C' Meet Me At Tai ?/ ' - . ... - V - &: "V/ Last W - : ' ' v: It- . ... r?:. ; vThis has been th i- *' have taken advantaj fes as well, and in this t remams three more < 11k ' you ''Make hay whil fife- ; | passes into the mist i MILLINI (READYaT0-WEARS 4 rie, Big line of Wash Skirt9, special, at ? $1.19, $1.98 and up to $2.48. Wash Jumper Dresses in colors, guar- I 4 anteed to wash, special, each $3.19 gg^ fNice line of Tailored Coat Suits, special, the $15.00 ones at $11.95 Pri* Silk Petticoats in all the new colors, I!?- special $3.98 We are offering a very pretty White Lingerie Dress, trimmed in tucks and 36lace insertion set in waist and skirt, vahn well made, splendid fitting, at, each 36* $10.00. 11-75 Another attractive White Lingerie yard Dress, Lace Insertions, panel effect and 36well made, we are offering at $7.50 valu< :4;;- Other styles at $4.98, $6.57, $7.50 and j 27$10.00. j End Silk Mull One-piece Dresses, trim- 27med in Lace with Persian bands, ele- teed' ' gantlymade, at, each $7.50 End! 97 ff j waist Boys' Wash Suits. 24-j Get your boy a Wash Suit, We sell most them more economically than you can re8u^ price make them and then there is no trouble or worry in the making. We have them in all sizes and in all colors and stripes at, the suit . 75c to $1.98 ^ Children's "Midget" Play Suits, better than Rompers; made of good quality chambray in blue, pink and tan. cover Ages 1 to 6 years. Special price, the Great li suit 50e Musli I . 1x51 dren* gg %-l. - Parasols. derst espec Having only a few ladies' and chil-1 great (dren's colored Parasoh left, we are garm cleaning 9ame ont at greatly reduced ^X)1 prices. 111611 ^ set ( Jnst received: A shipment of ladies' unsu Umbrellas, 26-inch, all steel frames, Emb: American Taffeta covers; Mill ,-JSnd j Loi Sale price, while they last $1.00 | womi One lot Ladies' Uipbrellas, steel j ers' '* ..... frames, Gloiia Silk covtrs; Mill End j ^m] Sale prices, each $1.48, $1.98, *2.50 and j finjg} Sp I up to $12.50. garm fc; m: ? Be. r * rest I ' life, | 1642 to 1646 Mi Dp's 'eek of e greatest and most ge of the opportunity hey have shown th< lays in which to su] e the sun shines?" of forgetfulness? 0 ERY ow is the most advantage time to buy millinery are showing some ext nely beautiful hats at the it tempting prices ever red here. "Gage" hats, i of our own make, and a it attractive new line of dren's hats are on sale at es that are bound to le quick sales. The choice lels will go first. Come y7-inch Mercerized Linga50c quality, special Mill 1 Sale price, yard 36c 7-innh Mprrpri7^H T.incrarie. . , quality, Mill End Sale ;e, the yard 45c . Silk Department -inch Black Taffeta, regular $1.25 g; Mill End Sale price, yard $1.00 inch Black Peau de Soie, regular value; Mill End Sale price, per $1.3o inch Habutal Silk, regular 85c j; Mill End Sale price, yard 75c inch China Silk in all colors, Mill Sale price, per yard 47* inch Black Oriental Silk, guaran waterproof and spot proof; Mill Sale.price, per yard 85c inch Black Liberty Crepe for shirt; suits; Mill End Sale price 85c inch Black Peau de Crepe, the suited for mourning purposes, lar $1.25 values; Mill End Sale per yard $1.00 r ndergarment Specials. ; 1.?This lot consists of some won1 values in Children's Drawers, ren'9 Bodies and women's corset s. Made of excellent material, test bargain ever offered at Tapp's in sale. Each garment 10c ; 2.?Children's Drawers, chil s Drawers Bodies, children's Un:irts, women's corset covers. An ially attractive assortment and bargains, Special sale price, the ent 15c ;3.?Great-03. bargains in Wos gowns, women's Drawers, cor;overs and underskirts. Quality rpassed. Trimmed in Laee and roidery, all swes. Each 25c r 4.?Big attractive assortment of en's Gowns, Drawers, Corset Covmd long Underskirts. These unirments are attractive, beautifully ned, tucked and ruffled and highly led in Embroide.v and Laces. The ent 50c i rHE JAI ain St, MILL END SA the Ore ? ; successful of all the 7 to supply not only 1 sir thrift and forethoi * pply your needs at th Will you be here befi ome, ana coma aariy. WASH FABRICS The American Wa9h Fabrics ard lengthy comment from us. These \j^. are the wash fabrics that look like silk and wear twice as well, retaining their silken lustre after many washings. Come and see the hundreds of new and pretty designs we have in these remarkable goods and don't tail to notice that the most remarkable thing about them is the price. 27-inch American Printing Co. Wash Fabrics in foulard and pongee silk styles, / fancy figures, checks and stripes; special Mill End Sale price, yard^^ 36-inch best Sea Island Percales, in Negligee styles, 12 l-2c and 15c values, special Mill End Saie price, yard 11 l-2c The old reliable Amoskeag Apron Ginghams, Mill End Sale price, the yard * 7 l-2c A swell line of 36-inch Curtain Swiss in dots and fancy figures, special Mill End Sale price, the yard 12 l-2c 36-inch Beach Suiting and Linene solid colors aud white, plain and bordered, special Mill End Sale price, the yard 10c 34-inch colored Lawns and Organdies, special Mill End Sale price 10c One lot of 15c and 25c colored Madras for Shirtwaists and Suits, special Mill End Sale price, the yard 10c 32-inch black India Linen, guaranteed fast black, the 25c quality, special Mill End Sale price, the yard 19c 34-inch colored Cretene for Curtains, upholstery and drapery, the 12 l-2c quality, special Mill End Sale price, the yard -fnrp 9c Staple apron 'Ginghams, all colors, special Mill End Sale price, yard 5c 27-inch figured Batiste and Orgrndies, 8 1-Sc quality, special Mill End Sale price, the yard 5c 36-inch fine white checked and striped Madras for Negligee Waists and Shirts, the 40c quality, special Mill End Sale price, the yard 33o 45x36 deephemed Pillow Cases, regular 15c value, special -Mill End Sale price, the case 10c 45x36 inch hemstitched, high grade ? ? -n i Pillow Cases, special Min j&na oaie price, the case 12 l-2c One lot of 27-incli colored Lawns, special Mill End Sale price, while they last, the yard . 2 l-2c Long Silk Gloves, black and white, Mill End Sale price 79c pair. Ladies' black, white and colored silk glomes, 50c and 75c pair. White and colored Lisle Thread Gloves, 20c, 50c and 75c pair. Splendid assortment of Lace "Dutch" Collars, Mill End Sale price 29c to oo U ^i.OO CtMJil. Children's white and black Ribbed Hose, 25c quality. Mill End Sale price Joe pair. Black Hose for ladies, 15c quality, Mill End Sale price. 10c pair. Children's black; tan and pink socks, 15c, two pair for 25c. Fine Silk Ribbons, white and colors, 4 inches wide. Mill End Sale price l*e yard. VIES L. 1 MAILORDERS iLE - - Me ^4 MilI.Ei FM1 IVIIII HI 4'Mill-End" Sales ever their present needs, but tl ight, for truly this sale is: Lese remarkable '"Mill Enc ore this?the greatest of a * j Silk Moire Ribbons, full 6 inches wide, hlack. Dink, white, brown, vel low and sky, Mill End Sale price, 39c yard. "Cadet" Hose for ladies and children, black and tan. Every pair fully guaranteed, price 25c pair, j "Buster Brown" Hose for boys and j girls, Mill End Sale price, 19c pair, f Splendid fancy Hose for ladies, 19c pair. Fine Embroideries, edges and insertions, Mill End Sale price, 10c yard. Corset Cover Embroidery, full 13 and 20 inches wide. Mill End Sale price 15c and 19c yard. Fine Embroidery flouncing, 50c quality, Mill End Sale price 30c yard. Ladies' Gauze Vests, 3 for 25c. Ladies' Gauze Pants, Mill End Sale price 23c and 48c. Ladies' Gauze Vests, high neck and long sleeves, Mill End Sale price 19c and 48c. Infant's Gauze Ribbed Vests, Mill i End Sale price 19c each. 30-inch, 10c and 12 l-2c ! India Linens, fine quality, special Mill End Sale price, the yard 7 l-2c 30-inch Sun Blacked India Linen, smooth and fine, regular 19 1 -9r rmalitv. snecial ? - ? n j , ~r Mill End Sale price for Monday, the yard 6c 47-inch Sun Blacked Persian Lawn, very fine and sheer, 25c quality, limit 8 yards to each buyer, special Mill End Sale price for Monday, the yard 12 l-2c Fancy Waists. White Lingerie Waists trimmed in lace and embroidery, all especiaUy priced for this occasion. Many worth double, at each 97c Swell fitting Tailored Waists, special each $1.68 and $1.98 White Lingerie Waists trimmed in tucks, lace and embroidery; splendid and unusual values, at each $2.48 and $2.98. The finest pare Linen Tailored Waists, trimmed in lace, very special at $3.50 Fancy Lace Waists at $3.98, $4.98 and up to $9.98. Each one an unusual value at the price. Full 81x90 Crocket Quilts, Marseilles patterns, $1.50 kind, special Mill End Sale i nr . price, eacn t7oc Full 81x90 heavy quality, deep hemed Sheets, the 85c kind, special Mill End Sale price, the Sheet 69c 72x90 Linen finish, deep hemed Sheets, the 50c kino, special Mill End Sale price for Monday, the sheet 38c 1847 Rogers Bros.' Silverware. 1S47 Rogers Bros.' Silverware is in the special Mill End Sale. Every article fully guaranteed. 1 c i T R/\(vori! T3rno ' TTniroe and Fnrts I J Oil AJJL \J&. IXU* I VW MMV* ? V* ? 12 dwt., worth $5, special Mill End Sale price, six knives and six forks $3.50 1847 Rogers Bros.' Tea Spoons, set of six, for $1.19 1847 Rogers Bros.' Table Spoons, set of six $2.3-S 1847 Rogers Bros.' Butter Knives, each 49c 1847 Rogers Bros.' Sugar Shells, each > 49c Now is the time to supply jour wants ' with 1S47 Rogers Bros.' Silverware. rADD rn. i nr ; ww>: 5 FILLED. et Me At Tapp's rid Sale held here; hundreds le needs of the future an innovation. There i" Sale prices. Will ,11 "Mill End" Sales? 4 t . ' ' f 1 uinni nocce cftnnc niiMb uiibgg gguug 36-inch White Wool Batiste, regular 60c quality; Mill End Sale price, per yard 48c 36 inch White Mohair, regular 60c value; Mill End Sale price, per yard 48c 36-inch Wool Batiste in all the new spring shades, regular 60c value; Mill End Sale price 48c 52-inch Wool Panama in black, navy, brown, grey and tan, regular 75c value; Mill End Sale price, per yard 50c 52-inch Mohair in black, navy, brown, grey and all the colors, regular 65c value; Mill End Sale price, yard 5Cc 44-inch Navy Wool Taffeta, regular $1.25 value; Mill End Sale price, per yard 98c 42-inch all-wool Voile in black, navy and brown, regular $1.25 value; Mill End Sale price, per yard 98c 42-inch Black Mohair, wears well, regular $1.25 value; Mill End Sale price, per yard 98o Just received: White Mercerized Soutache brand in 12-yard pieces, regular 15c value; special, per yard 10c Linens. 36-inch White Linen Lawn, regular 25c quality; Mill End Sale price, per " '' yard 19c 36-inch Linen Lawn, nice and sheer, regular 39c value; Mill End Sale price, per yard 33c 36-inch sheer Linen Lawn for shirtwaists and suits, regular 50c value; Mill End Sale, per yard 42c 27-inch Linen in all the newest shades and makes up and wears well, regular 35c value; Mill End Sale price, per yard 22c 27-inch all-linen Pongee, makes a beautiful suit; this we have in all shades; Mill End Sale price 39c 42-inch pure linen Cambric for shirtwaists and suits, regular 65c value ; Mill End Sale price 46c 36-inch Pure Linen Cambric, regular 60c value; Mill End Sale price, per yard 47c 36-inch Brown Linen, washes well and. wears well, regular 25c value; Mill End Sale, per yard 18c 27-inch Brown Linen, regular 15c value; Mill End Sale price, yard 10c One lot all-pure Linen Napkins, size 18x18, regular $1.25 value; Mill End Sale price, per dozen 98c yu-incn aii.pure mnen (round tnreaa) Sheeting, for coat suits, etc., regular $1.25 value: Mill End Sale price 87c Men's Furnishings. A swell lot of fancy Half Hose inall sizes, colors and styles, good value at 15c; special Mill Ead Sale price, the pair * 10c . A pretty line of reversible Wash Ties, solid white and white with pretty dots, stripes and figures, fast colors; special Mill End Sale price, the tie 10c Fall size, guaranteed all pare linen smooth finish handkerchiefs, regular loc value; special Mill End Sale price, the dozen 11.00 Genuine E. & W. Collars, the regular 25c kind; special Mill End Sale price, the collar - 10c Men's full bleached fancy honeycombed Undershirts and Drawers, long and short sleeves, cheap at 50c, our regular price; special Mill End Sale price, the garment 39c Men's Balbriggan Undershirts, all sizez, long and short sleeves, good value at 40c; special Mill End Sale price, the garment 2oc A swell line of Men's Shirts with and without cuffs, guaranteed fast colors, in dots, stripes, plaids and solids and white, 65c and $1.00 values; special Mill End Sale price, the shirt 5<>c Men's Genuine Panama Hats, re-rular $0.00 value; special Mill End Sal0 price, the hat a., I Columbia, S, C.