The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, August 04, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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GIN SU FOR "W e can undoubtedly furr to repair and fit up you factory will sell you.- We I %/ V owners, and that price is rk ' ders for Plain and Stitched Double Leather Belts, Stitc Belt Hooks of various 1 Twine, Files, Babbett Meta Lubricat First Quality Red Sheet Packing at... Cloth Inserted Sheet Packing at Jenkins' Sheet Packing at Garlock Spiral Packing at Black Squadron Rod Packing at Tuck8, Square Packing at All Goods are Guarantee LORICK & LO1 , COLUMB Attention, Farmers Granulated Sugar 20 lbs. for $1.00. 25 lb. Sacks $1.30. Fine Coffee Boasted, 13c, 14c, 15c, 16c and up to 35c. Green Coffees, 12c, 14,16c. Green, black and mixed teas, 25c, 30c, 25c, 40c, up to 80c. Sice, all grades at special prices. See us while in town and don't forget to try our Coffee and Teas. * SOUVENIR EVERY SATURDAY. . C. 0. Kenny Company 1639 Main Street. Columbia S. C. WEAR Our special $3.50 Oxfords and know the comfort and satisfac tion that goes with wearing Oxfords that fit you right. A shape for every foot in a style that will please. Tan and Black. Ehrlich's Shoes Wear Best, Cost I<ess. EHBLICH'S, , 1643 Main St., ( AAI ||||D| A C f* 1627 Main St., ! vULUBIBIA, Oi Ui DR. HILTON'S LI FE FOB THIS Liver and Kidneys A VEGETABLE COMPOUND A pi easant invigorating medicine. Very effective in the cnre of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Habitual Constipation, and all their effects, such as nausea, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, etc. Perfectly regulates the LI V EE and corrects all disorders of the KIDNEYS. Of great benefit in female complaints. * For sale at the BAZAAR, Lexington, S. C. Wholesale by The Murray Drug Company, COLUMBIA S. C. Electric! Diuei a [ Succeed when everything else fails. I In nervo^ prostration and female | weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it it the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. IPPLIES 1909 lish your entire reauirements Xl i. r gin at price? as low as any have but one price to all gin ^ht for you. Send your or. Rubber Belt, Single and bed Canvas Belt, Lacing and :inds. Gin Bristles, Brush 1. inn Oils. " 3J 31c lb. 11c lb. 69c lb. 44c lb. 26c lb. 26c lb. id. We Want Your Orders WRANCE, INC., IA, S. C. Avery THE JEWELER 1637 Main St., Columbia, S. C. . REPAIRS WATCHES AND JEWELRY! Makes Them Good as New MEDALS AM) ; BADGES : Manufactured in Our Own ; Shops for Schools and Other Purposes. ^ 1 i AVERY, The Jeweler 1637 Main St., Columbia, S. C CHICHESTER SPILLS WAMONO /5y||^ BRAND indies j A?k your i>ruirrt*t for CHI-CHES-TER'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red and/A Gold metallic boxes, sealed with BluevOl Ribbon. Takb no other. Buy of your Draggtst and ask for CIII-CHKB-TER 8 V DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty-five years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable* SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIME Cl/ITPYUfUrRP WORTH TRIED tlLnl WnCnt TESTED Bride of Few Weeks Sees Husband Drown. G. B. Orr, attorney for the Santa Fp railroads at Atnhisnn. Fan was drowned at La Jella beach last week in 9ight of his bride of a few weeks. The 0rr9 were on their honeymoon. Orr was lying on the beach watching the breaker as they came toward him. The tide was rising and he remarked to his bride that he would lie there until the waves carried him out. A few miDutes later a breaker caught him up and carried him out to sea. He was caught up by the undertow and his body has not been recovered. Mrs. Orr is near death, The Secret of Long Life. A French scientist has discovered one ! secret of long life. His method deals j with the blood. Bat long ago millions j of Americans had proved Electric Bit- j ters prolongs life and makes it worth i j living;. It purities, enriches and vital- j i i/.es the blood, rebuilds wasted nerve i cells, imparts life and tone to the en- | tire system. Its a godsend to weak, j sick and debilitated people. "Kidney j trouble had blighted my life for I j months," writes W. M. Sherman, of ; , Gushing, Me., "but Electric Bitters ! cured me entirely." Only 50c- atKauf- ' ; mann Drug Co., Derrick Drug Store, j ' S indei Drug Store. Honestly now, isn't it a fact that j i the two beat features of a vacation ' consist of looking forward to it and I ! back at it? ! DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the ' pleasant, sate, sure, easy little liv*r pills. A salve you may alwajs depend . | upon in any case where you need salve. ! 19 DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Has-el Salve especially good for Piles Sold by , riaufmanu Drug Co. i || Woeico, ivern and tired || If from, over-work, need a || ||j tonic. That feeling el weak- U B] ness or tiredness will not 1 11 leave you of itself. Take 1 m Cardni, that effectualremedy 1 is for the ailments and weak- SI iness of women. Thousands M of women have tried Cardni R and write enthusiastically of m Its great benefit to them* fg B A recent letter from Mrs. H a Charles Bragg, of Sweetser, 1 B bnf* says: "Tongue can- B H Dot teD how much your med- B B icine has done for me. Be- B B fore I began taking Cardui I B B could not do a day's work. I fl B would work awhile and lie B B down. I shall always give B B praise to your medicine." B B fry Cardui. For sale ij everywhere. |j Moccasin on Hen's Nest. Mrs. Sallie Brown, of Indian Hill township, went out into her yard not long since to look after her hens. On a nest she saw what she took to be a Btrange looking hen?Mrs. Brown does not see well, without her glasses ?and attempted to "shoo" the hen off. The supposed hen did not like the "shooing" process and began to peck at Mrs. Brown. She went into the house and called her daughter out to run the strange hen off the nest and when the daughter arrived on the scene instead of a hen on the ne9t she found an immense highland moccasin coiled and ready for business. The wonder is the snake did not atrikeMrs. Brown when she was trying to make it get out of the nest. The snake was on the lookout for a young chick for dinner, but was despatched before he had made hi3 meal. ?Abbeville Press and Banner. Dysentery is a dangerous disease bat can be cured, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has been successfully used in nine epidemics of dysentery. It has never been known to fail. It is equally valuable for children and adults, and when reduced with water and sweetened, it is pleasant to take. Sold by All Druggists. - - Choked to Death. At Milwaukee, Wis., hi9 neck wedged between the pickets of a fence, the body of William Lenz, aged 45 years, for thirty years a coachman for August F. Gallun, a rich tanner, was found iu front of his employer's residence a few days. Lenz evidently had been strangled. The head projected between the pickets and the arms were restin-upon the fence. The knees had crumbled from under him, leaving the body suspended by the neck. The police say he probably leaned over the fence to rest a while, fell asleep and as his throat caught b< tween the pickets, slowly strangled. The beat remedy we know of in all cases of Kidney and Bladder trouble and the one we always can recommend, is DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder PilD They are antiseptic and at once assist the kidne>s to perform their important work. But when you ask for these piils be positive that you get DeWitfc's Kidney and Bladder. PilD. There are imitations placed upon sale to deceive you. Get De Witt's Insist npou them, and if your dealer cannot snpplv yon? refuse anything els^ in place cf them. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. Ton Conts Ee^rard. M. Mohlenbrook, Mayor of Campbell Hill, III., mill owner, banker and real estate man, was at Murphvsboro, II'., a few nights ago and dropped hin wallet, containing 825.000 in money and negotiable papers. Frank Wiii, a youth employed by the Mobile and Ohio railroad as coach cleaner, font d trie wallet and restored it ro Mohlenhroek, who rewarded the boy's honestv by handing him a dime. Mohe!enbrock had walked from Use train to a hotel, nearly a mile distant, and had not missed the wallet when Will called him up by telephone and notified him of finding it in a car. It' yon are all run down Foley's Kidney Pills will help you. as thev sfrenghthen the kidneys so they w^ll eliminate the impurities from the biood that depress the nerves, and cause exhaustion, backache, rheumatism, and urinary irregularities, which sap 1 he vitalry. Do not delay. Take Foley's Kirtm-v Pills at once. Sold bv all druepists and Henry Drug Store, Chapin, S. O. Dr. Boyd's Sure-Pop Colic Cure for stock, and his entire line of reliable veterii ary remedies for sale at The s . j "B20THER, FA??EW?LL!" | | : Written by Simeon Corley on the i | death and burial of a kinsman, Chris! tian, and son of Temperance, (C'apt. | Thomas Caugliman,) who died August 27, l.S-52. Republished by reque1 ! of his only surviving; sister, Mrs. Ellen C. Corley. ''Brother, farewell!" thy race is ram, And all thy labor here is doneEarth's cold clods in silence rest t Above thy noble, manly breast; Rest in peace! thy spirit lives With Him whose hand each favor gives, While we, in sadness, mourn our loss, And bear still farther on the cross. 1 When spring again shall bring her flowers, . Bathed in hnghf, e^leotial showers, f And zephyrs waft the ricn perfume In sweet profusion 'round thy tomb, We'll cull the fairest, and we'll strew Them o'erth}7 grave like morning dew While mingling prayers and fragrance ( rise, To meet thee, blest one, in the skies. . When summer's sun shall send his beams To kiss the waves of limpid streams, And warbling birds their strains re- $ peat, | Of praise to God, in accents sweet; ?i ijj We, too, will praise our God and sing -a Around thy tomb our evening hymn. When mellow fruit, and ripening jfi grain i Shall follow summer's golden train, And autumn's winds in fury sweep, From parent stems the fading leaf; And feathered minstrels wing their | flight, g Far, far away from wintry night, $ We'll plume our faith, and fly at even, | Tn maat fViact i,1 rnn a7iiro Vioaron ^ X VJ lllt/t t All J VIA UUUAV UVWV VA1? When winter palely drest shall come, J And spread her mantel o'er thy tomb, | And stay the streamlet's dancing wave^ | And bind it in an icy grave, We'll sigh 'mid desolation spread, ^ Far o'er the living and the dead? | And look, in faith, in hope and love, To Him who rules in realms above. rfi $ To free us from each earthly dream ? And burst again each frozen stream; g And send us light and warmth to bring, | That glorious, bright, unfading spring, g Which lights our pathway to the skies, And lures us upward as we rise, * .To meet thee there and find a rest Among the throng of mortals blest. % Where mortal ills shall come no more, r. Tp mar the pleasures of that shore, Where Jusus reigns?and God supreme Shall be our everlasting theme! ONE WEAK SPOT Most Lexington People Have a Weak Part and Too Often Its the Back. Everyone has a weak spot. Too often it's a bad back. Twinges follow every sudden twist. Dull aching keeps up, dajT and night. *1 ? !-- j a reus you tne aiuneys neeu neip? For backache i9 really kidney ache, A kidney cure is what you need. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys. Cure backache and urinary ills. Lexington people recommend the remedy. . Mrs.' Lena Amick, of Lexington, S. C., says: '*1 can sav that I have found Doan's Kidney Pills ro be a very good kidney remedy. I suffered a great deal from kidney complaint and [ although I used a number of remedies, I did not receive much relief. Not long ago I heard about Doan's Kidney Pills and procured a box at the Kaufmann Drug Co. Since using them I am feeling better than I have in along time the pains in my back have lesl sened and the kidney secretions are ' becoming natural. I am glad to re- " commend Doan's Kidney Pills to oth- 5 ers iu return for the benefit I have ; obtained from their use." ; For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents i Co., Buffalo, New York i sole agents for the United States. e i Remember the name?Doan's?and r 1 take no other. c Card of Thanks. To the Editor of The Dispatch: a We take this method of thanking; ^ our many friends who administered r help and comfort to us during the lust illness and death of our husband and ? father. These deeds of kindness shall ( 1 ever remain gretn in our memories. j We ask God to bless them and us. ) Mrs. Martha F. Hope and family. -o When the digestion is ail right, the action of eke b./iwls regular, tuere is a ii natural craving and relish fur food, a When this i< lacking you may know f that you need a dose ot Chamberlain's $ Stomach and Liver Tablets. They v strengthen the digestive organs, im t prove tive appetite and regulates the _ bowels. Sold by All Druggists. i r m i T i. > It has been a mng time since we j met an old gentleman who wore a j cabbage leaf in his hat tb ward oil ! ! sunstroke. ' ^ - - I - ' 1 ~ <4.1. some men tnias uiev art- uusiciwu because they have something they do i not want. i In buying a cough mediciue, don't be afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it, and relief is sure to follow. Especially ! recommended for coughs, colds and f whooping coughs. Sold by All Drugi gists, Does not Color the 1 S AVER'S HAIR VIGOR h Stops FaSSing Hair Ara Oegant Dn Destroys Dandruff Makes Hair Composed of Sulphur, Glycerin, Quinin, Sodium Chlorid, Capsicum,! Water, Perfume. Ask ycur doctor his opinion of such a hau AYER'S 81 AIR VIGOR Does not Color the I COLUMBIA GROCERY PHE STORE THAT SELLS FOR CASHRETAIL AT WH0LESA1 ;!our. Bacon, Lard and Sugar our We carry evevything in the Grocery line, i chief aim is to please. Try us before you ! you will be convinced. ... Corner Plain and Assembly Streets, nea COLUMBIA, : : S. C. i ITHF R. I. RRYAN * ??U 111 EUW &#1E 1 All 1 j The leading Booksellers I Stationers. Are State Ag I for all School Books. 1 j them in their two large si j when in Columbia. Two Stores on Main Street, | COLUMBIA, I a a BROWN & 81 1730 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. ;tj Is where you can find one of the best sto "^PAINTS" OF ALL KINDS DOORS, SASH, BLINDS & GLj | LIME AND CEMEN: | CABINET MANTL] |j Call or write for Prices. South Carolina Military Academy, SOUTHERN RA Scholarship Examination One vacant beneficiary scholarship SCHEDULE EFFECT n the South Carolina Military Acad- 3 These schedi >niy exists in Lexington county. the time that trains ma Applicants must be between the ages ; arrive and depart, but >f 16 and 20 \ears of ape, phvsically ; are not guaranteed, iuaiified lor military seixice, of good ni?Piptupvc noral character, and unable to bear | UiSTAiil LKLb i?KOi heir expenses at college. The sub- j NORTHBOl ects for the competitive examination | 10:1S A. M.?No. 8, da ire United States History, English | and intermediale i "" T"4 />? 1 .1.; .. ? c ti am mar, ffwiipinc ucuf;io^n;, I aL, v.{jiumui.<i ior c Arithmetic. and Algebra Throquadrat- Asheville. Parlor < e Equations. * j bia to Asheville. Applicants filled nut by parents or bia 10:o0 a. m., S ruardians must be forwarded to the P- hi., Asheville i>: Citadel not later than July 28th. For 6:o."> p. M.?No. 1J(>, d lanks or further information, addres bia. Washington a iol. O. J. Bond, Supt. Citadel, Char- connects at Coin: sston, S. C. ville. Through P ? - ... . _. __ (.ar ^ Xew York. Sewing 3?ac2lilies. ingcar Columbia! T. . ,r . , . rive Columbia , 3 The Davis Lnique and otner new ington 10-h? a mproved drop head machines; nicely j 5;<M) p m ' nished in oak; easy running and per- j " ' c/vrrtru eot sewing; fully guaranteed; for | oUOlnBUI ale at factory prices for cash, or oil j 7:28 A. M.?Xo. 121). da asy payments, at The Bazaar. and intermediate f Rice B. Harman ; Augusta 10:10 a n j oAi P. M.?Xo. 7. dai I itnd intermediate bbeiihm ? ! ii mil I Augusta Sp. m SC?LLtheCOUCH | Summer excursion l AND CURE THE LUNCS sale For further info. *nu vvnk ? ticket agents, or ? ~ " C. H. Ackerf, V. P. ? .11m Vinjv a ingtoii. D. C. W. II 1 WITH i_lfm HmK S Washington, D. 0. .T. HE Wl?6 ** P. A., Atlanta.JGa. W New Discovery FOR r*OUCHS Fishing Ti Ull ^^OLDS Trial Bottle Free This is fishing tin AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. Bazaar you will fiiid GUARANTEED SATI3FACTOBE "con^to us OR MONEY REFUNDED. aua Unes* UOmt t0 us lair | essing 5 Grow | Sage, Alcohol, j preparation, j ? P HQHS2Fi!<SB?3CH3Cmi^ co7, uE PRICES. Specialties and our buy and a i r Market, co, i it it it it it it it and I w fents | Visit I ;ores I u s i itii W $ v m> & * $ S. C. ? $e$$ee$@e^ ?A^A/WWW 10, f Ci fj: cks of jl| ASS r. ES. ILWAY CO IYE JUKE 20. lie figures show iy be expected to the times stated I LEXINGTON. UND. ily for Columbia joints connecting Spartanburg and safe car ColumArrive Columpartanburg 5:15 15 p. m. aily for Colum,nd the East also mbia for Aslieullniiin sleeping: Pullman sieepo Asheville. Aril p. m.. Washin., New York JND. ily for Augusta points. Arrive i. Pullman ear. ily for Augusta points. Arrive iekets now on mation call 011 cG. M., Wash,av]oe, G. P. A., L. Meek. A. G. '. E. McGee, T. ickle. ie and at The a full line of 3les, bobs, hooks for your tackle. The Bazaar