The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 20, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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THOSE EVERLA ft . How about a good safe1 blades-?the Gillette?fc ^ Hfttirl-y. no tov. no false ? r Other makes from ONE good and better. How about a good b< Soger Razor, made of English crucible steel, tl ers and <nrand fathers us* for TWO ($2.00). Vaiih Maui 1 . i vui iiv?? v Sliced with a good Car cent better than with a knife. Its a golden opj carving set at rock boti clean, clear cutters and i LOW & LOt [ "THAT EVEBLAST If Columbia, QUALITY You have probably bought many thii good, that cost a good price, but unde: test of service soon proved themselves wo; -v * It might have been shoes that soon the sides, caps broke down, heels gave % gave out and soles were plated. <fa To guard t ? wear, ana uv v< f ? I i repjaBfiP' g wear your mor ' - t^m?a and choice sto< wlf/C ing selections i T. A. t 1 Opposite Post Office, f The Palmetto coLusn WE ABE A Depository for the U of South Carolina the 4 of Columbia. WT ft WW $400,000 United States Carolina Bonds. V WE SOLICIT Aoconnts of Banks, Fii WE PAY ? . Four Per Cent, on depc teresfc calculated quarts WE PROMISE Our best efforts to trail / satisfaction. PALMETTO NATIONAL CAPITAL Wilie Jones, President. : ^SOUTHERN 2^ Unexcelled Dinin] 2?ThreMgh Pullman Sleep! ^ CeBvenlent Schedule jfo For. fall information mL consult nearest Southern. W J. C. LTTSK, D X. MEEK, A. G.P. JL, P. M. J CHAPI I carry full stock in i i_ . ana pay nignesi; and Count] We are offering barg and Valises, Ladi and Dress G-ood r to please, Ci Subscr ' THE LEXIN6TI STING RAZORS' ty razor, one with twelve >r FIVE ($5.00). ^t's a tffair, but the real thing. ($1.00) up. They are all >d time genuine Joseph the celebrated Wardlaw le kind of razor our lathed to talk so much about, "'L j . * fear Turkey; I ring Set tastes fifty per n old dull dirty looking >ortunity to buy a good torn prices. They are all nake an ideal Xmas Gift FRANCE, INC., ING HARDWARE." S. C. S rl u t s?: i 4 igs that looked r the nigged I < rthless. I * ran over at | way, sewing ) igainst these thiogs, especially in f?t- ^ { onfident of getting the best qnality foot- J iey can buy, take advantage of the large 1 ?fc- /vwcfnnfclv available for matins' nlaas it our store. for W. L. Douglas Shoes for men, $1.5C BOYNE, Colombia, S. C. National Bank, tIA, S. C. nited States Government, the State Dounty of Bichland and the City j i Bonds and $100,000 State of South *ms,-Corporations and Individuals. sits in our Savings Department, in)rly. sact your business to your entire BANK, - - Columbia, S. C. $250,000.00 J. P. Matthews, Cashier. ^ ???? %i RAILWAY. % * Car Service, rig Cars on all Trains, J s on Local Tratas. ^ as to rates, routes, etc. Railway Ticket Agent, or yy . P. Charleston, S. C. vpr , Atlanta, Ga. Jjj^ :iv,?. c. General Merchandise prices for Cotton ry Produce. ;ains in Rugs, Trunks es' Cloaks, Skirts s. We are here 3,11 and see us. ibe For IN DISPATM 0? LZQT70B DBItfSI?&. (''Uncle Ebenezer" in Dorchester Eagle.) Parson, it has been some time since I have heard von preach a temper ance sermon. I hope you are not discouraged. Doesn't the good book say the preacher "most cry aloud and spare not," whether they hear or not? Well, this community has had a sad history in the matter of liquor-drinking. And from all appearances it has some more of the same sad history Boon due. I sit down sometimes and think about the poor fellows gone who ought to be here now, and about some of the poor fellows who will soon go?burnt out soul, mind and body. A man told me that there was hardly one man in a hundred in this community who does not drink more or tes9, I think he overstated the evil, but as I see it the evil is fearful. Do you suppose that these fathers, members of the church, and some of bhepa officials, ever stop to think of their example? What do these men mean? Do they care nothing about Ul% AU AMA $ +U/V Wt/NM WKA ova f A UilC JJIiaittU lci ui tuu JLiicu nuv aig w bake their places in life? Are they utterly indifferent as to what shall besome of their boys? Why sometimes a man will getdrunk srith the husband of his own daughter. What does such a man care ibout the happiness of his child? rhey tell me that some church officials keep whiskey in their tents at samp meeting and drink it. Parson, if you will excuse the expression, such men are not morally fit to be officials in the devil's service. These settled men who drink in public are not good citizens, to say nothing of their being Christians. What hope is there for the country improving so long as this condition sxists? How many settled men are bhereinthis community who can consistently try to influence the young nen to be abstainers? l/nesaaaesc reatureoi tnis saa ques:ion is the large number of young men who are drinkers. I have seen scores >f them intoxicated. It seems to me ihat good common sense ought to seep a young man from tampering with drink; but it doesn't. I wish ihese young men could be saved?but they don't want to be. You can't prevent a fellow going to the dogs when he makes up his mind to take the trip. When money begins to circulate, if you will watch the dispenjary door, you will see why the liquor business lives. No offehse, parson, but if you could wean all the church members in this town and surrounding country from the bottle the coroner would soon hold an inquest over the dispensary, and the verdict would be, "Died of starvation." If some churches were to lose their rolls they could find a large part of the male portion on the dispensary request blanks. Surely a change must come. No communtiy can continue to offer the sacrifice of manhood to a custom as this community has been offering its to the bottle. God speed the coming j of this change. The Lord had the right idea when j he made man. He said it was not j good for man to be alone, but had he I made more than one wife for Adam | there wotild have been more trouble j than there was in the shade of that [ old apple tree. Muscular Pains Cured. During the summer of 1903 I was troubled with muscular pains in the instep of my foot," says Mr. S. Pedlar, of Toronto, Ont. "At times it was so painful I could hardly walk. Chamberlain's Pain'Balm was recommended to me, so I tried it and was completely cured by one small bottle. I liave since recommended it to several of my friends all of whom speak highly of it." For sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. l i^vi A Doctors Medicine MMMMMHWaMMMMMBI IAyer's Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleurisy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. The best kind of & testimonial? "8old for over sixty years." A Kadoby J". O.JLyer Co.. Lowell, Hut. #8 Also manufacturers of 1 ^ ^ SARSAPARILLA. 8/ ft p,lls vl K? HAIR YIGOB. ? Wo have no secrets ! We publish 1 the formulas of all oar medicines. You will hasten recovery by taking one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime, man more prominent than a dozei friends.?George Tebeau. What is Home Without Music I Don't say, "'can't afford an Organ or Piano. I We will make you able, granting from one to three years to pay for one. Wo supply the Sweet Toned, Durable Organs and Pianos, at the lowest prices consistent with quality. Write at once for Catalogues, Prices and Terms, to the Old Established I ill'S MUSIC HOUSE SiSgHHVaBBBBHIHIBaH Man can experiment with life in ar infinite variety of ways; he has t< take death as he finds it. Beware of Frequent Colds. A succession of colds or a protracte< cold is almost certain to end in chronii r?a*nrrh from whieh few nersons eve wholly recover. Give every cold th attention it deserves and you may avoi< tliis disagreeeble disease. How can yoi cure a cold? Why not try Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy? It is highl; recommended. Mrs M. White, of But ler, Tenn., says: "Several years ago was bothered with mv throat and lungs Someone told me of Chamberlain' Cough Kemedy. I began using it an it relieved me at once. Now my throa aud lungs are sound and well." Fc sale by Kaufman Drag Co. Mothers don't give your baby anj thing that contains opiates or an other injurious drugs, but insist o having Dr. Thornton's "Easy-Teetl er", as it is the best medicine on th market for teething babies, and is al solutely harmless as it does not coi tain any opiates or injurious drugs < any kind. It is guaranteed unde Pure Food and Drugs Act, Guarant No. 11584. Price 35 cents. For sal by Derrick Drug Co.; or Easy-Teeot er Mecicine Co., Hartwell, Ga. Nobody ever has his feelings hu: bv being taken for a rich man whe be isn't. WBKSSSEEtSSUXKAWi ggk The I apt rci AN r.lIAN mporters, HARMAN, I The Man That Saves You Money or SHOES Having purchased our stock when \ leather market was at its lowest this son enables oa to give you the advani ot buying jour tail and winter Shoei j the right piK* See us before you 1 ' We can do you good when it comes prices. We nave now a complete line [ select from. Farmers' heavy shoe specialty. TT A T>TWT A TVT'Q ! I 1 iAi.MUKl.Lll KJ I i Post Office Block ...*^V3q t j.--.. . *' _ g 1 '*- ' ? - A 4 1 4^; ' JK - W \ 1 ;.;> - -x~ iff**' 1 . r' :a " : - ] l ' ; - '.frw 1 :":3 | A V? - **>'. ^.1' T:n,~ -c-V"~~ V?-x 5 COLUMBIA C THE STOEE THAT SELLS BETA] Flour, Bass:?, Lard and We carry evevything in chief aim is to please, you wiii be convinced. Corner Plain and Assem COLUSViSSi Sixtj eai alu 5 6 m : $ For the generous patron a w jjj ceived during the year 1908, ur 5 g g in our history, we are profound x. IW g friends. tDuring the year 1909 1 mination and encouragement t! 2 <X high confidence and genorous r *2? e jjjj ing and encouraging to u.s durir i & a $ Wishing one and all a hopp S your friends. y $ M" * 0 1 K, L $ | Two Stores r" # n | COLUMBIA, 1" Hi ljr |^MHRmflHHjE9k^ The low? ket^capf pest Lrops L Were Those V Which Was w i% rion I IUVICJI1V Write for the P 10 C0RP0 CHARLESTO] WBBBSSBBSSSSSSS SHOE STORE, ** COLUMBIA, S. C OUR PIES Lave found favor with everybody -babes and men, the little girl in >inafores and her mother and her grandmother. They are of the iweet, delicious, wholesome, aelt-in-your-mouth kind, and ve're anxious to have you try "VvPm if ttaii Hati'+ Irnntrr +lionrn. i/AAVAAA 1 V M <AVAA V ttilV TV WAAV JL/A V lucts of our ovens. If you do inow we won't have to ask you. SEIDUMn'S STEAM BAKERY, GOLBSJBIA, S. C. GROCERY CO., FOR CASECL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. I Sugar our Specialties W I the Grocery line, and our Try us before you buy and bly Streets, near Market, : : S. C. /-Fifth I ?on ? m mm dli tation I ge and support which we have re- ? iprecedented in any previous year ji ly grateful to all our patrons and ft ve shall strive with greater deterft han ever to merit and to justify the ^ ft support which has been so gratify- ft ig the year just closed. ^ ft v and prosperous New Year we are k BRYAN CO.,! & on Main Street, S. C. j| Gssessm y a Shingle Mill. 8t priced power feed shingle mill on the markcitv 8,000 to 15,000 shingles per day, 4 to 10 H. P.; 50 lbs. Carriage has automatic return motion. 'BEST GOODS -BEST PRICES'* Write us for close price quotations. IA SUPPLY CO. . - COLUMBIA, 8. C. .ast Season I Jnder a Used I lnanoI !roofs ! S RATION J N, S. C. 1