney at law. 1221 LAW RANGE, COLUMBIA S. 0. I will be glad to serve my friends from Lexington County at any time, and am prepared :o practice law in all state and Federal Courts. Law Offices, ( ) ResidenceT 1529 1209 Washington < > Pendle ton Street. Street. ( ) Office Telephone No. 1872. ^ Residence Telephone No. 1086. UT BOYD EVANS, YY .LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Columbia, S. 0. * J DR. P. H. SHBALY, | DENTIST, J l , LEXINGTON, 8. 0. #ffioe Up Stairs in Roofs Building. T\Z. P. 0. GILMOBB, V . DENTIST, lilt Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. O. trnoi Hoes*.*? a. m. to 2 p. a., and from , z 3 to 6 ?. ?. T|R. D. L. HALL, . l) DENTIST COLUMBIA, 9. O. * intheran Publication Building, 1689 Main St. Office hoars ft a. m., to i:tO p.wa Dee. 28. 1907?Cm > I E. C. DREHER, Agent, FIRE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING HOME INSURANCE CO., N Y. INSURANCE CO OF N. A., PHILA GERMAN-AMERICAN, N. Y. CLOSE AND RUTGERS, N. Y. TEUTONIA, NEW ORLEANS. SOUTHERN STOCK FIRE. GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROUNA. {' STRONGEST AND BEST OLD LINE INSURANCE COMPANIES. LOCAL AGENCY LEXINGTON, S. C. - HARNESS ? Always see E. A. Fellers i for Home-made Harness and Farm Gears, Repairs * ' xi i quicK ax iowet>i ^ntco. E. A. Fellers 933 Gervais SI. COLUMBIA, S. C. k Will II III I III I I 11 I COLUMBIA JUNK COMPANY, 8 - I 805Gervais St. Columbia, S.C $ I Opp Gibbes Machinery Co, ^ -r> :?K-ccc f?r Tin >r. hone?. Si ouys nvu, uiuow, - fx- - 7 B rubber, rags and all kinds of $1 B metals. Best prices. |J | PHONE 2<>8. | Bottle drinks oc all kinds and dav v + will be found at the Bazaar Fountain On ice in season. Birboc 19 and Pond Drawing. There will be a barbecue and pond drawing at Jeremiah Shumpert's, on * Dunbar road, 2% miles from Edmund, ^ on Thursday, S3pt. 80th. A good time is in store for both oldandyoung. We will make special arrangements for women and children. Jeremiah Shumpert. 48p W. N. Lucas. s | gloomy] M I THINKING OF THE i ' I I SUICIDE STUNT j | 1^1 I AND FORGET IT I SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR I I Stirs ths Liver to Hoslthy Action I f MAKES L1FE~W0RTH LIVING. I g I ?i?i?'11 mm Mini B 9 A PIP" 3 I IMM&. YUU | Thinking of Buying 1 A FARM If so, we are now | issuing a monthly , list, which consists of farms of all sizes, prices* and qualities in Lexington and adjoining counties. It | I will be to your interest to see it. It's free. Write today. CBAS. W. CHOSE! S COMPANY Mimnaagh Bldg. Upstairs 8 COLUMBIA, S. C. I P: S. Don't forget H I about" that city prop- I ertv. We have some | bargains in Colam- I bia Realty. I iii ii in i in ii i J! Refrigerators, Coolers, Ice I Cream Freezers, Hamji mocks. Lawn Mowers, Rubber Hose, Spriaksers, Noz zles. Full stock of all sizes and prices. Hardware of any kind. Come or phone. IS. SMART, 1526 Main St. Columbia, S. C I _ p Wood's Descriptive ~ Q ! Fail Seed Catalog now ready, gives the fullest information about all Seeds for the Farm and Garden, j Grasses and Clovers, Vetches, Alfalfa, Seed Wheat, Oats. Rye, Barley, etc. Also tells all about | Vegetable & Flower Seeds i that can be planted in the fall to ! advantage and profit, and about Hyacinths, Tulips and other 1 Flowering Bulbs, Vegetable and Strawberry Plants, Poultry Supplies ana Fertilizers. Every Farmer and Gardener ?hould ! have this catalog. It is invaluable in i Its helpfulness and suggestive ideas for J a profitable and satisfactory Farm or i Garden. Catalogue mailed free on request. Write for it. M T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. C Fishing Tackle. ""This is fishing time and at Th Bazaar you will find a lull line v tackles ef all kinds. Poles, bobo, hook and lines. Come to us lor your lacttle The B.i/uar i GrILBSBT SrSFKBES 2. To tho E :i:o * of The D: -patch. Tiiofarmer- ar- highly pleased wit] the prose price of cotton though the crop is mumi shorter in this section than last year, in a siiorl time the crop will have been all gathered. A few days ago Mr. G. \V. Lewis, with a number of his friends an 1 immediate family, celebrated his birthda v. So oh dinners and Gatherings ?^. are not soon forgotten, and it is the hope of all that Mr. Lewis will be spared for many more occasions like that. Miss Eunice Koon has been visiting friends in the Hebron section. Miss Bertha, the beautiful daughter of Mr. G. W. Smith, is very ill with typhoid fever. It is the earnest wish of all that her recovery will be soon. Miss Lawrence Smith, formerly of this section, but who now resides in Union, was visiting relatives here last week. It is always a pleasure for us to note the number of our young people attending the yarious schools. The number this year seems to be larger than usual. Those who are expected to attend and who [have already entered are: Earl Grout and sister, Iva, Palmetto Collegiate Institute; Paul and Martin Smith, Leesviile College, and J. 0. Crout, the University oi South Carolina. The trustees of the new school district, formed out of Pond Branch and adjoining districts, are to be congrat ulated upon securing the services cl Miss Hattie Hook as their teacher the coming session. Mi93 Hattie is a mosl excellent teacher. Miss Birdie Addy will teach the Pond Branch school. At Boiling Springs the trustees have done the rieht thine in re-electine Mi9S Bertha Kleckley to instruct their children. Gilbert, Sept. 25. C. ??? ? I ALLOUTOF SORTS I Has Any Lexington Person Never Pelt That Way ? j Feel all out of sorts? I . Tired, Blue, Irritable, Naryous? I Back feel lame and *chy?t. That ? the story of sick kidneys? I ' Bad blood circulating about; Uric acid poisoning the body. Just one way to feel right again, Core the sluggish kidneys; || Do it with Doaa's Kidney Pills. Do&n's hare cured many Lexington 1 people. j Here's one qase. Mrs. K. L. Corley, of Lexington, S. C., says: "I was a sufferer for several years from rheumatism aud alsc had symptoms of kidney trouble. Mj head ached severely and I endured z great deal of misery from sharp paini through the small of my back. I finally decioso xaj u y Dcten's Kidney Pilh and procured a box at The Kaufmanr Drag Co. I used them in accordance With the directions and can truthrullj lav that tbev helped me a great deal I do not hesitate to recommend you; remedy to ouier sufferers.'9 For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?anc ' take no other. ? Two policemen in Sumter are charg ed with clubbing a white man in tha city in a most brutal manner while In was being taken to the guard house ii j a drunken condition. - - A WT a Hciixuw xjsuapt; Edgar N. Bayliss, a nierchant of Rob itifeoiiville, Del., wrote: /About tw< years ago I was thin and sick, au< (xmghed ail the time and if I did no have oensumdtion, it was near to it. commenced using Foley's Honey pu< Tar, and it stopped my cough, and am now entirely well, and have gaine< twenty-eight pounds, all due to th' good results from taking Foley's Hone; and Tar." All Druggists of Lexingtoi; ' Henry Drug otore Chapin, S. 0. It is said that the boll weevils hav< made their appearance in the cottoi field* around Johnston. Teke e^reof yourstomaoh. Let Kodc digest all the food you eat, for that i 1 what Kodol does Everv tablespoonful o Kodol digests 2} pounds of food. Try i j today, it is guaranteed to relieve yo' i or von** money back. Sold by Kauf mann Drug Co., Committees i t?ve been appointed b; the Chamber of Commerce in Colum bia on t! e en.c c i ;ne t cf the Presi dant. ! DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the saiV sure, easy, jrertle little liver pills. Th. original Carbolized Witch Hazel Salv is DeWitt's. The name is plainly stamr ed on every box. it is good for cut* burns, bruises, sores, boils and sun bur: ' - ; . ,1 <.*,? u 1... QUI J I i.*? Ufrpcf "Utll.v iOl A ii*.-.' Sold by Kaufmaiin Drug Co., . ? V ! A negro man in Che-ter killed hi wife and shortly afterwards be endc< his ow . life. Five i risoners escaped from tli Flo nee county jail. i Testifies Aiter Four Years j i.'m wan Center, M.Y.,0. D. Burlnirf ! v.-rites: * Ab ?ut four years ago I wrot y< u that I h id been eutirely cured c i j r0Q?> f> hv tf.kiug two bottles c Foley's Kidney Remedy, and after foa years I am again pleased to state thti I nave neve, nan any return of tlios e symptoms, J.ud f am evidently cured t ?f stay cured.'' Foley's Kidney Remed t, Mill do the friine for you. All Druf riete of Lexington; Henry Drug Stoi Cbapin, S. C. m b Pas 0% m msz 11 ? & $ & ? fe gs-f&l P I fi^r ? & Lvi Xjfeiiv E3* & && lii h I l i We have just received ar ; Fall and Winter Stocks ol . Notions, Shoes, Hats, Caps, i Lexington county to inspect , prices before buying elsewhe We guarantee to please ai not satisfied. lis bejsmissr., 3 Doors Below Se< i ! I WE HAVE JUST REGIE WIRE AT VERY L Alsn a eraneral line oi I Groceries. New goods ar be sold. Please Rememb The Low Price Store. J. I {buying a| i!:j; i pi ann i ^ , i rmmui we own >1 1 iniiv a i ^co; * I g we soircr U I Isn't an extravagance] if B Aacc ' its a GOOD PIANO. J Fr' for itself many times. ?; saris You get the world's I j PALMETTO best piano if you obtain S i Wilie Jones, 11 Let us tell you how i f I !" '' ? oaf7 5 ?U may SeCUre P i GURE ' | I I WITH f|f Sf IHIilBSS! I fcw iijj 1428 Main St. Columbia, S. C. | I pgjj ^^OUCHS ?1????? R I AfBD ALL THROAT AND L PIA.NOS AND ORGANS I /guaranteedsa jj |j0^^iONEYJBEFU r FCR SiiLS Sewing Ma :t 92 acres fair sandy land, dwelling . ^'le ^,aY's ^Jn'<'Pe e and other buiidn.g near >*.?-*. ? ? ""proved drop head 11 0 mill, near railroad some timber, p en- finished in oalt; easy r J' ?yo wood, on public road. R.F.I)., feet sewing; fully g f' n?h pond, good health, plenty water, sale at factory prices f e cheap on easy terms. P. O. GEORGE, easy payments, at Th< ' Lexington, S. C., Route 3. t Rite* %JiM | gs ww 4k? h id. opened up our new ' Dry Goods, Clothing, md invite the trade of our stock and get our ire. id your money back if YOUB, iboard Depot, COLUMBIA, S. C. .no 1 EM LUAUS LOW PRICES And can fill the wants of the most skeptic who are looking for the "low price store" for Dry Goods, / Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing etc. Staple and Fancy riving daily and must er the place &, Craft, SWANSEA, S. C. I iliactt? National Bank, COLUMBIA, S. C. spositorv for the United States Government, theStSte-" ath Carolina the Coanty of Richland and the City olnmbia. ,000 United States Bcnds'and $100,000 State of South lina Bonds. r >unfcs of Banks, Piruis, Corporations and Individuals, Per Cent. 011 deposits in our Savings Department, ia,t calculated quarterly. 5E best efforts to transact yor.r business to yocr entirefaction. NATIONAL BANK, - - Columbia, S. C CAPITAL $250,000.00 President. J. P. Matthews, Cashier. ^Pp.D. HARHAN mgs t ! ? % DEALER IK f, S i General I Trial "Bottle"Free 11 & UWGTROUBLESj 8 ^CT0C1 iMerchandise, | ciliI16St [ $ Corner Main and New Street, S and other new i Opposite Confederate I tachinee; nicely Jj unning and per- m Monument, # uaranteed; for (# dR ?Bazaar.?r ?n I Lexington, - - s.c.8 i B. Harman ?