I 1 I Wa are rpp.f ? f f V W* V w w ? elsewhere. J ORDER BY PENCIL AND SCISSORS. , Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Talk electric lights and waterworks ! ! Mr. C. E. Jones, secretary and , treasurer of the E. Jones Co., of Batesburg, is attending court this week as a juror. < Hon. H. F. Hendrix, mayor of Lees- ] ille and one of the leading merchants of that town, is a juror this week. < The best coffee put up in a can, is Porto Rico. Go to W. P. Roof's store - for it and you will be pleased. i < Mr. P. Dal George, one of our sub- ; stantial subscribers on Route 3, was ! 1 here Saturday and made us a pleasant ] call. 1 For cooking ranges and stoves, we can beat the band. Call and see us \ and you will be convinced. H. N. Kaminer & Co. Mr. J. R. Lucas, Route 3, Swansea, ] was in attendance at court Monday, { and dropped in and added his name < . to our subscription list. Just watch Lexington grow after * we get our electric lights and water- j works I ' ifrew catch of Red Salmon, 5 cents a f can, at W. P. Roof's store. I Mr. W. W. Hawes, of New Brook- J land, is among the visiting attorneys y. ' here this week. The many friends of Maj. John - Wilson Butler are indeed glad to see < him out after having been confined to < his home for several days with chills < and fever. , The biggest package of table salt 1 ever offered for 6 cents is the premium 1 at W. P. Roofs store. ( Gadsden Davis, an honest and in- j dttstrioas colored citizen on Route 2, j was in town Saturday and called in and renewed his paper for another JWff. lM? Mi At Tapp't. NEW 800DS ADVANCE FAI Beginning last Monday we pu of Fall Goods direct from the le; iP-ffcountry. Everything new, fresl ably priced that you will marvel ures asked. We have reason t< this Fall showing. We were foi these goods at unusually advanl with offer you the benefit. A Big Opening Sale < Suits Direct Froi t York T: WTck rMif rm oota fhic WPP.lf V) II ^ )JUV VII UUlV V111U ?? w** ? Coat Suits, bought at prices thai great saving at the very beginn $35.00 SUITS $25.00 Suits Consisting of plain and fancy broadcloth, in all the new colors long. Most of them satin lined kilting. Separate Ladies' and Misses early Fall lengths, in broadcloth, plain anc 1 vi- L. r grey ana navy Diue, eacn I IJIIII IWIIWaTWO?^ dving our fall stoc. Ve have the goods . L. E MAIL Mr. J. W. Bouknight, one of Irmo's best citizens, wa9 in town Saturday, and called in and paid for his paper another year. Miss Caro Efird's host of friends are glad to see her out, after a long ?eige of fever. New bagging and ties, just in, at W. P. Roof's store. FOR THE BEST MEALS-Nicely cooked with fine service, there is no i>lace in Columbia that excell9 Ben David's?The Parlor Restaurant?Go shere and you will be pleased. If you are due subscription to The Dispatch, send by mail if you are not xmiing to town. Mrs. 0. B. Anderson, of Edgefield, wife of the popular court stenographer, is here with her husband, the juest of Sheriff and Mrs. P. H. Corley. You always find the brands of best lour at the very lowest prices, at W. P. Roof's store. Dr. H. G. Eleazer, the popular physician of Spring Hill and a whoie30ul gentleman, is here attending - x_ 3oar&. Mr. C. M. Varn of the firm of Rast & Vani, of Swansea, one of the mcst successful young business men of his is here as a grand juror. Say. t)o you know it is useless to ro elsewhere than at H. N. Kaminer k Co's for your dry goods, notions, }hoes, hats, groceries, and in fact for anything you may need. The prices ire always right. The many Lexington friends of Mr. 3r. L. Taylor, are especially invited to 3all and see him, at P. C. Price & Co's., Columbia, where he is prepared to ?erve them with the best barga'm mown in clothing, shoes, hats, underwear, etc. Call and you will be xmvinced. The Bazaar will continue to serye ts patrons with fresh Baker's Bread !rom the well known Riedlinger bakery Remember when you come to court lext week to. bring or send us your lues. ARE HERE. MMt Mt At Tapp't L SHOWING tt on sale a splendid new line iding manufacturers of this ti, up-to-date and so reason1 at the remarkably low fig3 congratulate ourselves on rtunate enough to purchase : :ageous prices and we here of New - Fall Coat n Leading New ailors. rand new line of Women's t enable us to offer them at a ing of the Fall Season. FOR $25.00 ?for $19.75 serges and new worsteds and >. Coats 40 and 45 inches , skirts with the new knee Coats Coats, medium and extreme i striped covert, black, tan, >8, $10 and $15. Skirts all the new models, serges, steds, each $5, $6.91, $10, >artment is Ready idle our usual large millinery ways been noted for the beau>ur headgear, but this season previous efforts and to prooii* I i i i women 01 tnis locality nave low price asked. Come and i materials. tY MA^L. i all purchases of $5.00 or more shipuiles of Columbia. Tapp Co., Columbia, S. C. k. It will be to yc and have them at Mr. B. P. Rolad, Route 4, was in town Saturday, and as usual called in and paid for bis paper promptly for another year. Prof. andMre. S. J. Derrick, who have been spending the summer vacation with relations in and around Lexington, left on Wednesday for home in Newberry. Both Mr. and Mrs. Derrick were raised in this county, and their visits to Lexington are always heralded with much pleasure by their host of friends. Call on Mr. H. N. Kaminer and register so that you may be able to vote in town election. Get your exhibits ready for the County Fair. New premiums offered and different entrys this year. Get a premium list at once. D. Ira Wingard, son of Mr. G. B. Wingard, left Tuesday for Newberry College to take the mechanical and engineering course. For new and pretty fall goods, the designs cannot be surpassed, you must see the stock at W. P. Roof's store. Mr. Erastu9 Risinger, of Summit, a progressive young farmer of that section, was in town last week on matters of business. The big C09t sale at D. E. George'9 store is still in progress. The goods are going last and you better join the crowds now. The attractive Miss Blanche Kyzer is visiting her si9ter, Mrs. R. J. Boatright, at Batesburg. FOUND?The place to buy GOOD SHOES cheap. Harman's Shoe Store, Postoffice Block, Columbia, S. Mr. Lewis Roof, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Roof, left Monday for Newbdrry College. Be sure to inspect the new line, of fall shoes just received at H. M. Wingard's. He handles only the beat makes and liis prices will please economical buyers. Congressman A. F. Lever returned to Lexington on Saturday nigbt, after an absence of a week. No one knows where Mr. Lever has been,%ut judging from the cordial smiles hfe is wearing since his return, it is taff to predict that there will be one bachelor lees m the next Congress. r Do not fail to register for the town election. Go to H. N. K&miner, recorder. Miss Anna Brown, the popular milliner of the W. P. Roof store, returned On Sunday morning from Baltimore, where she has been studying the new fall and winter styles in ladies headwear. Miss Brown is universally loved, and her host of friends will be glad to hear of her return. The goods are going fast at the big cost sale at D. E. George's store. Many bargains are still left. The new fall and winter shoes have arrived at the popuiar shoe store of E. P. & F. A. Davis, Columbia. Be sure to get their prices before buying elsewhere. You will find them * ?lrtrtonMf oorttlnmon fn ^/icaaauv g&unv>uibu w uv?> with. Winter i9 drawing near, and yon had better look after that woodpile. The new fall and winter goods have arrived at the store of Alex Ayoub, in Columbia. His stock embraces everything in the way of dry goods, notions, shoe9, hats, underwear, etc., and hi9 prices are always right. Mr. J. S. Richardson kindly sends in advance a dollar for a years subscription to the Dispatch. Thanks. Ice cream, at Harman's Bazaar, on Saturday afternoons. Mr. Henry D. Lowman, a good citizen from near Batesburg was here Tuesday and as prompt as ever called ; in and renewed his paper for another year. T.icf-pn fnr?nprs! You will find a I full line of Chattanooga plows and re- I pairs, at W. P. Roof's store. Prof. G. A. Mills, principal of the ' Cedar Groye school, was here yesterday on matters of business. Prof. Mills has recently been unanimously reelected at an increase in salary which is an evidence of his popularity. Mr. Walter J. McCartha, the popular secretary of the Tri-County Fair, of Batesbuig, was here on Monday shaking hands with his host of friends. There is no better fellow anywhere than Walt. Mr. C. S. Goodwin, the prince merchant of Gaston, and one of the most clever men in the county, was here this week. Read the announcement of Lewie Hallman in this issue. Mr. Hallman has just opened a full line of coffins and caskets at Gilbert. See him. i Many of the biggest bargains are still left at D. E. George's store. Now is tiio time to ouy. Mr. G. A. Goodwin, of Gaston, as honest as the days are long, and one of the most popular men in the county, called in to see us yesterday and renewed his subscription. Mr. G. A. Derrick, in charge of the government farm demonstration work on this side of the river, attended the moetirg of farm experts at Chick Springs last week. Mr. James W. Shealy, in charge of the government farms in the Fork, also attended the meeting. I ^ 1 UTi s j mr advantage to visit our g i ^ * i , tne rignt price. Ml C H & Sand nr Is Have No Tern $550 THE Bl The car for the doctor, the man or for pleasure. The ca every time. Write us for cs scription, free for the asking. GREGORY-CONDI AGENTS FOR SOUT 1113-1115 Hampton Avenue j. i. ' . - i .1 i i^p DON'T To see our! Buggies, Warn m v mgv in As we can save Caughma COLUMBIA, a | I house Company |ThE^'T~JUST NO GETTING I I I AWAY FROM FACTS. | g THE STAND, ffi When I stand 9quare on both feet jj | OifeTS the prote( 1 and tell von I am selling belter B j w . ,, 0 ,, I harness for less money than yon | | I 111 ,the Soutn an( | ever paid before. I'm telling fac ts 1 1 CCiptS of this CO I ~~anfl 1 can pnnv ifc- | | in this secti | Neighbor, don't buy a thing in | gj have Deen ma( | the harness line 'till you get my H trust Company t ? prices. Here are a few: | I . w jt J Plow Collars at 30c. E | Lt iU* vv 111 Plow Bridles at 75c. I E #2.50 Leather Collars at.. .SI .50. 1 LET'S HELP THE MULE I I oiciiuai I WILSE W. MARTIN, I I 1118 Plain St., Columbia, S. C. I jH^S I " l-tnTTTnrv D 5UUJLO" UUiUi C' ULiy 1115 | CO. COLUMBIA, S. C. irs for the little BRUSH RUSH mail man, the business ' ,r that delivers the ernnris - italogue giving full deER MULE CO. H CAROLINA. Columbia, S. C FAIL line of A Harness you money. n Bros. ? c. int. Money on Cotton rs Loan & Trust Company of Columbia >ney at 6 per cent, on Standard Ware- / r receipts for cotton. ARD WAREHOUSE COMPANY I :tion of the strongest storage company i the lowest rates of storage. The rempany are good collateral at any bank on, and special, a arrngements ie with the above mentioned loan and o advance money at the low rate of 6 e. d Warehouse Co., J ? I