The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, February 03, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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THOSE EVERI How about a good * blade*?the Gilletb dandy, no toy, no fa] W Other makes from C I good and better. I How about a goo 4 Soger Razor, made crucible ste< era and Tand father for TWO ($2jOO). Your New i Sliced with a good eent bettor than wii v knife. If t a golden \ carving set at rock clean, dear cutters a .WRICK & L "THAT EVEBL ( Colombia, L . QUALIT You have probably bought man good, that cost a good price, but test of service soon proved themselv It might have been shoes that the sides, caps broke down, heels j gav? and soles were plated. To sn A. Pftflt O-ffioA WXrfVW*?V * VMAWf Tie Palwtt r col WE ABE A D^poritory for of Sooth Carolina of Colombia. WX OWN $400,000 United S ** ! T> ?_ vwuiioa jxNLuu. WE SOLICIT Aocounts of Bern! WEPAT Foot Per Cent. 01 tereet calculated < WE PBOMISE Our best efforts t< satisfaction. PALMETTO NATION OAPI Wilde Jones, President. X SOUTHER]! > p jP Unexcelled Di 1 a Through Pullman SI ^ Convenient Scbe 4S Tor fall informal ia consult nearest South v w j.c.lus: J. L. MEEK, A. G. 1 i | Do Your Ne rl where EVERY Santa Clans's se B Fictures, Frames, 1 I Card Albums, Hand Pa B beat Cooper, Head quart tions, etc. B Artists Ma M and many things ] I WEBB'S 1627 Main StrHt, And in U Subs % ?iif i puinn - I ML LtAINu LASTING RAZORS saiexy razor, one witu iweive s?for FIVE ($5.00). It's a Ise affair, but the real thing. IFE ($1.00) up. They are all d bed time genuine Joseph of the celebrated Wardlaw al, the kind of razor our faths used to talk so much about, Year Turkey Carving Set taste* fifty per - ! ! A 1 ft th an oia ami amy loo&ing ! opportunity to bay a good bottom prices. They are all nd make an ideal Xmas Gift OWRANCE, INC., A.STING HARDWARE." S. C. i# e u a p e i T on v y things that looked under the rugged . as worthless. soon run over at * gave way, sewing 4*r- \ oard against these things, pecially in foot d be confident of getting the best quality footlt money can bay, take advantage of the large 36 stock constantly available for making pleastiong at our store. j agent for W. L. Douglas Shoes for men, $1.50 BOYNE, Colombia, S. C. ? National Bank, CMBIA, S. C. the United States Government, the State , the Oounty of Richland and the City Itates Bonds and $100,000 State of South a. Firms, Corporations and Individuals. '' i deposits in our Savings Department, tn^uarterly. > transact your business to your entire rAL BANK, - - Columbia, S. C. TAL $250,000.00 J. P. Matthews, Cashier. i RAILWAY. % vi/ ining Car Service, ^ aonin<y ftare aii all Trains. vTT dules on Local Trains. ^ ion as to rates, routes, etc. * era Eailway Ticket Agent, or wy K, D. P. Charleston, S. C. ^ '.A; Atlanta, Ga. Jj^ ^5? w Year Shopping I THING- is made for I i ? uecxions. a Cmaa Cards, and Calendars, Post I tinted China, Pottery, Stationery, I ers for Dennison's Xmas Decora- D ferial, Wall Paper I aot mentioned, but found at ART STORE, I C^kmbia, S. O. My of Lyrlo Theatre I scribe For i TON DISPATCH Pensioners, Tate Notice. Prom inBtractioii8 from the Comptroller General, all those on pension roll of Lexington county and cut off in Calhoun County will send their names to me by the 15th of February, so that I can send their names in to fha rVvmnfFnllo. Ktt fKo >Knua HfttA WIV WUipViVilVi IM4V WWW %?MWV? Also send me the names of those who have died or left the county since last pay roll was paid off. Act at once or you may fail to get your pension. S. M. ROOF, Pension Commissioner Lex. Co. Land For Sal*. Ten acres splendid farming land, suitable for good truck or one-horse farm, with four-room dwelling, located in Lexington, for sale at low figures. Apply at this office. lat is Home Without Music Don't say, "'can't afford BE Amm?n mm Dim mm H an vi jjau vi r lauvi h We will make you able, grant- B ing from one to three years to B pay for one. B We supply the Sweet Toned, E Durable Organs and Pianos, at E the lowest prices consistent I with quality. I Write at once for Catalogues, fl Prices and Terms, to the Old I Established i t UK K BOUSE I I COLUMBIA, S. C. I COST NO CON Goods M Going out general mercanti out my stock at such prices Many articles you need air This is NO BOAST?but see and you will be eonvinc they laet C. C. G SWANSE. We will sell our Ladies' Coats, Men's AT GREATLY REDUCED be NO CON | For anything in General Merchan< both in goods and in prices. We er you buy or not. Always welcon A. E. EARGLE, I I PERUVI I Sole I Ask Your Own Doctor If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble. then take it. If he has anything better, then take that. We have great confidence in this medicine. So will you, when you once know it. The bast kind of a testimonial? "Sold lor over sixty years." j J lladeby J. O.Ayer Co., Lowell, Maes. ! VB alto aittuSotww of /LB 7 SARSAPAS1LLA. flyerssew We have no secret!! We publish the formulas of all our medicine*. Keep the bowels open with one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime, Just one. Victory for Mr. Lever. Washington, January 28.?Special: I Representative Lever tonight informed The News and Courier correspon- I dent that after an all day session of the House committee on agriculture, the committee had agreed by a flattering vote to report the Appalachian and White Mountain forest reserve I ill, by which $1,000,000 will become available on July 1, 1909, and after that time $2,000^000 each year until 1919, when the Act will expire by limitation. It was also agreed that the majority report should be presented to the House by Representatives Lever and Weeks. They are to take charge of the bill, write the majority report and submit the same to the House, possibly by Monday or Tues- I day. To-day's victory was won after the hardest kind of a fight, and Mr. Lever is justly proud of the showing that has Deen maae up to tne present time. He has worked faithfully in and out of season to get a favorable report, and to get the matter before the House for a vote, and to-day's result is largely due to his persistent efforts. For Sale. Four or five yokes of young oxens, large size and well broke. Apply to H. Z. Adams, Leesville, S. C. 4wl4 S I D E B A T I B N. fust, (tft I le business and am closing that will astound you. nost at your own price, purely business. Come, ed. Great Bargain while ANTT, 4, S C. A Suits, Pants, Hats and Underwear, PRICES. COST WILL SIDERATION. 3i9e come to U9, we can please you, rant your patronage. Come whethle at our store. PEAK, S. C. The E 5 Per IAN GUAN mporters, < HARMAN, Tht Man That Saves You Money on all SHOES Haying purchased our stock when the leather market wan. ut its lowest this season enable* us to give you the advantage i - *_n a qv 1 iu uajui^' Hiur 1*11 axiu wmtor anucn at the right price. See us before you buy. We can do yon good when it comes to prices. We have now a complete line to select from. Farmers' heavy shoes a specialty. HARMAN'S 8] Post Office Block COLUMBIA CI THE STOEE THAT SELLS E( EETAIL Flour, Bacon, Lard and We carry evevything in ih< chief aim is to please. Tr you will be convinced. Corner Plain and Assemble COLUMBIA, I ftixty? < \easc | Ualut* l For the generous patronage ^ ceived during the year 1908, unpr< J in our history, we are profoundly | g friends. During the year 1909 we g mination and encouragement than ? high confidence and genorous sup j| ing and encouraging to us during t m Wishing one and all a happy a IS $ your friend9. ! THE R. I I if tit $ Two Stores or if if 1 COLUMBIA, tu? fi ? il "Keystone' I (] 11 You'll make no m f? W VJ COMBINATION Taper and Squa Mf COLU lest Crops La ?r -nri it. were inusc \ji Which Was V uvian G Write for the Prt 0 CORPOF CHARLESTON EOE STORE, COLUMBIA, S.C OUR PIES e found favor with every body ibes and men, the little girl in afores and her mother and her ndmother. They are of the ?et, delicious, wholesome, it-in-your-mouth kind, and re anxious to have you try p i u i . ii. 7 im 11 yen aon i snow ine proits of our ovens. If you do 3w we won't have to ask you. IDL'HOER'S STEAM BAKERY, l COLUMBIA, S. C. ?OCERY CO., )? CASHAT WHOLESALE PRICES. Sugar our Specialties 3 Grocery line, and our y us before you buy and ? i Streets, near Market, : : S. C. Fifth | >n - | ition I and support which we have re- ? jcedented in any previous year $ jrat-eful to all our patrons and g shall strive with greater deter- Jj . ever to merit and to justify the $ iport which has been so gratify- g he year just closed. / ? nd prosperous New Year we are g mm ul i i i Main Street, | A fa - S. C. ? DTA ? * Reversible Ratchet i?r&> intake in buying this the host and only made. Three Ratchets in one, taking re Shank Drills?Long and Short Feed. fONE CHEAPER; ASK FOR PRICE. MBIASUPPLY CO.Colambi?,S.C. isi jcaMJii I ider i sed I iuano j 70fs I 8 RATION I , S. C. I