Jill III II i iT'TiiiTififi Tii"lirin''jinrT'' -IPI--YIY--? l The Lexington Dispatch. I Wednesday, March 24.1909. Index to Nevr Advertisements. Grand Opening?Whitten's. Shoes?Harman'fl Shoe Store. Grard Display?Piatt & Son. Spring Paint?W. S. Stewart. National Banks?Home National. Clothing?Scruggs & Swan. 8hoes?Lever, The Shoe Man. Final Discharge?-Geo. S. Drafts. Examinations?A. D. Martin. Cotton Market. Lexington 9c. Services At St. Stephen's. St, Stephen's Evan Lutheran church Bev. T. S. Brown, pastor. Services Sunday 11 o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. m, " Sunday school at 10 a. m. Catechisms 4 p. m. i .. Boofs Millinery Opening. Watch W. P. Roof's space next week tor announcement of his milli ^ nery opeaiii^. / Card of Thanks. To the Editor of The Dispatch: ? Please allow us space in your valuable paper to return our appreciative thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors for the aid given us at the time of the lo3s of our house by fire on January 21. May the richest blessings of an all-wise God rest upon each and everyone is our wish. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie T. Corley. Lexington, March 20. School Closing. To the Editor of The Dispatch: The school at Pine Ridge will close with a big exercise and picnic on Saturday, March 27. A number of prominent speakers will address the audience after dinner. The public cordially invited to attend and bring a well filled basket and enjoy the day. Ex-Student. Backer's Garden Huckleberry. P. J. Rucker, Colombia, S. C., says leading newspapers and magazines says best seedsmen that the Wonder - Garden Huckelberry, or whatever yon choose to call it, given to the world by Luther Burbank, the greatest seedsman that God ever made. A thousand years from todav Luther Burbank's name will live. Listen at me! Don't fail to send me the small amount I ask and get these seed. ' Send 30c. in stamps or money. 4 mmmk; ,.. ... * We have in line of Buggi Wagons and 1 found in this se Carolina. We best makes?fr est that's good Letter to Tiie Editor. Columbia, S. C., March 18, 1909. I To the Editor of The Lexington Disj patch: My dear Sir: i I passed Dr. Q. R. Harding's dental office, near Hyatt's Park, yesterj day and I saw a big crowd of people j in and around the building. I asked j the conductor what was the matter. I Oh, that's nothing you can see that j every day. Do you know that the most of this crowd is from Lexington county. Some want new teeth, some filling, some extracting, some crown and bridge work. I tell you, sir, this man Harding is a dandy dentist. He did a fine job for my wife, also for me. Yours truly, Smith Jones. - ? 1 Tbs New Clothing Store. | When you want the newest and best in clothing, remember the new store, Scruggs & Swann, in Columbia. Here you find all the latest models for men and boys and at prices never before heard of in Columbia. Be sure tc call on them for your wants. "Datch Fropst" All Right. On the 5th of March Mr. Wm. P. i Houseal gave out his weather fore cast, in which he predicted a cold ! wave between the 9th and 11th for j the South Atlantic states and a corres1 ponding disturbance between the 16th and 18th, also adding that "the vernal equinox will be accompanied by a storm wave." Every part of the forecast came true. I ] 7 * To Subscribers. 1 Subscribers are reminded that uuj 1=88 they pay for their paper before j the expiration of the year, as the law I requires, we will be forced to discon| tinue their paper. We have had . to ! cut a few names. This we dislike to ! do, but it is not optional with us. In j I order to guarantee the continuance of ; ; your paper, you had best 9end your ! remittance at once. i | Bottle drinks of all kinds and flavors j | will be found at the Bazaar Fountain, j j Oa ice in season. Kasonics. A A REGULAR COMMUNICA, j I ,%/gVftion of Lexington Lodge No. 152, ] I A. F. M., will be held Saturday, I ! April 3, 1909, at 7 oclock, p. m. j Bretlireu are earnestly requested to at- ! i tend promptly. I I By order of the W. M. j Godfrey M. Harm ax, Sec. mm stock the best es, Carriages, larness to be ction of South handle all the om the cheapto the highest m m u LE IF YOU WA8S tlie newest in ! and Furnishii the New Stor lumbia. W e stock. You prices right, new shades a: Prices Ranee $12.50 Our stock of , the best that shown in thes to see us. j SCRUGGS Leaders in Styh j !464 EMM Si phone 3i J ANNOUN< DICKERSO will serve you ve: in Furniture, St Rugs, Etc. -Try 7 1836 SVEairs St. i (NEXT DOOR TO Equity Court. j It is thought that Judge Dantzler ' will arrive from Edgefield tomorrow : to hold a court of equity here, he hav- j J ing become too ill to continue court ; 1 while here in February. j 1 Regular communication of Pomaria | ^ Lodge No. 151, A. F. M., will convene | : in Masonic Hall, Peak, Saturday, 3rd ! j April, 1909, ?t 7 o'clock, p. m. j , The M. M. degree will be conferred. Visiting brethren welcome. John C. Swygert, Master. E? iF^1 B DEALER IN FINEST LI mammmamasatBmtmaBBBmaBamaamm 1?1MMM8?WM??MBPf IX j Clothing, Hats j ig, Goods visit j e when in Co- | have no old will find our j Suits in all the j nd latest cuts. ! I to $30.00 j Blue Serges is has ever been e parts. Come &, ! 9 and Quality is COLUMBIA, S. 6. j ! I DEMENT N & LYNN ry satisfactorily oves, Mattings, CJs. ^oSismbia, S. C. W. D. BATES) T7m. Piatt & Son. Wm. Piatt & Son, Columbia, announces to the readers of The Dispatch this week that their line of new spring goods, including fancy millinery and pattern hats is now ready for inspection. Lexington people always receive a warm welcome at Piatt's, besides their prices on up-to-date merchandise is as low as the lowest. Be sure to call on Piatt & Son before you buy. ALL THE NES OF ON S. I "RUBBER! RUBBER!" 0 and you had better "rubber" this E way if you would secure the best H bargains in rdedicinal rubber | goods of all kinds. Here you I will find a variety of 3 HOT WATER BAGS, BULB and | FOUNTAIN SYRINGES, 1 as well as atomizers, nipples, and | the usual line of rubber goods 9 I handled by first-class druggists. ? The qualities are guaranteed to be | perfect, and the prices are lower ? than you will find elsewhere in | this neighborhocKl. \ THE KAUFMAN DRUG I COMPANY, | LEXINGTON, SOUTH CAR. | ?" er Ij SUGAR 5c | I Best Granulated, Five Cents! Per Pouud. I Get started on our daily roasted B j coffee, from 12c. to 35c. Onr 18c , i three pounds for 50c., is an excel- g lent drink. Onr special at 25c. I matches 35c. quality sold else- k where. Fine teas, 30e., 40c., 50c. ffl Eest rice, 8c. Eroken grain, 5c. |j C. D. KENNEDY CO J Free Souvenir on Saturdays. I Phone 157. 1630 Main St. Columbia I / \yyfc YW? that's best. 0 dies, Bridles, Robes, etc., is We guaranty in both quality invite an inspe before you buy T1RMS TO 0MOMKBH c. | AS WELL AS j large ones are welcome here? you need not wait until your business has assumed great proportions before opening a Checking Account, DO SO TO-DAY. i Oor patrons regardless of the j amount of business done, receive | every courtesy in all matters of - business entrusted to us?ana there is nothing in safe banking we cannot perform. Talk it over with our cashier. 1 I | I CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, ; COLUMBIA, S. C. I Boyioston Breezes. To the editor of The Dispteh: Farmers around in this section have no' done much work in the iield yet. Too much rain is the cry. | Mrs. M. R. Nichols who has been sick for some time is slowly improving, at ?this writing. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Ada Rawl and son, William, has returned from a trip to Augusta, Ga. They report a pleasant time. While there William purchased a graphophone. Now girls, is the time for you to take short steps and a long walk. We are glad to note that Mrs. Lh:_ i ! zieLeaphart after an illness of several weeks is able to be up again. There must be a wedding close afc V _ ^ hand the way "someone's" buggy sails down Cherokee road. Measles have about stopped raging i i9 this community. Guess Who. ! Wanted?Piedmont cigarette cou| pons. I will pay 40c per hundred ca9h I in redeeming these coupons. Rice B. Harman. I /\I j. i * ^ y \ / /\ 5 ^ BMgaaasgssaMiBBEgEBaBaBsasaBEagaE ?L ?MMauiOPoi i wwnwniiMii? i * ??cBjaaym??a?j iB ?ur line of Sad- I Whips, Lap I unexcelled. I *e to please you j and price. We I ction of our line I elsewhere. I SUIT ALL. [