The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, March 17, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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16 Making Mo? Cottoi is merely a question of kind of fertilizers. Virginia Fert: are the right kind. The cotton plant cannc your soil. Find out wh necessary fertilization and Sec what Mr. W. C. Hays c "I planted about 30 acres of som cultivation for over 20 years, anc lina Fertilizers per acre, and 11 the SO acres/' This is why i hundreds of letters like this, and Carolina Fertilizer for cotton. Get a copy ot tne new iyuy ^ from your fertilizer dealer, or wri will be sent you free. It conu Southern States. Virginia-Carol Sales Offices B9B6R9P Norfolk, Va. jpffijfre Columbia, S. C. ^TVjrQflni Atlanta, Gx. HMSStci Savannah, Ga. PSISiws. Memphis, Tenn. mSKBml V JBEARDEN 922-924 Gervass ? Groceries, Hay, Grain, Ha terial, Wire Fencing, T ments, Harness, Sa Bridl< Best wagon yard in the ci Call to see us. Pi treatment THE PRICES TELl. J. B. FRIB Wholesale Grocers, Flo Fee We Want the Merchants9 PU ington County to Call and Se Purchases. We Can FiU I Money. 1823-1825 Main St pTii 1730 MAIN STREE1 $ Is where you can find < . | ?PAII <f OF ALI 1 DOORS, Si BLIND! V -r "THJTT* A TWTT iJjJ.JU.Jli niN J. CABINET Call or write for Prices. J. B. H Wholesale and General Groeeric Pork and 932 GEEVAIS STEEET, FLOUR-.S Cheaper by the barrel. First patent, "w give satisfaction or money lefunded. T people to buy flour at a low price. See : " Jb M i Money Out of tk Crops using enough of the right -Carolina ilizers )t feed on barren land. Study at it lacks. Then apply the the results will surprise you. if Smith Station, Ala., did. He says: e 'gray sandy land' that had been in L used 300 pounds of Virginia-Caro*xpect to gather SO bales from ve say it is the right kind. We have even stronger, in praise of Virginiafirginia-Carolina Farmers' Year Book te our nearest sales office and a copy lins pictures of the capitols of all the ina Chemical Co. ' Sales Offices la-Caroltaa!! Baltimore, Md. { j Columbus, Go.. QP' Montgomery, Ala. Shreveport, La. & LUTHER[ >t - Columbia, S. C. I rdware, Wheelwright Ma- I inware, Farming Imple- 1 ddles, Collars, Fads, I as otn | b/ WJ WW _ ty for the benefit of all. I rompt and oonrteous I guaranteed. 1 nBHMHHBHOHBdn THE QUALITY SELLS* AY & CO., and Retail >nr, >d and Grain. inters and Farmers of Lexte Pa Before They Make Their our Wants and Save You reet, Columbia, S. C. iTioTT , COLUMBIA, S. C. i )ne of the best stocks of ^ NTS" . KINDS | LSH, S & GLASS ) CEMENT. j: MANTLES. | ERIOT, Retail Dealer in is, Beef, Mutton, . Sausage, COLUMBIA, S. C. ?i JI n *ri : u? rccei>tni ti cariuau 01 nuur. ice price reduced to only 6oc. per 24 pound sack, 'aterground. Every sack guaranteed to his is a fine opportunity for Lexington me before you buy. Owing to the growing demand for our Hand Made Harness, we find ourselves overstocked on Factory Made goods, and for the next 30 days will sell all Factory Goods at greatly reduced prices. These goods axe made by Factories of the highest reputation, and consist of Carriage, Buggy and Slip Harness. It will pay any one to get our prices DAVIS & COMPANY, 1517 Main Street, Columbia, S. C. Alleged Murderers Admitted To Bail. At Manning on Wednesday Judge John S. Wilson granted bail in the sum of $2,000 each to Arnold McAlhaney and Merriman Reeves, charged with the murder of Pressley Reeves near Branchyille September 22, 1908. Mr. A. L. Summers, of Orangeburg, appeared for the prisoners and Mr. R. Lon Weeks, of St. George, resisted the application for bail. Threatening feverishness with children is quickly and safely calmed by Preventics. These little Candy Cold Cure Tablets should always be at hand ?for promptness is all-important. Preventics contain no quinine, nothing harsh or sickening. They are indeed, "thestitch in time." Carried in pocket, or purse. Preventics are a genuine safeguard against Colds. 25c. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. Garris Aet Will Beaffit Schools. At a recent sessicn of the general assembly there was an appropriation of $60,000 for the development of the high schools of the State, and $20,000 to carry out the provisions of the Garris common school law. The State V* o c K/-?or?o]]r>rl to t.ho uuaiu xiao un n vun^vx n/ u..v necessary regulations for the expenditure of the money. The rnostimportant of these requirements will be relative to the expenditure of the funds provided for under the Garris act. In certain counties, where the schools in the rural districts are now run for, say 50 days in ail, the Garris bill will apply, and the requirements will be plain but exact. The regulations will provide that before any one of the rural schools can receive any part 6f the fund it most first place the portion to be raised by the patrons in the county treasury, and it must be absolutely to the credit of the school fund. In other words, if a rural school has run for say 50 days and the teacher is paid $30 per month, if the patrons of the school will raise among themselves and place in the county treasury $30 in cash, then and then only will there be available from the new fund $60 with which to pay for teaching. The $60 is not in tended to be available until after the sum raised by the patrons has been expended. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Most Popular Because it is the Best. "I have sold* Chamberlain's Cough j Remedy for the past eight years and j find it to be one of the best selling med- j icines on the market. For babies and j young children there is nocnmg Deiter \ in the line of cough syrups," 9ays Paul j Allen, Plain Dealing, La. This remedy j not only cures the coughs, colds and ; croup so common among young chil- i dren, but is pleasant and safe for them to take. For sale by Kaufmann Drug j Co. 1 * Johnston Has Big Fire. The town of Johnston, in Edg?fleld county, suffered seriously by fire last Tuesday night. The fire broke out in the business section, and a number of : stores and stocks of goods were de- j stroyed. The loss is estimated at i about $75,000. A clever 25 cent silvered "No-Drip" j Coffee Strainer Coupon is now put in each 25c package of Dr. Shoop's Health i Coffe. Look for it! Ninety large cups j of the very finest coffee Imitation ever j made, from one 25c. package. Then i besides the satisfaction and flavor is i perfect. Sold by M. D. Harman. ?. / I Subscribe for the Home and Farm, j Only 25c. in connection with The Dis- j patch. THE 61 $35,000 Stock c WEDNESDj 919 SEBVAIS ST. * This stock of good mgs, Dry Goods, Shoe Hosiery of all kinds. This store will b< Tuesday, the 16th, to This great sale op member this sale lasts Friday. March 19th, i J- & P. Coats' Cotton and Ladies' Handken each. Men's, Ladies' Don't fail to attenc Suit, regular price, $1 attend this sale. 5.000 yards of Sea per yard. 2,000 yard A L 91S GERVAIS ST., SBZgan a o I ired ft may be from overwork, bat the chances are its from an Inactive LIVER With a well conducted UVER one can do mountains of labor without fatigue. ft adds ahuijdred per cent to ones earning capacity. It can be kept in healthful action by, and only by Tuff's Piik i Ulti V B TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. It is said that there is a strong dispensary sentiment in Sumter county, and it is likely that county will vote "wet" at the election to be held in August. A Common Cold. We claim that if catching cold could be avoided some of the most dangerous and fatal diseases would never be heard of. A cold often forms a culture bed for germs of infectious diseases. Consumption, pneumonia, diphtheria and scarlet fever, four of the most dangerous and fatal diseases, are of this class. The culture bed formed by the cold favors the development of the germs of these diseases, that would not otherwise find lodgment There is little danger, however, of any of these diseases being contracted when a good expectorant cough medicine like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. It cleans out these culture beds that favor the development of the germs of these diseases. That is why this remedy has proved so universally successful in preventing pneumonia. It not only cures your cold quickly, but minimizes the risk of contracting these dangerous diseases. For sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. School Money For Public Boad. The proposition to use $5,000 of the school money to assist m DUiicnng tne automobile road from Augusta to Aiken has stirred up the people of Aiken county. This act was passed by the representatives of Aiken county at the recent session of the legislature, and the tax payers are not at all pleased with their action. Judge For Yourself. Which is Better?Try an Experiment or Profit by a Lexington Citizen's Experience. Something new is an experiment. Must be proved to be as represented. The statement of a manufacturer is not convincing proof of merit. But the endorsement of friends is. Now supposing you had a bad back. A lame, weak, or aching one. Would yon experiment on it? You will read of many so-called cures. Endorsed by strangers from faraway places. It's different when the endorsement comes from home. Easy to prove local testimony. Home endorsement is the proof that backs every box of Doan's Kidney Pill's. Read this cage: ! Geo. B. Lee,"of Lexington, S. C., says: "I was a suffererer from kidney trouble for a good many years and during that time tried a great many remedies without much relief. I received the best of results from Doan's Kidney Pills, which I procured atTheKaufmann Drug Co., and shall continue using them. It will always give me pleasure to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to other sufferers." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. liAN IIU m I tl >f High-Grade Me Placed on Sale or <LY, MARCH 17th >tar Ston Ls, consisting of Ladies' s, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Si i closed two days?M( mark goods at lowest ? >ens Wednesday, Marc] ? only 19 days from date ) a. m. to 10:30 a. m. W Thread, white or blacl -ihip.fs to 2-0 as long as Children's 10-cent Tios( 1 this great, great sale 2.50: this sale, $8.98. l, Island Cloth, 42 inche s Checked G-inghams to .EX AY O I 3 Doors Below Seaboard Depi /in /in /in /in /in /in /in /Ik /in P New Spri l| !j Our line of new ^ j| mer goods embra< I; to-date in Dry S Millinery and S. ^ | was selected wi | can please you if % 1 I Wm. Piatt aSx 1804 Main Street, va/vft/\4/vft / \ a /\Hs \ft/ \fi/ \i\ J Why Ta ke I Are you thin, pale, easily tire 1 strength? Then your digesti thin, your nerves weak, Yoi You need Ayer's Sarsaparilla, free from alcohol. We belie1 these statements, or we woul f and find oui. Follow his ad\ lkl!X3MWECT.. a-wr?i SBSSC The endorsement of your doctor will certain Pills as a family laxative. Liver pills. All BASEBALL GOODS. Spalding Goods are the Best on The Market. Fishing Tackle of all Kinds. Cntlery, a Full Line. Automobile Repairing A Specialty. . Gun and Lock-Smiths. Prompt attention given to all mail orders. j Jacob Brothers, j 1719 Main Street, j COLUMBIA, - - S. C. FELLERS, THE HARNESS MAN, 933 Gervais St., Columbia, S. C. All standard Farm Harness and Gears, Traces, Trace Chains, Collars, Whips, Saddles, Bridles, Etc. All kinds of repair work promptly done and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Prices are the lowest. Give me a trial. E. A. FELLERS, COLUMBIA, - - S. C. Subscribe to the Dispatch. 1 SALE [ >rchandise to be L i, at 9 A. M. * COLUMBIA,S.C. and Gents' Furnishrirts, Shirtwaists and mday, the 15th, and ' Lgures. 117th, at 9 a m. Re- ! of opening. Specials 'e will sell 3 spools of k, for 5 cents. Men's ' they last at 11 cents | 3 to go at 6c. the pair, j and get a fine Easter j Be among the first to j I s wide, to go at 5 cts. j i go at 5 cts. the yard. ; ; b COLUMBIA, S. C.j \ft/Ml/\ll/Ml/Ml/ Mi/M/ ng Goods | Spring and Sum- | ces everything up- < Goods, Notions, i hoes. This stock ; /|\ ith care, and we s you will only call. ) & Sons, |, COLUM3IA, S. C. i ?/ Si/ S?/ SB/ ' ,)/ Vj/StlZsi/ s Alcohol?] X lack your usual vigor and | on must be poor, your blood j i need a tonic and alterative J , the only Sarsaparilla entirely a ve your doctor would endorse | d not make them. Ask him |j 'ice. J. C. Ai;cr Co.,Lou-ell, Mass. jj ly greatly increase your confidence in Ayer's vegetable. Aslc your doctor aDout I TEXAS MOB BURN NEGRO AT STAEB. | Attempted to Commit Criminal Assault ' at Rockwall. ** Rockwall. Texas, March 13.?After having been identified by Mr9. Arthur McKinney as the negro who attempt- * ed a criminal assault upon her Friday morning, Anderson Ellis was taken from the Rockwall county jail toj and secured to an iron stake 1 ? ?i-- i.1- _1 X uriven into tne eartn, ana was ourned to death in the presence of about a thousand persons. Earlier in the evening Will Clark, a negro was shot ; and instantly killed, when his father, I Andrew Clark refused permission to i | a posse to search premises on the assumption that Ellis was concealed there. People were here from several towns and from Dallas, Collins and Hunt as well as Rockwall county to witness the execution of the negro. Ellis admitted his guilt but refused to make a statement or to leave farewell messages for his relatives. He did not utter a cry as the pile of cordwood, which had been well saturated with kerosene was set afire, nor did he show loss of nerve as the flames cooked his flesh. He was dead within 9 minutes after the torch had been applied. The burning occurred in the public square of this city. At an early hour Friday morning Mrs. McKinney went*, into her back yard, and was seized by the Ellis negro, an employe of McKinney, who attempted to assault her. She fought desperately, and the negro, running away, called that he would murder her should she reveal his attempted act. 4 The alarm spread quickly, and the entire section turned out, joining the authorities in the chase after the negro. The search continued through Friday and Saturday, when a posse arrived at the farm house of Andrew Clark, a negro. Demand was made to search the premises on the ^ supposition that the negro* Ellis was there in hiding. Upon refusal, the inmates were commanded to surrender and two negroes were observed to run from the rear of the house. Shots were fired at them, and one, Will Clark, a son of the negro j farmer was killed. The other negro, * 4 | now known to be Ellis escaped. Blood- A hounds were secured and put on his | trail. About S o'clock he was surrounded at a farm house 3 miles south * of Caddo Mills. Ellis, armed, made desperate resistence and emptied his weapon at the posse without effect. Quickly the posse overpowered the negro, and tied hint securely. During the fight with the jwsse, Ellis was wounded twice, once in the arm and once in the back. The negro was placed in the Rockwall county jail. When it became generally known that Ellis was held in the jail, a quiet but determined crowd of men overpowered tire jailors, secured the keys, unlocked the cell, and brought the negro down. There was no rowdyism. The no;n\> was so curely tied to an iron sfatce. Cord* wood saturated with kerosene was piled about him and upon his refusal to make a statement, beyond admitting his frui!t in the presence of Mrs. McKinney, who fully identified htm as . her assailant, the torch was applied and the negro's body qu'e-kly bnrn?d in the flames. Tito crowd then quiekly dispersed.