The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 01, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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pp. laMamloiCreiiiBM Po: P? P. P. purifies the Hood, build? 1 strength to "weakened nerves, expels 'dise happiness, where sickness, gloomy feelings In blood poison, mercurial poisott, m and skin diseases, like blotches, pimple: head, we say without fear of contradictic purifier in the world. Ladies whose systems are poisoned and to menstrual irregularities, art derful tonic and bkri>d cleansing propert Boot and Potassium, r, V. UPPHIAN, s/ ^Mnana I' S. B. McM COLUMBIA. We have the largest s Base Ball Goods, F Guns and sporting descriptions, Aut( General Repair SI Carolina. : : f Our prices are the ] Writ? for what y when in the city g iV," s* ' \ /, *> 0 D | 4 D. IVIli Columbia, | ? 1 SPRING STYIJ ? ^ j I V|HB\ >Lac an(^ foui n^Hl >can wnn <me< moi Moi 1725 Maia St. Post Office B \ orw; BEN DAYJD, f V < 4EXT TO SnseStffiK, 2esn: cooking and finest Restaurar i % Special Rates by the Week. Meals l*-? - MW | Mil. RED JACKE* CYLINDERS AND Pitcher Spoi I Wo. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Fig 48?A Deep Well Pumps ' Fig. 40?Heavy force pumps, w for 1 1-4, 1 1-2, or 2 pipe fo vjnd mill work at Prices on pipe and fittings t make a specialty of fitting up p they k&.ve our shop. SEND LEE A. LORIC 1S13 M&m STREET COLUMBIA GR( TTTF. STOTfT! TJTAT SELLS F02. RETAIL A1 Flour, Bason, Lard and Si We carry evevything in the C chief aim is to please. Try u: you will be convinced. Corner Plain and Assembly ! COLuKBIA, : P: 'm, Bleiatii ani Scrofula. . up the weak and debilitated, gives ;ase, giving the patient health and and lassitude first prevailed. c*' alalia, dyspepsia, and in all blood to 5, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald m >n that P. P. P. is the best blood whose blood is in an impure con- n< b peculiarly benefitted by the won- si; ies of P. P. P., Prickly Ash, Poke kVANNAH, CA. si a IASTER,I s. c I tock of ishing Tackle b ; goods of all >mobiles and iop, in South it : b lowest : : s on want, and 81 81 ive us a call. d ??? 11 n e< ir k e. S, Q. \ I 3S FOR 1909| kre here in all the new ^ pe leathers and colors, p( are showing one of the J) it complete lines in Men's, lies' and Children's high [ low cut shoes to be g ad in the city. We also g< ry a complete line of Jjj Sj lium price shoes. Our D tto: 4'Same Shoes for Less " aey." TRY US NEXT [OE STORE, b lock COLUMBIA, S. C. 81 _______01 i staurant,: ' N it Proprietor, ? COLOMBIA, S. C. * si m it in Columbia. Id Tobias on/1 ,CLflr?4l om on ^ U3 AJMUiL 0 auu NX&Ubl&IU&U ti] m cu at all Hours?Night or Day tr< '""' ? 2i\ in r pumps tic SUPPLIES j* St. it Pumps $1.25 each J coi $1.50 each 2 $1.75 each kil Du with cylinder at$4.00. ith cock spout tapped J im* r deep well, hand or j tha $6.00 | ft it lowest prices. We | ft umns for wells before of t US YOUR ORDERS' tak Pin K& BRO. j Dru COLUMBIA, S. C. Jl j fell 3CERY CO., 21 CASHr WHOLESALE PRICES. in^ jgar our Specialties coup rocery line, and our coim 5 before you buy and twei good Streets, near Market, and ' : S. C. | Hem V WB&. "Ik*"'"* * < ^AS GOOD CONVICT j; HE WAS PAP.00NED. Because he displayed unusual merft id usefulness, John Anderson, a lie- ^ o convicted at the January term of urt in Spartanburg in 190S, on the ?arge of manslaughter, and sentenced three years, had his sentence com- j uted today by Governor Ansel to ctober 8. The action of the gover- j jr was recommended by the county ^ ipervisor, county attorney, sununui ad the judge in the ease. Anderson, nee conviction, has been serving as , janitor at the court house in Spar- , inburg and the petition states that e has saved that county at least $25 er month. ; . EVER HAVE7T? f You Have, the Statement of < This Lexington Citizen Will Interest You. Ever have a "low down" pain in the ack? In the "small," right over the hips? That's the home of backache. j , It's caused by sick kidneys. That's why Doan's Kidney Pills cure Lexington peoples endorse this. ,ead a case of it: 1 C. A. Geiger, Depot St., Lexington, . C., says: "For several months I jffered from dull pains across the < nail of my back and as they did not isappear, I came to the conclusion lat my kidneys were disordered. At i ight after lying down my back pain- : d me intensely and I also noticed an 1 regularity in the passages of the idney secretion*. I was feeling misrable when I procured Doan's Kid?y Pills at The Kaufmann Drug Co. i used them as directed and they prov- i I to be the remedy I needed. They ; ave helped me so much aiready that I feel I will soon be entirely well and > gives me pleasure to recommend oan's Kidney Pills to other sufferers." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents ; oster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York )le agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and ike no other, A handsome monument was erected i Laurens cemetery, with impressing sremonies, to McDuffie Stone, the jliceman who was murdered last , anuarv by a yeggman. Health And Beauty Aid Cosmetics and lotions will not clear Dur complexion of pimples and blotches be Foley's Oino Laxative, for indiBstion, stomach and liver trouble and abitual constipation. Cleanses the astern and is pleasant to take. All mggists of Lexington; Henry Drug tore Chapin, S. C. "So Thought It A Bomb" New York, Aug. 30.?A loud report ist behind his automobile caused aron Schlippenbach, the Russian conil general, to leap from the machine a Fifth avenue last Thursday and rasp the arm of a traffic patrolman, leek Nittle. The consul general's ice was as white as chalk. "He thought it was a bomb." said itfcel in relating the incident, "but was only the explosion of one of his ?r tires." jThe damage to the baron's car was lused by another chauffeur trying to iss and striking the tire of the Ru9an'9 car with the hub of his own achine. * ? Near Death In Big Pond. It was a thrilling experience to Mrs. la Soper to face aeatn. "For vears a vere lung trouble gave me intense Lfferiug," she writes, "and. several ines nearly caused my death. All reedies tailed and doctois said I wasinirable. Then Dr. King's New Disvery brought quick relief and a cure permanent that I have not been j Dubied in twelve years." Mrs. Soper 'es in Big Pond, Pa. It works wonders Coughs and Colds, Sore Lungs, ! unorrhages, LaGrippe, Asthma, Croup hooping Cougli and all Broncliial ali'ec>ns. 50e and $1.00. Trial bottle free, laranteed by Kaufmann Drug Co. Tricks Drug Store. Sandel Drug i ore. rhe body of Will Brooks, a young g ui of Augusta, was found dead in a n ft eld at Bath, Aiken county last ek?he had been stabbed to death, irk Duncan has been charged with ling liirn, the trouble being about ncan's wife. )o not be deceived by unscrupulous irators who wouid have you believe t the imitation pills are as good as Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills, ire isn't anytning just as good as ; se wonderful piiis tor the relief of ckaehe, Weak Bacl:, inflammation he bladder, urinary disorders and i ' kidney complaints. Any one can j j I e DevVitt's Kidney and Bladder j J s as directed in perfect confidence j t good results. Soid by Kaulmaim I j i ig Co., | no. C. Bridges, a young white man j | 1 off the top of a freight car of the j [ | them at Lancaster last week and ! | i crushed io death under the j I j els. 31e leaves a wile and three j 0 tire ii. ! A Narrow Escape Igar N. Bayliss. a merchant of Rob- t() j liville, Del., wrote: "About two ni0 s ago I was thin and sick, and n0f ;hed all the time and if I did not ers i consumdtion, it was near to it. I menced using Foley's Honey and arid it ?f-.rmni-d mv rrrnfrh and T io\v entirely well, and. have pained t lty-eight pounds, all due to the Baz results from taking Foley's Honey taci rar." All Druggists of Lexington an(i -y Drug Store Chapin, S. C. FIGHT PISCL DUEL OK SING STREET. Charleston, Aug. 26.?Two vrel Known men had a pistol ciuci at an ?arly hour this morning on Kingstcet, near Went worth, but neither of the participants was hurt and fortunately die stray bullets did not strike anybody or do other damage, as far as could be [earned today. It is understood that bad blood has been existing bet'* een the men for some time. Once before they had a shooting scrape and this morning the trouble broke out again, with the result that they exchanged several shots. The quiet of the streets it the early hours of morning alone prevented probably the death or injury of innocent parties. No arrests were made, the participants of the affair getting out of the way of the police officers on the beat. Beard in the Market. (From the Chicago New9.) The little green cucumber and the big red strawberry met at a market stall. "How are you this morning?'' queried the cucumber. "Oh, I'm ripe for anything," replied the strawbery. "And you?" "Rather seedy," answered the cu cumber sadly. Many people delude themselves by saying "It will wear away,'' when tliev notice symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble. Thisis a mistake. Take Foley's Kidney Pills, and stop the drain cn the vitality. They cure backache, rheumatism, kidney and bladder trouble, and make every trace of pain, weakness, and urinary trouble disappear. All Druggists of Lexington; Henry Drug Store Chapin, S. C. LOVE Love is jealous of command, Richly clothed and fine Love is just a little hand Tightly clasped in mine. Love's an ache, a stab, a smart, Or a balm divine. Love's a little tender heart, And that heart in mine. Love walks WoudfOUsly complete, With jewels all ashine. Love's a little pair of feet, Keeping pace with mine. ?London Chronicle. President Taft will visit Columbia on Saturday, November 6, inStGaa oi Monday, the 8th. This will put the president in Columbia on the last day of the State fair, I stops loss of flesh in babies E I and children and in adults J I in summer as well as winter. B I Some people have gained a B pound a day while taking it. I nuv. 2. -_ _ i!ui. . ii? I Ixoftu M iu u iiuwiu wnwr of mux* S3 Get a snaS bottle cow. All Druggists I HARNESS Always see E. A. Fellers for Home-made Harness j and Farm Gears, Repairs quick at lowest prices. E. A. Fellers 133 Gervais St. COLUMBIA, S. C. wwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmam cnuurn I - oummtn Refrigerators, Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks/Lawn Mowers, Rubber Hose, Sprinklers, Noz j zles. Full stock of all sizes j and prices. ! Hardware of any kind, j j Dome or phone. j j , If. S. STEWART,!: . 526 Main St. Columbia, S. f / Send us Your .Dues. ,r~ f you are too busy to come mail us your dues. We u? \jj t i :-i -_ . nr ' I Ow ?r? u?iii ueslUL'S i ~ allow us to mail papers ^LC ' iii arrears for moreth? u* ri .v wi t*" subsoi l I ?-? ? - ,jr' 'ilrie y<&v. Fishing T ? ' ? his is fishing ' aar you will < ties ef all kind M\- >hd at Th linos. Coiik -*6^. l fhII line o ^ P.ofcs, bobs, hook ,4<Hs for ybur taokle v*Thc: Ba'/^iar Women Suffe from Disease* And Most Women Do Thi Real Cause of thei These poor, suffering women * have been led to believe that their , misery of mind and body is entirely due to "ills of their sex." Usually Vr the kidneys and bladder are re- ^ sponsible?or largely so. And in such cases, the kidneys and blad- ^;VL der are the organs, that need and Jf* must have attention. Those torturing, enervating sick headaches, dragging pains in back, groin and limbs, bloating and swellIng of the extremities, extreme ySL* nervousness or hysteria, listless- }j/? ness and constant tired, worn-out feeling?are almost certain symptoms of disordered and diseased *)Us. kidneys, bladder and liver. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder It Pills have, in thousands of cases, . 1| been demonstrated as remarkably ^ J beneficial in all such conditions of f female organism?affording the ? II most prompt relief and permanent J1 benefit. J * j. ' As an illustration of what these Pills will do, Mrs. P. M. Bray of aratii Columbus, Ga., writes that she was E. very ill with kidney trouble, and want that she is now well?and that have these Pills are what cured her. are s They are very pleasant to take, der d and can in no case, produce any and i deleterious effects upon the system be s< ?as syrupy, alcoholic, liquid prep- paid. KAUFMANN DRUG CQMPAI jlifsloi i heat i JFshoe fieni 1 ^"^tar brand shoes 6001 X3iAik BETTER" Etc. Out* Giou-rv Deoai'tmer 4 fresh, reliable goods=?we Ohi S guarantee satisfaction* 0 We pay highest prices for cott ? hulls at lowest prices. Come to us Agents tor Studebaker Wagons and e Convenient wagon yard, with } ? ? OHI 1 ^ Machiner] j? Send us your MAIL C jjg OOUTEEHN QV iTES. 11 COLUMBIA, H 810-81 2-81 4-316-213 CEi HE PRICES TELL. J. B. FRITJi \\ v - .-iA Grocers, yiou _ -1 We Want the.. inylon Con Phiviti Purchase* cud See I Honey. ~'^e Ci/t i o'1' 182!? 1825 Main Stree fi,<" " i -48,000 Rolls ||| WALL f '? Lniue.-t and most varied stock ii: ^ * close, call anc ft ? YOU NEED GOOD PAINT AT 11 J > Picture Frames Made to Order j Webb's Ar >f ^ 1627iMain Street ' I cwv^-wwwww sr Agonies i Kidneys is Not Knowing the r Condition ons are apt to do. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, UT.3jJ every man and woman who. the least suspicion that they; ifflicted with kidney and bladliseases to at once write them,, a trial box of these Pills will; ?nt free by return mail, post-1 Do it to-day^ - - ?-i HY, DITRIBUTORS. ????????????w ## * JNfi t to.I V*ANSEAr & CX | carry everything in j era! Merchandise. # i 'will find our store ? 5 ?> iquarters for # hoes, clothing and is' Furnishings, Dry ds and Notions, Hats, it is always full of t y handle the best and on seed and sell meal and before you sell. * Buggies-Best on the market,. ? * ample room for stock. ^ v s" yup?LY Uo^ y, FiVfi.'S STREET. B mam 7H?/ QUALITY SELLSkY & OO., fe-tail < I r, . and Grain. O VtJ <3 yi/ i TPsi ? *n /?? ? T' ?r i Zf J *Mt 9W JL' u f rs Before The if J fake Theif * Wants and Save Ymt t, Columbia, S. C. - jr < of Select | SAFER | i the State. ?oo<!s marked ^ S I coo n? 51.15 PER GALLON. ? Cheaper than Elsewhere. ^ t Store $ - Columbia, S.-C. ^ tfWWVWWW^