LORICK& LC ib I Pearl Millet Early Amto Barley?Spring Crop?Seed < improved White Dent Hickoi Bed Cob, Seed Sweet Patatoes, ess .Yams. Our stocks have been sec Binder proper conditions will ] I Mail orders wilTbe filled lest to the largest quantities. ! I FIELD ANI Bend your orders, or write ns 1 10RICK & UP Wholesale and Betail Seedme: Iquality You have probably bought many thi good, that cost a good price, but und< test *? service soon proved themselves w< B It might have been shoes that sooi the sides, caps broke down, heels gave g&yf and soles wer* plated. n WW /uur mu and ohoice stx uig selections ^ ??*e a^en T. A. Opposite Post Office, ? SOUTHERN J Unexcelled Dinin T Threogh Pullman Sleep ^ Convenient Scheduli /h For fall information V eonsnlt nearest Southern U? J. C. LTTSK, I ^js J. L. MEEK, A. G. P. A IYOUR HOUSE NEE ORATING 0 Will yon not allow me a cb , guarantee you best materia] and good taste (ask to see n one to do work cheaper or b WEBB'S A 1627 Main Street) * Announcement \ * OF INTERE We have ju9t secured the exclusiv aad Ranges, Gas Ranges and Heai< Garlands are now, and have been a century, the most extensively sold existence. In accepting thi9 agency we in highest grade and be9t stoves made, v 1 end and most satisfactory. | Garlands are made in the largest, the world, from the best obtainable m skilled workmen. DURABILITY, ECONOMY, C OPERATION, all Vital G transcend, in real importance, all oth ohase of a stove or range. A Garland, which should last a lif cost of fuel and maintenance more th price and that of a cheaper article. This saving will be duplicated eacl gate an amount greater than the origi . Db not buy a stove or range until Piinmt?a full carload?of Garlands she Whether you want to buy or not, I ; wonderful stoves. LEE A. LOR EXCLUSIVE Garland Steves and Range COLUMBIA, SC )WRANCE,' er and Orange Cane, Beardless Corn, Improved Golden Dent, y King, Blount's Prolific, Tenn Ga. Bucks, Nancy Halls, Vinetured from reliable sources, and >roduce the best results, promptly from the very small* [f you want reliable seeds for [ t>GARDEN. J i for prices for anything needed | UVRANCE. INC.. I ; - , a. Columbia, S. C. SHOE ! ngs that looked ir the rugged urthless. 1 run over at ?OKV'"' " way, sewing against these things, peeiaily in foot- c 1( sonfident of getting the best quality foot- v? b ney can buy, take advantage of the large d >ck constantly available for making pleas- ^ e at our store. 1< t for W. L. Douglas Shoes for ment $1.5C 8 f: t BOYNE, ! Columbia, S. C. t RAILWAY.%, g Car Sarvlee, J j ing Cars on all Trains, ^ ' a on Local Trains. ^ < as to rates, routes, etc. Railway Ticket Agent, or wy 1 ). P. A., Charleston, S. C i Atlanta, Ga. ' ; . < i DS PAINTING, DEC- I | R PAPERING 1 ance to figure with you? I D I applied by men of experience B ty finished jobs.) I allow no M etter. Try me. M mm RT STORE, I Columbia, S. C. B I Extraordinary :ST TO YOU e agency for the sale of Garland Stoves srs, "The World's Best." , continuously, for mora than a third of popular and best stove specialties in ! i tend to supply our customers with the ; ' diich are invariably the cheapest in the j most modern and best equipped plant in ! aterials, and by the most competent and j J ONVENIENCE and SAFETY of lARLAND Characteristics, er factors for consideration in the pur etime, will save you each j*ear in the an the difference between its original i succeeding year, and ultimately aggre- j I rial cost of the Garland. I you have examined the complete assort- >wn by us. let us show and explain to you these j IICK & BRO. I AGENTS FOR s, Gas Ranges and Heaters 1 (UTH CAROLINA H Women, worn and tired p h from over-work, need a 1 B Ionic. That feeling of weak- | B nessor tiredness will not | B leave yon of itself. Take | 1 B Cardnl, that effectual remedy E| \ B for the ailments and weak- m B ness of women. Thousands m ; B of women have tried Cardnl E f B and write enthusiastically of B B its great benefit to them. B t CARDUi i | A recent letter from Mrs. B t Charles Bragg, of Sweetser, j r B tad., says: "Tongue can- I j I not tell how much your med- E ictae has done lor me. Be* B e B fore I began taking Cardnll B * could not do a day's work. I B c would work awhile and lie B 8 B down. I shall always give B 3 B praise to your medicine.'* H c B Try CardnL For sale B c B everywhere. B 4 c Mad Dogs at Johnston. 1 Parents should be careful in sending 1 leir children out alone, as there sems to be a regular epidemic in this ommunity. Last week a tine dog be>nging to Mr. John Mobley, in town ^ ras seized with rabies and bit a num- 1 er of dogs before being killed. The a*- kU^An oiv rrtAntVlfl OrrA Vif fl. Ug YYCIO giufcu DiA iuv/uwuo ugv ktj m og supposed to be mad, but the disase did not develop until last week. On Saturday, night a fine horse bemging to Mr. Jake Smith, who reides a few miles from Johnston, died rom hydrophobia. Three weeks ago he horse was bitten by a mad dog ,nd nothing more was thought of it mtil last week, when the animal desloped hydrophobia, and the disease >ecame so violent that it died Saturlay night.?Johnston Monitor. New Union Station. There were at least 10,000 visitors n Birmingham, Ala., Tuesday to witless the dedication of the new city ?2,000,000 terminal station. The staion occupies two entire city blocks md has a subway permitting street >ars, etc., to go through. President F. T. Harrahan of the Illinois Central md President J. F. Hanson of the Central of Georgia were the principal speakers. Money Comes In Bunches ;o A. A. Ohisholm, of Tread well, N. Y., low. His reason is well worth reading: 'For a long time I suffered from indigestion, torpid liver, constipation, nervousness, and general debility," he writes. "I couldn't sleep, had no appetite, nor ambition, grew weaker every lay in spite 0? all medical treatment Then nsed Electric Bitters. Twelve mottles restored all my old-time health md vigor. Now I can attend to busiaess every day. It's a wonderful medicine." Infallible for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Blood and Nerves. 50c. at Kaufman Drug Co. Dericks Drug Store. Sandel Drug Store. Remember, that you will always Snd the very best cakes and crackers it The Bazaar. THE JEWELER 1637 Main St., Columbia, S. C. REPAIRS WATCHES ASD JEWELRY Makes Them Good as New , MEDALS : AM) BADGES! I * j ianufactured in Qssr Own ! Shops for Schools and Other Purposes. j l WERY, The Jeweler 1637 Main St., Columbia, S. C 1 DHSMm ! I I IM IW .^fc. jTrtlf^jl ly?illiy; DIMS NOVELS CAUSES AI YOUTH'S DOWNFALL. I rriedto Extort $35,000 from Wealthy Atiantan by ^Black-Hand" Methods?Father and Mother j Heart-broken. "It was just a fool notion I got from eading dime novels." said Daniel W. rohnson, Jr., the 18-year-old boy who ^ vas jailed in Atlanta last week for laving attempted to extort $35,000 rom Asa G. Candler, prominent bank- m >r and Georgia's wealthiest citizen, I hrough Black-Hand methods. The young man at first told the po- ^ ice that he had been forced by three 3 itrangers to write letters to Mr. Can- a ller, demanding the money. He now ? idmits that the scheme was of his $ f J1 XX VVUVWI.AVUI Johnson wrote the second letter on 8 iunday, repeating his threats of death J o Mr. Candler in case of his non-com- 5j >liance, and then went to church and a ook his regular place in Mr. Cand- ? er's Sunday school class. ^ Johnson was arraigned before Unit- $ id States Commissioner Colquitt, S vaived examination and was bound ? lyer to await the action of the federal 3 p-and jury. Bond of $1,000 was made ? md Johnson released. $ The case was set for hearing in the to lircuit court May 10 next. The spe- | :ific charge is using the mails with in- ? ent to defraud. to Mr. Candler has announced that he 3 vill not urge the prosecution. The boy's father is heart-broken to >ver the case and Mrs. Johnson has $ )een confined to her bed since the ^ tews of the arrest of her son reached to ler. | m WEAK SPOT | Most Lezmgton People Have a Weak Part and Too Often It's the Back. Everyone has a weak spot. Too often it's a bad back. Twinges follow every sudden twist. Dull aching keeps up, day and night. Tells you the kidneys need help? For backache is really kidney-ache. A kidney cure is what you need. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys. Cure backache and urinary ills. Lexington people recommend the remedy. Mrs" Lena Amick, of Lexington, .S C., says: "I can say that I have found Doan's Kidney Pills to be a very good kidney remedy. I suffered a great deal from kidney complaint and although I used a number of remedies, I did not receive much relief. N it long ago I heard about Doan's Kidney Pills and procured a box at the Kaufmaun Drug Company. Since using them I am feeling better than I have in a long time, tne pains in my back have lessened and the kidney secretions are bepoming natural, I am glad to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to others in return for the benefit I have obtained from their use." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. Mrs. Ella Bowers of Lancaster had a turkey hen to hatch out seven little turkeys 011 the 14th day of February ?St. Valentine's day, five of which are now living and growing nicely, two having been killed by a hawk. Mrs. Bowers' father, Mr. R. H. Phillipps, was certain that the little ones would die?hatched out so early in the 9ea9on?that he told his daughter that he would give her $5 fcr every one she raised. Now, however, he wants to "back out" as the prospect of having to pay ?25 for fiye turkeys stares hi n in the face. Beware of Ointments For Catarrh that Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of 9mell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucuous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the goed you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarih Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O , contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly, acting directly upon the blood and musous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is t km internallv and made in Toledo, Chio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold ly Druggists. Piiee, 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for con**"' pation. Agents of the Standard Home pany of Birmingham, who are c bnsine-* in Orangeburg, will be pr m-itu/l ho^tonoo nf no a. inrtriw O U Uv. VI WU VUU.3U VI ill V V . V V . by the representatives of the lendii company. Its A Top Notch. Doer. Great deeds compel regard. The world crowns its doers. That's why the American people have crowned Dr. King's ? New Discovery the King of Throat and Lung remedies Every atom is a health t force. It kills genus, and colds and la- ^ grippe vanish. It heals cough racked membranes and coughing stops. Sore, iufi ;med bronchial tubes a:id luug3 are cured and h< morrhagescease. Dr. Geo. * More, Black Jack, N. (J., writes "it cu *ed me of lung trouble, pronounced hopeless by all doctors." 50c. 41.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed l-y Kauf- (1 aiaiiii Drug Co. Dericks Drug Stor \ Sandel Di ug Store. WANTE.)- Piedmont cigarette con- 1 po.is. I will pay 45c. per hundred. Rico B. llarman. * I I ? IH??I W ! ! I WOBM?? -^r-v COLUMBIA Gl THE STORE THAT SELLS Fi RETAIL Flour, Bacon, Lard and We carry evevything in th< chief aim is to please. Tr you will be convinced. Corner Plain and Assembl COLUMBIA, MILL I | The leading Be | Stationers. Ar< I for all School ; them in their tv j when in Columl j Two Stores on \ COLUMBIA, - * i I i FARM SEE me before you buy you Rpyster, the Old Peruvian The Oliver Chilled Plows ai ware. Cotton Seed Meal an times at the very lowest nri( ~ " * p. m7f CHAPIN, Dont Experiment 0% | m% wm Use the old reli- K3KL able roofing that Trad*Mwk *** has been the stand- E) I ard for 16 years. 1m, I COLUMBIA SUPPLY < ORGAN PIANO BARGAINS Some good Square Pianos from $45 to $75. Some good used Organs from $25 to $45. Should the purchasers of ? these instruments desire to (exchange them in a few years | 8 for a new piano, we will al- kg low their market value as a g j credit on the new pianos. Write at once for particu- | J lars, as bargains go quickly. P 1 j "" I. hi :ol Rii leads Sugai Souvei lay. B. D. i 639 Main Sti ROCERY CO., DE CASHAT WHOLESALE PEICES, Sugar our Specialties e Grocery line, and our y us before you buy and > i y Streets, near Market, : s S. C. 5RYAN CO., 1 * s oksellers and | 3 State Agents | Books. Visit | to large stores | )ia. I i * i ^ Main Street, $ - - - - S. C. jf Per c Ha aa a? r Fertilizers. I carry the and Pocomoke brands, id a full line of hardd Hulls on hand at all jes. ^ j ^RICK, S. C. *' * ????????? Weather-Proof Fire-Resisting C. 3. P?t. Off. P" I BkB Will not melt, rot, I I I>i \J& crack or rust. CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. SW96969SSS969SS6969?969e9 | M. 1. HARMAN DEALER IN | | General i | Merchandise, 1 8 orner Main and lew Street, 2 I Opposite Contederate 8 g Monument, 8 8 Lexington, - - S. C. g FIRSTCLfl^" " Atlas and ^ bard B'' /