The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 22, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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|j ft j| "Keyston S&t ifiu f I You'll make no H Li COMB1NATIO Taper and Sq I First Glass Day I Wor Dr. L. L. TOOL 1608'Main Street, - ( COLUMI rz mgmm-MHBKn^ni s SUMMER I We have a eomplet SPRINGS, HAMMOCKS, |g A call will convince y I DICKERSO I FURNITUE 1836 Main Street. ^)Open P^ASAVIKC! ^Account V/EAR^ ? | The CalcK * 1552 Corner Main and * Columbia Bank. Central] * * George J. Howell, Pro] * * 5 Bates $2.00 per day. * Headquarters for the ' * * Free baths on Sati 1 CXJISINE m * * * Proper and Careful Attei V *r * Now Under New Management * FARMS I am offering the following farms in Lexington county for sale, these farms may oe had for cash or on easy terms. Consult me for particulars. 305 acres, the Luther Wessinger place 8] miles s w from Chapin (Dutch Fcrk) J 5 room dwelling, barn, 2 tenant houses, well and springs, fine combination j farm, 150 acres in pasture. 150 acres near White Rock, 7 room I dwelling, 2 bams, 2 tenant houses, well and springs, 30 acres in cultivation, balance in wood and fine saw timber 150 acres, R. M. Hutto place, at Pelion, S. C., 4 room cottage, 7 tenant houses, 2 barns, stables, cotton house, mill house, well and plenty of wood, about 50 acres cleared. 300 acres on Coagaree creek, 7 miles from Columbia, on public road, 100 acres cleared, 1.20 acres wired for pasture, new 7 room dwelling, barn, stables, etc. ; 03 acres on clay road, 4 miles from Brookland, 20 acres cleared, plenty wood and water. Several lots an.1 small tracts in and around Brookland. List your property with me. I sell lots, homes and farms. C. M.D@rnpsey, "The Land Wan" 121 7 Washington St. Columbia, S. C. " LAND BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANCED ON COMMISSION. e" Reversible Ratchet ^fool | ! mistake in buying this the best and only N made. Thx'ee Ratchets in one, taking j uare Shank Diills?Long and Short Feed, j NONE CHEAPER; ASK FOR PRICE. UMBIASUPPLY CO. Columbia, S.C. i, i k at Reasonable Prices! These Are My Prices: < t Plates (rubber base) $10.00 3 Crowns | .#. $5.00 . ?rro Wrvrlr (r?P.r tooth) $ 5.00 " >1 an Crowns (pivot tooth) $3.50 3 th Extracted (painless) 25c. and 50c. fch Cleaned 75c. and $1.00 er fillings 50c. to $1.00 I fillings $1.00 to $2.00 * TREATING TEETH EXTRA, ] E, - Surgeon Dentist )pposite Thomas1 Drug Store BIA, S. C. > FURNITURE | 3 e stock of IRON BEDS, J| } FREEZERS, ETC. tfj t m c ou the prices are right. m c tnK N & LYNN |! E DEALERS. J Columbia, S. C. 5j [ mam** ? I I > Harman's Shoe Store . i POSTOFFICE BLOCK ) = 1725 Main Street 1 COLUMBIA, S. C. \ ) ' t _ I * c veil Hotels 1\ Taylor Streets. Opposite * ly located. Columbia, S. C. * * % orietor and Manager. * 1 A * Large Cool Rooms. % i] U. C. T.'s and T. P. A.'s. f % * iirday and Sunday. * v ^EXCELLED. / ? p * C ation Given to All Guests. ^ * Watch us Grow. * it * \ |P.P.P.| P. P. P. will purify and vitalize your ? blood, create a good appetite and give your whole system tone and strength. t A prominent railroad superintendent at Savannah, suffering with Malaria, Dyspepsia, and Rheumatism says: "After taking ( P. P. P. he never felt so well in his life, ana ^ feels as if he could live forever, if he could i always get P. P. P." If you are tired out from over-work and S close confinement, take IF. F. F. If you are feeling badly in the spring and out of sorts, take 2 F. P. P. i If your digestive organs need toning up, i take P. P. P. If vou suffer with headache, Indigestion, 1 debility and weakness, take ^ j P. P. P. If you suffer with nervous prostration, nerves unstrung and a general let down \ of the system, take K P. P. P. I . For Blood Poison. Rheumatism, Scrof- K ula, Old Sores. Malaria. Chronic Female Complaints, take 3 m*. D?k % I t j Prickly Ash, Poke Root S and Potassium. I , The best blood purifier in the tvorld ( F. V. LIPPMAN. I ;t Savannah, - Georgia. | Reader, have you paid for your 1 ! piper? If not, why not? Remember j i we need tiie monev. i 1 Foley's | Laxative Is Pleasant and Effective CURES Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble. by stimulating Haese organs and restoring their natural action. Is best for women and children as ORINO do*s not gripe Dr nauseate. sold by all druggists of Lexington Elenry'Drug Store, Chapin S. C. A Card of Thanks. To the Editor of The Dispatch: Please allow me space in your paper X) express my moat sincere thanks to ny relatives, friends and neighbors :or the comfort and assistance they lave again and again shown me durng my iliness. My own congregation?St. Peter's, Pinev Wood9,?has recently given me >35, twenty-five dollars to assist me n paying hospital bills. My relatives ogether with my kind and considerite physician, Dr. J. M. Sease, also iontributed for this purpose. I feel my lasting obligations to you ill and would in this feeble but public nanner attempt to express what my leart so deeply feels. Kind friends, >ne and all, accept my thank9 with he sincere hope that you all may be iehly blessed by our Heavenly Fath)r. Mrs. Alice Long. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the safe, ure. easy, gentle little liver pills. The )riginal Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve s DeWitt's. The name is plainly stampid on every box. It is good for cuts, mrns, bruises, sores, boils and sun burn -but it is especially good for Piles. told by Kanfmann Drug Co., Fitamaurics's. Mr. John Fitzmaurice, proprietor of ^ifczmaurice's Three Arch Store in Columbia, has returned from the Northern markets where he purchased he largest and most complete stocks or every department of his store that le has ever purchased. Read his anlouncement in this issue and visit the Three Arch Store when in Columbia. FARM LOANS Loans negotiated in sums not less han ?300 upon improved farms, in tichland and Lexington counties, reiayaLle in annual installments. No < ommissions. Borrowers pay actual xpenses of papers. Apply to THOMAS z THOMAS, 1227, Washington St., Columbia, S. C. 45 3m Cotton Picking Match. 'o the Editor of The Dispatch: Yesterday there was a cotton picktig race in the field of Mr. J. W. Row1 between four boys, as follows: Kensler Stricklin picked 423 pounds; Villie Rowel 293 pounds until 3 o'clock rhen he was taken sick ; John Still 21 pounds and E. J. Stricklin 402 ounds. Kensler Stricklin was delared the winner. E. J. S. Swansea, Sept. 15. A chaperon is merely a fender for :eeping a girl from colliding with the vrong man. Many a frivolous woman twines herelf about a man's heart for the pur>ose of stringing him. Quite frequently a financier finds timself in the subcellar after trying o get in on the ground floor. According to ancient mythology, )rplieus went to hades to find a wife, >ut some married men can't underhand why it was necessary. It is almost natural for children to ell the truth as for grown ups to lie. When a man has good manners it's l sign he isn't at breakfast with his amily. A woman can conclude she ought, to ove a man because she can't underhand why. The more bills a man's wife runs up or him in the shops the luckier he is hey aren't bigger. A girl is awful sly to make it seem is if a man was making love to her vheu lie is wishing dinner was ready. Eight trainmen were killed and 15 lasscngers injured in a train wreck mar Nashville 011 Wednesday. Three thousand men met in Mont- I jomery, Ala., on Thursday and placed .hemselveson record as being opposed o prohibition legislation. Accepting a 5 per cent. increase the .veavers who have been on a strike at .he Fall River Cotton Mills have reurned to work. Oiville Stockell, an insurance agent, iccidentaliy shot himself through tiie icart while cleaning out a H-ealibre u?fnl ;>t" NT Lshville 011 Wednesday. Lsr;g Chase ?V.: P'd&ier I 3 E21&3& ia Sarnwsll. Siierlff Sam P. Conner of Chatta- I noosra was in the eiiy last nijrht en route from Barnwell to Chattanooga with a prisoner, A. B. Levy, who is rhflrrrprl with the theft of a horse and CD - - - buggy from a Chattanooga livcrv firm. Levy goes by the name of "Dr." Levy and is a peddler of spectacles. He is charged with hiring the horse and buggy in question from a livery stable in Chattanooga on August 9 for 15 days. When the 15 days had expired and neither the horse and buggy nor Levy had returned the law was appealed to, and Sheriff Conner sent out distress signals to all parts of the country. "Dr." Levy wa9 arrested in Barnwell Monday, where be was selling spectacles and traveling in a team answering to the description of the horse and buggy stolen in Chatta- j nooga. He agreed to return to Tennessee without requisition papers, and Sheriff Conner i9 now taking him to Chattonooga for trial. The m:>9t remarkable feature of the whole trans- ! action is that Levy drove the horse from Chattanooga, Tenn., to Barnwell, a distance of over 400 mile9.? The State. A Narrow Escape Edgar N. Bayliss, a merchant of Rob- j(B insonville, Del., wrote: "About two years ago I was thin and sick, and coughed all the time and if I did not have consumdtion, it was near to it. I commenced nsing Foley's Honey and Tar, and it stopped my cough, and I am now entirely well, and have gained twentv-eieht pounds, all due to the good resalts from taking Foley's Honey and Tar." All Druggists of Lexington Henry Drug Store Chapin, S. C. The town of Lamar, in Darlington county, has voted $5,500 in bonds for a schoolhouse by 46 to four. I A Prospect of Work. Bride?Here's a telegram from papa Bridegroom (eagerly)?What does he say? Bride (reads?Do not return and all will be forgiven. Summer Soard. "I'm an author, yon understand, spending my vacation on a farm to get local color. How much will board be?" "Ten per week," replied the farmer, "and $2 extra if we ar?" expected m to talk dialect." lj Lost His Head. I A physician in Oklahoma bought an I automobile and became so excited I over running it that he lost his head, I steerd into a ditch and was killed. 9 The jury brought in a verdict of I " '"? - - * - * ? -i- ?i.: 11 mi_ ^ "aeatn irom auio-imoxicaMou.?jljuk n Medical Visitor. gj A FACT ABOUT THE "BLUES" What is known as the 'Blues' is seldom occasioned by actual existing external conditions, but in the great majority of cases by a disordered LIVER ? THIS IS A FACT M which may be demonstra- " ted by trying a course of They control and regulate the LIVER. They bring hope and bouyancy to the mind. They bring health and elastic ity to tne Doay. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. I Honesty I in Jewelry I "If" it came from Sentz's, von 9 know it's ail right." is what one hjj of our customers remarked to S j another the Gther day. 3 When you buy Jewelry, you fl / generally have to take tlie "Jew- a eler's word for it" whether it is jj JJ good or not. 9 4 That's just where cur reputa- 9 tion for honesty and fair dealing g f counts. 9 j And furtiu rmore, we will [al- g ways give you your money back % J and ask no questions any time g you are dissatisfied with a pur- gj ? I Special attention to mailorii'. S f jeweler, i | 1439 Main, Columbia, S. C 1 MWUh h WW mmMimitJMMMFm i ? One infel Tt CROSS TIE! Wiii pay 30 cents for first class and 10 cents less 5 per cent, for cash when inspected by Sout Ties to be delivered at any shipping point cn i right of way between Columbia, S. C., and Augu tween Batesburg and Perry, S. C. Will advance some cash or exchange merci: spection. For further information see or write THE L 0. CULLU | BATESBURG, SUMMED BARGJ We are offering spe gains on all summer di and notions. Everyth: be sold, in order to ma for early fall goods soo rive. Come quick, nov time to save money. WM. PLATT & : 1804 Main Street Col TEL To save you m JpNSjfr' Winter Bpf before the advan stock we ever ca: jM|ffe weight work sho ^WCl E. P. & F. 1710 Main St. fhe Place to Buy Yo AT BOTTOM PBIC THE FACT NOW E, LISHED WITH POPULAR FIRM 0 P. M. FRI Chapin, S. C *j^^- *?S^' *^!y | SOUTHERN RAIL J) Unexcelled Dining Car Servii k Through Pullman Sleeping Cars on ^ Convenient Schedules on Local ^ For full information as to rates, jw consult nearest Southern Railway Ticl >3 J. C. LTJSK, D. P. A., Char! i J. L. MEEK, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga, |V^f5 jicr. sdP.^r. jfr. jP. ^ " ~*43t> -*ZX> -rut "f^r >^Dy Gi 1| | off Gin ENGINES, BOI and Repairs for same. Sh ctors, Pipes, Valves and Fittings, Light Saw, Shingle, and Lat ane Mills in stock. LOMBARD IRON WORKS ;0 M PANYj Augusta, Ga. ? * E?i Jjj ^ " f i lj I for second class, 8 hern Railway Co. 1 Southern Railway S ista, Cla., and be- fl landise before in- ^ S. C. I (INS i i "u. I uiai Ucti" ! ry goods ing must ke room m to ar- j 7 is your j \ \ I SONS, ! umbia, S. % Place I oney on your I Shoes I r is stock in March H ce in leather and I ell every pair at 8 i have the largest 8 rried, so we can 8 ? A -Til 1 IfT in l ui luc lamiij ju h vork shoes. I um and heavy- 1 1HI ies a specialty. I A. DAWS I Columbia, S. C. | ?? ? I ur Goods " ES IS STABTHE F CK, *\ mJ *OBr*- n WAY. \ I all Trains, J Trains, yiv routes, etc . set'Agent, or yy eston, S. C if jtP* /^Sr \ IR S "" Babbit, Sc., fer any make ILERS and PRESSES afting, Pulleys, Belting, ln? h Mills, Gasoline Engine* AND SUPPLY - #