gg?? I S B. M c COLUMBIA. Sfk I I _ We have the largi Base Ball Good Guns and spoi descriptions, . General Bepai Carolina. Onr prices are 1 Write for whi | when in the ci1 I S. B. M Columb] in 1519 Main Stre JOBBERS AND Stoves ana J&anges, M':- Stove Pipe, Tinware, Enamdlware, Hollow Ware, Tin Plate, Iron and P Asphalt Roofin , EveTroughai Conductor, She Wood Mantels, Grates and Till Fine Pipe, F P c Parlor Hi p BEN DAVID x, j JOT TO SKTSOMKR, - Best cooking and finest Bestai C?1i? +1** VM MUM AHWB WJ ?uv wt v? He Annour* = We beg to annouce to our we have bought out the entir Rast, and have added a new Shoes, Hats, Ladies' Dress Gc General Merchandise. You will always find our prices ?st dealings. You are cordially invited t Yours for Riley & Hp SWANSE. Eat 1 T. V . * You want of th Kodol will - p*. You need a sufficient amount of good wholesome food and more than , Utiajou need to fully digest it. HUe you cant gain strength, nor oaajou strengthen your stomach if i k weak. " Yon must eat in order to liye and {maintain strength. Yon must not diet, because the j bodjr requires that yon eat a aaffic* t lent amount of food regularly. But this food mast he digested, ; and jt must be digested thoroughly. Whm the stomach can't do it, j yon jnusfc take aometbtag that win ! feeto the stomach. The proper way to do it to "eat ; what you want, and let Kodoft diI nd the food. 5othinf else can do this. When j Hap ttomach is weak it needs help*, | yo* must help it bgr girtag it rest, {tad^odol will do that, I * #> MASTER, - - s. c. I est stock of s, Fishing Tackle, rting goods of all Automobiles and r Shop, in South # the lowest i it you want, and ty give us a call. cMASTER, La, S. G. ICK & BRO.. et, Colombia. S. S. - DEALERS - IN & ;et Metals, as, ire Brick and Clay umps, Pipe, ittings, valves, ocks, Hose, Electric and Gas fixtures. Paints and Oils, Cutlery, Wire Netting. sstaurant, , Proprietor, J * * COLUMBIA, S. C. a < V irant in Columbia. For Ladies and Gentlemen ilr als at all Hours?Night or Day cemenT friends and customers that e stock of goods of W. H. F. line of Dry Goods, Notions, >ods, Etc., gnd a full line of as low as is consistent with hon - -1 -11 A * o visit our store at an tiLues\ 'business, igler Bros., A, S. C. What Tr/V< ? LVr 1UUU JUU 1XWU I digest it. Our Guarantee Goto your druggist today, and purchase a dollar bottle, and if you can honestly say, that you did not receive any benefits from it, after tiarimn Vwsf f Irt tV?A ^ W11 uaiug vim tutuc uui/utc, i/uo ui u^gisfc will refund your money to you without question or delay. We will pay the druggist the price of the bottle purchased by you. - This offer applies to the large bottle only and to but one in a . family. We could sot afford to make sadh aa offer, xmlesB we positively knew j what Kodol will do for you. It would bankrupt us. Tbadollar bottle contains 854 times ts much as tfaa fifty cent bcfttie. Kodol is made at thelabora&oeies . of Z. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, More proof that Lrdia XL Pink ham's Vegetable Compound saves woman from surgical operations. Mrs. S. A. Williams, of Gardiner, Maine, writes: 441 was a great sufferer from female troubles, and Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound restored me to health in three months, after mj physician declared that an operation was absolutely necessary.44 Mrs. Alyina Sperling, of 154 Cley-v bourne Ave., Chicago, ILL, writes: 441 suffered from female troubles, a tumor and much inflammation. Two of the best doctors in Chicago decided that an operation was necessary to save v?j*_ T 3 i TTt 1*. T my llie. Lijuia k. riuniidiu a vr^cutuiv Compound entirely cured me without an operation." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write lier for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address* Lynn, Mass. Pelion Happanings. To the Editor of The Dispatch. The farmers of this section are making preparations for another crop. Some are plowing, preparatory for early planting. Since the parties and weddings of the Christmas holidays have died down" there there seems to be a great vaiui. Mr. J. D. Wingard has decided to open a blacksmith shop at Pelion where he will be three days out of each week. Mr. Job Shumpert is building a nice two story dwelling on his place on route! Smith Bros, are the oontrac- , tors. j Mr. Elzie C. Taylor of Lexington j route 3 has into his handsome new re- < sidence on route!. j Mrs. Jas E. Dunbar and daughter , Lula hare returned toom a visit to rel- , atives at Brockton, Ga. 1 Mr. W. W. Lucas of New Brookland \ is visiting his sister, Mrs. M. A. Bice. /tomnanv of tWAvlr An flia fola. 1 vuuii/aiij aw nv.a v-v phone line between this place and Gilbert, will soon have all the poles up. J It is learned that Mr. 0. D. Hutto is i going to build a lline from Columbia ( to Wagener by way of this place. ' The little child of Mr. and Mrs. D. < A. Jefcoat died Jan. 22nd and was buried the following day. Mrs. L. B. Yonce and little child are very ill. R. L. C. I I Down Pains I are a sign of serious female com* j plaint, that should have immediate Kg; i attention. Hp T If yon begin in rime, yon can |? ^ generally treat yosrself at home, ?| 1 without the need of consulting a gj physician, by the regular use of ^ Cardui, the well-known remedy for women's ills. gg ' Composed of purely vegetable g? and perfectly harmless medicinal ingredients, being, besides, a gen- pj tie, non-intoxicating, strengthen- J?fcv ing tonic, ??. T UAKUUi WOMAN'S RELIEF I relieves tfl female com plaints* % "My wife," writes John A. || Rodgers, of Himpdec Sidney, Va^ jp "was nothing bat a walking skele- M. too, from female troaMe. She ?F soffered agonies with bearing- || down pains, backache and head- M ache. Doctors failed to relieve s* her, so she took Cardid, and is ? now entirely cored." p. At All Druggists B| worn? cad cdpp luywp fifie BIB fifUiu A vo i kmjm J I i ii^ E29V* H stating age and describing sym- SS M torn*, to Ladies Advisory Dept., ??'' H The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. K> HI Chattanooga. Tean. S 36 %? Furs or Sides. Wante 1?mink, *00011, fox, otter, Annlr aid muskrat furs. Highest prices paid for all kinds of furs and beeswax, BICE B. HARMAJT. Dots From Around Blsio. To the Editor of The Dispatch: The flag station on the Colnmbia and Augusta division of the Southern road formerly known as Shumpert's has been changed to Elsie. The health of this vicinity is good with the ezoeption of a few cases of measles. Mr. J. D. McCartha has abont comnleted *n addition to his residence. ? ? ? ? which adds greatly to the appearance of the place. Also, Mr. G. B. Taylor has made some changes in his residence. Mr. E. I. Keisler and family will shortly moye to his plantation in the Boiling Springs section. Rumor says that there will be several marriages in this community at an early date; Miss Minnie Kleckley is teaching the Ronnd Hill school and is boarding at Mr. A. D. Steele's. Mrs. A. L. Smith is teaching the Keisler school at St. Matthews church. Tommy Humpback. Jan. 30. CIBCTAI ICC BAII BBC I II1W I VbHtfV WVIbhIIVI Atlas and C. T. Engines, and Lom bard Boilers, tanks, stacks, stand pipes and sheet iron work, shafting, pulleys, gearing, boxes, hangers, etc. Complete cotton, saw, grist, oil and fertilizer mill outfits; also gin, press, cane mill and shingle outfits. Building, bridge, factory, furnace and railroad castings; railroad, mills, machinists' and factory supplies. Belting, packing, injectors, pipe fittings, saws, files, oilers, etc. Cast every day; work 200 hands. GET OUR PRICES. LOMBARD IRON WORKS & CTTT>UTV firi UUAX JJii Wi) Augusta, Ga Card of Thanks. To the Editor of The Dispatch: Please allow us space in your paper to return thanks to the many friends and relatives for the kindness shown us during the sickness and death of our father. May God's richest blessings rest upon them and may they find iest in the life beyond the skies. G. C. Shull and Sister. T* * 1 J X rtA new .crooaiana, dan. av. Noticeo Dissolution of Copartnership. Notice la hereby given that the mercantile partnership of Dominick & Amick, atChapin, S. C., has been dissolved by mutual consent of the partners. All parties indebted to said firm are notified to make settlement with Austin L. Amick at Chapin, S. C. Geo. Brady Dominick, Austin Loe Amick. Januarg 22, 1909. School books, pencils, tablets of all kinds for sale cheap at The Bazaar. > ^ Lerar Introduced Bill For Flood Protection. Washington?To conserve tl e aurolas waters of navigable streams In time of flood and store them up In watersheds until the time of Ironth, Representative Lerer of South Carolina, has introduced a bill nrhich provides for the co-operation state with each other or with the United States for the protection of the watersheds of navigable stresms. , < Shake into Your Shoes A.llen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cores painful, swollen, smarting, nervous feet wd instantly takes the sting out of jorns and bunions and makes walking 3asy. Try it to-day. Sold everywhere. Sample FREE. Address, Allen S. Dlmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. "Billy Possum" ITow. Atlanta, Jan, 26.?"Billy Possum," ;he destined successor of the famed "Teddy Bear," as a national toy rai seen placed on sale here. The imitation possum has movable legs and "squeaks,, when pressed. So life-like s it that a dog promptly pounced up)n one today in a local store. Many Women Praise This Remedy. If you have pains in the back, Urinary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, and vant a certain, pleasant herb cure for voman's ills, try Mother Gray's Ausrailian-Leaf. It is a safe and neverailing regulator. At Druggists or by nail 50 cts. Sample package FREE. \ddress. The Mother Gray Co., Le Joy, N. Y. THE WORLDS GREATEST SEWINl MACHINE k .LIGHT RUNNING ^ If too wanteither a Vibrating 8hatUe. Rotary SfaaUieor a Single Thread [Chain BtiLoK\ Sewing Machine write to TBI HIV HOME SEWIHQ MACHIIE MMPA1T Orange. Maai. JUB7KVMI BUUIinca HgUMftut IV ?Qoaiity, bat the If ew Home is mado to veac. Omr cuaraatr nercr runs out. ftoM by aatborised dealers only. ROB SALM BY W. P. ROOF, ^cxin^ton, 8. C. i T*AOt ftC6<*Ten Soma one at home I WORLD'S GREAT For All Aches and Pains ? interr man and beast. Guaranteed o dealers in medicine every-whe Most Penetrating, therefore Nerve, Bone and Mt For Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lami C TL?4. r* ^ J _ h aurc inrunL, cuius, dirains, Cramps, Indigestion, Toothache If your dealer will not supply you, drop H mail a bottle free. Don't let him band yo HH Noah's Liniment at his wholesale house. H The genuine has Noah's Arlc on every pa ml Patent Office, for your protection. Beware O NOAH REMEDY CO. RICHMOND, KAUFMANN DRUG COR IMIMHMNIMeNNMMM ^*SHOE Iv^TfrKITER, t Our Grocery Depar fresh, reliable goods?we 11 guarantee satisfaction. | 2 We pay highest prices for | 2 hulls at lowest price?. Come Car of Studebaker Wagons jusi Convenient wagon yard, i we: stoi was down, we can save you Farmers medium and heav Our motto, "Live and let lr SOLID : LEAT E. P. & F. 1710 Main Stree g wiioi 5 O Plu: H Send ue yei I A A B SOUTHERN C^TATl B COLTTME H 810-81 2-814-818-81 CO > would like a boWe of EST PAIN KILLER 1 lal and external ? For All Creation, B r money refunded* For sale by B re, 25c. Triple Strength, the B Most Effective. Best for all B (scle Aches and Pains. H s Back, Stiff Joints and Muscles, I. Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Colic, B i, etc., it has no equal. Try it. H a post card giving his name, and we will ^B > u something "just as good." He can get Hi insist on Noah's and take no other. j ckage, our trade-mark, registered in U. S. ^B s of imitations offered by unscrupulous dealers ^B VA., AND BOSTON, MASS., U.S.A. B 3PAMY; D3TRIBUTORS. # ### IL1NG (GO. SWANSEA, S. 0. ! We carry everything in Greneral Merchandise. ? You will find our store 5 t 1 ft w headquarters tor * Shoes, clothing and | Gents' Furnishings, Dry | Goods and Notions, Hats, | Qt- ' i tment is always full of i only handle the best and j cotton seed and sell meal and to us before you sell. ? t received. vith ample room for stock. 1909 all and Winter all styles and leathers to t for dress and every day it. Having bought our Fall zk in March when leather monev hv buying from us. J ./ - J - O v work shoes a specialty, re" prices. HEB : SHOES. A. DAVIS, t Columbia, S. C. 4 esale | m V\i n o r\r+ 9 LLX YJ???g kjuppica. B chinery Supples. )fing. I resco. I jr MAIL ORDERS. ss Supply Co., i !IA, S. 0. I