IT- = P. I Haies Marvelous Cures in Bloc P, P. P. purifies the blood, b strength to weakened nerves, expe] happiness, where sickness, gloomy fe< In blood prison, mercurial pois( and skin diseases, like blotches, p head, we say without fear of contr purifier in the world. Ladies whose systems are poisone dition due to menstrual irregulariti * -? 2 ?I KIaaH rlMllcin? D1 aenui iumt auu uiuw ???Y, v Golumb r- - .v = SPRING STY T;i . It VT L> Tl ^Hi HARMAN'S I 725 ttiin St Port Offit < ' " ?; ' Parlor B RPN flAVII i " """""" KIT TO SKYSCRAPER, Best cooking and finest Rest? Special Bates by the W< M RED JACK CYLINDERS J I Pitcher Sp No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 I Fig. 48?A Deep Well Pi I Fig. 40?Heavy force pun | for 1 1-4, 1 1-2, or 2 p j wind mill work at I Prices on pipe and fitti make a specialty of fitting j they leave our shop. SI LEE A. LOF j 1519 MAIN STREET II COLUMBIA ( THE STORE THAT SELLS BETA Flour, Bacon, Lard am We carry evevything in chief aim is to please, you will be convinced. Corner Plain and Assem COLuMBIi p. p. il Fan, lenatia ani Scrofula. uilds up the weak and debilitated, gives s disease, giving the patient health and slings and lassitude lirst prevailed. >n, malaria, dyspepsia, and in all blood >imples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald adiction that P. P. P. is the best blood d and whose blood is in an impure cones, are peculiarly benefitted by the won= operties of P. P. P., Prickly Ash, Poke I, SAVANNAH, CA. MASTER - - s. c ?st stock of s, Pishing Tackle ting goods of all Automobiles and r Shop, in South N t die lowest : : it you want, and y give us a call. IcMASTER ia, S. C. LES FOR 1909 Are here in all the new siiape leathers and colors. We are showing one of the most complete lines in Men's, Ladies' and Children's high and low cut shoes to be found in the city. We also carry a complete line of medium j>rice shoes. Our motto: "Same Shoes for Less Money." TRY US NEXT SHOE STORE, . ?? MAT triTBT i C A 36 JS10CK. WLUOUDlA, a. v. restaurant, j D, Proprietor, COLUMBIA, S. C lurant in Columbia. Tor Ladies and Gentlemer eek. teals at all Hours?Night or Daj ;et pumps *ND SUPPLIES >out Pumps ^ 1 C /-?"U ip?.&U tJCHJfll $1.50 each $1.75 each imps with cylinder at$4.00. ips, with cock spout, tapped ipe for deep well, hand or $6.00 ngs at lowest prices. We r up pumps for wells before !ND TJS YOUR ORDERS. j tICK&BRO. COLUMBIA, S. C. GROCERY CO., FOR CAS I IL AT WHOLESALE PEICES I Sugar our Special? e; the Grocery line, and our Try us before you buy and ? * ibly Streets, near Market k, s : S. C? ! "WHAT IS C0MI173 TO T3S PARMEI Here is the rack 0:1 which the fa mers of the land are to he stretch< ! next year under the new census act < j Congress: I How many acres in your farm? ! How much arable? How much in woodland? How much used for other purpose What is the value of your farm? 1 Wrbat crops did you plant and v;h harvests did you gather in the seasc of 1909, particularizing as to each? ? i TT r 1 _ _ j *. .. _ *vnatuiu you gft iur youi [jiuuuui How much for each product? - How many horses, mules, cattl " sheep, hogs and goats have you? What are they worth, itemizing? How many colts, calves, lamb pigs and kids have you? What are they worth, item by iter How many cocks, hens, duels geese, turkeys, pea-fowl, guineas ai pigeons have you? How many eggs did your hens lay' How many little biddies, duckling goslings, turkey poults, squabs ai other young have you? How much did jou get for ti grown fowl? How mubh for their young? How much for eggs? What is the value of the fowls ai eggs consumed on your table? How many swarms of bees ha< you? How much lioney did they mal you? What are your bees worth? What did you get for the honey? How much milk did your cows gin What did you get for it? Did you make any butter or chees* I . If so, how much and what did y< get for it? Did your bees bring in any wax? If so, how much and what did y< get for it? What did you get for any grown ai imals or their young sold, itemizing^ How many such animals, or younj did you eat and what is the lvalue < what you ate? | How much did you pay out f< labor? How much for fertilizers? "The schedule," we are informe "is still incomplete in shape," so th; something more remains to be adde< Somebody in authority, therefor is empowered under the act to enlarg the aboye list, and as to refuse to a swerany question the census en merators are directed to ask is a crin against the United States, ponishab by a fine or incarceration in a Feder prison, it follows that somebody i there in Washington has authority create penal offences. Of course, there is no author! m w whatever in the Constitution of tl " United States for legislation like thi That instrument provides that repi aentation shall be apportioned amoi P the several States according to th? respective numbers, and directs th the "enumeration" shall be made e ery ten years. The purpose, of cours is to count the population that repi sentation may be proportioned thei ' to but not to count the calves in man's barnyard or the eggs in 1 chicken coop.?Augusta Chronicle. Dr. Abernethy, the great Engli physician, said, "Watch your kidpej When affected, lite is in danger Foley's Ki tney Remedy makes healt] kidneys, corrects urinary irregularis and tones up the whole system. 1 Druggists of Lexiugton; Henry Dr Store Chapin, S. C. r United Wireless owns three fii patents for wireless telephone a; will soon put the telepone in comme cial operation. As with the wirele telegraph so with the telephone?it more accurate than wire communic tion. ^ Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ai Diarrhoea Remedy is today the be known medicine in use for the reli and cure of bowel complaints. It cur griping, diarrhoea, dysentery, ai should be taken at the first unuatur looseuess of the bowels. It is equal valuable for children and adults, always cures. Sold by all Druggists, Where cable companies require i investment of twenty millions Unit* wireie-s does the same work on an i vestment of twenty thousand dollar 0 ^ ^ It Saved His Leg'. "Ail tiiongnt J a io?e my ictr,- writ J. A. Swenson, Watertown, Wis., "Tc years of eczema, that 1"> doctors cou do; cure, had at last laid me up. Tfu Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured it soui and well.*' Infallible for Skill Eru; tions. Eczema, Salt Rheum. Boils, Fev< Soies, Burns, Scalds, Cuts ami Pile at Ivaufmann Drug Co. Dericl Drug Store. Saridel Drug Store. Frank Morrison, the secretary of tl American Federation of Labor sa^ that the policy of the Federation i the coming year will be to ele< friends. Testifies After Four Years Carlisle Center, N. Y., G. B. Burhani * writes: "About four years ago I wrot you that I had been entirely cured c i kidney trouble by taking two bottles c Foley's Kidney Remedy, and after for - ? * J 4-- ? years i am again pieasea to state ins I have never had any return of tho* symptoms, and I am evidently cured t staycured.'' Foley's Kidney Remed will do the same for you. All Druf 1 gists of Lexington; Henry Drug Stor C.^apin, S. C. I &3E32T EYED M02TSTEE1 ! M ? I r- Causes a Woman to Kil! Har Husband : and Herself. of i j "I shot him. He was untrue to me. j Hi was going around with other j | women; so I made up my mind to end | it all." s> | This is the explanation the police j say Mrs. Clara Gunter gave them ' when thev rushed into her little flat I )n ! in Brooklyn Saturday afternoon and ! found her husband dead and the wos9 j man dying, George Gunther, the husj band, had been shot three times p I through the head. Mrs. Gunther had c J I a bullet in her breast. The revolver was still in her hand. ,g Neighbors say that Gunther. who was a chauffeur employed at a pubj lie garage, drove up to his home in an :S) | automobile Saturday afternoon and 1(j shortly afterward they hoard sounds of a quarrel, of a struggle and of fur> niture being overturned, then a suc8< cession of revolver shots- The dead man was 35 years' old and his wife 42. His wife is expected to die. he ' Dr. Brown Heavily Fined. Dr. W. H. Brown, manager of the Edisto Social club, of Orangeburg, 1(* pleaded guilty in the sessions court last week and was fined by Judge $100 or imprisonment for three months. ? There are two other cases pending ^ Ie against him?one for storing and the other for selling, besides a fine of $75 in an appeal case from the mayor's J court. ? e? * . The Lurid Glow Of Doom * e 2 was seen in the red face, hands and J )U body of the little son of Ht M. Adams, 9 of Henrietta, Pa. His awful plight from V A - 4+ i J -11 B eczema naa, ior nve years, aenea an ^ )U remedies and baffled the best doctors, # who said the poisoned blood had affec ted his lungs and nothing could save f n- him. "But." writes his mother, "seven 3 bottles of Electric Bitters completely cured him." For Eruptions, Eczema, 2 Salt Bheum, Sores ana all Blood Disor- % of dars and Rheumatism Electric Bitters is supreme. Only 50c. Guaranteed by j op Raufmann Drug Co. Derricks Drug Store. Sandel Drug Store. ' ^ . d Spain has sent reinforcements'to $ ' Morroco to participate in the fighting J ^ there. ^ e, Do not be deceirod by unscrupulous re imitators who would have you believe n_ that the imitation pills are as good as 2 DeWitt's Kidnev and Bladder Pills. # u' There isn't anytaing jnst as good as ie these wonderful pills for the relief of J ]e Backache, Weak Back, inflammation . of the bladder, urinary disorders and all kidney complaints. Any one can { 3P take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder to Pills as directed in perfect confidence of good results. Sold by Kaufmann J ty DrU^ C? 10 The king of Sweden congratulates is. Cook on the discovery of the north 9' pole. j ig J ,jr Your complexion as well as y our tem J ' . per is rendered miserable by a disorder- I at ed liver. By taking Chamberlain's B v- Stomach and Liver Tablets you can n ,e) remove both. Sold by All Druggist. B CHICHESTER SPILLS US DIAMONO BRAND Sl. s,-, & ?a uv ijldies i y Alk your ?n>niit for CHI-CHES-TER'S A *9, DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red and//\ ill Gold metallic boxes, sealed with BlueCOy ,,p. Ribbon. Taes no othbi. Buy or your y/ u? Druggist sad aak for COI-CHES-TER 8 V DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty-fiva years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. st SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS tid time EVrRYU/UPRr worth TRIED tftn I TV 11 L n L TESTED ;r- _ ,gg " A SPECIAL INVITATION We will at all times be pleased to . 1 ? -3 in ^-i w. na 9ee you at our store, ana win taae :9t pains to show you our stock of good9 ef and give you our prices. This will es not place you under any obligation to ad purchase, but we are confident that al our complete stock and fair prices will . ly appeal to you, and that we shall be m It favored with at least a fair share of * your patronage. In any event, we promise you careful attention and in courteous treatment. 3d We aim to make friends and try to n please all by being uniformly poiite, prompt and accomodating. \Ve want Jj '8* you to get in the habit of coining or j sending to us for articles you need in ii I our line, and if pure goods. low prices, ^ es constant attention and civility will do ^ " so, we will make you our customers j(j and friends. We appeal to your judgJU ment and interest; and with an earnest 1(q determination to treat all fairly and 1 I ot>l- T*/. nr> />/-?ncif1nr2l tinn T I IRUItnilj w c oniv (i uui vvuuauvi , ,r I and, 011 these principles we base our claim to and solicit a share of, .your f k>; patronage. J Yours trulv. ^ J. C. BOOZER, 4 ie Saxe Coiha Mills. 1 a, 5 " ikillthecouch i j AND CURE THE LUWCSg j 'I w' Dr. King's J ill New Discovery \ PBICTE ^ I cscgf * AMD AH THROAT AND U1W6 TR0UBIE8.1 ^ QUABAHTBED BATISFAOZOBT] J That Lame Kidney B And to Relieve the Lame You Must First Reiiev There is no question about that f**"? 01 ail?fcr the lame and aching a hack is caused by a diseased con- j ditiou of the kidneys and bladder. ^ Tt nnlv rnrnmnn spn?p nnv wav " , > ?* - . ? / I ^Vj ?that you must cure a condition 1 by removing the cause of the condition. And lame and aching back are not by any means the only symptoms of derangement of the i kidneys and bladder. There are a multitude of well-known and unmistakable indications of a more or gig less dangerous condition. Some of Bftje these are, for instance: Extreme &'{p and unnatural lassitude and weari- MWjlgl ness, nervous irritability, heart ir- KM regularity, "nerves on edge," sleep- ||H lessness and inability to secure HI rest, scalding sensation and sedi- KjUP ment in the urine, inflammation of LJ the bladder and passages, etc. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder jo?=5 Pills are an exceptionally meritorious remedy for any and all affections or diseased conditions of a|f|M these organs. These Pills operate "ISBll directly and promptly?and their E. beneficial results are at once felt, want They regulate, purify, and effec- have tually heal and restore the kid- are a neys, bladder and liver, to perfect der d and healthy condition?even in and a some of the most advanced cases, sent KAUFMANN DRUG COMPAI Kim DOWL head ^P^SHOE ^ l*imM BETTER Eh. Our Oio^ery Departmer fresh, reliable goods?we onl guarantee satisfaction. . We pay highest prices for cottx hulls at lowest prices. Come to us Agents tor Studebaker Wagons and I Convenient wagon yard, with [^Machlnen Sup) Send us your MAIL O Southern States 1 COLUMBIA, HE PRICES 1ELL. F. B. FRIDA Wholesale and R jrpocers, FIoui Feed Ve Want the Merchants, Planter igton County to Call and See Us 'ur chases. We Can Fill Your loney. 1823-1825 Mail Street, > * ^ /\ rv a t t 4U.UUU KOI IS WALL P. Ln c t snd most varied stock in tl close, call and s( YOU NEED GOOD PAINT AT $ P!c ure Frames Made to Order Ch Webb's Art 1 1627 Main S(re?t w /? ack Means isease *4 "i and Aching Back,% ' e the Kidneys ^2 \ &U\M every man and woman who j the least suspicion that they, * fflicted with kidney and blad*|s iseases to at once write them^J . trial box of these Pills will bej free by return mail postpaid.! * >IY. PITRIBUTORS. JNG 8 GO. I : VANSEA, S- 0. J carry everything in eral Merchandise. | will find our store ! Iquarters for # ^ hoes, clothing and f Is' Furnishings, Dry | is and Notions, Hits, j ; it is always full of X y handle the best and 5 >n seed and sell meal and X before you sell. Buggies-Beit en the market, 2 ample room for stock. , 5 RDERS' { Supply Co.. I IVAIS STREET. I THE.QUALITY SELLS* Y & UO., etail % * * J* and Grain, d s and Farmers of Lex- H Before They Make Their JH Wants and Save Ton H Columbia, S. C. V of Select 2 1PFP f A.* m ? le State, goods marked ^ )e us, ^ 1.15 PER GALLON. ^ eaper than Elsewhere. ^ Store | Columbia, S. C. A /WWW