The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, June 02, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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* | The Cal * 1552 Corner Main S Columbia Bank. Cer , ? It George J. Howell, Propriet * | Bates $2.00 per di Headquarters for *5| Tree baths or I ctjisxn: ? J Proper aud Careful w Now Usder New Idanaqrem * & L_ ' 1 ' -SUMMER ' SS We have a com ' H SPRINGS, HAMMOC jg . A call will convir $ DICKERS FTTSNi: MnBRVHMBnrvMMBMMBMnMnranii ? ?! S* K^g 91 ram usass issriiais f ** Dr. L. L. TO< . 1608 Main Street, COLI 5 t | Isn't an extravagance 1 its a GOOD PIANO. j It brings enough brigh B ness into the home to pa I for itself many times. S You' get the world I best piano if you obtai 3 it from us. i Let us tell you ho1 1 easily you may secui I one. fe, I MOIE'S MUK fl 1428 Main St. Columbia. S. I | PIANOS AND ORGAN ft D. HARMAI i DEALER IN I General I Merchandise & - S Corner Main and Hew Stree x Opposite Confederate I Monument, 5 Lexington, SJ RHA1RRBALSAM Ci#*xNM be*at:J:ei th? ^ Never to^ Co* Qur?? *^h?ir_l*L' Aug 30, 1 V ? J UiUICIf PY Ul BOSH c u"r cd'at home Kr III RH out pain. Book o 1 W I vI ticulars sent CM ff^rri n | B. M. WOOLLE V Atlanta, fcra. Office 104 N. Pryor f, Send us your orders for jobprin envelopes, note and letterheads, blanks, oprds, etc. All work exi ed prop.,-;I; and in first class ord Bfijfc * | V v . ' dwell Hoteli 11 f i | and Taylor Streets. Opposite % | , itrally located. Columbia, S. C. % \ or. J. K. Woodward, Ass't Manager. , w ! * ay. Large Cool Rooms. g I the XT. C. T.'s and T. P. A.'s. | j h j . i Saturday and Sunday. g j 45 i c TtwrTrrTT T.T/n * j Sr Attention Given to All Guest?. & ent Watch us Grow. 3* * * 6 v it- -5 $3$# v it- & it- ,1i v S $ * v & v $ $ & I FURNITURE $ r/Zi >m iplets stock of IRON BEDS, g* KS, FREEZERS, ETC. <& ice you the prices are right. ggj >ON & LYNN | CURE DEALERS. I| Columbia, S. C. igj .Jffi v ; Nvw*?n mcss,.v.-..-. . ?ork at Reasonable Prises wrawwwwwB? WWWWWMMBIM?? ?CTMWPaB?iL IMIIIB These Are Wy Prices: Best Plates (rubber base) $10.00 Gold Crowns $ 5. CO Bridge Wo:k (per tooth) $ 5.00 Logan Crowns (pivot tooth) $3.50 Teeth Extracted (painless) 25c. and 50c. Teeth,Cleaned 75c. and SI.00 Silver fillings 50c. to SI.00 Gold fillings $1.00 to $2.00 TREATING TEETH EXTRA, >LE3 - Surgeon Dentist Opposite Thomas' Drug Store JRfiSiA, S. C. "jjL J. BOBBINS, Kef. D. II Manufacturing Optician, | 1641 Main Street, Columbia, S. C. | The onlv exclusive optical house in Columbia. I grind "all my glasses. I do only higher | class work at reasonable .e | prices. Beware of peddlers 11 and fakirs. s I nal > Our special ?3.50 j Oxfords and know the 11 comfort and satisfac- i ?; tion that goes with j 8 j wearing Oxfords that S 1 fit you right. A shape i for every foot in a style * X that will please. Tan 9 I . 5 and Black. S ? Ehrlich's Shoes Wear Best, * Cost Less. y EHRLICH'S, S?:lt;icou?Bu,s.c. i i BARBECUE I We will furnish a first-class BarbeI cue and refreshments at Eli L. Corley's spring on Saturday June 5th, 190'.). _____ Music will be furnished by the Lex ington Brass Band. Meats will be ibits cured by J. F. Harman and Eli L. with- Corlcv. Everybody is invited to atf I , * r t, ^enct. it. Lj. narmai!, M.B. Harry Corley. >trcet 1 The Bazaar Fountain. Wnl The Bazaar Fountain is now runL ning in full blast. Cold drinks of ev. er " orv kind. Ice cream on Saturday's. \ J Slemson to Operate Elsctric . Bailroad. Greenville.?In the near future Clemson college will be operating its own electric Jir.e. The matter has | been under consideration by the tru.s- i tees for some time. In fact, when j the new boilers and dynomos were installed last summer they were made amply powerful to supply all local dem^v?/1 r?r> fVir>m at thp POlIeirC. and also 10 run the electric line from Calhoun to the college. The road will be laid with OQ-pcur.d rails, and so ballasted as to boar the heaviest trains. Coal, of which the college uses a groat deal, has now to be hauled in wagons at great expense and lass of time. This fall they expect to handle ail freight to the college in the original ears drawn by their own motors. It is the intention of the college finally to extend the line to connect with Cherry station on the Blue Ridge railroad. The early completion cf the road will mcan much in freight hauls, to s.iy nothing of the convenience to visitors and others having business at Clem son. Alone in a Saw Mill at Midnight unmindful of dampness, drafts, sforn s or cold, W. J. Atkins worked as Night Watchman, at Banner Springs, Tenn. Such exposure gave him a severe cold that- settled on his lungs At last he had to give up work. He tried many remedies, but all failed till he us^d Br. King's New Discovery. "After using one bottle,'' he writes, "I wont back to work as well as ever." Severe colds, stubborn coughs, inflamed throats and 1 sore lungs, hemorrhages, croup and 1 ~ * \VHOOpiIilf iKjii'ji aim prompt cure from this glorious medicine. 50c and 1 00. Trial bottle free, guaranteed by Kanfmar.n Drug Co.; I Derrick's Ding Store; Sandel Drug Store. ALL FOB LOTS. Upon receiving a farewell loiter from his sweetheart Friday last, John Hili, a traveling representative of a Chattanooga, Term., medicine company, left his hotel at Kapps Mill, a remote town in the mountains of Surry county, North Carolina, went to the banks of a river and sent a bullet through his brain, dying almost instantly. He was a native of Siloam, N. 0., and a member of a well known family. $100 Howard $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh is a constitutional disease, requires a con- ; stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly ! nn/Mi Vi!r>r.rl nn/3 mnnnnfi snrfnoos of < the system, thereby destroying the , foundation of the [disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do-- * ing the work. The proprietors have so : much faith in its curative powers that * they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list : of testimonials. i Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toleda' ] Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. j Thirteen Txtr3ss Hanged Last Thursday. Constantinople Thirteen men were ] hung at daylight for complicity in the recent revolution on Thursday. Itich Men's Gifts Are Poor besides this: "I want to go on record as saying that I regard Electric Bitters as ' one of the greatest gifts that God has * made to woman," writes Airs. O. Rhinevault, of Vestal Center, N. Y., " I can I never forget what it has done for me.'' 1 This georious medicine gives a woman ] buoyant spirits, vigor of body and jubilant healtn. It quickly cures nervousness. sleeplessness, melancholy, head ache, backache, fainting and dizzy I 1 spells; soon builds up the weak, ailing ' aud sickly, Try them. 50c at Kaufmann Drug Co.; Derrick's Drug Store; ' Sandel Drug Store. There are many imitations of DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve J -DeWitt's is the original. Be sure you get DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel ( Salve when you ask for it. It is good for cuts, burns and bruises, and is especially good for Piles. Sold by Kaufmanii Drug Co. t Chester Farmer a Suicide. Dr. David J. Young, a farmer liv- 1 ingat Stover, in Chester county, com- s mitted suicide on Wednesday at noon by cutting his throat with a razor, j Continued ill-health is supposed to 1 have been the cause of the rash act. * Mr. Young left his home ostensibly to * go to his brother in the held, and an hour or so later he was found with his c throat cut and life extinct. He is survived by a wife and six children. ? * I Old Darkey's Prayer. An old negro "exhorter" down in | Orangeburg county sat with the con- ! grcgation in a big meeting recently, j The preacher sighted him, and called j r upon him to lead in prayer. Here is L his prayer verbatim : ^ "Oh, Lord, confound our souls this u ebening, imperfcet us in thy love, and we have done anything agreeable to thy will, blot it out. Amen." ) i I la! Atai a S75.03 Taylor-Cannad] (Dsn1! Too Need One? ! Have a Few A full line of Babcock, Summers, Rock Hil always on hand, Rubber or Steel Tires, Top or ; 15 Surreys to go at Bargains, Extension or All Winter Lap Robes at Cost. Studebaker, Milburn, Thornhill and Virgin A nice line of Single and Double Harness, S j| Umbrellas. P I have on hand a supply of Brick, Lime, ( brands cn the market. As cheap as Columbia c M Wire Fencing of all kinds, Gates to match. || Paint your house with Sun-Proof, Hew Era |h Will appreciate your patronage and give y< gf When in town will be glad to see you whei ? IFfc JL ^ i I saves Diirg9 IgMBfTBBBEr. BBMB1 MB '?"'" ?n?-ti?wi*.l-iaBB?OCBCgCTCTCT3I3?BagBMBB?IB3ffiSSg.- trag.'.i* J?HB"li *+ * ? He Wasn't Going to Take Too Many saK Chances on Making Resolution (!) C WILL not put pins in my dear -sas- b? w W? ? teacher's chair." (Tacks will hurt the old duffer just as much, any- I tvay.) (1) "I will not quarrel and fight with my { -s:|ja- < big brothers in 100D." (What have I j (g^ ) Olll* line I ^>;i a jutii" iijii .1 c "I will not play hookey from school i S "t I \0/' . nifii' r,'AAri c to go fishing or swimming, (lhat is, i -sate- ) ^ in the winter time.) j ^ "I will be a regular attendant at j > tO-Q&te il~ Sunday school." (At Christmas time ! (^5^ v mil just before the summer excursion, ! -s&z ) Af:n: jf course.) | (^ I Millinery "I will not take mother's currant j '*8?- 5 Ielly from the pantry without permis- I {&/ < WclS SGlcC sion." (ller raspberry jam is good a?? > enough for me.) ~ (g) J -I will be kind to dumb animals. agtt S c j^caoc such as tigers, lions and elephants.*' < (Stray cats and dogs, however, had I -a&t< ) better keep out of this neighborhood.) "I will not throw stones at the *?g* nam tarn hinks and dagos.*' (Bricks make them ^5^ Miller louder, anyway.i -aac J? "I will not? (Oh. gee. that's enough! ! ^ 8? a I iB 8 They say the good die young, and I , 3?* fvnnt to iivc until I catch that red IflHd Mair headed boy on the next block who *avB stuck his tongue out at me yesterday.) \ji/? -A. B. I.ewfe in Judge. A Necessity. ? "Twenty dollars for ret rimming your - -p p hat!" exclaimed Mr. Madison. "But wc XjL JL XI \Jf igreed to spend nothing except for ? :hings that were positively needed." "Well. John, this is. You see. my This is the time for Lex jest friend has just had hers reirim- ther things they need. Aiwa ned, and I have promised to go with her to the concert on Friday." Swift's Premiui "Oh, all right. But 1 can't give yen llPSt 2L"fc more than fifteen this morning, be- ' ;ause I broke my meerschaum and imst have it mended." T "Can't you smoke your old brier- * JCr vood?" Wholes "Certainly, dear. And you can wear General Groceries, r K ^'bcin ,0 economize next 932 GERVAIS STREE' month after we get things all straight- ; ;ned our." "All right."?New York Herald. Changed Conditions. ^ "You sa\' you had great difficulty in ^ H |l I |kl I " jorrowing your first $2,000';" ^ ||||l|lj| ' les, answcrcu lut* iuuli ui uui- -w ? ? ? ions. W "And now you could borrow that I > And >um with ease." ^ "I don't have to borrow." was the ^ AS IRAK fl Pit >roud response. "If I see $2,000 that 0 ^1 IHfl|IAL|J ' take a fancy to I simply send my ^ |^U(IWj|WI ^ |j awyers around after it."?'Washington ^ Star. ^ ?T^lI s?oes After eating, persons of a bilious habit & pOC kctboolv. will derive great benefit by taking on?. ^ cf these pills. Ii vou have" been ^ T^TT Tr ()T LINKING TOO MUCH, > they will promptly reiieve t he nausea & ?m ;SC*( HEADACHE 5 E- P. $k and nervousness which follows, rest or: ^ the uppet ite a n d lcir.ovc gloomy feci- w 1710 Mail Kips. Elegantly segar coated. lake Wo Substitute. i Top Baggy For $50.1? j lore !o 03 at This Prise | 1, Lien and Chass City Biggies j Open. 3 Canopy Tops. m ia Wagons. fjf Summer Lap Hobcs and Canopy M Jexnent and Piaster. Tlie best % >r Augusta. 11 , cr Parian Faints. || ou your moneys worth. ]| ther you buy cr not. S S, G.' *' || W. P. ROOF- ' LEXINGTON, S. C., Agent for all kind3 of $ J jtjJE ^ I 5 IMi 3 ^ 01. 3^ yiipiiiw.. WHITE FOR PP.ICES. ? 8iei!*i*l)IOK*Q*l# ipring Goods $ ? ~r~ % ?L >f new Sprinsj and Sum- > (f, embraces everything up- < i Dry Goods, Notions, ^ sfk and Shoes. This stock > ^ ' !? ted with care, and we ; bz; I 5R you if you will onlycaii. j ^ latt & Soos, | i Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. ROUND FLOUR ~ ingtonians to buy their supply of Good Flour aud k ys see me before you buy. n Hams, guaranteed tlie 12 l-2c perpound. HJEKIOT, sale and Retail Dealer in * Beef, Mutton, Pork and Sausage. T, COLUMBIA, S.C SVVVVVVVV^k-VV^ styles in shoes and oxfords for ^ iet, and to suit everybody's ? % rR SHOES HERE. ? F. A. DAVIS. m i Street, Columbia, S. C. ^ ^ miuuuuuui