JWWWWVW FOR ' 4 Never in the hi 7 J is impossible to enui I LADIES' SUIfS, SKI] WAISTS, Never pass this dep for you find just what y< and at prices that will pi Linen Suits in ail co . * sizes, from ...ffi.OO t Foulard and Marine from--- ...$12.501< For summer wear it will ] ^ to see our line of Sorgee | J elaborately trimmed, ji f # dress for hot -weather. S were $12.50 and $15.0* J $9.88. ^ J- Beautiful line of skirts a | J. L c-WW WV\ WW f Wi.Br Wayside Notes Gathered Here and :T There by a Dispatch Man. I Hon. C. Bates, mayor of Bateabarg, was a visitor here on Saturday. Boy jour fruit jars early from M. D Marman. He has the best. Oops are at least two weeks later than last year in most sections of the Whsnty. We have plenty of sowing peas at |l.25 per bushel. W. P. Roof. 1 Miss Sallie Gmiter, of New Brookll$d, was a visitor in town Saturday and Sunday. A few mpre cultivators and harrows, et one to help make your crop. $2.50 to $3.60. * W. P. Roof. Mrs. Dr. B. K. H. Kreps, of Columbia, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. ?; M. Efird. Large lot of corn, oats and hay just received. Prices right. W. P. Roof. Hon. C. M. Efird is remodeling and >&dding to his already enviable residence on South Main street Mr. Saml Bickley has returned from a delightful visit to friends 'and relatives at Little Mountain. Reader, if you are due anything for the Dispatch please send or call and; settle. Baker's Cocoa fresh, and a lot of new canned goods can be found at Ms. D. Ha rmau's Grocery. Miss Daisy Edwards, a charming young lady of Leesville, has been the guest of friends here this week. When you want the best groceries, heavy or fancy, remember that you ! will find the best that money and ex- I perience can buy at H. M. Wingaid's. ! Mrs. A. M. Harman has returned from a visit to her father, Mr. A. R. Mette, at Irmo, who has been quite ill for the past two weeks. The best ham to buy is the "Capital City." You will find them fresh and sweet at M. D. Harman's Grocery. Also the best bacon, fresh from the packers. Mr. Oorbitt Corley, son of sheriff P. H. Coney, has accepted a position with the firm of Jacobs Brothers, Columbia. Come look at the Panama hats we are showing this spring. They are the best values we have ever seenE. G. Dreher & Co. Mr. Fred Herndon has completed the job of painting High Hill church, in the Fork, and has returned to Lex- ? ington. j Our stock 'of pie peaches is very i large and owing to the season ad vane- j ing will sell you for a while, 4 can sfor I 30c. We want you to try them. W. P. Roof. Send in your renewals now for the Home ana Farm. Only 25 cents until 1st. I ^W* WW WW w rHIS Wl story of our store have we ofi nerate the many bargains at COLORED LA^ A line of the most colored lawns ever seer a city. All 18c. 15c, ; f colored lawns will be the yard WHITE LAW] We carry the largest i l complete line of White J Columbia. Special pric< week only at, from 8c to , , DEESS GrTNGUi EtTSand All the- latest patterns Or I n CTft ?J m Q Vl 1 F\f* QY"1 ttlbLUtUf} f)"'v ? * *??> "vl,u *-"v BU )a want g0 jn special sali [ease. tors and yard 0 ?25'00 REMWANTS. Special: dresses, o $25.00 1,000 short ends of lai E>ay you ginghams, percals, dresses, ist the silks, ginghams, etc. Wi Prices ns. I will pay 45c per hundred cash 1 redeeming these coupons. Rice B. Harman. wwvwwwwwv MIMNAU ? prices as we are offering for thi> le price reductions: r WAIST BARGAINS. ShOCS f fvhite shirt waists at speces. This is an opportun- carry should not miss: leading sho alues now at 89c ff Vlliv alues now at SI.19 . . i . ?, .n All we ask alues now at $1.49 alues now at ?1.69 us a ca^ ? alues now at ?1.89 As for pric alues now at ?2.19 we cannot 1 alues now at ..$2.69 , . ? where in th ?ABLE DAMASK rt ends oi table 'damask, ^ there , 3 and 31 yard Jenghths may want, ] sold at less than manufacCall in wl MILLINERY HEADftUA needless for us to comment LEXI millinery. Our hats le latest style?hats that ie old look young and the t\>\ look look pretty j| s eet. Our trimmings em- jh ^K ery thing and our prices Mkj. t reasonable. Buy your MEN'S HATS line of men's hats is a ~ \\Tr, iirt u v^uiuuiuia. y\ c iJttvc d of hat from the common the finest Panama and es are low. Z o m p a * w ^'WVWVWWVWWt on a Few Buggies a make room we will sell, as long as h 4 /\/\ J jv /\/v PttO.UU 10 oo.uu Open Buggies at $4 uced Prices Severn second hand Ba Lition. A lot of new Shafts and Poles Two second hand Pord Runabouts thj The largest stock of all of the dififei as Old Hickory, Mitchell, Hackney an NTEE MEANS SOMETHING. ins - Old Hicli ? HICKORY WAGO] t wagons that have stsod the test of t: ation for good service and honest valu A.CKNEY WAGONS niliar with the good qualities of this i lis market for years ? There is no reas wagon that will cost you as much as get the proper service at a minimum Y-CONDER MU |U? - - ! a#*#*-***##***#***#****##*##***#! | * I The Caldwel * I 1552 Corner Main and Taylc % Columbia Bank. Centrally loca % & George J. Howell, Proprietor. J. H. * ? _ < ; Katea 92.00 per day. La j | Headquarters for the U. C. 1 ' * | Free baths on Saturday ? J CUISINE UNEXCI * * * Proper and Careful Attention Giv * * Now Under New Management Best brands of cigarg always found at The Bazaar. j On ice vwwwww* GH'S 1 5 week only. It ^ or Everybody ? 4"U~ ? --** xl_ - - i nc in a.Acs oi tne 0 e factories for Men ^ n in this country. ? you to do is to give ^ ind be C convinced. ? es we know that S be undersold any- # ie South. J , is anything you J ffimnaugh has it. w lile in the city. ^ RTERSFOB f NGTON PEOPLE. ^ i ===== | ny, | t rWWWWVW ind Carriages they last: < 0.00 to $45.00 bcock Surreys very we will sell cheap at are in ideal con ent sizes of the best 3 mi t ?11 HI lq rnornnm. xerms ;ory Wagons MS ime, and they haye ies. well known wagon ion why you should the purchase price cost. LE CO. Columbia, S. C? * - * I Hoteh | ir Streets n-nnnaitA ? ted. Columbia, S. C. % * $roodward, Ass't Manager. a* irge Cool Booms. J? Vs and T. P. A.'s. ? * ind Sunday. J 1 2LLED. t * * en to All Guests. * Watch u? Grow. * j e drink* of a)l kinds and flavor* I found at the Bazaar Fountain . in *ca