The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, August 11, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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? ?? LADIES' SUIT I L sell you summer s ' AND AT TH I 5 Special offerin . I every departmen' I J1 | I ORDER BY I. \ ? ?g > PZXrOZL A2TD SCXSSOBS. , I Wayside Notes Gathered Here and y There by a Dispatch Man. J Mr. Jack doxies, of Batesburg, spent 1 Sunday in Lexington. c Miss Ada Wuliams is visiting friends and relatives in Swansea for several . <J?ya- ; t Mrs. Dr. E. P. Derrick and little i son, Homer, have returned from a t three weeks visit to relatives in Co- < * iombia. 1 Before you buy see the stock of dry ' goods and shoes*now arriving at J. S. < ,Wes9inger'a store, Chapin. The price < sells the goods. The Bazaar will continue to serve its p-trons with fresh Baker's Bread V, from the well known Riedlinger bakery Tae many friends of Mrs. Frank W. JSjhealy, wife of Lexington's popular and very efficient clerk of the court, will learn with much regret that she 8h$ is not getting along so well, hav' ing been quite indisposea for several days. 1 ^tmembtr ycti will get a good dinner atHeederBrothers 'cue at 25, 30 > and 35 dents. Mrv'Bob Leaphart is again able to be out after having been confined to his home for the past two weeks. He is one of the most popular business men in town, and his many friends Kill be delighted to know that he is himself again. Miss Caro Efird has aboat recovered from a spell of fever, much to the delight of her many friends here and elsewhere. 'Guaranteed 10 year9, ball bearing, the sewing machine that gives satisfaction, Get the price from J. S. Wesp singer. Chapin, S. C. JDr, E. P. Derrick has purchased from the Gibbes Machinery Oo,, of Colombia, a handsome Maxwell.runabout automobile. The doctor is now sailing around with the grace and e*se of a veteran chanffenr. ICvArvbodv will be at Justns Win- i gird's 'cue three miles from Lexing/ton, on next Saturday. Special ac commodations for ladies and children. WANTED?A few loads of pine (stove) wood on subscription to The Dispatch. Apply at tnis office. WANTED?Second-hand bags and burlaps; any kind; and quantity, anywhere. Richmond Bag Co., Richmond, Va. 46 There will be two ball games ut Edmund on the 14th. The Lexington depot team will play Edmund in the morning, and Irene in the afternoon. Mr. J. West Harm anof upper Hollow Creek, is very much indisposed. < He went to the Knowlton hospital a / few days ago for treatment, but the ph> sicians there assured him that he could receive treatment at home with possibly as good results, and he returned the next day. Mr. Lester Miller has returned from a visit to friends in New Brookland and Columbia. I have the best selected stock of fur - ?1 * ^ _ n /-i niture ever unioaaea at uaapui, o. u., consisting of wood and iron beds, dressers %nd washstands, lounges, safes, tables, and chairs, all makes and styles. The price makes the sale, j J. S. Wessinger. Miss Poarle Clarke is visiting Miss ] Gillette Schumperfc in ^Newberry. i Mrs. Jim Davis, of Mims, visited her annt, Mrs. B. D. Clarke, last Friday. ' Miss Pauline Hutto, a beautiful and charming young lady, of Leesvilla was ' the admired guest of Miss Ruth Clark last Friday. Mr. Darling W. Sharpe, of Pelion, ] ' has accepted the position of depot agent with the Southern railway at i Seivern. Mr. R. Wilbur Frick, of Chapin, one j Of the leading merchants of that town and a popular gentleman, spmt Satur- ; day in Lexington. j Be sure to hear Prof. John G. Clinkscales at Shull's barbecue Friday. Mr. T. S. Shuler, of Rome, Ga., who , is visiting relatives in mis county, was in town on Monday. i ? Justus Wingard's 'cue next Saturday, the 14th, will be the largest attended'cue of the season. Reasonable ] charges for dinner. Don't forget the 1 date. ] Mr. B. Heber Barre. spent several J days with friends in Newberry this ' week, having gone up from the Little Mountain reunion. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sheppard have returned from a delightful month's j visit to friends in Charleston. . Mr. S. Luther Smith, of the Fork, is 1 visiting his daughters, Mrs. G. A. 1 Derrick and Mrs. J. J. Bickley. Mr. 1 Smith is one of the most prominent < and well known men in the county, having held the position of County , Supervisor for a a number of years. ^ Mrs. Irvin Stack, of Irmo, has re- , turned home after a visit to her daugh- t ter, Mrs, Bennie Harman. j Mrs. A. R. Meefcsf, of Irmo. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. M. Harman. ^ Senator D. M. Crosson, of Leeaville, r and Representative E. C. Ridgell, of ; j Batesborg, will speak at Reeder Bros., \ ] 'cue at Edmond, on the 14th. { 5. . SPECIAI DEPARTMENT?New Sui nits, lingerie, foulard, n E SAME TIME YOU "ft ,g in Shoes, Hats, Millin t of our mammoth estat . l. n MAIL Hon. JosephL. Amick, of the Fork, J ittended the temperance rally hereon Saturday. " Capt. George C. Haltiwanger, of \ 3?llentine, was among the prominent 1 nen in attendance at the temperance c 'ally on Saturday. FOR SALE?146 acres land, known < is the Dr. Addy place, 4 miles north $ )f Leesville, 100 acreR cultivated, bal- I mce woods, comfortable dwelling, two i enant houses, all neceksary outbuild- f ngs, large creek through place, cot- J en and grain farm. W. H. Donly, jilbert, S. C. It 1 Misses Lizzie and Eloise Earhardt, Df Newberry, and Mis9 Eva Dunning, :>f Columbia, are the attractive gue9ts * Miss Iceoline Harman. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Rogers, of Gil- ( bert, R. F. D. 3, were in town shop- , ping yesterday, and while here gave us a pleasant and profitable call. I 'Miss Cecile Mitchell, a charming < young lady of Leesville, is visiting ( her uncle, Mr. Scott Hendrix. New flour just arrived, the reliable White Satin brand, every sack guaranteed. Try a barrel, at J. S. Wes- ( singer's. Chapin, S. C. Mi*. Julian P. Meetze, the popular btokkeeper of the Lexington Manu- i facturine Co.. and Saxe-Gotha cotton i mills, left on Sunday f jr a week's stay at <t enn Spriugs. "Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Dreher and Mis9 Ethel Dreher are on the Isle of Palm s for several days. Ssatk of Miss Wunaaaakot. Miss Mamie Nunnamaker, a sister of Mrs. W. D. Dent and Mrs. Emma Counts, of Lexington, died at the home of her brother in Columbia on Sunday and was buried at Irmo on Monday, with funeral services by her pastor, the Rev. W. P. Thrower. She was about 26 years of age. ; Liquor lloaey la Swatar? A special to The State from Sumter ' under Monday's date, says that it is 1 reported that several liquor houses are < sending bunches of money in that < county to be used in the interest of 1 the dispensary. ... 1 ^ . Swaaaaa Neva. i Miss Annie Geiger, of St. Matth- 1 ews, is Miss Aline Oliver's guest this week. i Miss Ellen Haigler, of Cameron, is ] visiting relatives in town. ^ < Miss Annie Knotts, of North, spent ] last week with Mjss Sallie Courtney. Miss Claudia Johnson, of Ridge < Cn?<n<* ia ho? on orfanflarl vioif 1 *0 ?V* V?.VW?.VI^V? . *O.V to her sister, Mrs. W. 0. Lybrand. Mrs. Wm. Lybrand is enjoying a visit from her daughter, Mrs. Caspar Hallman, of Batesburg. Miss Kate Pooser returned to her home in Augusta Sunday after spending last week here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brooker visited their parents a few days ago. Miss Cora Reynolds returned home last week accompanied by Miss Pearl Reynolds, of Batesburg. Mr. W. B. Haigler is in town again after his vacation spent in Cameron. Miss Eula Yon was the guest of her cousin, Miss Minnie Jotmson, last week. Miss Annie Johnson is at home again after her stay in Savannah and a Sc-t?a. * After a ten days' stay with relatives 1 here, Miss Delia Hartley left Saturday for Batesburg. Mr. James Johnson is with his parents for a visit. Mrs. W. H. Simpson and little children of Norway, spent several days at Dr. Brooker's last week. I h Dr. and Mrs. Lancford enioved a visit from their little niece, Miss Reba Langford, of Prosperity. * Mr. Lewis Langford, road commissioner, much to the gratification of people, is improving the roads in this part of the county. m Quite a number of youug people en- J joyed the sociable at Mrs. E. W. Burnett's a few evenings ago. Miss Ruth Oliver is at home, after a I visit to relatives in North. J Miss Ada Wiliiams, of Lexington, is visiting her uncle, Mr. E. W. Burnett. Mrs. W. L. Whetstone, of North, >pent several days here last week with Mrs. C. B. Dowiing. Miss Fannie Hawes, left for Brooklaud Saturday after spending the week withMra. A D. Dowiing. While here Miss Hawes rendered efficient- services c as organist during the Baptist pro-' n iraeted services. Anon. ,, Swansea, Aug. 9. _ _ 1 The Red Shirt reunion will be held S| :Q Anaerson me ^ica ana zocn instant < md will draw a large crowd from dif- lj i'erent sections of the state. Among he features will be speeches from Senator Tillman, Judge Aldrich and P jx-Governor Sheppard. si The Y. M. C. A. building for the # Dlyinpia and Granby mills, Colun bia, b was opened last night, having been completed and thoroughly furnished, mder the direction of . the president, s< Hr. Lewis W. Parker. v Governor Ansel has received an in- b ritation to join President Taft and his y >arty o.i the trip by - boat from St. ^ouis to New Orleans, leaving St. Louis October 25. The governor will tccept if he can. J l offering; .ts are coming in daily I lessaline, crown embroi rANT TO SEE THE NI ery, Underwear, Dress ilishment. n i m n/ Sefiectioas From Billy Felix. Co the Editor of The Dispatch: ( The long dry spell has been broken >y the general rains and while too | ate for early corn, much good will be lone. SupervisorLangford promised while >n the stump during the campaign to ; jive each section of the county its prorata share of the chaingang's vork. To verify that promise the rang is now working below here, near Swansea. Itain9, big meetings, prohibition and odder-pulling seem to be the order of ;he day. Billy is now a "grass-widower." He ind Mrs. Felix had a few words recently and she took part of the little >nes and hied away to visit loved rnes in the Sandam section. May Deace and happiness attend them! Deputy Sim J. Miller is not only a :error to evil doers, but an expert fox chaser as well. He went out with our local hunters recently?Messrs. C. S. " Goodwin, E. L. Pound and A. W.J Craft?and bagged three in a short while. Our wise solon9 of congress have completed the revision of the tariff bill. While some things are lower, yet there is discrimination against the south and we will not know,' financially speaking, that we are affected with lower rates. Mr. Editor, we hear much about lower taxes and especially during campaign years by the candidates. A . number of them will promise to have J taxes reduced, at the same time knowing that they cannot do it; but on the \ other hand thev are increased and. ' to a certain extent we are responsible for these higher taxes. Take, for in- ( stance, the little trouble that occurred i here in our town recently. Now, Mr. Editor, I am bitterly opposed to lawlessness as much so as any citizen in the county, but let's see. The prosecutor hies away to Lexington and Magistrate Harman issues the warrants and places them in the hands of ] Deputy Sheriff Miller for execution. The boys were kept in jail several . days and fed at the expense of>the " county. The case was finally moved to the Brookland magistrate, from there to Rish at Pelion and from there the Lord only knows where. A lot of witnesses were summoned by Mr. Miller?all at the expense of the poor taxpayer. We have a magistrate near here?at Swansea?before whom the prosecutor could have secured warrants; his deputy, Ed Martin, who is paid a salary to execute the warrants, jould have done so, thus saving we coor taxpayers a certain amount. The Sunday School convention resently held with the Sardis church, vas one of the best the writer ever attended. Big congregations, an abunlance of good things to eat, excellent speeches, good order aDd the best of larmony prevailed throughout the session. Mr. Editor, for fear I am intruding rnyour valuable space and weary the jatience of the reader, I'll close, ;I wanted to say something on prohibit )ition, but time will not permit. But et me say this, fellow citizens: when ve go to cast that vote on the 17th etus say your vote for the dispensary nay be the cause of the ruin of my >oy, but my vote will not be the cause )f the ruin of your boy. May justice tnd right prevail! Should thi9 escape the cat basket *nd Mrs. Felix returns to gladden the leart of pcor Billy, you may again tear from Billy Felix. Gaston, August 9. 0. B. STEELS low at Berley 8c Kyzer'9 old stand eadj to do all kinds of up-to-date torse shoeing, blacksmith and wheelwright work. Call to see him before ou have your work done. Sati9facion guaranteed. Prices right. The Lancaster county clerk of court eports that liens to the amount ot 471,000 have been filed in his office his year. I Penny Saved is a Penny Made. We propose to save you .30 cents and j] or the other 50 cents give you a niediine of merit and value. We take this ? lethod of calling your attention to the l time-tried and tested" Globe Tonic. P 'his wonderful remedy is a sure and ? peedy cure for indigestion, constipaiou, nervousness, stoni3ch trouble and - Iver and kidney complaint, Don't dely, bat try it now. We give free sarnies every day and sell the regular ?1 i/.e bottle for 5o cents (3 bottles for 1.25) at 143(5 Assembly Street, Columia, S. 0., and refund the money paid t not satisfactory. Your druggist will m ell it to you at the same price. Is it ,-orth while to pay more when 50cents uys the best? Think it over. It costs ou nothing to try it. J1 b< MURRAY DRUG COMPANY, j9 Wholesale Agents. b i v? } l 5 AT MIMNAUGH'S >y express. We need the room for these dery and swiss dresses and linen suits in CWEST AND LATEST COAT SUITS Goods and Silks. In fact special offerir i mm ^ a ^ i u u n ok vs CO H or Hills Have No Terrors ====== THE BR The car for the doctor, the mi man or for pleasure. The car t % every time. Write us for cat a] scription, free for the asking. GREGORY-CONDER AGENTS FOR SOUTH C/ |1t3-1115 Hampton Avenue Everything in MM?? Ill llSwBM?? i 6 \m / / Don't fail to see our line and get our prices before you ^ buy, we can save ^ you money. CAUCHMAN COLUMBIA, MONTHLY STATEMENT Dispensaries in Lexin For Month of July, ALL STOCK GIVEN AT CONSU1 Total Invoice Including Opei >ispensary. No. Location. Stock on Hand first Total Sales. Day of Month. E lexington 1 Lexington -?4,7T3 61) $1,625 21 ewiedale 2 Gilbert J.S76 *7 "1,36(5 62 eak 3 Peak -1.8U0 45 1,233 00 irookland 4 New Brook laud 3.M3 73 1,375 ID Total Slo.2<?4 74 $.>,600 02 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, > Lkxincton County. s Personally appeared K. L. Keisler, J. L. Shulera the Lexington County Dispensary Board, who b sworn, deposes and says that the foregoing stateme Sworn to subscribed before me fl G. . Our Ice Plant. j LEESVILLE C< The Lexington ice plant has been [ Offers the usual Literary Cour i operation for the past several days j Expression and Art. Noted foi oth day and night, and everj thing : healthful situation. Strong fac running smoothly since the recent expenses dt wor*t rtaies very t . earkown. j 48 L. B. HA % j new suits, and will all colors at low prices, r FALL STYLES. Lgs prevail throughout O . LUMBIA, S. C. | for the Little BRUSH r USH ail man, the business hat delivers the goods logue giving full de I MULE CO. IROLINA. - - - Columbia, S. C Buggies r BROS. - s. c. OF THE igton County * 1909. HER'S PRICES. i rating Expenses 0. , ? j t * of Bach Breakage! St<*k on Hand Last )ispensary. " "**01 MontnSlSS 74 $5 45 $3,143 03 135 11 2 bO 507 45 13-N Oi -so 3,566 60 I&s 72 1 35 2,437 19 $6*>0 58 *lu 45 $ 9,654 27 I T ud A. B Bachman members of eiug each duly and severally lit is true and correct. lis 6th day of August, 1909. 1 A. Df.kricK, Notary Public. I OLLECE, Leesville, S. C. . | ses toyouutf men and voumr women with Mns . * I positive Christian influences. Beautiful and ulty of experienced teachers. Students reduce noderate. For catalogue address iYNES, President.