The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 15, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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the Lexington Dispatch j | Wednesday, September 15,1909. _ G. M. Karjian, Editor and Publisher D. R. Halttvvaxger, Assistant Editor. Entered at tne Post Office at Lexington, j S. C., as second class matter. The subscription price of the Dispatch Is $1 a year; 50 cents fcr six months; 25 cents for three montlis? invariably cash in advance. CIRCULATION 2.325. COLUMBIA COLLEGE | DESTROYED BY FIRE, j Fire at 2:30 Thursday morning botally destroyed Columbia College, built by popular subscription from the Methodists all over the state. The plant was valued at two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and was insured for seventy-five thousand, with ten thousand more on the equipment. The property was bonded for sixty thousand and twenty odd thousand more in floating debt. The liquidation would leave nothing but the rock foundation and grounds. But arrangements are going right ahead for re-building and opening for the present session in the Colonia Hotel, the former plant of the college. A Birthday Dinner. On August 31st at the home of Mr. Jacob Wingard gathered his children and grand-children to celebrate his 75th birthday. Under the shade of the trees in the back yard at 12:30 o'clock all sat down?about 25 in number?to enjoy a well prepared barbecue dinner, furnished by the children in honor of their aged father. Mr. Wingard was a brave Confederate soldier, and at the ripe old age of 75 still eajoys good health. He is the only living child of Joshua Wingard. His wife, Mrs. Sarah Ann Wingard, has been dead about 14 years. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Bachman Meetze and daughter, Hazel; Mr. and Mrs. Houston Wingard and children, Carrie Mae and Hattie Lee; **- Coinnol Wincarrl anH JUX. OU^U iUlO. ua>uuv>. .. ? children, Willard, Julius, Annie Lou, and Henry Jacob; Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Gross and daughter, Annie; Mr. and Mrs. Justus Wingard and children, Sura and Earnest; Mr. and Mrs. Hendrix Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wingard. Late in the afternoon all returned to their homes with baskets of the remainder of the dinner, after spending a day of much pleasure togather, ' wishing to spend many more birthdays with their father. Esavy Loss By Fire. On Monday morning about 10 o'clock the beautiful country home of Mr. W. W. Barre on the old Wm. L. Taylor place about two and one-half miles from Lexington, known as Barre's lower mill, valued at $2,000, was destroyed by fire. Tho house was occupied by Mr. Gee. D. Porter and family, who lost practically all of their household belongings. The fire is thought to have started from a spark from the stove flue on top of the kitchen. There was no insurance on the building and the loss falls heavily upon Mr. Barre, as well as the occupant of the house. None of the outbuildings were burned. Tha Lvric. y The Lyric theatre in Columbia has Changed hands. Thi9 popular .playhouse is now under the directipn of Mr. Jake Wells, with Mr. Charles Kessick, manager. The program for this week is unusually attractive, and is drawing full houses at each performance. The price remains the same under the new management, 10 * and 20 cents. Go and you will be pleased. Letter to ?. P. Meetze. Lexington, S. C. Dear Sir: Here's the essence of Devoe: Paint half your job Devoe, paint the other half whatever you like: If Devoe half doesn't take less gallons and cost less money, no pa}\ Yours truly -92 F. W. DEVOE & CO P. S. The Kaufmann drug Co. Sells our paint. j i THE * / SHOES FOR MEN Our Fall stocf ren. All sizes and find elsewhere. L 1725 MAIN STREET y i ? - j ;<? j - >? .- ./ ? ' fc; Ho. 9296. | REPORT OF THE COKDiTiGrl OF j THE HOME NATIONAL BANK OF LEXINGTON, AT LEXINGTON. S. IN THE S STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSI; NESS, SEPT. 1, JOCO. RESOURCES. j Loans and Discounts $7(5,700 tfl I Overdrafts, secured and unj secured 084 24 j U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 25,(H)0 00 ! Premiums on U. S. Bonds 1,000 00 { Banking house, Furniture, j and Fixtures 5,(500 00 i i ^ 1 Arvn no 1 <Jtner p-fbune ?u.c;u... x,^w w ? Due from National Banks | (not reserve agents) 2,451 05 I Due from approved Reserve Agents 12,239 00 Checks and other Cash Items 486 31 Notes of other National Banks 115 00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels, and Cents 45 54 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie 1,687 40 Legal-tender notes 2,204 00 Redemption Fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) 1,250 00 Totisl $130,893 35 I LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $25,000 00 Undivided Profits, less Expenses and Taxes paid... 2,331 52 ' ! National Bank notes outstanding 25,000 00 ! Individual Deposits sub ! ject to check 62,222 08 ! Cashier's Checks outstand! ing 1,339 75 | Bills payable, including certificates of Deposit for I money borrowed 15,000 00 | Total..., $130,893 35 State of South Carolina, County of Lexington, ss: I, Alfred J. Fox, cashier of the above- 3 named bank, do solemnly swear that ( the above statement is true to the best 3 of my knowledge and belief. ] ALFRED J. FOX, Cashier. < QnKcAi-iiwi and sworn to before me I this 9th day of September, 1909. ! W. D. DENT, ( Notary Public S. 0. Correct?Attest: SAMUEL B. GEORGE, JAS. J. WINGARD, JULIAN E. KAUFMANN, v Directors. 1 STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OP THE < BROOELAKD BAKE ; Located at New Brookland, S'. C., at the close of business Sept. 8, 1909. resources. ' Loans and Discounts $16,317 90 Demand Loans 53 00 Overdrafts 859 34 Banking House 3,650 00 Furniture and Fixtures 1,750 00 Due from Banks and Trust Companies 2,545 60 , Currency 388 00 , Silver, and other Coin 444 41 . Checks and Cash Items j Insurance, Stationary and Expenie3..., 911 48 Total $26,919 73 1 liabilities. Capital Stock paid in $7,170 00 . Due to Bank9 and Trust Companies 85 10 Individual Deposits subject to Check 11,710 99 ] Savings Deposits 7,753 64 ' Time Certificates of Deposit. 200 00 j Notes and Bills Rediscounted Total $26,919 73 j State of South Carolina, ) ^ <- - - * T - ? i. ( uouniy 01 .ue.\ingi<jLi. a Before me came L. S. Trotti, president of the above named bank who, being duly sworn, says that the above and i foregoing statement is a true condition 1 of said bank, as shown by the books of < said bank. < L. S. TROTTI, President. s Sworn to and subscribed before me, i this 13th day of September, 11)09. < Wm. W. Hawes, (L. S.) i Notary Public for S. O. Correct attest: E. W. Shull, R. L. Shuler, c F. L. Saxdel, 1 Directors. I I WOMEN'S _ I AmJSi VMDMM^<Bwn??aananMMMV SHOES FOR WOMEN c of Shoes has arrived, styles to select from. exington friends eordi; ij OCTOE N The Great< I I Reduced rates it features. 1 Hl< PREPARE Y< Premuim list w. a m. ber: Pre STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK, Located at Lexington, S. C. At .the close of business Sept. 8, 1909. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $192,843 07 Demand Loans 33,100 02 Cverdrafts 22,682 73 Furniture and Fixtures 2,790 78 Due from Banks and Trust Companies 13,023 33 Currency 747 00 Grold 65 00 3ilver, and other Coin 1,210 17 Checks and Cash Items 6,212 58 *272.674 68 J- uvcu ? ....... r # _ liabilities. Capital stock paid in #0,000 00 Surplus Fund... ' 10,000 00 Paid 14,673 14 Due to Banks and Trust Companies Individual Deposits Subject to Check 64,513 67 Savings Deposits 166,083 41 Cashier's Checks 404 46 Notes and Bills Rediscounted 5,000 00 Bills payable, including Certificaies for money borrowed 2,000 00 Total "... $272,674 68 State of South Carolina, County of Lexington. Before me came W. P. Roof, Cashier [>f the above named bank, who, being inly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition Df said Bank, as shown by the books of said bank. W. P. Roof. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 13th day of September, 1909. R. D. Smith, [L. S.] Notary Public for S. C. Seep the Roads Up. Overseers should see to it that the roads are kept up after the chaingang aas done its work. Many complaints, are being made in regards to overseers [ailing to perform this work. A little work, every few weeks, will keep the roads in excellent condition after they have once been properly worked. Fall Dry Goods and Notions. The new fall dry goods, notions and nillinery have arrived at the store of William Piatt & Son, Columbia. A cordial invitation is extended the laiies of this county to inspect their j stock before buying elsewhere, and to j c<-r,r.Q r\f Piatt & Son head- I nanu otvx v V4 * *v.? v ?- ? quarters while in Columbia. You will I ilway9 find their prices the lowest. m Everybody Should Eegister.l Everybody sliould register now in >rder to vote in the town election on STov. 2nd. The registration books will )e open until the 23rd of October. SHOES FOR CHILDREN , and are ready for yc i Made by the work / ally invited to make N U VJ POST< MMMMHKHMBi SER 26,27 and est County Fair E\ on railroads. Man The best attraction ents for everybody, DUE EXHIBITS IE AT THE FAIR s now ready for di LEY, SAM L B. ssident. STATE OF^SOUTH CAROLINA, Coue% of Lexington. j In the Court of Common Pleas. I The Home National Baok of Lexing- a ton, O. v., piaiuuii, * against ? Jessie V. Kleckley, et. al., defendants. ^ In obedience to the decree of the i( Hon. Robert Aldrich, Judge presiding d at Lexington, S. C., of date June 21, r 1909, in the above entitled case, I will ! sell at public outcry, before the court h j house door, at Lexington, S. C., on the i] first Monday in October next, to the j highest bidder, the following described I c | tracts of real estate: ]< | "All that piece, parcel or tract of 0 | land, situate, lying and being in Hoi- I j low Creek Township in the county of o Lexington and State aforesaid, containing fifty-five acres, more or less, bound- p ed by lands of Luther Kleckley, estate lands of Walter A. Nunnamaker, J. A. Calk. Dr. Jimmie Harman and perhaps others*" " " Terms: Cash, purchaser to pay for _ papers. FRANK W. SHEALY, C. C. C. P. & G. S. September 14, 1909, Graham & Sturkie, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Efird & Dreher, Attorneys for Defendants. C / STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. John E. Dreher, Plaintiff, . I against *] Walter F. Kleckley and W. P. Roof, defendants. h In obedience to the decree of the Hon. fi Robert Aldrich, Judge Presiding at 1< Lexington, S. C , of date June 21, 1909, d in the above entitled case, I will sell at r public outcry, before the court house door at Lexington, S. C., on the first }< Monday in October next, to the high- i] est bidder, the following described b ! tract of real estate: 1< "All that piece, parcel or tract of J I land, situate, lying and beiDg in Lex- h ingtcn Township, in the County of s Lexington and State aforesaid, con- I taining One Hundred Acres, more or hnnndfid north bv Saluda river, t and adjoining lands of Elizabeth Crout, c James Kleckley. and lands cf the es- a tate of Samuel T., and Andrew J. Lor- p ick.'' Terms of Sale: Cash, purchaser to o pav for papers. t FRANK W. SHEALT, p C. C. C. P. & G. S. Sept. J4, 1909. Efird & Dreher. Attorneys for Plaintiff, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, f County of Lexington. In the Court of Common Pleas. Carrie Emma Miller, Plaintiff, against j Paul Schwartze, Jemimie Koon, Sallie I " ~ T SHOES FOR CRESS mr inspection. We h !? t 1* 1 1 i s leading snoe iiuikci O our store their headqu iHOE OFFICE BLOCK rer Held. 1 | i .y new exhib- g j i s. Amuse- | jj NOW, AND I I stribution. 9. j i . GEORGE, I j! Secretary. I ji IHEMDHHIHhHI Koon, Manda Koon and Cora Agnes i Koon, Defendants. J In obedience to the decree of the < Ion. Robt. Aldrich, Judge Presiding < it Lexington, S. C., of date June 21, j 909, in the aboye entitled case, I will j ( ell at public outcry, before the Court- i < tou9e door at Lexington, S. C., on the j irst Monday in October, during the \ egal hours of sale, to the highest bid- < Ler, the following described tract of j eal estate: ^ "Ail ninno or fcrant of I All UM4V LSAVVWy W- w- ? ? ind, situate, lying and being in Lex- J agton County, said State on waters of { tear Creek, waters of Saluda river, < ontaining thirty-three acres, more cr J 3ss, bounded now or formerly, by lands J f Patrick Lindler, deceased; Luther i jindler; Patrick Koon, and perhaps J thers." J Terms; Cash, purchaser to pay for < apers. J FRANK W. SHEALY, C. C. C. P. & G. S. i September 14, 1909. J J. H. Frick Plaintiff's Attorney. ] < STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, J County of Lexicgton. j In the Court of Common Pleas. < R. H. Daily, Plaintiff, < against ] Jherry Merritt, Lumanda Hartley, Er- | | zula Head, Alsie Head, Bessie Head, ( Hattie Daily and E. Jones, Defend- i ants. | In obedience to the decree of the < Ion. Chas. G. Dantzler, Judge Presid- ] ag at Lexington, S. C., of date Feb'y j , 1909, in above entitled case, I will < ell at public outcry, before the Court- j ouse door at Lexington, S. C., on the { irst Monday in October, during the < 3gal hours of sale, to the highest bid- j er, the following described tract of ] eal estate: j < "All that piece, parcel or tract of j j ind. situate, lving and being in Lex- | J gton County, "S. "C., containing one I i mndred and thirty-five acres, more or I ess, adjoining lands of M. R. Gunter, j ohn Hallman, Franklin Hallman, El- | iott Hallman, and perhaps others. The I ame being the home place of Lewis j lead," Terms of sale: One-half cash, balance w o be on a credit of twelve months se- Ji ured by the bond of the purchaser, S< nd a mortgage of the premises sold, to urchaser to pay for all papers, and m ifty dollars to be paid in cash within D me hour after the sale, or the premises o be resold, at the risk of the former 4? lurchaser. j = FRANK W. SHEALY, C. C. C. P. & G. S. September 14, 1909. | E. L. Asbill, Attorney for Plaintiff, j I1 Efird & Dreher, Attorney for De- j 1!(] enrlants and Guardian ad litem. I J; : JV Liquor and Cider. i p Sheriff Corley on Monday emptied j al 0-gallons of liquor and cider into the j pil int. The stuff was cantured at I rrno some six weeks ago. * 1 Si SHOES FOR FARMERS lave them for Men, V s. The prices are lo> Kirffirc while in the cit UU IVI kJ ? ? A M * -W - - WWrf I Eftv S filsstJll Ja UAj | isa! Edafs | and Insurance, ! LSXINGrTOX, S. C. j 1 8 li. p. engine and boiler, I I 50 saw pin, conenser and press, 1 > shingle saw, 1 rhresher No. 3. \ 105 acres 4 miles from Steed- > man, 30 acres open land, 5 room | dwelling. \ 107 acres 2.1 miles from Lexing- > ton, 30 acres open land, S room [ dwelling, barn and stables, tim- > ber to cur 50,000 feet lumber. > 76 acres 3 miles from Lexing- > ton on Red Eank creek, 30 acres [ open land, 4 room dwelling. > 9S acres 11 miles from Lexing- > ton, 15 acres open land, S3 acres | round timber that will cut 5,000 > boxes. I One-half acre lot in Lexington, j 3 room dwelling. > ? 29 4-10 acres near Lexington, > timbered. \ 1*24 acres, 3L' mils from Barr; > 59 acres open land. S Koom > J dwelling, 2 barns and other out \ buildings, easy terms. > 2P.V4 acres near Saxe-Gotha > ' mills, (5 room dwelling, outbuild ing. good orchard, plenty water. > 10S acres 4 miles from Barr > 12 acres open land near church | and school. > 1 Stationer}' engine 12 H. P. > 1 Boiler, 18 H. P. [ 1 Saw Mill & Fixturs. > 394 acres near Saxe Gotha Mills > 1(55 acres one mile from Lexing- [ ? ton depot; 75 acres cleared; young ( orchard; creek runs tlirgugh > place; fruit never fails. | / 20 acres near Lexington. , One lot in town of Lexington. > 60 acres within one mile of | Arthur, 2 acres open land. Plenty > of water on the place. > One lot on Main street of Lex- \ ington; good building. J 80 acres 2 miles from Lexington > Plenty water. Fruit never fails. j 85 acres near Lexington. Good > for truck. Fruit never fails. > 250 acres 2? miles from South- J 1 era railway. 60 acres open land. , Fruit never fails. Good orchard > on the place. Two buildings. 25 resident lots in town of Lex- > ^ ington. 45 acres,8 miles from Lexington, j 9 acres open land. Plenty water. ( 95 acres, 7 miles from Gilbert > 25 acres open land, 35 acre9 J round timber, 35 acres boxed > timber, 2 4-room houses, > barn and stables. Church and [ school house within 2 miles of , place. > One large lot, 6-room dwelling J and barn on Main Street, Lex- > ington. > 100 acres, 30 acres open land, j dwelling and barn, church and > 4 school within one mile, 5 miles > from Gaston, 6 miles from Swan- j sea. ) 3 acres, good dwelling near > Lexington. | 86 acres 31 miles from Chapin," > 5 room dwelling, ana outounamgs 9 40 acres open land. [ 1 1 Write or call to see me [ AT THE HOME NATIONAL BANK, j Lexington, S. C ! PINAL DISCHARGE. This is to notify all persons that I ill apply to the K011. Geo. S. Drafts, jdge of Probate for Lexington county, )uth Carolina, 011 the 12th day of Ociber, 1009, for a final discharge as adinistrator of the estate of Otis 0. rafts, deceased. H. E. DRAFTS, _ ) Administrator. ITotica of Town Election. * Notice is hereby given that an elec011 will be held in the town hall, Lexigton, S. C., on Tuesday, November 2, )G9, for the purpose of electing a fayor and six aldermen for the town : Lexington for a term of two years, oils ODen at M o'clock a. m. and close : 1 o'clock p. m. By order Town Council. H. X. KAMINER, ?pt. 14, 19C9. Recorder, td SHOES THAT WEAR /omen and Child?ver than you will t y. COLUMBIA, S. C.