Does not C Ingrcdienis c Sulphur. Destroys g< falling hair. Curt Glycerin. Soothing, h Quinin. A strong tonic Sodium Chlorid. Clea Capsicum. Increases ; Sage. Stimulant, tonic. Alcohol. Stimulant, ar I Show this formula to your doctor. A Ask him if he thinks Ayer's Hair Vigo; ration you could use for falling hair, o ^ ^ T /V T iVo Land bo i Cannot iS You use fertilizers for tl 5 better the land the more pfofi Do not imagine because land i Virgini Fer that these fertilizers cannot be made only for land too poor t will show a normal increase show at least double the mere? j to increase the quality, as we will increase the profits from y "I have been using your f Mr. William Fraiser, of Glasbi to fertilize, but to do plenty t had, suck as your brands. I h them to be as recommended ar fertilizers'that 1 have ever usee Every planter and farmer Virginia-Carolina Farmers' Ye fertilizer dealer, or write our nc tff'V . Virginia-Cart fates Offuet MB Richmond. Vx Norfolk; Ya. Columbia, S. C< KyjrQjJ] Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, GaL Memphis, iFenifc. HUB sagtMBsaasaa I ?????rTHE PRICES TELL. * J. B. FRII W> - ' } Wholesale T'. ' Grocers, Fie Fee We Wcmt the Merchants, Pie - x ington County to CaU and JSe Purchases, We Can Fill X Money, .1823-1825 Main Sti I & 0. BROW I S730 MAN STREET, ' t Is'wheref you -ean find oi ^PAII - ? OF ALL I TkAAX>C C BLINDS LIME AND CABINET : Call or write for Prices, i | I : ^| g ?j lai WJ.n n 1 '? f " "i "V j ?ic/i That Fertilizer' ''lake It Better ie profit you get out of them?and the' tably a good fertilizer can be used on it. : will produce a fair crop without a-Carolina Ulizers \ profitably used on' $/or that they were o produce without th^ri. If poor land ; when fertilizer is useSvgood land will isc. Use Virgi^ia-Carolraa FertilizersII as the quantity of the c/^p?and you our land. ertilizers for a number of yea*9" says urg, La., "andfind: that it not onty fays f it, and use the best fertilisers to be tave used a number oi them and fotfed id to give better results than any other I." . -? 1 1 1 ? ~C 4-1. rm fonn snouiu Jiavc <% t>i UlC new xv\>v ar-Book, Get a free copy from your j arest sales office. tlina Chemical Co. Sales 0fluff p>rtl?r7P?35^H? Durham, 5LC. . Charleston. S.C>ll3^3fQtln^y Baltimore. SM. ''cSHjHi ?k* Bnggy and Slip Harness. It w Q T?av any t>ne t-p get onr prics*? I\AYIS & COMPANY, 1517* Wain Street, Columbia, S^C. OUR PIES lave found favor with everybody -babes and men, the little girl in pinafores and her mother and her ? grandmother. They are of the! sweet, delicious, wholesome, j inelt-in-your -mouth kind, anc ! we're anxious to have you try | them if you dori't know the products of our ovens. If you do know we won't have to ask you. REIDUHWS STEAM BAKERY, COLUMBIA, S. C, Liquor Pour? la to Gutter i Manning Aprii 8. About six gallons ? | of contraband liquor, which had | been captured some time age by the i Manningpolice, were emptied into a i gutter yesterday afternoon by Sheriff ! Gamble and Chief Huggins?the first instance of the 8 or t that has occured hero. Tlie municipal ordinances 1 il regard | to liquor traffic are very stringent, and | the poller? officials of the town are very J vigilant ,|so thi?t M.?ch as are disposed to ignore and defy the law most needs he wry wary. Upon evidence recently gathered, several parties were summoned to appear in the Mayer's Coiii'tto-day on charges of unlawfully selling liquor. One of the accused was dismiss- j ?/! f ho r\fhf?rf?flsps were set for trial CUj tllivt witv %- , | to-morrow and on later dates. In several instances the accused will demand trial by jirfj8' - 111 Tears Qia. Mrs l>, W. Hair, of the Fork, send? usffhe following, which we publish wtih pleasure:: "You mentioned in the Times and Democrat iiot long since of the death of a man in the up-country who was one hundred and twelve years of I age, and you said you did not tnink i Orangeburg County had a citizen as old as that. My grandfather, Mr John Brunsor, who lives ntar Norway, is nearly one hundred anc? eleven years old. He was a settled ma* when the Charleston and Augusta Railroad was built, and halped build it. He is in good health yet, but is blind, and hras no mind most of his tf*ne."? : Orangburg Times and Democrat, i Those Dear Frierttfs?Sfreila (at the piano)?Now th'd't1 j*otT hare heard me sing, what would ytm' advise' me to do with my voice?' Mabel?Well. I wouldn't do anything Witto it jost now. Wait til! the' mor4 nrtm/ttr nt*r\ trn/? Kn va ! ' ] uioii V.UUUCO aiuunu auu uai v -?L iuu<.u> St. Loiiis'Post-Dfspatch. j liking His W easure, "Mr. Bliggins never seems to tbhik ; of anything'that is worth saying,"" said : one yonng woman. "I don't know about that," retried : the other. "He certainly never says 1 anything that seems worth thirr'tfeg." * ?Washington Star. i An Earnest Wista, j "What do you think!" exciaikwT the theatrical star proudly. 41They ar? f going to name a new cigar for in*.'* "Well." rejoined the- manager, "hero'' hoping it will draw beter than ywd'1 do."?Chicago News. ' Made to Order. t Biggs?Sraawley claims- to be* a selfroade mrm. ; | Diggs?Well, if you- ever saw hira when his wife is around; yon- would: ^ thfcb he was made- to- order.?tleve* J land Plair? Dealer. i Wanted?Piedmont cigarette cou- 1 pans-1 will pay 45c per hundred cash ira redeemingthese coupons. Rice B. Hhrman. (Honesty I in Jewelry I "If it came from. Sentor%. you* 9 j luowit's ail right," is what 0114- ?g ?? our customers remarked ta>? fl another the other day. When yen. buy Jewelry,. yo:Ci j generally Imve to take the "Jeweler's word fhr it" whether it is? good or no*. That's jaftt where oTwrrepnh*tnon for honesty and faiirdealing oounta. And fuTtiiermore, wo- will.[a2*-Iways givt> you yonr maney. batiifc : and ask no questions any time Svou are dissatisfied with a pare chase. i Special attention to *mail orders,. JEWELER,' ' I{ HS^Main, Cokimbia^S. C | | ?aa? a , I We Ask Ton I g to take Cardii, for your female 9 3 troubles, because we are sure it S I will help you. Remember that ffi \ S this great female remedy? $ f CARD II! i ; S has brought relief to thousands of |i \ a other sick women, so why not to g w you ? For headache, backache, E j 3 periodical pains, female weak- & 3 ness^ many have said it is "the gj g best medicine to take." Try it! B g Sold in This City F31 ITE M'S OF THE STATE The city of Abbeville has voted ?20,000 school bonds. Joseph Goings, an employe of a carnival company, was stabbed by a negro at Gaffney. Seven negroes have been arrested in Alleuda'e o;i the charge of robbing , stores aii Liiai piace. Charlie Fi-her, colored, has beCii ? in Aiken on the charge of outraging his own child. Revenue cfTLnT* *m;,iureO an illicit still in Marlboro county. There was no one about the place. rim O "-".n <1,- !'!n AT a ??ti To ^ 'A I \ UiU^liU W . I is offering prizes for the best kept yards in tile nvJl village. The Charleston Terminal company 1 will build a new compress. It will have a capacity of 1,200 bales a day. James Brooks, colored, who is wanted in Greenville 011 the charge of murder, lias been arrested in Charlotte, J. CV Shockley'si lumber plant at Salem, COctree county, was destroyed by fire. He' ^timates his loss at bet ween $6,000 atf# $7,000, with no insurance. George Cherry, aged years, while trying to mail a letter on an Atlantic Coast Line train in Greenville, fell under the train and one of his legs was broken. Gov. Ansel baa issued a proclama- i tion ordering an election to be held on April 26- in that part of Berkeley county,- proposed to be cut off and annexed to Charleston. An election on this proposition wag held December 15 but the State boaird canvassers threw out the election and the matter come before Gov. Ansel for a second time,Amaradam road will be built- in the suburbs of Greenville under the supej-vision df government roads ; boildirg enperts. i Art in Selling Satff. |, ""It makes yon look- small,'7 says ihe saleslady tb? the big woman who s trying on fche*hiat.- Sold. "It makes yo^f look plnmp," she jays the slender woman. Sold.. i "It makes yoit look yonng,?' srh8 jays to the ob-Tseiattljr middle-aged : jvoman*. Sold. I "It ruakes you Itote tall/*' she saye to the short womaav Sold. 4'It makes you look short/' she says* ,] ;o the tall woman. Sold. ; "It brightens youyfaee/' she says- if the dark woman. Sold. ji^ It brrcgs out your eolor, she say^ ?t to the pale woman. Sold. U And- all the hats are alike. }' > ?Judge. CCiprd's Mkk' Tom loves winsome Daisyv AttA Daisy favors Will. WllT makes eyes at Maizle, . While Maizie pines for Phil. Pliil?rp smiles at Doily, ?!* And Dolly longs for Ted. TecE loves only Portly, [ ? Ac>3 Polly' lives I&r Ned. Thus tire lovers slizpid Sorrowing are fixed When young Mr. Cupid r' Gets his arrows mixed. ?Smart Set. | Another Philanthropist. 'Why don't you abolish straps and* high steps- on your street car lines?" "My friend,'' answered Mr. Dustin Stax impressively, "scientists tell us that unless we take more exercise we will become mere creatures of braiD, ; 4 with neither arms nor legs. I'm trying to stand between humanity and an ; awful fate;"?'Washington Star. I Strictly; Ferrrmme. "Yes, 1 always let papa buy my/ hats." "Is his taste so good.?* "It isn't a matter oS, taste. Papa* always buys hats thai are too expensive, ami then I chance them and get? the difference." ? Cleveland Plain* Dealer. In Doubt. "Is y??rtr son-in-la\v, the duke, a good conversationalist?" "Well.** answered Mr.. C'umrox. "h^s willing enough. Hat my foreign vo cahnlarr is limned. i can never jlv?pi sure whether he is talking about Sis pcdicrriee or thinkrn-jr up a nienui for dinner."?Washington Star. Childhood's Woes. A iittle jrirl was sitting on the- floor oryrrnr. After a while she stopped and seemed buried ?V* thought. Looking up suddenly, site said: "Marninn. what was I crying about?" i "P.ecause I wouldn't let yod go out." "(i!i. yes!" And s!ie set tap another howl.?London (b tin ion. Three Flights Krgh. Tlie eil\ child was describing to h*-r friends a very tail tree she had seen in the country. "Oh. i'r was awful big." she said. "Well. how big?" They asked. "Three flights." came tho answer.-? New York Press. The First Slow One. Uo uttered :> joyous cry. "And 1 ant really and truly the first man you ever kissed?" "Yes. Clarence," Iho beautiful girl rejoined, her red lip curling slightly. "The others ail tuck the initiative,"? Pittsburg post, r v t / wmifi Wick Blue Flair fcnsures quick work and a cool 1 has a substantial CABINET T ing food hot after it is cooked, set small cooking utensils?v fof holding towels. ff Made in thre p 11 . or without Cabin write- our nearest f powerful light and fet safe, convenient?jus! If not with your STAN! /g\ /?\ /W\/f\/(T. /*\ /S\ /B | New Spr I Our line of new | mer goods embrg f> to-date in Dry s Millinery and ? I was selected w if l i :j? > can please you it ^ _ J | Wm. Plait JL. 1804 Main Street, 3rs nrfffrnR "" WATER GRC fflrst Pat. $6 00 Barre This M- the time for Lesangtoimn >ther things-they need. Always see m< Swift's- Premium H best, 121-: J. B. H Wholesale and General Groceries, Beef, 332 GERVAIS STREET, WEAR *" * * " / \ Oa-p ^ spec-tali Oxfords and know the | conafort and satisfaction that goes with Til n mat vv iii .. .? i and Black.. Ehrlichvs] 'Shoes Wear Best, Cost Less. EHELICH'S, 1C> 43 Main St.. ( Oftl HEJD1A C f* 1627 Mam St., i yULUlBDlfl, di Ui TRESPASS NOTICE. This is to notify all persons' not to trespass upon my lands by rfishing, hunting or in any manner whatsoever. The law will be rigidly enforced against all violators of this notice. hr'h MRP. I), L. CEOK'.ilL f Don't Heat I I the Kitchen 1 I All the necessary family cook- n ing may be done as well on a H | New Perfection "Wick Blue ^ Flame Oil Cook-Stove as on. the best coal or wood range- jH By using the "New Perfec- H 1 ticn" Oil Stove; the annoyance HI of an overheated and stuffy |B kitchen is entirely avoided; even 8H in midsummer. The scientific Gfl construction of the te Oil ?ook-Siove 8 kitchen. The ** New Perfection" IB 'OP for warming; plates and k*cp- fl| Also drop shelves on which to fl| very convenience, even to bars 1 I e sizes. Can be had either with et Top. If not at your dealer's, agency. sH fa Lamp Ldfoftt' I finely nickeled and very handsome. Gives a ^B irns for hours with one filling. Portable, ^B : What every home needs. BB dealer, write our nearest agency. Bfl DARff Oft COMPANY 9 (Incorporated; ing Goods M ?r m i \i/B ' Spring and Sum- I ices everything up- < JIS " Goods, Notions, j ihoes- This stock ) ith care, and we \ vou will onlv call. \ v & Sons, 1 , COLUMBIA, S. C. JL| >UND FLOUEI il.Fancy Pat. $5,75.B ,s to buy their supply of Good Flour audH 3 before you buy. ams, guaranteed theH 2c per pound. ERIOT, I Retail Deafer in H Mutton, Pork and Sausage. COLUMBIA, S/CS ! OLD GOODS MADE Tdl LOOK NEW I We are the agents forHj 1 Barrett, Nephews &' C?.f OldM I Staten Island Dyeing EsfabS j lishment, and will have yoniBj j suits, skirts and waists clean-H ed, pressed and dyed and madeH I tft lnnlr a a rf new. Let us have^b any garment and we guaran-* ! tee prompt service and satis^ I faction. For- further information? 1 address. fl J. L. IIMN3UGH & CO J COLUMBIA, S! Cy | Electric || 1MB? m aq Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female |l weaknesses they are the supreme | Hj ? remedy, as thousands have testihcchJ^H * 5-OR KIDNEY, LIVER AND? STOMACH TROUBLE 3 it is the best medicine ever sold a over a drugget's counter.