The Lexington Dispatch j _?? ?zzzzz: ' G. M. Harm an, Editor and Publisher | D.'R. Halttwanger, Assistant Editor, j * ] Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, j S. C., as second class matter. 1*Va nri/>anf rVi A T">i iTlRtah I ? LLU VA vm.V ^ ? is $1 a year; 50 cents fcr six months; 25 cents for three montiis?invariably cash in advance. CIRCULATION 2,286. Wednesday, January 20,1909. y * With. Auditor Dent. On Monday, January llth, we began our annual trip over the county with Auditor Dent, our first point. being Irmo in the famous Dutch Fork. We found the merchants at Irmo in a | happy mood and enjoying a good new ? year trade, while those who came to town to meet the auditor did not complain and were seemingly satisfied with present conditions. The school at Irmo is taught by Miss Nina Henry, an accomplished young teacher, assisted by Miss McCain, who is also a young woman of rare educational qualifications, and the school continues to grow. Mr. J. W. Hook is still the obliging and popular depot agent. \ He has held this position for many years, which is an evidence of his faithfulness to duty and of his ability to serve the public. He conducts a large store in connection with his other duties and enjoys a good trade. Messrs. H. A. Lorick, L. S. Mathias, and Wallace Lorick are the other merchants and each gets his 9hare of the trade. While at Irmo we were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hook with whom it is ever a pleasure to stop. On the early train Tuesday morning we went to Ballentine, where we found our young friend, Henry W. Ballentine, enjoying a good mercantile trade. He is the only merchant in the place and is well liked by the people. The school is in charge of Prof. Thad W. Dreher, one of the Jbest teachers in the county and a man loved by all. -After completing the | work here we took the up train for White Rock. At this point we were in the hand9 ofMessrs. D. A. and John P. Richardeon and their entertaining families. After a gabd night's rest we met the people who came in early despite the inclement weather, and soon they were served by Auditor Dent in his usual prompt manner. The Messrs. Richardson do a large mercantile business in connection with their extensive farming operations. Mr. J. Belton Shealy carries a large stock of general merchandise and gets his portion of the trade. W. B. Eleazer is a good fellow and a fine blacksmith. He is always busy. The school here is under the care of Mrs. Haigler and is in a flourishing condition. At noon we left for Hilton where we were entertained by our jovial and clever friend, John Green Hiller. We enjoyed to the follest extent a sumptuous dinner, prepared by Mrs. Hiller who is a most excellent cook. We finished our work at Hilton by 6 o'clock and left immediately for OhaK pin. At Chapjn we spent.the night with Mr. P* M. Frick and family who have recently moved into the hotel. The are served in the very best style and there is nothing left undone that would add to the comfort and . pleasure of the weary traveller. Mrs. Frick gives her own personal attention to the preparation of the meals and a better cook is not to be found. Mr. Frick is one of the progressive merchants of the town and carries a large and well selected stock. Mr. J. S. Wessinger, the new president of the Bank of Chapin, conducts a very large store, as does Messrs. Dominick & Amick, Wilbur Frick, Chas. P. Robinson, Dr. Henry, Col. J. H. Frick, W. B. Williams, Holland Counts, J. S. Boozer and N. Pat Koon. Cbapia is a good business point and the merchants have no right to complain. The school, one of the best in e. * '4&>f- * ?*:^i ^H| I I FITZMA ^g I Three Ar C ' H M , " ?t*^ ' ; Kg Mi I Great Reducl I^M : gib | H fiS n B j the county, is in charge of Prof. Kyzer, with Misses Blanche Kvzer and Pough, assistants. Our friend, Lomi \ Roof, is in the turpentine business and is making money. Mr. Ezel 3-Ioon r runs a large mill and ginnery. Mr. - - - - i i i 3 Kobinson stiil operates ms lurauer auu j brick plants, but not as extensively as in former years. Our next and last point of the week was Peak, a place we always delight to visit. Here Mrs. Stuck conducts one of the best hotels in the country. Peak is a good town and is destined to grow larger. Mr. W. H. Suber, a ] clever and popular gentleman, has a very extensive mercantile trade. Mr. A. E. Eargle is enjoying a growing ' trade and is a fine business man. W. ~ ~ " ' T T /Si ? \\r 17 ?J J. JL>erriCK, J. 0. l^iJctpinuii am.i ?* . j. . Wait, the other merchants of the town, are doing a good business. The ^ school is in charge of Miss Anna Bell Riser, an accomplished young lady from near Leesville, who is giving entire satisfaction to both parents and pupils. On Saturday at 2 p. m., our ^ work finished, we left for home. This week we are in the lower part of the county enjoying the generous hospitality of a prosperous and happy ^ people. G. M. H. I F While in the Fork last week we took occasion to go up to Prosperity for a short while. Thi9 is one of the finest ? business towns in the State for its size and the inhabitents of the place are wide-a-wake to the interest of their town and community. Since our last visit here many improvements have been made and just at this time the ^ streets are being worked up to a fine thoroughfare, which would do credit to any town. The merchants carry e very large stocks and the people of the surrounding section appreciate their efforts. We wish to return our sincere * thanks to Mr. H. C. Mosely for courtesies shown while there. He is a gentleman of exceptionally fine business ability and the firm of Moseley Brothers, merchants, is one of the largest department stores in the coun- I try. It is always a pleasure to visit this PTowin? town and we trust that it Q- ? o ? will be our privilege to return at an early date. 1 The Capture of James. | Messrs. J. W. and J. G. Bickley, of | Irmo, were in town Friday and told | the story of the capture of Abram | James, the escaped convict. ? 11 These gentlemen had been on the | lookout for James for two weeks and . ? on Sunday night he came up from Co- 8 lumbia in a hackiprepared to take his | wife and some of his dod9 back with | him. It was obout 9 o'clock in the I night wThen he arrived, ^t x Dick Gei- 5 ger?s house. There were seven other I negroes in the house, and when the I Messrs. Bickley entered the door I James rushed into a back room, the I pursuers right behind him with gun9 I raised, *At first James showed fight,. I but a blow across the head silenced 1 him and he was brought out and tied 9 "nog iasnion." uu laws waj cu mc .b gang James begged the men to let G him go, and tendered alj the money | he had and a one-horse wagon for his freedom. John Lyles was the haekman who brought James up frosn Columbia, receiving, it is said, $4: for the round trip in adyance. Teaching" Beys to Spell. We have just heard of a schooi _ ma'am introducing a new feature in her school. When one of the girls, misses a word the boy who spells it gets permission to kiss her. The re- ti suit is the girls are becoming poor J spellers while the boys are improving ' right along.?Orangeburg Times and e Demoerai. ' t ? -O- ? Trespass Notice. This is to notify all persons not to hunt, fish, haul straw, wood or lightwood, allow stock to run at large, or c to trespass in any manner whatsoever s upon my lands. The law will be rig- f idly enforced against all violators of this notice. R. Malissa Lowman, c 4wl4p Ballentine, S. C. URIC E'Sh704 ch Store Dry ( I jions Prevail in ev< seasona WHOLE Wm. Piatt & Sons. The store of William Piatt <& Sons, , Columbia, is one of the most reliable tores in the city. They carry an im- j nense stock of dry goods, notions, hoes, hats, fancy millinery and pat- i ,ern hats. The prices at this popular j tore appeal to the economical buy'er ; -the person with a light poeketbook. i THE JEWELER L637 Main St., Columbia, S. C. i i i Jnsurpassed opportunity is given here j to find attractive articles for gift | purposes, and Dispatch readers are | cordially invited to do their shop- i ping at Avery's. k Store Full of good things awaits inspection and attractive prices prevail, so none may go away dissatis- j tied. Can mention but few things j ' in this place. For fuller details i visit Avery's. * j . Vatches of all. styles, sizes and prices. I We prefer to sell the finest, but ; whether its $100.00 or $1.00 you j ; wish to spend you get good value j any time. > . I mbrellas make useful gifts for women j and men. Finely mounted in gold and silver from $3.50 to $25.00. j ans are essentially feminine. Dainty white and black designs, and hand painted effects. Prices very reasonable. iilverware from leading factories, ana this stock comprises goods in sterling silver from Tea Sets to Tea Balls with all the spoons, forks and knife family. The silver plated goods for common every day use is likewise complete. lewelry in all forms comprise a carefully selected stock and whether its 25 cents or 25 dollars you have j to spend you can find it at Avery's. | [yes that need glasses get most scrupulous attention by a graduate optician. rree. I am giving away a few pictures?a reproduction of a ?12.500 painting. To get it you must register your name at this store before Dec. 25th. It's free?there is no chance, no drawing for it. Ask any one in the store about it. WERY, The Jeweler 1637 Main St., Columbia, S. C. ( BaraaBunamoiP a i Honesty I ; in Jewelry | "If it came from Sentsr's-. yon 0 know it's all right," is what one |j of our customers remarked to fc another the other day. 19 When you bay Jewelry, you |g generally have to take the "Jew- k eler's word for it" whether it is E good or not. That's just where our r&puta- jfl tion for honesty and fair coaling E ; counts. N And furthermore, we wiil[al- 3 ways give you your money, back I and ask no questions any time I ; you are dissatisfied with. st pur- B I yj i Special attention to mail cciers,, E CBARLMJITzJl JEWELER, I 1439Main, Columbians. C 11 BB?HH1I11IMIIIBB? I " i - ! | Sewing Machines. The Davis Unique and' other new j caparoved drop head machines; nicely j tnished in oak; easy running and per- i eet sewing; fully guaranteed; for | ale at factory prices for cash, or on j 3 - -? ? A- rri%A i asy payments, at iuc sucucst f Rice B? Harman. Lost, Strayetw Stolen. One female hound ipappy, ft months i >ld. Blue, yellow, white and black | ipotted, small bit of tail off. Reward !or any information leading to the re;overy of puppy. Jno. C. Swygert, Peak, S. C. and 1706 Main joods, Notions, ( 3ry department of ble goods at the v< iSALE Myssif and Me. I'm the best pal that I ever had. I iike to bo with, me; I liiro to si I" and toll myself Things confidentially. I often sit and as;: mo it I shouldn't or ! should. , And I Unci that my advice to me Is always pretty good. I never got acquainted with Myself till here of late; And I find myself a buiiy chum, I treat me simply great. I talk with rre and walk with me, And show me right and wrong I never knew how well myself And me could get along. I never try to cheat me; I'm as trustful as can be, Mr? Wintfar nrViafr m a v r>nmo and CTCt. kiv lilUfULVJl TV-xauv ? ?? O ^ T I I'm on the square with me. j It's great to know yourself and hare i A pal that's all your own; To be such company for yonrself, You're never left alone. You'll try to dodge the masses, And you'll find the crowd a joke, [f you only treat yourself as well As you treat other folks. I've made a study of myself, Compared with me the lot, A.nd I've finally concluded I'm the best friend that I've got. lust get together with yourself, And trust yourself with you, Ynd you'll be surprised how well yourself Will like you if you do. L. J. ROOM, Ket. II. i Manufacturing Optician, 1641 Main Street, Columbia, S. C. The only exclusive optical house in Columbia. I grind all my glasses. I do only highclass work at reasonable prices. Beware of peddlers and fakirs. AGENTS || FOR I. 1 OUVER CHILLED PLOWS ' One horse "Ooober" Steel Beam, J j Two 44 Xo 10 44 44 j ' t 44 44 Xo 13 j. 4 4 4 4 .Yiddlebreaker *4 4 4 j j Extra parts for all in stock. j Pi> tsbure Pei feet FenceSpecial ('harden and Poultry i i Fence Field Fence for all stock. > Poultry Ifetting wire all sizes. ! ! Call and get prices or write ? i and same will be quoted. j : W. S. MEW 4RT t J 4t> 3$> qj> cp Cf{> HAVE YOU ENOUGH to pay your way should the salary stop? Tq go into business, buy a home or make yoar old age comfortable? If not, your duty is plain. Start an account with our Savings Department at once-, save and deposit every dollar you can and have money on hand when ueeded. 4 per cent, interest will be added to your money here. Carolina National Bank, COLUMBIA, S. C. W. A. CLARK, President. T. H. MEIGHAN, Cashier. St.s Columbia, Clothing, Furnisli our store. A gc ery lowest priees. H I ri-< I J* _ . ... I : mere comes ti lime m even | pointer---:! helping hand to gui I THE nm NATIONAL jl is the pointer that will lielj | worries if you will begin the 1 JULIUS H. WEIL f i WHOLESALE DRY CO I p| Rear of Palmetto National Bar * 1 Complete stock of S | | Goods and Notions. 1 | Quick shipment, m ! | pense, prices always I | New York or Baliimor< I 1 We sell to Merchant muMtoiwv*mm jj I notice yon need some Den ,1 i n -7T A rsTkrurr* i.l_ teeta: UI. 2HLSZ,jlpjl?j u m i.vxi ** *?w.w . the community in which you live. The Bank ? R. L. LYBRAMD, President 6-Year-Old Mule For $20.00 i Would sound very cheap; however, we want you to refer to the 3 piece Suit of Furniture that we are advertising in this Paper, and see if you do . not consider it very much cheaper at the price than you would an}T kind of a mule at any price. THE LION FCRNITURE CO., Columbia, S. C. I Put your Mule or Horse up in our | Stable* when you corns to town. Feed | Free. I Blacksmith and Wheelwright. I I beg to announce that I am better prepared than ever to do all kinds of blacksmith and wheelwright work. 1 You will find my prices reasonable at all times. I All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. I make a specialty of shoeing horses. I pay 20c per hundred pounds for , ' ? olnnnr scrap iron. j^uu^ iu aiuug. 0. B. STEELE, Rawl's Old Stand, Lexington, S. C. J m ? , 1 * 1 The militia of the state may go to , Washington* so attend Taft's inaugu- : ration. 1 Several schooners sailed from Char- \ leston Thursday with three million eet of lumber. s-c- FIT Z M A tings _ Three Ar L_ >lden opportunityCome. -? ? I I rone's life when he needs a g ::m -1 BANK Of BATESBURO j . I ) vou over future financial 9 H Im II Tcosrni I CDS and MOTIONS, 1 | 1 ?k, - COLUMBIA, S. C. | | fl lapse ana s-ancy ury | m mimum freight ex- || | guaranteed against 11 V e jobbers. | I s Only. | I s Your don! fcal Work done, Look at my em. They are beauties. Call lar Hyatt'3 Park. Crown and IETH EXTRACTED PAINthe door. [ME TO BEGIN! bit of Saving. 3 WHY you should carry a bank ite and consecutive record of all judgment. nail, will be the start of a reserve id a contentment in old age. * t will be in active use and benefit f Swansea. B. E. CRAFT, Cashier. | PRESENTS 1 IS | Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches * , a Sterling Silver, jj Cut Class, Art Goods. X ALL NEW and absolutely beaua tiful GOODS. Come in when3 ever vou have an opportunity. 3 RExMEMBER we ONLY handle ? SOLID and GENUINE GOODS. I If not convenient to come in, k send in your mail order, which I alwavs has our PERSONAL AT| TENTION, with a GUARANB TEE TO PLEASE. Always glad to see you at j I SYLVAN BROS. 3 Jewelers, Silversmiths, Opticians : I Cor. Main and Hampton St. I COLUMBIA, S. C. I Ycu may eat all the good sensible food you like if you will let Kodol digest it for you. Don't worry about dyspepsia or indigestion, for worry only ^ - ' tends to mase yon more nervous, ne- c sides you don't have to worry any more about what you eat, because Koiol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion will iigest any and all food at any and all times. Kodol is guaranteed to give prompt relief. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. URICE'S I oh Store I I m to purchase 9