The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 22, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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3 a IS a W\ COLTTMB ? n ? mimm?i imt rrmiTT -i | We have the 1 Base Ball C I Guns and [ description General E Carolina. Our prices Write for when in th a a i Colui Parlor ! BEN Di EXT TO SKYSCRAPER, I if ' 5$st cooking ana finest E Special Bates by the RED JAG CYLINDER Pitcher J No. 1 No. 2.... / No. 3.... Fig. 48?A Deep Well Fig. 40?Heavy force for 1 1*4,1 1-2, or wind mill work ai Prices on pipe and make a specialty of fii they leave our shop. LEE A. LC - 1 1519 MAIN ?I RCt l COLUMBIJ the stoee that se e: Flour, Bacon, Lard We carry evevythin chief aim is to pleas you will be convinc< Corner Plain and As OLuM OUALIl You have probably bought m good, that cost a good price, bi lest of service soon proved themsf It might have been shoes tb the sides, caps broke down. heel gave soles were plated. x0 "ipcni&'t '3'p ' wear-' woar-v { . * and cli' m ing sel< /..ryr ? * :* > ?- r\i I ? I tu ?O.Vi w T. A. Opposite Post Office, LEESVILLE CO Offers the usual Literary Course "Expression and Art. Noted for healthful situation. Strong facuj expenses by work, Rates very mi 48 L. B. HAY iePJ I B ? ; T A ? f1A, * b, VJ i u ! < nr-vrm. 11 ? ? ? i ttwa hum ? Ammnmam * .argest stock of j roods, Fishing Tackle sporting goods of all j ? > 3 s, aui oxiio ones aiiu j epair Shop, in South * are the lowest : : what you want, and e city give us a call. nbia, S. C. j 7 " Restaurant, AVID, Proprietor, COLUMBIA, S. C. ? Restaurant in Columbia. Jpr Ladies and Gentlemen Week. Meald at all Hours?Night or Day :KET PUMPS :s AND SUPPLIES Spout Pumps $1.25 each $1.50 each $1.75 each 1 Pumps with cylinder at $4.00. pumps, with cock spout, tapped 2 pipe for deep well, hand or t $6.00 fittings at lowest prices. We fcting up pumps for wells before SEND US YOUR ORDERS. 1RICK&. BRO. COLUMBIA, S. C. \ GROCERY CO., LIS FOR CASHETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. and Sugar our Specialties g in the Grocery line, and cur se. Try us before you buy and ed sembSy Streets, near Market, BIA, : : S r Y SHOES! any things that looked J it under the rugged fives worthies*. at soon run o\er at " ^^'uS " s gave way, sewing *-~yf i guard against th se things, pec ail^ in foot, md be confident of getting the best qu ility loot our money can buy, take advantage of the large oice stock constantly available for making pleasictions at our store. e agent for W. L Douglas Shoes for it t r:f ?iC ). BO YNE, Columbia, SC ALLEGE, Leesville, S. C. ra to young men and young women with Musi', positive Christian influences. Beautiful ai d Ity of experienced teachers. Students reduce uderate. For catalogue address NES, President. S T ATM S 'F *?0 L. Tft CATvOLIAW. Io i *;..' t.v.arc oi ConiUio:: ! *:? as. The .:-:el EaL'k L-s.iur*tcu, l-. Ch. piaiiirh:-, ? ?> >> JVMe V. KlecUiey, rJ., defendant*. l)i ob-'dieueo to rh" dot ive of rlie TTo-r. ihiberr AlcLieli. Vu ltre presiding ar L?:-.\iujrr?)?!. S. of date Jane Iv0;?. in the above entitled ease, X will s? li ar p.;blio outcry, bcioce the court house door, ar Lexington, S. C.. on thelirsr Monday in October next, to the higiie>t bidder, the following described tracts of veal estate: "Ail that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in Hoilow Creek Township in the county of Lexington and State aforesaid, containing fifty-five acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Luther Kleekley, estate lands of Waiter A. Nunnamaker, J. A, Calk. Dr. Jiminie Harman and perhaps others." Terms: Cash, purchaser to pay for papers. FRANK W. SHEALY, C. C. C. P. & G. S. September 14, IDOih Graham & tjturkie, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Efird & Dreher, Attorneys for Defendants. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. John E. Dreher, Plaintiff, against Walter F. Kleekley and W. P. Roof, defendants. I In obedience to the decree of the Hon. Robert Aldrieh, Judge Presiding at LexiDgron, S. C . of date June 21, 1909, in the above entitled case, I will sell at public outcry, before the court house door at Lexington, S. C., on the first Monday in October next, to the highest bidder, the following described tract of real estate: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in 'Lexington Township, in the County of Lexington and State aforesaid, "containing One Hundred Aeres, more or less, bounded north by Saluda river, and adjoining lands of Elizabeth Crout, James Klecklev, aEd lands cf the estate cJ Samuel T., and Andrew J, Loric4c.,) T^rms of Sale: Cash, purchaser to pav lor papers. * FRANK W. SHEALY, C. C. C. P. & G. S. Sept. 14, 1909. Efird & Dreher, Attorneys for Plaintiff^ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. In the Court of Common Pleas. Carrie Emma Miller, Plaintiff, against Paul Schwartze, Jemimie Koon, Sallie Koon, Manda Koon and Cora Agnes Koon, Defendants. In obedience to the decree of the Hon. Robt. Aldrich, Judge Presiding at Lexington, S. 0., of date June 21, 1909, in the aboye entitled case, I will sell at public outcry, before the Courthouse door at Lexington,.6. 0., on the first Monday in October, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the following described tract of real estate: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in Lexington County, 9aid State on waters of Bear Creek, waters of Saluda river, containing thirty-three acres, more or less^bounded now or formerly, by lands of FatncK jLinaie", aeceasea; j-iucner Lindler; Patrick Koon, and perhaps others.'' Terms; Cash, purchaser to pay for papers. FRANK W. SHEALY, C. C. C. P. & G. ft. September 14, 1909. J. H. Frick Plaintiff's Attorney. ; STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. In the Court of Common Pleas. R. H. Daily, Plaintiff, against Cherry Merritt, Lumanda Hartley, Erzula Head, Alsie Head, Bessie Head, Hattie Daily and E. Jones, Defendants. In obedience to the decree of the Hon. Clias. G. Dantzler, Judge Presiding at Lexington, S. C., of date Feb'y 9, 1909, in above entitled case, I will j sell at public outcry, before the Court| house door at Lexington, S. C., on the first Monday in October, during tine I legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the following described tract of real estate: 4'All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in Lex mgcon uounty, o. u., containing one hundred and thirty-live acres, more or less, adjoining lands of M. 11. Gnnter, John Rallmau, Franklin Hallman, Elliott Hallman, and perhaps others. The same being the home place of Lewis Head,1' Terms of sale: One-half cash, balance to be on a credit of twelve months se cured by the bond of the purchaser, and a mortgage cf the premises sold, purchaser to pay for all papers, and tiftv dollars to be paid in cash within one hour alter the sale, or the premises to be resold, at the risk of the former purchaser. FRANK W. SHEALY. 0. C. C. P. & It. S. September 11, 1 E. L. Asbih, Attorney for Plaintiff. ' l'fird Oc Oreiur, Atiorney for Defemianis and (Juardian ad iitem. SlSMESTflSPiLLS DIAMONO BRANO Br LADIES I Atk your I>rurtf.t for CHI-CHES-TER'S A diamond BRAND pills in Red and/j\ Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue<%^> Ribbon. takb no other. bay otywr v/ Drantlit ud tik for CHI>0HE8*T?R B V DIAMOND BRAND pills, for twentr-fire years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS time cucrywuprp worth tried titn i nntnt tested While attending court, call in to gee ug. r?r *' s ? -v" r * *\*i j *>ii!v U!, Ci' Draac::' "J10. t : . Vireinia V?irn. r?'t* r. are j J; v/. >1. I*. it?.!r. :u:u Mr.-. W. L. lir,-i :k: ?or. j i>_t!ii'lic! Ic?Aiken i'd* .v.'?i.y a!*.c: : pern?j most their varatkm here. .\iC. L. Rasi is back n ;.->v, u. alter j a viHr to bis parents in ('a:::-.rou. Misses Blanche an 1 Label Breaker s; nji! a iev." clays in Norway k-st week. Alter spending several wj- ks at iii-n home m tjriloerc, Miss Lila Uocit nus returned to'.Swansoa. and Is now an enicieiu cl?-rk at Riley A' Knigler Bros. Miss Hook has many frienc.s here who are glad that she wiii he in town this winter. Messers. L. D. Coroit.t aiul W. C. Courtney spent Sunday in Columbia. Miss Isabel Brocket* left for Batesbur^ Saturday, where she will resume her work in ttie graded school there. Col. D. J. Knorts paid a visit to his sister, Mrs. Durham, at Berlin, last week. Mrs. W. C. Rogers, of Savannah, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. R. L. Lybrand and children are at home from a visit to Wagener. Miss Minnie Johnson returned last week from a lengthy stay in Savannah and Scotio. Little Gladys, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Inabinet, died last Wednesday after a months illness. Many friends" sympathize with the j bereaved parents in their sad loss. Mr. Harris, of Columbia, has been in town for a few days. Miss Lily Rucker, of Sandy Run, is Mrs. J. R. Landlord's visitor. Messers. B. E. Williams and W. B. Hutto have both been quite sick. These young men are very popular and their man}* friends hope for their i continued improvement. Dr. J. L. Johnson is in town for \ some days. Mr. Hydrick Hildebrand. of Orangeburg, visited his uncle, Mr. D. L. Hildebrand, last week. Mr. H. Meetze Brocker left last Monday for Chlumbia, where he will take a course in Mac Feat's Business, College. Swansea, Sept, 13. Anon. Care in Preparing Food. In recent years scientists have proved that the value of food is measured largely by its purity; the result is the most stringent pure food laws that have ever been known. One food that has stood out prominently as a perfectly clean and pure food and which was as pure before the enactment of these laws as it could possibly be is Quaker Oats; conceded by the experts to be the ideal food for making strength of muscle and brain. The best and cheapest of aB foods. The Quaker Oats Company is the only manufacturer of oatmeal that has satisfactorily solved the problem of removing the husks and black specks whk*b are so aaseyisg when other brands are eaten. For hot ollmatas Quaker Oats is packed in hermetically sealed tkai, keeps fresh and sweet anywhere. 1 A. W. H. Dukes has been elected mayor of Orangeburg, defeatiug Dr. D. D. Sally. Dakes got 290 votes and Sally 104. Testifies After Four Tears uarusieuenter,jn. x.,o. ?>. i*u nans, writes: "About four years ago I wrote I you that I had been entirely erred of i kidney trouble by taking two U ttles of j Foley's K;dney Remedy, and after four ; years I am again pleased to state that j I have never r ad any return of those > symptoms, and I am evidently cured to | stay cured." Foley's Kidney Remedy . will do the same for you. All Dnu- | gists of Lexington; Henry Drug Store 1 Chapin, S. C. I ? i ?* * ?? The Chester county commissioners i have decided to plant only food crops on the county farm next year. Do not be deceived by unscrupulous j imitators who would have you believe j that the imitation pills are as good a9 DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. There isn't anything just as good as these wonderful pills for the relief of Backache, Weak Back, inflammation of the bladder, urinary disorders and all kidney complaints. Any one can take DeVYitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills as directed in perfect confidence of good results. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co., Two negroes were killed by lightning on the plantation of Mr. T. H. Clarke, in Sumter county. They were riding on a wagon load of cotton when struck. ? The Lurid Glow Of Doom was seen in the red face, hands and body of the little son of H. M. Adams, of Henrietta, Pa. His awful plight from eczema had, tor five years, defied all remedies and baflied the best doctors, who said the poisoned blood had affec; ted his limes and nothine could save' him. "But.'' writes his mother,''seven ! bottles of Electric Bitters completely ! cured him." For Eruptions. Eczema, ! Salt Bheum, Sores and all Blood Disor- ; ders and Rheumatism Electric Bitters ; is supreme. Only 50c. Guaranteed by j Kaufmann Drug Co. Derricks Drug i Store. Sandel Drug Store. J The city council of Greenwood has ; forbidden automobiles to go faster ; than ten miles an hour within the citj ! limits. I lour complexion as well as your tern- ; per is rendered miserable by a disorder- i ed liver. By taking Chamberlain's j Stomach and Liver Tablets you can ; remove both. Sold by All Druggist. j ft Kit Matthews, colored, while going home from Wagener, a few nights ago, was thrown from his mule and killed. ^ ... i Foley's Kidney Pills cure backache, rheumatism, kidney, bladder and uri nary trouble. Do not rigk having Brights disease or diabetes. All Druggists of Lexington; Henry Drug Store Chapin, S. C. V V iiJjLJtCil \J li -si 2L ! fr>n>rr* TTV^ Q? 1. JL w ^ v3 v.. And Most Women Do T Real Cause of th These poor, - uffering women j have been led to believe that/their j. ^ misery of mind and body is entire-j.'^ ly due to "ills of their sex." Usually / the kidneys and bladder are responsible?or largely so. And in o such cases, the kidneys and bladder are the organs, that need and must have attention. & Those torturing, enervating sick headaches, dragging pains in back, groin and limbs, bloating and swell- ? ing of the extremities, extreme 7y nervousness or hysteria, listless- H ness and constant tired, worn-out feeling?are almost certain symp- vj toms of disordered and diseased 7 kidneys, bladder and liver. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder ^ Pills have, in thousands of cases, . been demonstrated as remarkably jn beneficial in all such conditions of J female organism?affording the most prompt relief and permanent benefit. , As an illustration of what these ? Pills will do, Mrs. P. M. Bray of an Columbus, Ga., writes that she was ] very ill with kidney trouble, and wa that she is now well?and that ha these Pills are what cured her. ar< They are very pleasant to take, de: and can in no case, produce any an deleterious effects upon the system be ?as^ syrupy, alcoholic, liquid prep- pa: KMJFflflANM DRUG COMPl ? _ I Hi *1^' ? ?? ; -? ?* ..-. *o? * **r>f i~~*tiA>.. ^ .vV/r^f^ S rara^ '? ;: -- ; .:- ? s^w'fl E2 fii'f ??' . .'." o w' !&>.#*> : ^Ijy W .-> : Is ^ tdfel & JTO he; >iND V'; UC< 5 ? '*,'T " *"? ? a a Wmr <j> i 1./ c "? I -JW'YFAR brand iiKJCj-60 A ^jlEMTTI:: Ef< Our Oioiery l)epartm< J fresh, reliable goods?we 01 0 guarantee satisfaction. We pay highest prices for co hulls at lowest prices. Come'to 1 Agents tor Studebaker Wagons an Convenient wagon yard, wit ? 1 *?M MM IsMMtiMMMOMOM J ^ Machine! ||1 Send us your MAIL S Southern States I COLUMBIA m 810-812-814.816-818 C NE PRICES TELL. tt t* titittl i (I. JD. ? Ull/i Wholesale and Grocers, Floo Feed We Want the Merchants, Plant ( inyton County to Call and See V Purchases, We Can Pill Your Money, 1823-1825 Main Stree I 40,000 Rolls 5 WALL F v Largest and most varied stock in close, call and ^ YOU NEED GOOD PAINT AT ^ Picture Frames Made to Order C ? Webb's Art ? 1627iMain Street ewwvwvvww\ er Agonies A Kidneys his Not Knowing the .eir Condition % J. \y.. , . i . . .i'lMtr &?%> > y ' %- Vwi* ft Item '**z Z^K ,j. /CT' 0^v^s^r v iw,l.iK SbS"*-* "tr1 1M. .' 4 ^ /\ '' \ iUons^are apt to do. E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, m."S mt every man and woman whog ve the least suspicion that the/jf ? 5 afflicted with kidney and blad* r diseases to at once write them, d a trial box of these Pills will , sent free by return mail post* id. Do it to-day. ??4. UNY, DiTRIBUTORS. ??*?? *? LING & CO. 1 WANSEA, S- 0. | e carry everything in meral Merchandise. Z >u will find our store ? adquarters for a Shoes, clothing and j nts' Furnishings, Dry S ods and Notions, Hats, 5nt is always full of ily handle the best and J tton seed and sell meal and is before vou sell. * d Buggies-Best on the market, h ample room for stock. ORDERS' -I | Supply Co.. i ' ERVAIS STREET. I ^? THE QUALITY SELLSLY & CO., Retail r, . and Grain. irs and Farmers of Lex- * s Before They Make Their Wants and Save You t, Columbia, S. C. of Select | APER I the State, goods marked ? see us, ? $1.15 PER GALLON. ^ Cheaper than Elsewhere. l Store J Columbia, S. C. ^