The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, February 24, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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g ? { MATCHLESS ^ We have received all the ac ^ able prices. Wash Suits fb] J Shoes and Hats, Fancy Mil I LEXINGTC mwwwww* PENCIL AND SCISSORS. ? ; Wayside Notes Gathered H? re and There by a Dispatch Man, if" * Mr. D. A. Sox, one o? Brookland's popular merchants, is io town. Bny your garden seed at The Bazaar. Eresh stock just in. - . Mr. Samnel Bickley spent Monday in Columbia. Mr. W. A. Hook made ns a pleasant ; . call on Monday. Mrs. John Wilson Butler spent yesterday in Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fox are off on a visit to relatives in dear old Edgefield. Hon. F. E. Drefcer spent Sunday at his old home at Selwood. Mr. Joe Jeffcoat, of Livingston, vis* ited friends here Sunday. Buy your garden seed at Harman's V?ir9ar v Mr. Yancy Keisler, of Route 5, was in town on Thursday, v Mr. E. J. Tillman spent Saturday in Columbia. ' , The farmers are hauling lots of fertilizers now-a-days. ITCH cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by Derrick's Drug Store. 6m31 Mr. R. Glover Able, that prince of good men came up from Steadman on * Friday. ? Coroner B. D. Clarke and Deputy Sheriff Miller spent Saturday in Batesburg. Dr. D. M. Crosson, State Senator, spent Monday night in Lexington, a guest of Drafts hotel. * Unless something unforeseen turns nn there will be a large fruit crop this year. The price of cotton is about on a stand still and many farmers are still holding for higher prices. Mrs. Dr. Andrew 3. Drafts and interesting little daughter, of Hendersonville, N. C., are the guests of the Hon. and Mrs. Geo. S. Drafts. ^ Sheriff P. H. Corley has returned from a business trip to Atlanta, Ga., and Birmingham, Ala. Call and get our prices on Columbia brand of fertilizers made by^he Roys4?r Guano Co. Caughinan & Harman. V Mrs. Dr. P. H. Shealy has returned from a "visit to her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Derrick, at Leesville. Hon. W. L. Daniel, member of the house from Saluda county spent Saturday and Sunday here, the guest of his friend, Prdf. W. E. Black. Mr. A. Mid Long, one of the best farmers and influential men in the Hollow creek sectoin, was here Saturday on business. / Mrs. Sarah R. Shuler, of Batesburg, is the charming and much admired guest of Miss Lizzie Dreher at Sel nwu. Mra. W. H. Bickley has returned after a visit of several days to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Steele, at Ethan. Mr. J. C. Fulmer was here last Friday and called in and renewed his paper for another year. Whenever you are in Columbia, go to Ben David's, The Parlor Restaurant, for firstclass me^ls. Ladies and gentlemen are served in style with the best on the market. Mr. S. F. Ellisor, one of Peak's clever citizens, was here yesterday on business and called in and renewed his paper for another year. Advertising matter has crowded our space this week, almost at the last moment previous to going to press. ? Whenever you wish candies, cakes and crackers of all kinds, always go to the Bazaar. Mr. George Corley, Jr., now has telephone connection with this place, he having constructed his own line to town, and his number is 37. There are two prisoners in jailboth white: S. L. Riohardson, charged with defrauding several banks, and Thos. Craft, awaiting appeal before the supreme court for new trial. Prof. Cyrus L. Shealy, of the Camden Graded Schools, spent the weekend witn his brothtr Mr. Frank W. Shealy. ?????? i uin Incciui It is a recognized fact for the spot cash? A us. Prices are the low E~] ? ^ / Ivance styles in Spring Goods for M r right now, Spring Dress Goods in 11 n oy?tt on/1 "poffprn t-tntf?. i. 1 Ll"Ui J CU1U JL UUVlu AJi m v->N PEOPLE . Mini LOST?On last Sunday night between the residence of C. M. Efird and the Lutheran church, a ladies heart-shaped breast pin. Return to The Dispatch office and got reward. T ' ? 1- 4-V.o Mr. jonn n. ?iieaiy, uuc m mo most progressive farmers of Lower Fork, was in town on Monday and, like the honest man that he is, called in and renewed his subscription to The Dispatch. Mr. Raymond Roof, son of Mr. Jacob Roof of this county, underwent a successful operation for appendicitis at the Columbia hospital about ten days ago. * Mr. S. D. Metz, of the Fork was in town yesterday and remembered the I printers with his dollar. Mr. S. Ross Smith of Wagener, was in town last Wednesday, and called in to see us and left his dollar for the Dispatch. Delightful summer showers during the past week, although is just the last of February. Miss Annie Martha Meetze has returned to the College for Women, after spending a week at home. Do you know it is wise to eat only good and wholesome food. Yes, and that is just the reason you should buy your groceries at H. M. Wingard's. He sells the best at lowest prices. Mr. Ed C. Shull, one of Columbia's cleverest citizens, while we were in that city Friday, handed us his dues to the Dispatch. ** * nj i_ il A Mr. jonn ju. omari-, me pupuiai clerk's in the clothing and gent's furnishing department store of J. L. Mimnaugh's, Columbia, kindley handed us his dues to the Dispatch. Mr. George Martin Caughman has moved to Columbia and Mr. Frank A. Derrick will live at Mr. Caughman's old home, about four miles above this place. Dr. G. R. Harding, the painless dentist with moderate charges, is giving his personal attention to his office practice, near Hyatt's Park, Columbia. Ridge wood car passes the door 1 every 15 minutes. Phone No. 612. Mrs. Thos. H. Caughman, who has been quite ill during the past few days, is very muoh improved, much to the gratification of her very large circle of friends. Mrs. Eva Boozer, who has been desperately ill for the last two weeks, is thought to be greatly improved. The many friends of the Rev. B. W. Cronk will be interested to learn that | he is expected to arrive with his fam| ily from Pembroke, Va., on Friday. I The Rev. B. W. Cronk will preach ! at Providence next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and at Pisgah in the af' l- ~ ^ i. O.OA lAjrixuun <tii o.ov. The Rev. T. S. Brown, the newly elected pastor of St. Stephen's Lutheran church, is expected to arrive with his family from Pittsburg, Pa., next week.. His household effects have already arrived. Legisla ive. The senate met last night after an adjournment since Saturday. The house will meet again tonight. A great many matters are yet to be disposed of by both houses. It is thought that prohibition and the supply bill will be about the only matters of general interest that will be considered by the senate. The State-wide prohibition bill is now up to the senate, the house having already passed the j measure by a good majority. It is said that a compromise will try to be effected, and that the matter will j probably be submitted to the voters ; at an election to be held in August. ; The session of 1909 will come to a j close on Saturday. ? I Cherokee Telephone Line. Thp Citizens' Telenhone ComDanv I now has connection with the Chero-kee and Dreher's Ferry roads rural line, and subscribers will note the following calls thereon: No. Residence. 1 D. F. Efird. 2 P. H. Cook. 3 S. H. Wingard. 4 F. A. Hegman. 5 S. D. Fulroer. 6 G. B. Wingard. 7 E. L. Wingard. 8 W. S. Wingard. 9 Willie I. Roberts. Quarters t that we are the largest dea' jid in this way are better pre est... Goods are the best. We V j on THE LEADERS. TH en, Women and Children. You sh all the newest fabrics, Muslin Unde ARE ALWA^ COLUMBIA, SOU1: l/VWWWWWW STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington, In Cdmmon Pleas. Mrs. Minnie C. Meetze, et. al. Plaintiffs vs. Kate Miller, et. al. Defendants. In obedience to the decree of the Hon. Chas. G. Pantzler, Judge Presiding at Lexington, S. C., of date Feb. 17th, 1909, in above entitled case, I will sell at public outcry on the premises, situated about two miles west of Chapin, * 1 11 -a n _ during tne iegai nours 01 saie, ouoaiurday, the 13t.h day of March next, the following described property: All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the county ,, and state aforesaid, on waters of Stephen Creek, containing one hundred and thirty-five acres, more or less, bounded on the north by lands of Andrew Miller, on east by lands of E. P. Hipp, on the south by lands of John A. Frick and on the west by lands of D. C. Boland. The said lands to be sold in two separate tracts, plats of which will be exhibited at time of sale. Terms of sale: One-half cash, balance on a credit of one year, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises sold, with the usual ten per cent, attorneys fees clans, with in- ' , terest from date, with leave to purchas- ! or to pay all cash. Purchaser to pay j lor papers. FRANK W. SHE ALY, Clerk of the Court, Lexington Co. , J. H. Frick, Attorney for Plaintiffs. I Messrs. Efird & Dreher, Attorneys for j j E. P. Hipp. | Barnard B. Evans. Attorney tor Jfc>. n. Miller, A. H. Miller, J. W. Miller, M. McD. Miller, Martha Boland, E1- ' len Eargle and Nora Wise. Notice, Debtors and Creditors. This is to notify all persons that they must file their claims, properly attested, against the estate of John N. Long, de- j ceased, on or before the 1st, day cf I April, 1909, and those indebted will make payment to the undersigned on i or by above date. T. H. Meighan, 3wl8 Columbia, S. C. i Slander love9 a shining mark. THE JEWELER 1637 Main Si, Columbia, S. C. ? unsurpas SCO UppUI IUI11LJ Id VXU XXU1 O to find attractive articles for gift purposes, and Dispatch readers are cordially invited to do their shopping at Avery's. A Store Full of good things awaits inspection and attractive prices prevail, so none may go away dissatisfied. Can mention but few things in thi3 place. For fuller details visit Avery's. I Watches of all styles, sizes and prices. We prefer to sell the finest, bat whether its $100.00 or $l.CO you wish to spend you get good value any time. Umbrellas make useful gifts for women and men. Finely mounted in gold and silver from $3.50 to $25.00. Fans are essentially feminine. Dainty white and black designs, and hand painted effects. Prices very reasonable. ? 1 n silverware xxulu icouiug kmuucs, ?uu this stock comprises goods m sterling silver from Tea Sets to Tea Balls with all the spoons, forks and knife family. The silver plated goods for common every day use is likewise complete. | Jewelry in all forms comprise a oare I fully selected stock and whether its 25 cents or 25 dollars you have to can find it at Avery's. j Eyes that need glasses get most scrupulous attention by a graduate op- j tician. Fro?. I am giving away a few pictures?a reprodncfcion of a $12,500 painting. To get it yon must register your name at this store before Dec. 25th. It's free?there is no chance, no drawing for it. .Ask any one in the store about it. AVERY, The Jeweler 1637 Main St., Columbia, S. C. > for all lers of Commercial Fertilizer spared to give you lower pric want to figure with the best i CJ I E S E PRICE FIXERS OF ould see our showing before buying el srwear, Dry Goods and Notions, New fS WELCOME rH CAROLINA. VBAJHA U& ? V Mm M. Two car loads cc good business hors grand lot. And th buy than right nou "Our Guai (hrfrnmrxr_ C, vji JI w Si vea jr - w 1113 > _____ J $5 1 1315 gj Colui] * - A**; *' /-?''S^i^i^ 1- 2i<^v>'t' wmmmmmmmmmxmmmBamBwmBgsemmmmammmmmmmmm ? -? 1-1~- nnnii/vn \A.^ A 1\111T n 11 r S III 1/1113 3UUL1UI1. C uuy \j ui es than you can get most anyw !armers of Lexington couoty, bi BATES^^C NEm sewhere. New Spring Suits for \ Spring Clothing for Men and Z AT OUR We now have ii grandest lot of C Business Horses i shipped to Colui] Hatched teams in Hatched teams ii mules. >tton mules, toget es and mares are ere never was a T. ,'antee Means Son coder Mule Hampton Street, Columbia, S. one car of Hit Mules that a brought to Come and for they ar 3 Assembly Stree tibia, South Carol oV w Fai Kanits, Nitrate of Soda am here. Come to see us. Te] elieving that it will be to the! l/l P A H BORING TOWNS. Vomen at most reason- ^ Boys?Knobby Styles, ^ STORE t ^ | HORSES. a our barns the > rood. Mules and and Mares ever abia. We have . big mules, and a medium sized her with several included in this +.imA I MVU VVA VAAAAW WW aething." ?< I Company c. : the best ff were ever 1 Columbia. % see them ' |f 3 fine. , 1 B ina. ^ j| . P. ROOF LEXINGTON, S. C., t for all kinds of rming Implements. WRITE FOR PRICES. I7PPS. 1 mm w ? i Murate of Potash [1 your friends'about r pocket book's sake. /j