^ ' : / /" - ' ' '' " ^WH^v f . ' rfc.-. ^ " ' / HhK : - v ? JfTHE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. &Nepresentatioe Betwspaper. Sowers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Bounties Lihe a Blanket. ^^ j f/j _ VOL. ttttt LEXINGTON, S. C., WEDNESDAY, MARCHX 1909. 19 ic . frhe HOME NA" * m - OF LEXII \ 1 ISSUES $25,0 y 0 We will make loans to our patrons I DEPOSIT eminent w am -T I SAMUEL B. GEORGE, President. AI rbpn i Mbrnu# w< i KA 1892. . J Lexington Sa ' " :v~ '~". , 1 , \ ' LEXINGTON, .* >> ;r '* : _ Capital, Surplus and Undiv f .: /> - 5 per cent interest paid c 4 being computed semi-annually. $ received, v Commercial accounts also g Ample facilities for handli aCWgaf0ty deposits^boxes for re: fc VPB i VHHBBHHBnnHi ^ V -* * *i ;: V' fiz f, -X'\- ' 11 Are Arriving J , i ' <: .'-v .. ' v< , . ^ : >. y,, w* > . - r . , j 4 \ ; v . * . Dfi Q all of which wil than ever befor< * We exerted City and other ] we succeeded in factory to those YOU ARE force of compete Watch this v ^ i I i i Y b. 1 v / I 4 , . j . A? # * " ?>1 ^ G1 "W. EC L6420 MAIN 8TBEI Solicits a Share riONAL BANKJ MGTON. 1 >00 IN MONEY 1 and depositors on good security. ley in this bank. The U. S. Gov- 0 ill see that it is taken care of. B FOX, Cushier. . I RL F. 1909. lyings Bank, S. C ided Profits $30,000.00. in sayings deposits, interest Deposits of $1.00 and over iven'special attention, ng your business, and your at, $1.00 per year, ?00F, President and Cashier NEV Daily at y i Shipments of wearing apj [Goods, 1 be found this sea 3 seen in Lexingto: our best efforts se fforthftrri markets. . finding the best a who appreciate q CORDIALLY IN >nt salesladies will space for announc Ul WW 1ers for I LE LOBE DRY 60 . ^Eonsrcszxo^ 2T, of Your Valued Pat / Edward Fielding Bradford. Mr. Edward Fielding Bradford, eldest son of Mr. C. S. Bradford, of this place, died in Providence Hospital, Mobile, Ala., Monday afternoon at 2 o-clock, after a few days illness with pneumonia. His remains will reach here on the 10:18 a. m., train of the Southern Railway this morning and the funeral services will be from St. Stephen's Lutheran church at eleven o'clock tomorrow. nn tnlll onf qq J. lie 1U11U YV lii^ mu avu ?o pallbearers: Sam P. Roof, Frank E. Dreher, Edwin G. Dreher, Samuel B. George, Alfred J. Fox, C. E. Leaphart. , The deceased was born in the citj* of Augusta, Ga., on the 5th of August, 1871. He began his business career at the age of 20 in the trafic department of the Central of Georgia Railwap, at Savannah, with which road he remained for several years. His promotion-was rapid, and subsequently he held responsible positions in the same department of the Jacksonville & Southwestern Railroad, at Jacksonville, Fla.; with the Atlantic Coast Line, both at Savannah. Ga., and Wilmington, N. C.; with the Seaboard Air Line, at Portsmouth, Va., and at the time of his death was Chief Rate Clerk in the Trafic department of the Mobile, Jackson & Kansas City Railroad, in Mobile, Ala. "Ned" Bradford, as he was familiarly known to everybody in Lexington, was one of the brightest of the bright, and possessed the happy faculty of making friends readily. Everybody was his friend. He was oiie' of nature's noWemen in its truest sptibp?hrave. callant. generous to a fault, manly. He is survived by his father, Mr. C. S. Bradford, and the following brothers and sisters: Mr. Hal Bradford, of Jacksonville, Fla., Mr. Jules Bradford, of New York, and Mrs. P. T. Brodie and Miss Mae Bradford, of Lexington, and Miss Helen Bradford, of Clemson. V SPRII If. P. F the very latest an mrel for Ladies. I Notions, son in our store ii n. jarching for the m and we feel safe j nd strongest lines uality, style and f rVITED to visit < II foVn r\lno onvo in L UC4)UU ^XVUiUUi. V JLJLL ement ot our Mill: riiorifthinnr lvui filling XINGT i k L .. IODS COMPAt t, jis., n i*i i -n ;ronage. route ana rr Mr. J. G-. Sther dge Meets Tragic Death. Mr. J. G. Etheredge, of Columbia, who met such a tragic death while out driving with his daughter in the city of Sumter on Saturday afternoon, was formerly a resident of Batesburg and was well known throughout the county and State. Itissaid that Mr. Etheredge's horse became frightened at the approach of a train, and having but one arm, Mr. Etheredge could not manage the animal, which r^nagainsta public trough throwing Mr. Etheredge and his daughter out. Mr. Etheredge married a Miss Etb eredge, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tyre Etheredge, of Leesville, and she with a large family of children, survive. Rev. T. 3. Brown Has Captured Lozington. The Rev. T. S. Brown who filbdthe pulpit in St. Stephen's Luther, n church on Sunday morning for tl e first time as pastor of the church, hcS captured Lexington completely and Lexington has captured Mr. Brown. Those who heard the beloved divine on Sunday were charmed and delighted with his forceful sermon. The minister took for his text a part of the first verse of the sixth chapter of Amos: "Woe to them that are at ea9e in Zion." "Activity" was the minister's theme, and he urged the members of his congregation to be active in all church affairs; that activity was necessary in religious as well as in business affairs. The discourse wa9 couched in beautiful language aud delivered in a masterful style. In anticipation of the coming of Mr. Brown and his family the members of the congregation gathered at the parsonage on Monday evening and gave the new pastor a severe pounding. When they arrived on Tuesday they were surprised to find every thing in apple-pie order and ready for occupancy. NC COC K>OF': d newest models i disses and Childre Shoes. M / a greater variety, ost desirable men in stating to our fi , ever shown here inish. )ur store for insp showing you our s inery Opening. in Up-to ON, S. inMHHBHHBHi t . - ,.... ......... 1 IT. _ ? I A-gkezes, COLUMBIA, W. C\ ompt Attention, * It*'* W" A OOLU *s wor^1 onb' as 111 ; ? ;: rv:^- .N.' there is at least twice ii V.jlfck &v"\V- Put temptation out of ) \ Citizens Boo, \ BATESBUR ^Jk,A n 2:j It?s safer there any w yW' f\ !'box. Start your accou : have. Make it a rule t ! Bp y ^ pay all bills by check. left for yourself every t: |nyHH We pay interest on ti 11M U. X. GUNTER, Pre WMM j\ _j | A. C. JON j WM. M IBank of C : : : CHAPIN, S. The Bank That Acc< This bank aims to give you good servi< (checks for you?rurnisn urates tor sena always glad to assist you in business mat with this bank, which makes a point of positors. Our certificates of deposit bea We cordially invite the farmers as well their bankine with us. / >DS S By Express r md designs in m, including rx. iiiwtiiy, tu better selection and chandise to be found i dends throughout the fcofore, at prices that1 ection and comparisc took, whether you pur OF -Date Merc! c. % SIN HAND iach as one in the bank. For q the temptation to spend it. rour way by depositing your of Batesburg, G, : : : S. C. ay than in your safe or cash nt today with what you ,o deposit all your cash and You'll find you have more ime you balance your books, line deposits quarterly. s. lES, Cashier. . CARTER, Asst. Cashier. ^ hapin n VI 0 ommodates ces. We cash out-of-town ing money way. We are fcters. Make your deposits good treatment of its der interest at 5 per cent. I as the business men to do P. HONEYCUTT, Cashier I ind Freight EHKEHHHHEHBHB 1 Jl larger stock n New York county that ?/>4"-i? w III UC OCtUlO- | )n. A polite 1 chase or rfot. I . i ERSflBST7? HPCE^'