IF YOU WAIV the newest in J and Furnishi] the New Stoi lumbia- We stock. You prices right, new shades a Prices Range $12.51 Our stock of I the best that shown in thes to see us. J SCRUGGS < Leaders in Styli < 1404 MAIN St. PHONE 3 The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, June 2,1909. Is&ez to New Advertisements. Wash Goods James L. Tapp Co. Dry Goods Fitzmaurice's Sugar C. D. Kenny Company. Groceries T. B. Roach. Shoes FT arm an *s Shoe Store. Cotton Xarket. Lexington 10%c. Services .At St. Stephen's. St. Stephen's Evan Lutheran church Rev. T. S. Brown, pastor. Services Sunday 11 o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock . p. 19* Sunday school at 10 a. m. ] - Catechumens,4 p. m. c. I = < ] Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease. i A powder for swollen, tired, hot ' '' smarting feet. Sample sent FREE, j Also free sample of the Foot-Eease , Sanitary Corn-Pad, a new invention. Address, Allen S. Olmstead, LeRoy, V. Y. < IV . w ' H fll I ^E 0 Si It < 1 . ./J*. Clothing, Hats ag Goods visit e when in Cohave no old will find our Suits in all the nd latest cuts. I to $30,00 Blue Serges is has ever been le parts. Come & SWAN e and Quality 06 COLUMBIA, S. C. Young 2 &n Shot Proa Ambush at Salle Walter Brady, a young man. wfa returning home from Salley on Frid night was shot and seriously wound by some one in woman's dress cc cealed behind a house the weap used being a pistol. Mr. Brady wo; have fired in return, but was deceit by the dress into thinking it was woman, but it was a man in disgui Bloodhounds were put on track, t failed to trail the party. Gone to Soldier's Home. Mr. A. 0. Banks left last week x il fi.1 JJ. 1 _ i . enw;r me ooioier a nome in uoiumD Uncle Amos, as he is familial known throughout the county isabc SO years of age and as brave a Confe erate soldier as ever shouldered a mi ket. It is the sincere wish of all th the remainder of his days will jpent as happily as possible. The is room for one more old Confed in t) lome from this county. Application blanks can be sect ?d from Capt. S. M. Roof. 5 WARfir m w M IW?I ! * AUTOMOBI ft se The w. B f . * ' - - ICimnaugh's. While in Columbia on Monday \ visited the large department store the J. L/Mimnaugh Co., and we surprised to find every clerk as bus as busy could be. The sales at Mir naugh's "never lets up" for the reasc that every day is a bargain day. Mr. Mimnaugh with his long exp rience and good business judgmen backed by an unlimited bank accoun never lets an opportunity pass i scoop in bargains for his customer His store is packed with piles ar piles of new goods, and every depar ment is a store within itself. You cs find everything imaginable at Mio naugh's. The goods are arranged i excellent manner, showing evei article to the best advantage. jlu Uiuci iv meet me uciiiauuo ui 11 growing trade, Mr. Mimnaugh h: had erected a large annex to his bnih ing, which will give ample room for better display of the stock. Mir naugh's is now the equal of any di partment store in the south and credit to Columbia. THE DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS. The many departments are und t the direct supervision of General Ma ager S. F. Weeks, a young man fro Orangeburg county, full of enerj and pluck. Mr. Weeks is one of tl i most popular young men in the ci mm and has the confidence and esteem the trade. The basement is filled with fan< 7- and useful china, crockery, tin ai ile glassware and many other usef ay articles for the home. Here you fii led genuine bargains the year 'round ai in- every housewife should visit this d ,on partment. ild The first floor is made up of dre ed goods of every description. This d a partment is especially attractive ju se. now. Notions, white goods, hosiei >ut and novelties abound in great pr fusion. mi J x. 1 a. jute suue ueparuueuo is uu uie xir floor al90. This department" is : charge of Mr. Reuben F. Corley, 2 to old Lexington county boy. You C8 ia. find anything in shoes for men, worn* rly and children and never before ha^ tut the prices been more irresistable. M lf department is a boon to mothers. ts See it. le THE KAUFMAN DRUG ^ COMPANY, LEXINGTON,:SOUTH CAR. '8, re ? m The Buiek Car. at Mr. Sam P. Roof owns the hande somest and most durable automobile in Lexington county?a Buick. Mr. Roof has accepted the agency for these car9, and so successful has the demons jration been that it is likely that he will place several cars durinor the next few weeks. Inauiries v/1 c 1 r,s have come from all over the county during the last few days and Mr. E. Roof has been kept busy demonstratv. ing the many superior qualities of these well known cars. If you are contemplating buying a car see Mr. & Roof before you pi a ce vour order. . . eig Wanted Piedmont cigarette couin pons. I will pay 46c per hundred cash >y in redeeming these coupons. i Rice B. Harman. ING IMPLEI wammmmmmmmmwmmammm iDE. WHY? in Stocl OF m / AS WELL AS large ones' are welcome here j you need not wait until your bus- ; iness has assumed great proportions before opening a Checking Account, DO SO TO-DAY. Our patrons regardless of the amount of business done, receive every courtesy in all matters of business entrusted to us and there i9 nothing in safe banking I I we cannot perform. Talk it over | with our cashier. 1 CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, I COLUMBIA, S. C. fl Boarding Souse Butter. "Speaking of heirloams," broke in the loquacious landlady, "I have ono which has .come down through five generations and "Pawdon me," came cne voice or ine irivoiou9 ooaraer, "but do you refer to the butter?" DIAMONDS are the most interesting of all Jewels. They have figured in history poems and songs; been tne cause . of deatns without number, provided ready money all the while serving as beautiful ornaments. Buy Diamonds from us and receive best value for for you money. SYLVAN BROS. Jewelers, Silversmiths, Opticians Ccr. Main and'Hampton St. Columbia, S. C. ; MENTS. I if "2 7) / '1 K> J ^ ^ ti.f.>r.lTfl-lt . ^ .>.