gug 11 'JLJB..Tyrr v.j . ... - CT.-J ftj S Our Lexii S city. Youkn S best. The br< S tiful gardens < 5 tival week ofll 5 Mimnaugh's, 1 j est and bests I A Line off Beauffi Evei "We have ne re beautiful Waists from a plain lawr Pre Every imaginal for spring and i you will find a silk and other dre o New good we are bound 5 you see. Ord . J offering. Min "PENCIL AND SCISSORS." T Wayside Notes Gathered Here and j There by a Dispatch M n There will be communion services at Providence next Sunday at 11 a. m. For nice, fresh, fat mackerel, go to M. D. Harm an's Grocery. The Rev. W. D. Quick will fill hi3 : regular appointment at Red Rank 011 next Sunday at 11 o'clock. For Fashionable Millinery call on Mrs. Mollie Miller, lower Main street, j Lexington S. C. v Miss Cecile Mitchell, a charming j young lady of Leesville, is visiting i her uncle, Mr. Scott Ilendrix.. For something good to eat, always go to H. M. Wingard, the popular groceryman. ' * Mr. J. M. March ant, from New Bfrookland, while in town Monday called in to see us. iFOR SALE?One No. 4 Farquar thrasher in good running qrder. A bargain. Apply quick to Haskell Shall, Gilbert, S. C. ' Mrs. Bennie Harman, spent last week with her parehts Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stack, and friends in the Dutch Fork. Misses Kezie and Lynn George are on a visit of several weeks to their brother Mr. David R. George, at Gainesville, Ga. HATS?a new line of up-to-date hats just opened at H. N. Kaminer & Go's. See them before you buy. There will be prayer meeting at Mrs. Nancy Corley's every third Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock the public cordialy invited. Let us have your dues for the Dispatch, please. 3y mail if you are not coming to town* _ THE ******* *? ?q? m?b??h??? ?a? igton friends will ow you are most i oad streets parkec of flowers so abun ters many attracti the largest and be pring and summei fui Waists Embracing ry Style. r before bandied such and so many of them, l waist at 98c up. tty Silks ble shade, the ideal 3ummer wear. Here profit-giving sale of ?sse&. s are coming in dt to catch everythi: _ __ f ir ? er oy mail n you i maugh's is the ph A WBMnmcc . IVE 9 n Mr. S. D. Hook, of Columbia, accompanied by Miss Mamie Obryan, a charming young lady from Charleston, was a visitor to Lexington on Wednesday. New arrival of shoes and dry goods, 1 at H. N. Kaminer & Co's. All the j new styles and patterns. Call and in- j spect this stock. Mr. H. S. Sease, from Hollow creek, j was in town Tuesday selling cotton, i and buying necessaries for his home, j He did not forget the printer, but re- ; newed for another year. Everybody good bread and j biscuits, and H. M. Wingard has the ' kind of flour to make both.' S.e him before y^u buy. Dixie Lodge, I. 'O. O. F. will meet in special session 011 ?o-morrow nignfc j at 8 o'clock. Every member is earn- | estly requested to attend promptly. Ladies and gentlemen, before you buy your shoes for summer, see our low-quarter oxfords and ties. You will be pleased with quality and price. Meetze & Son. Mr. Ernest H. Daily is on a short visit to his parents near this place. He holds a lucrative position with the T. C. Williams Realty Co. with headquarters at Spartanburg. Whenever you need merchandise of any kind?dry goods, notions, shoes hats, meal, flour, lard, meat, or anyAV: ??ll Mooffo J*. lUlUg IV COW Vi TTCOA COAA VU iUVVVAiV W [ Son. The weather is getting warm now and you will soon need that refrigerator and ice cream freezer. Beforeyou buy, remember that you will find just what you want, at right prices, at Scott Hendrix' furniture store. ITCH cured in 30 minutes by Wooford's Sanitary L< tion. Never f**'ls Sold by Derrick's Drug Store, (m 13 V hi Eh Vi The Leader, Tu B ^ ^ Ej come and make M welcome. At this 1 with lovely trees dant, makes a vis: ons?Music, auto < 9 st department sto: r merchandise at t Mill In our Millinery many beautiful he what you want. 1 of good material a: very best texture. Good Hosiery i Than you can b lily and while our LLg new as iu apptn jannot come in pei ? i ice and here you fi < ? tMMBPMMaCEPaUt? ??? MtP?QaOB 1 ill I I Ml TV C o I u m h i We understahd that the 10-year-dIc! j daughter of Mr. Ja9. Hiller of upper | Saluda township, was operated upon ior appendicitis yesterday. Dr. Sain Harman of Columbia, performing the operation. Ovjiccii uuuia aim v?iuuu\\9 juat *v; | ceived at H. M. Wingard's. The | prices are reasonable and there is nothing better to keep down the pestiferous flies, and at the same time keep your heme cool. Dr. J. T. Barron will be absent froir. Lis office, in Columbia, 0:1 the 19th, \ 29th, and 21st, in attendance upon the j State Medical Association at. Sumer- i ville, S. C. - I 1 Before you buy your wife that neV I cooking stove or r&nge,.see H. M.: Wingard, who now carries a complete line of all the best makes. The prices are right. Subscribe to the Dispatch. Fishing Tackles at The Bazaar. Dr. and Mrs. P. H. Shealy spent the week-end with the latter's mother at Leesville. Maj. John Wilson Butler spent . last week in Atlanta on business and pleasure combined. :; Fine line of toilet soaps, and perfumery, at The Bazaar. Mr. A. B. Bachman, the efficient secretary of the county dispensary I J ? 4. 1 X - J Doaru is in town on uusiness wxiay. Best t rands of cigars always found at The Bazaar. Mrs. Emma C. Counts, after a pleatant visit to relatives in Marion, has returned to her home here. For your flavoring extracts, always go to The Bazaar. Remember dear reader, that it take* money fc> run a newspaper in the dull season as well as in the fall. \J A T THIS ME JONE e Price Fixers of I |> | py A p ?mmn?m mwwmamm ????awnrowpM?ia?rg imnaugh's your he season of the yeai full of life with te Lt to Columbia at t >r?/1 liATifiA v*nnA0 Vv< mu uui JL a\A/D, u< re in the Carolinag he lowest prices. ineiy Parlors there are its which are just Lvery one is made ad trimmed in the for Less Money * c, uy elsewhere. store is now full c irs. Come in and 'son to secure som nd just what you O g h O a Train No. 130 frem Augusta, now arrives at Lexington at G:55 in the evening instead of 8:45. A most wel came change. Miss Victoria Cro9son, of Leesville, was the guest of Mrs. W. P. Roof for the week-end. Miss Mamie Nunamaker, of Columbia, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. D. Dent. Big lino of Fishing Tackles just received at The Bazaar. ? +??. Frss Bridga Proposition. Mr. N. 0. Pyles is meeting with much success in his efforts to secure signatures to the petition for a free bfridge over the Congaree and the f bargains In all you will be delighl e of the ma.hy bar want. ^ o in wwwI Mil?Ill>i W'llB w liiannnwiiiwi Orchestral Oversights. TIio snare drummer happened tc i catch a selection that called for the use j of half a dozen or more instruments. ! T*/. + I.ry v! 11 i Ch C"(1 Til UTIO tfl 51 T1 - i " IlliiUU I 11VJ i H ? U ? i V/11? ? 41V ?.v ?. .. , ! other he had to hustio in a fashion that : rightly impressed persons sitting near. "When he had finished tlie lively operation he was puling and Mowing and i the perspiration was coming out in : streams. A man just outside the ori chestra rail leaned forward and. pcint; in;* to the snore, remarked: "That was good work, eld man. but ; | you missed one place." j "I did!"?responded the drummer in ( surprise. "Why, I thought I played ' everything that came my way." "Xo," (he ether resumed, "you didn't | do everything, and I saw the leader i glancc#t you. Kight there, ia the middle of that measure, is a place where i it says you should have gone down cellar and shaken the furuace. and you ! i didn't pay any attention to it."?Prov- j idence Journal. Suiting His Theory. "When I hear of a new theory," said a scientist, "I am reminded of the two geologists. At a certain summer rev sort one brilliant afternoon the younger geologist from his bedroom window saw the older man rolling a great rock down the side of a mountain. "He watched the work for nearly three hours. The old geologist, tnin and little and white whiskered, had a hard time of it to guide that rock almost as big as himself. But he persevered. He got the rock down where be wanted It just as the dinner bell rang. "The younger man said to htm wonderlnglv at dinner: " 'What were you doing with that rock this afternoon, professor? | " 'Why,' the professor answered, the I fact Is the thing was 600 feet too high to snit my theory.' " ! ! I j | Subscribe to the Dispatch. i 1 1 >MPA jhtoiMLg towns. ? > ,17, /> /*> c> /r-. V> V \^' ^ \sf \4/' y '\ his wife and three sons as follows: Mr. Thomas Hite, of Augusta, and Messrs. E. J. and Milton Hite, of Batesburg. His remains wore laid to rest on Saturday in the presence of a large as- < s nnblage of relatives and friends. * Ths Lav7 Being Violated. ^ , It is stated, on good authority, that I some of the merchants in this county are violating the law in reference to selling pistol and rifle cartridges. The law requires that a licence of $25.00 nor onnnm rr" uiiuuui uc jjaiu. me penalty tor violating this law i9 a fine of not exceeding ?500, or imprisonment for. one year, or both in the discretion of .. the court. . Some of the merchants have paid the licence to the commissioners and it is neither just nor right that others be allowed to sell without complying with the law. It is said that an investigation will be made, and those who have not paid will be bronght to , account. ' . The Income Tax. ' ] County Auditor Dent a few weeifr^i ago, following the instructions of the comptroller general, mailed several income tax blanks to different taxpayers in the county. Some of these blanks have been returned, some have 1 not, and it is highly important that these blanks be returned at once, ? properly filled out, so that the auditor can make his report to the comptrol| ler general. lNY