S. B. M< COLUMBL We have the la: Base Ball Go Guns and s] descriptions, General Kej Carolina. Our prices ai "Write for ^ when in the S. B. I ColUM Parlor I BEN DA^ RUT TO SKYSCRAPER, ' / a *m i */* % ( Best cooking and finest Be i .m \ . Special Bates by the 1 RED JACI CYLINDERS Pitcher S No. 1 No. 2 -. No. 3 Fig. 48?A Deep Well ! Fig. 40?Heavy force pi for 1 1-4,1 1-2, or 2 wind mill work at.. Prices on pipe and fi make a specialty of fitti they leave our shop. ! LEE A. LOI 1519 MAIN STREET COLUMBIA THE STORE THAT SELI RET Flour, Bacon, Lard a We carry evevything i chief aim is to please, you will be convinced Corner Plain and Asse OLuMBIi QU ALIT You have probably bought many good, that cost a good price, but i test of service soon proved themselve It might have been shoes that the sides, caps broke down, heels g gave vnt and soles were plated. To gu< wear, and B wear y?ur | * and choice 'z+j sA' 'N . ing selecti . Sole a ? ? ^ to*??T. A. Opposite Post Office, LEESVILLE COL Otters tie usual Literary Courses t Expression and Art. Noted for po healthful situation. Strong faculty expenses by work, Rates very mod< 4S L. B. HAYNI a RSI a S T P S ' SsS ? ? *& is ? g - s. c 1 rgest stock of ] ods, Pishing Tackle porting goods of all ] Automobiles and j >air Shop, in South t re the lowest : : rhat you want, and city give us a call. ibia, S. C. Restaurant, /ID, Proprietor, COLUMBIA, S. C. ' i j aBHflHaaBaHaaaaaBaaaaaa* i 1 staurant in Columbia. 1 t Tot Ladies and Gentlemen ! i RTeek. ] Meals at all Hours?Night or Day = t KET PUMPS i AND SUPPLIES >pout Pumps } $1.25 each t $1.50 each * $1.75 each [ X Pumps with cylinder at $4.00. l amps, with cock spout, tapped r ! pipe for deep well, hand or $6.00 | at lowest nrices. We I ng up pumps for wells before J SEND US YOUR ORDERS. i RICK&BRO. COLUMBIA, S. C. GROCERY CO., .S FOR CASHAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES, c nd Sugar our Specialties in the Grocery line, and our Try us before you buy and ? y, mbly Streets, near Market, it A C { 11 ' ' * lie Y SHOES! ! . ir things that looked ^ mder the rugged li( s worthless soon ran over at ? mlTr<$L'Zf ai are way, sewing -/ ) X' P1 hi 01 ird against th se things, peo ally in footbe confident of getting the best quality foot" I I /> money can buy, take advantage of the large __ 5 stock constantly available for making pleas- ^ ons at our store. gent for W. L Douglas Shoes for ik-e, $l.5C BOYNE, t Columbia, SC r i? , y< LEGE, Leesville, S. C. S ovnnncr men and voumr women with TvTn-if. sitive Christian influences. Beautiful and _ of experienced teachers. Students red in e 3rate. For catalogue address ES, President. STATE <>lr SOUTH CAROLINA, Ocmnry of Lexington. In the Court of Common Pleas. ^JieHome National Bank of Lexington, S. C., plaintiff, against Jessie V. Kleekley, et. al., defendants. In obedience to the decree of the [Ion. Robert Aidrich, Judge presiding it Lexington, S. C., of date June 21, L909, in the above entitled case, I will sell at public outcry, before the court bouse door, at Lexington, S. C., on the first Monday in October next, to the highest bidder, the following described tracts of real estate: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in Hollow Creek Township in the county of Lexington and State aforesaid, containing fifty-five acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Luther Kleckley, estate lands of Walter A. Nunnapiaker, J. A. Oalk. Dr. Jiminie Harmau and perhaps others." Terms: Cash, purchaser to pay for papers. FRANK W. SHEALY, C. C. C. P. & G. S. September 14, 190'.), Graham & Sturkie, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Efird & Dreher, Attorneys for Defendants. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. John E. Dreher, Plaintiff, against Walter F. Kleckley and W. P. Roof, defendants. In obedience to the decree of the Hon. Robert Aldrich, Judge Presiding at Lexington, S. C , of date June 21, 1909, T Ml _1 in the above entitled case, 1 win sen at public outcry, before the court house ioor at Lexington, S. C., on the first j Monday in October next, to the highest bidder, the following described tract of real estate: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in Lexington Township, in the County of Lexington and State aforesaid, containing One Hundred Acres, more or ess, bounded north by Saluda river, md adjoining lands of Elizabeth Crout, Fames Kleckley, and lands of the estate of Samuel T., and Andrew J. Torek." Terms of Sale: Cash, purchaser to my for papers. FRANK W. SHEALY, C. C. C. P. & G. S. Sept. 14, 1909. Efird & Dreher, Attorneys for Plainiff, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. In the Court of Common Pleas. Carrie Emma Miller, Plaintiff, against >aul Schwartze, Jemimie Koon, Sallie Koon, Manda Koon and Cora Agnes Koon, Defendants. In obedience to the decree of the Ion. Robt. Aldrich, Judge Presiding it Lexington, S. C., of date June 21, 909, in the aboye entitled case, I will ell at public outcry, before the Courtlouse aoor at Lexington, S. C., on the irst Monday in October, during the egal hours of sale, to the highest bidler, the following described tract of eal estate: "All that piece, parcel or tract of and, situate, lying and being in Lexngton County, said State on waters of Sear Creek, waters of Saluda river, ontaining thirty-three aores, more or ess, bounded now or formerly, by lands f Patrick Lindler, deceased; Luther findler; Patrick Koon, and perhaps ithers." Terms; Cash, purchaser to pay for apers. FRANK W. SHEALY, C C. C. P. & G. S. September 14, 1909. J. H. Frick Plaintiff's Attorney. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. In tlie Court of Common Pleas. R. H. Daily, Plaintiff, against Sherry Merritt, Lumanda Hartley, Erzula Head, Alsie Head, Bessie Head, Hat-tie Daily and E. Jones, Defendants. In obedience to the decree of the ton. Clias. (jr. Dantzler, Judge Presidlg at Lexington, S. C., of date Feb'y , 1909, in above entitled case, I will ilL at public outcry, before the Courtousp door at Lexington, JS. C., on the rst Monday in October, during the sgal hours of sale, to the highest bidcr, the following described tract of jal estate: "All that piece, parcel or tract of md, situate, lying and being in Lexigton County, S. C., containing one undred and thirty-five acres, more or iss, adjoining lands of M. R. Gunter, 3hn Hallman, Franklin Hallman, Elott Hallman, and perhaps others. The ime being the home place of Lewis ead,J> Terms of sale: One-half cash, balance | ? be on a credit of twelve months ?eired by the bond of the purchaser, I id a mortgage of the premises sold, j irehaser to pay for all papers, and j :ty dollars to be paid in cash within le hour after the sale, or the premises < be resold, at the risk of the former ; irehaser. FRANK W. SHEALY, 0. C. C. P- & G. S. September 14, lhCi). E. L. Asbill, Attorney for Plaintiff. 1 Efird & Dreher, Attorney for De- ' udants and Guardian ad litem. | MESTEi SPILLS j; DIAMOND BRAND CO^' Jfe ? |, LADIES 1 sk your l>r?x?lnt for CHI-CHES-TER'S A ! IAMOND BRAND TILLS in Rf.d andM ' ] oi.d metallic boxes, scaled with Blued!// i ibbon. Taks >:o other. Bny ofjour V/ ' rii^ijlft anil a?k fur CIII-CHES.TKK S * i lAMOM) RKAMi PIM.S. for twcntv-fivG | I :ars regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable, i OLD BY ALL DRUGGiSTS SS& EVERYWHERE SS ! A fit of the blues often makes fl e . 1 dim feel pious. j Sees His Wife Gro Tc Jail. Rather than loan his former wife $ 500, which would have ken: her from j going to prison, Jacob Fickel, a brew- j er, saw her sentenced to the penitentiary for two years at Cleveland, 0. Sentence was suspended, and Mrs. Fickel's son will attempt to raise the money and save nis mother. Mrs. Fickel embezzled ?593.75 from the estate of Bertha Rozenhardt, while acting as gnardian to the woman la9t winter. She was convicted, but Judge Vickory told Mrs. Fickel she could go free if she would repay the money. Mr9. Fickel's son tried to raise the money but failed. "Any man who is half a man would do as much as is asked of Fickel to save the mother of his children, even though he has no regard for her as his wife," said the judge. Two Snakes Fighting. Mr. J. L. Bell, of the Heath Springs section, discovered two large snukrs fighting the other day, near his garden fence. He killed them both, and they measured 42 inches each, being exactly the same length and size. Mr. Bell thinks they were rattlesnake pilots. A colored man was present when the big reptiles were dispatched, but he was too much afraid of them to take part in the killing. Why We Are Stronger. The old Greeks and Romans were j creat admirers of health and streneth: t their pictures and statuary made the muscles of the men stand out like cords. As a matter of fact we have athletes and strong men?men fed on fine strength making food such as Quaker Oats?that would win in any eontest with the old Roman or Greek champions. 2 It's a matter of food. The finest food for making strength of bone, muscle and nerve is fine oatmeal. Quaker Oats is the beet because it is pure, no husks or stems or black specks. Farmers' wives are finding that by feeding the farm hands plentifully on Quaker Oats they get the best results in work and economy. If you five in a hot climate boy Quaker Oats in hermetically sealed tins. It keeps sweet and fresh. i , , , Since the announcement several days ago to the effect that over two hundred farmers of the state were planting winter cover crops under the direction of the United States bureau of plant industry, of which Prof. A. G. Smith is the director, many personal inquiries have been made at the office of Mr. Smith in Columbia. Advance in Medical Science. Medical science ha9 taken a great leap forward during the pa9t century. A century ago very little wa9 known of bacteria, bacilli, germs and of the methods universally recognized for : fighting such invasions. They used to let a man die of diseases that are easily cured today. In no branch of medicine has greater progress been made than in treating those addicted to the use of morphine and liquor. Such human slaves are now looked upon as dis(a?ed'rather than natural vicious, and down in Atlanta, Ga., there i9 a man who for over thirty years has been treating successfully nearly all who trhn havp heen hronchfi to him. One may be, from the world's standpoint, B ?a human wreck. But Dr. Woolley I will put new life in him and make him ?s a new man?with a righteous abhor- I rence for the degrading influence of K drugs. If you know anyone in your B neighborhood who needs to be uplifted I from the mire of despair, won't you E write to Dr. B. M. Woolley and give H him tne person's name and address. E The University of South Carolina K began its session for another term on i Wednesdav. 5 Your complexion as well as your temper is rendered miserable by a disorder- ed liver. By taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets you can remove both. Sold by All Druggist. FARRflS 5 I am offering the following farms in Lexington county for sale, these farms may ne had for cash or on easy terms, d Consult me for particulars. ? 305 acres, the Luther Wessinger place 3-1 miles s w from Chapin (Dutch Fork) 5 room dwelling, barn, 2 tenant houses, well and springs, line combination farm, 150 acres in pasture. Fi 150 acres near White Rock, 7 room ^ dwelling, 2 barns, 2 tenant houses, well and springs, 30 acres in cultivation, * balance in wood and fine saw timber if, 300 acres on Congarce creek, 7 miles from Columbia, on public road, 100 acres cleared, 120 acres wired for pas- = ture, new 7 room dwelling, barn, stables, ja Dtc. \ 3 acres, -1 room cottage, barn, stable ^ and well of line water. In town of W Chapin. ? o/.-rrvc /\r? f-loir iTV?trl A w civ'* vr v/ii vmr \ u ^ Brook] and, '20 acres clean d, plenty J wood and water. j Several lots and small tract s in and ^ irouud Brookland. T List your property witli me. 1 sell ^ lots, homiis and farms. ^ C. M. Dempsey, j $ "The Land Man" ^ 1217 Washington St. Co'umbia, S. C. ? LAND BOUGHT, SOLD AND EX- J CHANGED ON COMMISSION. ? For Dyspepsia a If you Suffer from Indiges the Stomach, Belching, Sou: etc., a little Kodol will Relief Kodol supplies the same digestive juices that; are found in a healthy D stomach. Being a liquid, it starts K digestion at once. st Kodol not only digests your food, J but helps you enjoy every mouthful " you eat. * J'c You need a sufficient amount of good, wholesome food to maintain strength and health. But, this food must he digested thoroughly, otherwise the pains of < indigestion and dyspepsia are the result. ho When your stomach cannot do its work properly, take something to tic help your stomach. Kodol is the only thing that will give the stom- JJj acli complete rest. in Why? Because Kodol does the tir same work as a strong stomach, and does it in a natural way. | ie KAUFMANN DRUG CQMP ! ? va v/\mm A ? ? 1 I wmm ! Wnd" i ly&szmm \ 0?sho g< I *sms?: Our (xi^ery Departm | fresh, reliable goods?we o ! guarantee satisfaction. We pay highest prices for cc hulls at lowest prices. Come to ) Agents Ibr Studebaker Wagons ai ) Convenient wagon yard, wi1 3 Send us your MAIL I Southern States I COLUMBIA 9 810-812-814-816-818 C HE PRICES TELL J. B. FRIDi Wholesale and jrrocers, Flou Feed Ve Want the Merchants, Plant i ngton County to Call and See V *urchases. We Can Fill Your loney. 1823-1825 Main Stree 40,000 Rolls WALL P Largest and most varied stock in o close, call and YOU NEED GOOD PAINT AT Picture Frames Made to Order C I Webb's Art > 1627i5$rJn Street lot nd Indigestion tion, Dyspepsia, Gas on r Stomach. Heart-burn. re you almost Instantly 4 So, don't neglect your stomach, on't become a chronic dyspeptic, eep your stomach healthy and rong by taking a little Kodol. ou don't have to take Kodol all time. You only take it when >u need it. Kodol is perfectly harmless. Our Guarantee 3o to your druggist today and get a dol- * r bottle. Then after you have used th? tire contents of the bottle if you can nestly say that it has not done you any od, return the bottle to the druggist and will refund your money without ques>n or delay. We will then pay the drug>t. Don't hesitate, all druggists know at our guarantee is good. This offer ap- ; les to the large bottleonly and to but one ' a family. The large bottle contains 2J4 j nes as much as the fifty cent bottle. j Kodol is prepared at the laborator- I s of E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. ANY, DITRIBUTORS. LING & CO. SWANSEA, S- C, ] re carry everything in eneral Merchandise. S ou>will find our store 2 J L z jauuuiiriers iui 2 Shoes, clothing and ants' Furnishings, Dry S sods and Notions, Hats, c. : ent is always full of nly handle the best and )tton seed and sell meal and * us before you sell. id Buggies?Best on the market. ? th ample room for stock. ? # )p''esjL I . ORDERS q n I uttpply uo.. b l, s. "c. i iERVAIS STREET. B THE QUALITY SELLS\.Y & CO., Retail r, . and Grain. ?rs and Farmers of Lexs Before They Make Their , * Wants and Save Ton 1 t, Columbia, S. C. of Select 2 'APER 5 the State, goods marked W see us, ^ 51.15 PER GALLON. Cheaper than Elsewhere. W i : oiore ^ Columbia, 5. C. ^ wvwvw%w^ I \