The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 20, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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TS07SS 8Z0XTAL CABBS. I i A I>. MARTIN, ATTORNEY I XL. AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, 1 i^JEONGTON, S. 0. tMBoe in Harmjm Bnildin^ tear of comrt house.u 1 ? A- -11 QTMMikI WUI. praovuK) u> ?u WIUW* ?attention to oolleotion of Aim, 1 Tine. W. HAWKS, vr Attorney and Ootmselor at Law. HEW BBOOKLAND. B. 0. Practice in all Court*. Business solicited. November 1.1906. a x. dip. r. s. cwnm, T7?FIRD 6 DREHER, ill ATTORNEYS AT LAW. LEXINGTON 0. H.. 8. C. Will practice in all the Courts) Business solicited. One member of the firm will always be at office, Lexington. S. C. JH. FRICJK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, cha?tn, & c. Officer Hotel Marion, 4th Boom, Second Floor, Will practice in all the Courts Thurmond & ttmmerman, attorneys at law, f WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, f Kanfmann Bid*, LEXINGTON, S. C, We wlU be pleased to meet those having le v sal business to be attended to at our office In the Kanfmann Building at any time. Respectfully, y Wm. THURMOND. G. BELL TIMMERMAN, Albert m. boozer, attorney at law, COLUMBIA 8. 0. Office: 1816 Main Street, upstairs, opposite Van Metre's Furniture StoreEspecial attention riven to business entrusted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington county. George r. rembert, attorney at law. 1221 LAW RANGE, COLUMBIA. S. C. I will be glad to serve my friends from Lexington County at any time, and am prepared " -*-1? oil Htatii and Federal to prmtw t?w w w ? Courts. Law Offices, ( ) Residence, 1529 , 1909 Washington < > Pendle ton Street. Street. ( ) Office Telephone No. 1872. Residence Telephone No. 1086. Xtr BOYD EVANS, f? .LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. *** - Columbia, S. 0. TiEL P. H. SHKALY, > 1# , DENTIST, LEXINGTON, 8. 0. Office Up Stain in Roofs Building. TiB. F. 0. GILlfORE, I V DENTIST. IfflO Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. 0. Owiox Houbs.- 9 a. m. to t p. nu, and from ?to 6 p.m. 1 TiB. D. L. HALL, IT DENTIST, \ COLUMBIA, S. O. , Orer Bryan's Book Store. Office hours 8 a. m., to 5:90 p. m Dec. 28,1907?-6m 9ii n niniiiuS | H. 1). HAKmAN I ts DBALBR or I I General j 1 Merchandise,! 2 Corntr Mala and law Straat, I 1 Oppastta Caafadarata J l ^ ?/ MOWUtni) x 8 Lexington, - S. C. B GUNS, AMMUNITION, ' v Sporting Goods ' of Every Kind. Automobile and Bieyele Repairs We carry in stock guns of * * ? x a x | tne oesx ma&e, iiuiiimg out[ fits, the best shells on the K market. We guarantee satisfaction in every instance. f We solicit the trade of our * Lexington friends. Call to see us and we will please you. Jacob Brothers, GUNS S LOCKSMITHS 1719 Main Street, COLUMBIA, - S. C. ? - - - ~ ' J # Besides W large cups irom eaun I ' package of Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, ^ I now put m a 25c. clever silvered "NoW Drip" Coffee strainer Coupon. Look ! A for it! The satisfaction of Health CofH fee is, besides, most perfect. Made only ft from pure toasted cereals, malt, nuts, I etc. Sold by M. D. Harman. L - [ When a girl allows a man to catch ' a? 4-u.v nri'fiiftnf. anv Iner unuer mc uiiDu&wv "'-j trouble, be may kiss her; but sometimes he feels just as bored and resentful about it as though his partner had tiumped his ace. Kodol For Indigestion Our unar&atee Ctupoa If. nftor aoiag too tUtdo of a ftx.w Wtdo of Mtl. jo* caa boaootly My k im act ka?> ftod yoo, we will ralnd ytv manor. Try Xodol Mty on tkk cmjuIm. Fill cat aad fi tb? fallowing. KMMt it to Um Waaler at tbo time of onrckaao. If it faila to satisfy Joe rotarn tke oottlo containing ooo-tblrd of tfco wodioiao to tbo doalor from whom yon boaght k, aad wo will rofaad yoar nwoy. . Town, State i Sign hara Cat rata Wot DigestsWhatYouEat #ka Ctamank Qwaal CUIflV 11SBVO M? Wivumwu w i? ??| R. c* D#WXTT * CO., Chicago, IU, The Kaufmann Drug Co. Aiken Dispensaries Did Big Business in December. The total sale9 of the dispensaries in Aiken county for the month of December were $40,761.10. The Aiken dispensary number one sold $10,983.00 worth of booze; the number two Aiken dispensary sold $478.30; number three Aiken dispen-at i-1 * Ct _ 11 sary sold tne suny uiaycw sary sold ?1,546.90; the Wagener dispensary sold ?2,476.75; the North Augusta dispensary sold ?21,656.70. "This was a big business for the dispensaries," remarks the Aiken Journal and Review. A man's idea of a perfectly modest innocent girl is one who knows enough to blush at things she oughn't tc know anything about. I __ Dr. Thornton's Easv Teether ha? saved the lives of hundreds of babiet and will safely carry your babj through the most trying period of its life as it is a guaranteed remedy foi Teething, Summer Diarrhoea, Flux, Indigestion, and all stomach and bowel troubles of infante. 25 cents, For sale by Derrick's urng uo. ; oi Easy-Teether Medicine Co., Hartwell, Georgia.. There is no Quinine, nothing what ever harsh or sickening in Prevention These little Candy Cold Cure Tablet act as by magic. A tew hours?anc your threatening Cold is broken Candylike in taste, Preventics please the children?and they break the feverishness, always. And least of alfcis the economy. Alarge box-48 Preventica-25 cents Ask your druggist. He knows! Sold bj Kaufman n Drag Co. \ , ? ? Oronp positively stopped in 20 minu] tes, with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy One test alone will surely prove thii truth. Ho Tomiting bo distress. A safe t&nd pleasing syrup?60c. Sold by Kauf m&nn Drag Co. KILL . COUCH i M? CUKE TIM LUNC8 " Dr. King's Now Discovery FOB C8HS1" *ll? MX THROW AND IUWC TROUBLES. SUUIITIIO 8ATIS7AOZOBT | Kowr Epprom. TAZ BETTORS. In accordance with the law in reference to the assessment and taxation oi real and personal property, the Auditor, or his assistant, will be and attend the following named places for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the fiscal year 1909. and in order to meet the next appointment, the hour will close at 11 o'clock in the morning and at 4 o'clock in the afternoon: tax payers will, therefore, be prompt in meeting the appointments, so as not to cause delay. Tax payers will please come* prepared to give the name of the township and number of school district wherein they reside: Irmo, Monday evening and Tuesday morning, January 11 and 12. Ballentine, Tuesday even'g. Jan 12. White Rock, Wednesday morn Jan 13 Hilton, Wednesday evening, Jan 13. Okapin, Thursday all day and Friday morning, January 14 and 15. Peak, Friday evening and Saturday to 2 oclock p. m., Jan 16. Gaston, Monday morning Jan 18. Swansea, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 19 and 20. Jos W. Reeder's, Thursday Jan 21. Jake Mack's, Thursday eve'n Jan 21. Pelion, Friday all day. Jan 22. Steadman, Saturday morn'g Jan 23. Samaria, Saturday evening Jan 23. Batesburg, Monday all day Jan 25. Leesville, Tuesday all day Jan 26. Summit, Wednesday morn'g Jan 27. Gilbert, Wednesday even'g Jan 27. Croat's Store, Thursday even'g Jan 28. Ed Addy's, Friday morning Jan 29. G. F. Keisler, Friday evening Jan 29. Edmond, Saturday morning Feb 7. Irene, Saturday evening Feb 7. Brookland, Friday evening and Saturday to 2 o'clock Feb 13 and 14. At Lexington C. H., all days not included in above schedule from January 1, 1908 to February 20, 1908, when the books will close, after which 50 per cent, will be added for failure to make returns. Tax returns sent in by mail are not legal unless sworn to before an officer qualified to admiister oaths. All mal? persons are subject to poll tax from '.'I to t>0 years of age, except those exe apt by law. Under the new law all dogs are subject to a apitation tax of 50 cents and must be returned^ at the same time when ofher property is returned. W. D. DENT, Auditor Lexington County. Youg If noh&at Sills Himself ' J. E. Lacour, a young merchant of Alexandria, La., committed suicide at his home last week. Ed. Ford, a negro, arrested on the charge of burn> ing a store owned by Lacour, confessed to the crime and declared La oonr paid him to barn the building. Lacour was placed under arrest. When a deputy sheriff arrived Lacour asked that he might change his clothes. He went into a bedroom and, securing a small rifle, sent a bullet through his brain. He was dead when his wife and the officer reached him. No. 9296. ? ?? - - nmnniim ITRtASUKf OtPAKIMtNI ; Office of Comptroller of the Currency. Washington, D. C., Dec. 19, 1908. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence ' presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that "THE HOME NATIONAL BANK OF LEXINGTON," ( in the town of Lexington, in the County of Lexington, and the State of South f Carolina, has complied with all the pro[ visions of the Statutes of the United , States, required to be complied with on ocennifltirm filin.ll he author MV1VJL \S Wi.* ... ? ' ized to commence the business of Bank' ing; NOW THEREFORE I, Lawrence 0. Murray, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "THE HOME > NATIONAL BANK OF LEXINGTON," t in the town of Lexington, in the County of Lexington, and the State of South Carolina, is authorized to commence the business of Banking as provided in section Fifty-one Hundred and Sixty 1 nine of the Revised Statutes of the l United States. , Conversion of The Home Bank of Lexington. IN TEBTIM.UJN 1 W-tL&iv&ur witness my Hand and Seal of , office this, Nineteenth day of , December, 1908. J LAWRENCE O. MURRAY, , Comptroller of the Currency. (SEAL) ) ~~~ ' I A widow's grief goes as deep as the ; black ribbons in her night gown; a | widower's no deeper than his coat sleeve. . Svwy Woman Will Se Interested. | There has recently been discovered an aromatic, pleasant herb cure for woman's ills, called Mother Gray's ' AUSTRALIAN-LEAF. It is the only | certain regulator. Cures female weaknesses and backache, Kidney, Bladder ' JTTJ J VI A * nil TVimnmrt. r BUU \JLUltkiy WUUUICO. Ab (MA A/iug^umo or by mail 50cts. Sample FREE. Addrew, The Mother Grav Co., Le Roy, N. Y. The queerest thing about women* s * fashions is how they can shift their J waist from around their knees and hand it to their shoulder blades. IVhnfitbtoi Bscomo tfeoec saary. krtri vrmr ihnw ninoh. Allen'? Foot Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes, is just the thing to use. Try it for breaking in new shoes. Sold everywhere, 25c. Sample FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Don'taccept aoy substitute, A Good Reason. The good parson was summoned for driving his automobile beyond the speed limit. "Now," 9aid the magistrate, "you say you were going at only eighteen miles an hour, but the constable still declares you were traveling at thirty. I Now, I don't like to doubt either of [ you. Can you think why he declares J you were going at that rate? Is there > any grudge he owes you?" I "No," replied the clergyman, "no, I ' I can't think of anything?unless it is that I married him three years ago." ?London Opinion. Notice, Pension Applicants. The Pension Commissioner for Lex ington County will be in the Auditor's office on each Saturday in January, 1909, to give out suitable' blanks to each applicant. All applicants must appear in person for blanks. No blanks will I be sent out except in very extreme cases. Further instructions will be given when applicant applies for blank. The County Pension Board will meet on the first Monday in February, 1901), to pass upon applications handed in to commissioner, after which date no application blanks will be given out. The Representatives and all others are requested to send to commissioner the names of all pensioners who have died ot moved out of the county since last pension roll was paid. S. M. ROOF, Pension Com. Lexington County. Owl 2 money to .Lena. Loans made on improved farms in Lexington and Richland counties in sums of $300 and upwards. Easy payments, no commissions charged, borrower paying for preparation of papers only. THOMAS & THOMAS. 1227 Washington St., Columbia, S. C. Sep 23-4m. Final Discharge. This is to notify all persons that we will apply to Geo. Drafts, Esq., Judge of Probate for Lexington county, South Carolina, on the 3rd (lay Feb. 1909, for a final discharge as administers of the estate of J.W. Long, deceased. F. C. CORLEY, J. D. SWYGERT, R. S. CONNELLY, Administors. Two I rasset Has Si Pullinfl South ( We still have { Wire Fence for a exactly ri^bt THE V THATX ivV .1 Dry Goods, Oar line of seai Hats surpass anytl pare favorably wi have everything ii children. ^ Don't b We have a full 1 best that money ca all. See us before f"\ r-%# n i ^ KILT INI SWANSEA, COLUMBIA'S F Is the Cheap Everything on Earth i prices which will astound As to Clothing we are handling t country of imported material and sold a ^ 4 4 _ - _ I. .7*^> ror tne ijaaies' ana Misses' we nave wit on exhibition in any market. They are sold s like to outshine the most fastidious Belle buy < In the Shoe line we have something ext Leather will stand any weather. Our Stai suit Boys' and Girls of any kind. Come and s Kris Kringle has promised to make our lot of the nicest Christmas Tricks ever witnesi people and nice little boys and girls. Make our place headquarters when sure to come again. We are convenien the Union Station, where we will alwi we defy! We lead, others follow, o - Thanking vou kindly for past pa Year, I am, ALEX 919 Gervais Street and 4C [Wt <w W* [lections Hav< I and Welthei opped the Wire l at Swansea dfe. Carolina. : )lenty of the famous Pittsburg Perfe< 11 purposes. You will find our pric< , Notions, Shoes and Hats. 3onable Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes an ling we have ever shown, and will con th any in this section of the State. \\ i wearing apparel for men, women an uy others until you have seen ours, ine of Staple and Fancy Groceries?tb ,n buy. Our prices and terms willlpleas you buy. We are here to please. >LDS & CRAF1 The Leaders I S ( ' . Ml " ASHIONABLE EM est Store at the < or Men, Women and Chili the nations. he latest New York Patterns, made b; t prices to defy competition. houfc ft question the Nobbiest Skirts and Unc o low that it will cause you to wonder how * our Skirts, for they fit supremely well. ra fine. Our Ladies' and Gents' fantastic to adard Tan is the best Shoe on earth for any ee our stock for in Shoes we have Colombia store his headquarters during the Holidays sed by human eye. Doll Babies, Wagons an< in Columbia and we will treat you so tly located just three doors from the S ivs be glad to serve you. Opposition 1 -i - - -- - nu. tronage, ana wisjimg .yuu a iuciy Yours for business, AYOU 12 1-2 Main Street, a . 4 kO ^ rKrJ A/, M V I r 1 0 2 ct 3S * id 1re id \ le se ; 3. PORIUM Capitol tiren to wear at < f the best Tailors of the lerwear that has ever been re can do so. If you would e is all the go. Our Patent man. Our smaller line will 4 4 Chock-a-block. * 9 , and has sent in advance a i all kinds of Toys for big clever that you will be leaboard Depot and near we invite! Competition istmas and Happy New Columbia, S. C. ?1 t \r | '-A Y/ 'VV' : /;/ i r . i 4