The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, September 1.1909. lades to New Advertises eats Wi/1-Cnmmai> "Rni?orain? TVTimnailch $ tfA4U~UU???lilVA ? 0 Gent's Furnishings?E. G. Dreher Standard Warehouse Co. Lexington County Fair. Globe Tonic, v Dandruff Cure?Dr. Harding, Special Invitation?John G. Booze , Cotton Market. Lexington 12] < Unclaimed Kail. List of letters remaining uncalle for in this office for the week endin August 30, 1909. Ladies?Dorcie Cafee, Miss Etb< Watson. Gentlemen?P. C. Lewis, Mill 1 Malcolm. These letters will be sent to tl ' dead letter office Sept. 13, 1909, if n< delivered before. In calling for tt above, please say advertised, givin date of list. I| S. J. Leaphart, P. M. , The Bazaar will continue to sen its patrons with fresh Baker's Brea from the well known Riedlinger bakei FUME'S 1 1704 and 1706 MAIN ST. GREAT SUM We will continue Goods at bargain must be sold regan We must prepj winter supply. An | # disappear from this convinced. 1704-1706 Main St. FITZN A ; v . if-" NEW We ai Dry < Ladies I moderate. We invi i K Fu i LEXINGT ? I ARM FOR SALE ate of I. H. Nunnamaker, 270 Being sold for division. +r\m*\ nf T rm o S D. 12 II X1UJU1U3 IVWU Ui miles from Columbia on C. N. & L. [ Railway. 2-story dwelling with piazas. Beautiful high location. 2 barns and 2 tenement houses, 125 acres open land in tend. This is fine land for all crop9. Balance in woods and wired pasture. Fine free stone water. Large orchard. Local telephone line through place. School, 2 churches, depot, telegraph and long distance telephone all in sight. Price and terms on application to the Executors O. F. NUNNAMAKER, Irmo, S. C. or J, D. NUNNAMAKER, 1523 Main St. Columbia, S. C. L ,p Send us Your Dues. 3fc If you are too busy to come to town ie to mail us your dues. We need all the g money we can get, besides the law will not allow us to mail papers to subscribers in arrears for more than one year. '? Cond time to sow turnips. Buy your ^ I seed at The Bazaar, f'resh supply *y just received. H STORE COLUMBIA, S. C M BARGAINS ^ to sell all Summer prices. Everything iless of cost or loss, ire for our fall and y odds and ends must store. Come and be lAURICE'S Columbia, S. C I FALL e receiving d< Goods, I )ress Goods and Sil fce an inspection of c ill line of Butte w. ON 1 Mr. Addy Enjoying Vacation. To tlie Editor of The Dispatch: After more than a years continuous work I have come to the hills of the grand old Dutch Fork, the home of my birth, to enjoy a short vacatiou. Am visiting kindred and friends and the scenes of early childhood. Have been fishing along the banks of Broad river, viewed the old milk-house, through which a stream of life-giving - - a t. r water flows trom a spring or which x have drank once again. And there is the swimming pool which ka9 been a place of delight for the boy9 of this section for probably half a century. Rest causes one tc think and wonder; I am thinking of the dear old boys at Lexington that have alreadv enjoyed their vacations, and of the kind postmaster who never receives any vacation. I wonder how "Bud" Roof is getting along with his automobile, and if he takes Elmer Wingard along with him, to push if necessary, anymore. Only a few days and it will be time for me to be with you again, to help handle the mail for the patrons on the R. F. D.s My heart is longing for the time to come when I will again serve the patrons on No. 4; to travel on the fine sand-clay Augusta and Two Notch road9, to hear the hum of thousands of spindles as I pass the Lexington Mfg. Co. and the Saxe-Gotha mills. To listen to the stroke of the hammers, the rattling of the crusher and the gentle puffs of the powerful air compressor at the Casparius Stone Co.'s quarry, located at the Tarrar spring, And then to see the girls, and deliver post cards and letters to them from friends and sweethearts. Well, Mr. Editor, I will close for fear of the waste basket, wishing you much good luck, I remain, Peak, S. C. Lonnie B. Addy. Old Soldiers' Reunion There will be held at Chapin on September 24, the annual reunion of the old soldiers in the Dutch Fork. A ? ' - ? * Ar?At?rf_ corcuai Hiviuuiioii xs w cvcijbody to take part in the exercises of tne day. A picnic dinner will be served on the ground and all are invited to bring well filled baskets. Prominent speakers will be present to address the crowd. Among them, Col. O L. Shumport, of Newberry. Farmers' Union tfeeting. The Lexington County Farmers' Union will hold its 3rd quarterly meeting September 11, with Chapin local. The morning session will be secret. The afternoon session public. Some speeches are expected. C. W. Smith. Chapin, Aug. 30. Co. Sec. and Tr- as^ Dry Goods and Notions. The place to buy your dry goods and notions is at Wm Piatt & Son, Columbia. Their 9tock of new fall goods is arriving every day and in order to make room they are offering their entire line of summer goods at greatly reduced prices. .There is no better place to buy than at Piatt's, for there you always find the prices right. _ GO( lily all the ad Notions ks in greatest pr >ur stock- Heme rick Patterns WE SELL I mm / Providence News Notes. The many friends of Master Carles Fields will be glad to learn that he is able to be up again, Miss Evaiee Harman was the guest of Miss Marie Fields on Sunday. Misses Leola, Jeannete andZula Wingard were the guests of Miss Lucille Cook Sunday. Messrs. Rosco Caughman and Irenous Warner speDt Sunday on the Isle of Palms. Mr. P. B. Warner spent Saturday in Columbia on business. Miss Martha Hendrix Caughman spent Sunday iu Charleston. Miss Eiizabeth Harman lias returned to her home in Lexington after a few days' stay at the home of Mr. T. S. Harman. Mrs. Geo Kester returned home after a few days' visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Seay. Mr. Albert Meetze and daughters, Zula and Nola spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr.-Joss Meetze at Irmo. The many friends of Mrs. T. S. Harman will be pained to learn that she has been confined to her bed for the last few days, Misses Sallie and Katie Roberts spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. H. H. Boozer. Miss Evalee Harman returned home Saturday from (New Brookland after spending a week with friends and relatives. Mrs. S. D. Fulraer and children spent Saturday and Sunday in the Fork, The many friends of Mrs. S L. Rawl will be glad to learn that she is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith and family spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Roberts. Blue Eyes. Old Bethel Church. There is to start a Series of meetings at this Church, beginnig Third Sunday in September, and gonig on during the week. Rev. W. D. Quick from Lexington, is to help the Pastor Rev. Davis in this meeting. Yours, Simpson Spire9. Miss Biser Quite 111. The many friends 01 Mis9 Anniebel Riser will learn with much regret that she is painfully ill with fever at the home of her parents in Saluda county. Miss Riser taught last year at Peak, this county, where she made for herself a most enviable reputation. Her . friends in this county will wish for her a rapid and permanent restoration to health. JTotics, Overseers, All overseers of the public roads in Lexington county are hereby notified to repair their roads at once. This must be done. L. J. LANGFORD, Supervisor Lexington County. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. .Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack- Sold by All Druggists. DDS i ' V. Ivanced style Shoe) ofusion. The pric a imber our guaran > as shown in EVERYTHING MBHBlMKMnnMlHHHMnHBUmMMnBa Si; ?artment store, is a young man of irming and pleasing personality and i won for himself au enviable posia in the business world. He is one ;he mo9t progressive young business n in the State and is ever on the rfc, seeking bargains for hi9 cusiers. Pith the advent of this new departnt W. P. Roof can supply the needs he people with anything from a >er of pins to a handsone tourign he new fall goods are arriving by ry freight and express, and the ies now have an opportunity to see various new styles. A visit to P. Roof's will convince you that it ow no longer necessary to go to er places; it is right herein Lexton, and the prices will appeal to mo9t econmical buyers. ERE i nHHanMn i \ I Winter Etc. w It. >re been";so j purchase. ?r. s. c. 911 =====EiE=E ^