* J" 1 IH I Special bargains in Pants, Children's and M Ladies' Furnishings. This is the great* 1 ORDER BY r> vdhmmhhhmhmbhmhhhhbhhbhm PENCIL AND SCISSOBS. Waytide Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Mr. W. K. Stringer, a prominent real estate man of Belton, was the gaest of Maj. John Wilson Butler for aereral days last week. Mrs. W. H. Bickley and Miss Jennie Bickley spent Thiftsaay iu Colombia. I Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Oswald spent Sunday at Barr. 1 Mrs. E. B. Roof and children have Teturned from a pleasant visit to relatives and friends in Columbia and Chapin. Mrs. J. S. Wessinger and children, of Chapin, are the guests of relatives here. Miss Pearle Karman has returned to her home in Columbia after an extended visit to friends and relatives here. Miss Wilhilruena Harman the lovely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Har*an of Chapin is visiting Miss Hattie "* Seay and other relatives in town. Mr. Jas. E. Dunbar .and son, of Black creek, were in town Saturday. The latter closed out a lot of cotton at j K cents. Mr. E. H. Rawl, of the Branchville Journal, spent Sunday with his parents at LeesvilJe. Let every citizen in Lexington at- j >.f tend the waterworks and electric light 1 ?eeting in Roof's hall next Friday ] night. The committee will make its report on cost of construction, etc. Don't forget the waterworks and electric light meeting in Roof's hall next Friday night. Every citizen in Lexington should j attend the public meeting in Roof's i hall next Friday night. Miss Rosa Forde, of Colombia, has returned to her home after a most de- ' lightful Visit to her friend, Miss Mary Graham. 1 Mrs. Jas. E. Hendrix has returned i from an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. froi. ?. J. JL?erncK in i^ewocrr^. * Miss Rubye Mafchis. an attract! ye * young lady of Cresaent City, Fla., is 1 the much admired guest of her charming friend, Miss Mary Graham. Mr. J. Waiter Stuart, the handsome son of Mr. John M. Stuart, of Colombia, has returned home after a delightful visit to hie aunts, the Misses Stuart. Mrs. T. E. Campbell is in the Columbia Hospital where she underwent * a serious operation a week ago. Her friends will be glad to learn of her improvement. Editor C. H. Bailey, of the Johnston Hews-Monitor, was in town last Thursday. Mr. Bailey is a pleasant gentleman and is mailing a success of the Johnston paper. Mr. J. J. Kyzer, a prosperous farmer \ residing on Brookland R. F. D. 2, was in town Friday and kindly renewed for his paper. Tir ann Mrs. P. H Shealv left on , Sunday for Glenn Springs to attend the annual meeting of the State Dental Association. Dr. Shealy is corresponding secretary of the association and Dr. E. J. Etheredge, of Leesville, is the president. Mrs. S. O. Kaminer, of Cliftou, has returned to her home after a visit to her sister, Mrs. G. T. Graham. Miss Annie Sarah Griffith, of Edmonds, was the guest of Miss Mary Graham on Sunday. Misses Mary Graham and Rubye Mathis spent Monday in Columbia. * Misses Pearl and Ruth Clarke are on a visit to Miss Mary Aaron, in Columbia. The many friends of Mr. Van M. ?-Wingard will be sorry to learn that lie ' is confined to the bed with typhoid fever. Mr. and Mr?. John C. Shepherd left on Monday for an extended visit to friends in Charleston. # Mr. and Mrs. G. ?T. Graham attended the burial of their nephew, Mr. Will Rudd. at Greenwood, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Chapman, of Peak, have returned home after a de x x _ -i r ur:ii!^ o ilghtlUi V19H 10 .Jirs. wiine owygeri>. Mr. H. Steele, the popular merchant . and naval store dealer of Ethan, was in town on Monday. Everybody should attend his barbecue 011 the third Saturday in July. See his announcement elsewhere. Mr. Fred llerndon left on Sunday for Little Mountain, where he has a contract to paint the handsome cottage of Mr. A. K. Shealy. manager of the - Little Mountain Oif Mill. Mr. John 0. Blake, of The Dispatch, has returned from a delightful trip through the Mountains of North Carolina. Mr. Blake is one of the most popular and trusted employers The Dispatch has ever had and his many friends are glai to see him at his post again. Miss Ethel DeMadieis. of Aiken, is the charming guest of Miss Mary Gra ham. 13 t?c'!? . ?:! .> v. rs the first of our ior?-d 1; ieiiov to d cotton bloom t > this o: :e*\ n eins* nd, however, w iw n * if* > < (.hi V?*ci.-both industrious farmers. MNAUG the Suit Department Jumper [isses' Gowns, ladies'.Chemises ist opportunity- to buy seasonal . L. I MAIL Miss Nell Crosby, of Augusta, is the guest of relatives and friends here. The best berbecue of the season will be that of Burgess, Rish & Gunter, at Steadman, on Saturday, July 31. Besides an interesting game of ball, there will doubtless be a number of speakers present. Steedman is an ideal place for a cue and all who attend will have a delightful time and a fine dinner. Don't forget the date, Saturday, July 31. Mr. George A. Kaminer and his son Mr. W. 0. Kaminer are* spending sometime at Glenn SpriDgs. Mrs. Joanna Earhardt returned to her home in Columbia on Monday, after spending several weeks with her brothers, G. M. and M. D. Harman, their families, and friends here. There will be communion services j at Nazareth next Sunday, at 11 a. m. Rushton Sas Returned. | B. F. Rushton, the young white con! vict who escaDed so mysteriously from I the chaingang about two weeks ago ! just before a heavy rain and tkunder| storm, returned to camp"last Thursday : to serve out the remainder of his sentence of eight months for forgery, after spending a week with his wife and children near Saluda. Rush ton told Capt. Mack upon his return that he was just obligea to see his family j and that he made no attempt to go | further than his home. He said he ! cut his shackles with the axe he carj ried off with him presumably to get wood, and that he wore a" suit of clothes belonging to one of the negroes. Whan he left he was the cook and a "trusty," but is now shoveling dirt along with the other convicts, j Capt. Mack being of the opinion that Rushton might want to make another ! visit to his family soon. ! With the return of Rush ton, this leaves only two men to escape from the gang under the new management, and both of them were "trusties," haying only a few more months to ! serve. ? Jffsrry Fishing Party. A merry party of our young people left town last Wednesday afternoon bound for Barre's lower mill, there to enjoy a fish-fry. The late afternoon and early evening were spent in fishing; then followed the "fry" proper. All those who went report a very pleasant trip. Among those of the party we note: Misses Jennie Bass Brown, Rosa Ranch, Ernestine Barre, Pearle Clarke, Mary and Katie Belle Caughman, and Lucye Daniel Wingard; Messrs. Heber Barre, Cyrus L. Shealy, Gus "Barre, Frank Wingard, and Wadsworth and William Neelev. At The Grand. The Wills Musical Comecty Co., at The Grand theatre in Columbia this week-is one of the finest attractions on the road and is making a decided hit with Columbia theatre goers. The program at The Grand for this week surpasses all previous efforts, and the management is being warmly congratulated. You should attend the performances at The Grand this week. * School Trustees. To the County Supt. of Education. Dear Sir:?I send you, herewith, a copy of the Attorney General's opinion as to the appointment of school trustees. Section 1210 of the code was amended in 1003, 1901, and 1905, and the contradictions in the several amendments could not be harmonised without this ruling. In consequence of this opinion, there will be no appointment of school trustees this year except in case of vacancies by resignation, death or some Atbor / ?onuo VIU^4 lours vcspectfull}'. J. E. Swearingen. State Supt. of Education. ^ The Lyric. The Lyric, the Home of Polite Vaudeville in Columbia, has an excellent program for this week. There is no more popular playhouse in the city and the crowds continue to increase. Large, cool room with electric fans, mgkes this theatre comfortable the year around. The management of The Lyric is always catering to the best that's going, and the attractions this week are up to the usual high I standard of excellency. { List of ietters remaining uncalled I for in this office for the week ending j June 28, 1809. Gentlemen?Willie Jones. Ladies?Miss 0. Hutch ins. i These letters will be sent to the ! dead letter office July 12. 1909, if not j delivered before. In calling for the i above, please say advertised, giving i date of list. S. J. LeaniKu t, P. M. i * Farmers Union. i The Lexington County Fanners j Union will hold its :?rd ?jr.arteriy nicet! ing the 2d Saturday in July, it being ' the 10th day of the- month. 1909. The ! meeting to be held with Oakville j Local. Locals please be prompt and send in nnoo ond 11 ua /trpdnnti olc UUtv C*JJV* n-v* V .11 C. W. Snvih. County Seoi vtary ar.d T/t-ar. j Jaue !ir>, 1909. Oiiu;vn, S. C. H ' S S P E Suits, Children's Dresses, Kimona 5, Ladies' Pants, Ladies' Gowns, M )les merchandise ever offered the VI I M N/ Banks Will Close. July 4th coming on Sunday, the Home National Bark ami the Lexington Savings Bank will observe Monday, July 5th, as holiday. NOTICE I will Can for the public on Tuesday and Friday in every week until further notide. J. D. McCarthy, ltp Lexington, S. C., R. F. D. 5. No. 9296. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE HOME NATIONAL BANK OF LEXINGTON, AT LEXINGTON. S. C., IN THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, j AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, JUNE 211, 190). KESOVKCES. Loans and Discounts $74,40122 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured . 1,014 78 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 2.7,000 00 i Premiums on U. S. Bonds 1,030' CO j Banking house, Furniture, and Fixtures 5,(500 00 ! Other Real Kstate Owned.. 1,400 00 ! Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 514 40 j Due from approved Reserve Agents 7,615 53 Checks and other Cash Items 972 60 Notes of other National Banks 405 00 -> Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels, and Cents 17 21 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie 1*190 00 Legal-tender notes 8,*138 00 L Redemption Fund with U. . S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) 1,250 00 j Total $123,slfe 74 L LIABILITIES. ' ' E Capital stock paid iu $25,000 00 ^ Undivided Profits, less Expenses and Taxes paid ... 2,169 04 p National Bank notes out- p standing 25,000 00 Individual Deposits sub- p. ject to check 61,562 90 q Cashier's Checks outstand- ? iug 7180 q Bills payable, including certificates of Deposit for money borrowed 10,(KM) 00 Total $123,808 74 C ?? S State of South Carolina, County of.Lex- L ington, ss: I, Alfred J. Fox, cashier of the abovenamed bank, do solemnly swear , that E the above statement is true to the, best of my knowledge and belief. Ii ALFRED J. FOX, Cashier. S Subscribed and sworn to before ine C this 23rd day of June, 1909. IS W. D. DENT, Notary Public S. 0. E Correct?Attest: JAS. J. WINGARD, SAMUEL B. GEORGE, JULIAN E. KAUFMANN, Directors. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION (V OF THE f d BANK OF SWANSEA, ' f< Located at Swansea, S C., at the close s of business Juue 23, 11)09. llESOrilCES. Loans and Discounts *29,383 TO Overdrafts 1,184 00 Banking House 2,232 84 Furniture and Fixtures 1 ,527 00 Other Real Estate 289 CO Due from Banks and Trust Companies 49 Currency 780 00 ,1J (A AA UIWU -t" \i\' y Silver and Other Coin 2 00 p ~:?:? o Jural S'l < :{ j I.I A HITJTI OS. y Capital Stoek Paid in *10,000 00 v | Surplus Fund " :?0i 04 ^ Undivided Profits, less Cur- ; ^ j rpiit Expenses and Taxes j ? Paid 4o 1 1"? i v j Duo to Banks and Trust ,, i Companies ' j p i Individual Deposits sub-jeer I toClo'ck l-J.o:!") 72 j s, j Savings Deposits..., 7*2 | p ' Bills payab e. ineluding I p i oertifieate.-.f??r inonev bor...... 1 rowed Id.not) no Tor;sl 1 >-i ! S'i atic <>k sorm cakomna. > t Countr t?1 Lexington. \ j Before nit- came B. K. Craft. Caslii- v 1 ol' the above named bank, who, beinjt 1 j duly sworn, says that the above and ; fori ^oiiifj statement is a true condition " of said bank, as shown bv the books of j ! said bank. B. K* CRAFT, ' T j Sworn to and subscribed before me, ; j this day of dune. I'JO!). . I F. W. Burnet . ?L. S. i Notary Bublie. S. C. ? | Correct Attest: ! W. H. Win. * i ! i. jj. >. ! I. V. Jiurvr,. | j ;v(^, I i C I A L BARG s, Ladies' Skirts, Children's Skirts, Muslin Undei [illinery, Gloves, Faus, Hose, White Shirtwaist, Sh buying public. Come today, come tomorrow, coi lUGH & i ( Everything ii Don't fail to see our tine and get our prices before you buy, we can save you money. CAUGHMAft STATEMENT OF CONDITION [ STATEMENT OF THE OF THE of the EXINGTON SAVINGS BANK, bank OF CB Located at Lexiiigtou, S. C. LOCATED AT CHAPII* U the close of business June #>, 1909. THE CLOSE OF B resources. JUNE 21, ID ........ -tisii on? sift i ... luhun antl yl'Ti^.M <.-?-/ j emand Loans 35,834 24 Resources overdrafts (>,104 01 j , n.. AH . <)iids and Stocks owned by { Loans and Di&connts the Bank ?,:00 00 j Overdrafts^ urniture and Fixtures 2,71)0 7* Banking House. ?ue from Banks and Trust * J 1!?? f"d Fl*tu 8-.. Companies 15,869 76 Dther Real Estate....... urrencv 1,148 00 Due from Banks and Truf old. 152 50 Companies ilver, and other Coin 290 Dl Currency hecks and Cash Items 2,179 90 Cold ........ Silver and other Coin... Total $230,104 04 Checks and Cash Items.. Expense liabilities. r apital stock paid in $10,000 00 Total nrplus Fund.............. 10,000 00 Liabilities. ludivided Profits, less Cur- , rent Expenses and Taxes Capital ^ took paid m - ; pairt 1 10,195 55 Individual deposits subjei ue to Banks and Trust to check. Companies 470 70 , Savings deposits ...... ndividuai Deposits Subject certificatos of deposi toCheck 51.073 19 Caidner s Check. avings Deposits 161,307 55 Bills payable, including ce ashler's Checks 391 05 tificates for money bo: totes and Bills Rediscount- rowed. , ed 5,000 00 tills payable, including .. H v Certifioa.es for money State of Sonth Carolina, borrowed l.OOO CO County of I^mgton Before me came J. r T . 1 .*250.104 04 Cashier of the aboye nam ? c V n r, vr tv- . being duly sworn, says tl State of South Cakoli. , and foregoing statement County of LexmgoiL dition of said bank, as a Before me mmeW; books of said bank. r tne aoove nauien. utua, wnu, uuu^ ulv sworn, says that the above and c ^ ! m^oinjj statement is a true condition .. f ?"1 *? au7 Pi Sworu to and subscribed before me, vyorrect ^ Attest ais 28th dav of June, 1909. . j. o. yvkssinger, R. D. Smith, (L. S.) ?. Bomwox, Notary Public for S. C. i W' B- Williams. j Directors. . BARBECU Barbecue. I will furnish a first c I will furnish my annual barbecue and refrosl.ments at Eth; ltli refreshments, at my place, on lie Southern railway, one mile from Saturday, July l?rh. My rilbert, (Hayes, S. C.,) on Saturday, and the public generally fi Uiv i'4tn. CiVeryooay cortuanv in-j come ana speiia an enjovs ited to artend. Special attention j meats wm plmmA b till bo driven niches and enildren, and ' ^ . cod order maintained. All passenger r'le known eui9f. rains \vi!j stop to take on and off ! 1] assengors for the 'cue. The dinner I -?? ? ;iii be ( v.oked by one of the best ; ueist. Music-, wiil be furnished by a ! B%rb2CTL3 at Sb.< and. Prominent speakers will be j r>? resent to address you on the dispen- j The members ot the b ary and prohibition issue*. The Co- niittee will furnish a jmbia Photographer man will be on Abandon Pavilion, Colun and to tak" v.?er r-iffu-M. _ K ..oHr 4\VoN lOOB HAVKS. >' 1,)J' u,} tlu- b*nefiT i MetliodDt church. ' j Dinner from 12:MO to :> Jniversity of ?cv.th Carolina j ilckeLS "n'* {, x Schools of arts ?eiencc\ education, j F<).. tho Committee. .1 w, engineering and gradual'studies. : Ten different courses leading to tiie ' -tj. rt j CiwUw. egrees of A. B. ; il l B. S. i College fee-, room and IigMs. sot!. | Me v. ill furnish ?i hr?t [oard ?12 per monf.. Ti iti-?n remit- t:uu ilt Stwdman, S. C? , . . , i ,)ul\* Ml. li'Ott. All who v cd m suecial cases. - Forty-two scholar diii s oae 1 worth | a ?00fl s,1(-uk? a.. 100 in cash and fr -o t, hion. j ^*511 he il &ame of ball For catalogue address, i Batesburg nine ar.d tl C r n -r- -j ^ ' K:isti m*-. i.'ome OHP ! C S. I. Mite ieJ], President, j i.i<\ Colin.1, ii, S. C, j i A INS | J -wear, Corset Covers, Children's oes for men, women, and children, ne everyday. CO. COLUMBIA, S. C. n Buggies, ^ . - * " ~ I BROS. \ \* .?? - CONDITIO* 1,686 15 1,469 00 THE SHOE FITS PUT IT OH * ; 418 52 <-*or sb06? always fit if you will only 8 00 allow us to fit you. Unless you insist 642 04 upon buying footwear that is too small, $30 224 62 We ^ y?u snoes that will look, flit and wear well at a price just high I 8 900 00 enot,?k to umure good quality, yet low . 2t ' enough to be attractive. 9,480S? T. H. WILLIAMS, it 8,025 20 88 72 Lexington, S. C. ? l r- = 2,000 oo STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION ^ L-i " ? OF the $80,224 62 BROOKLAND BANK, '* i Located at New Brookland, S. C., . 5 Honeyuutt, ?^>fle ?* business June 23, 1909. ed bank,who, / resources. tat the above Loans and Discounts $15,691 28 is s true oca* .Qvertiftfto. 450 78 bown by the Banking Hoaae 3,650 00 j.. PmbHto and Fixtures ... 1,750 00 Tonetcuit. Dne froet Bahks and Trust d before me, Companies 3,650 70 ^ ' 0/?0 A/\ ;i. ooo w ublic for S. 0. SUw, other Coin 437 91 Ofcftoijand Cash Items 110 63 .Jbgfaid * 754 27 Total.;;.,, > $27,368 57 liabilities. ? Capital Stock paid in $7,170 00 ? Doe to Banks and Trust Jk. Companies 246 07 las* barbecue DePosirs subject to q y-? Check. .........: 9,787 45 an, k.. Kj., on pepo?$s 7,528 77 many friends Timef Certificates of Deposit. 626 28 aJ ire invited to Notes and feiils Rediscounted 2,000 00 I ible day. The , , ~ .._0 71 T 1, Total $27,3a8 o7 ? '* or' State of South Cakolixa, t Connty of Lexington. \ [. STEELE, i Before me came L. S. Trotti, presi. | dent of the above named bank who, being i duly sworn, says that the above and an&Oa. j foTegoihg statement is a true condition I of said bank, as shown bv the books of uildiog com- ! ^ liauk. barbecue- at 1 T.. S. TROTTI. President. ,i i Siwurri tn ?nb??*vilmf.-ir.. tvio Lwjui., on ,jui\ , ^v., , - t