The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 13, 1909, Image 1

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I THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. ft | Hepresentatitte Newspaper. Severs Lexington and the Herders of the Surrounding Bounties Lihe a Slanfcet. \ - vat. tytvtv ~~ LEXINGTON, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13. 1909. u~ I ~t ./^banking b V A' | B have mo: M W fi I with us. P .m I somethin I M patron wonoldn't it be well for yon to 1 | I OUR SAVINGS D [ Is calculated to serve all clases; the ol I the rich. It receives deposits from $1.00 i I pounded quarterly. Any deposits receive B H nrH Hoto frnm Tinnp~v let: {The HORSE NATI ^ OF LEXINC P# Bank of ( I : : : CHAPIN, S I I The Bank That An I "w ? This bank aims to give you good sei u checks for you?furnish drafts for se v I always glad*to assist yoa in business d ? with this bank, which makes a point 3 positors. Our certificates of deposit b We cordially invite the farmers as w 1 their banking with us. BROOKLANi NEW BROOKLA We Wantirour business. It is our lift y?ur money with us until you need jy| times a\year. \M J. G. CUICNARD, ( p Vice-President. 4 & ciiuin rni | g umm, uui 1 Jjjj Remember ^ BH n B^Hd B BB HH . [ T L Complete line oi r, PLOWS OUR GRO f B E S " DRY CC |' ?3 Remember we s ; Jn08888888838 j ' iT, G T7\7". MAIN ISTREli Solicits a Share USi NESS "S re or less of it. Possibly it is M Such being the case you know H c of onr service. But if not a K jecome one? EPARTMENT I 3 and the young, the poor and ip, and allows 4% interest, com- B donor before January 10th. B ONAL BANK I TOW. J Dhapin ! I. C. : : : commodates vices. We cash out-of-town ? nding money way. We are natters. Make your deposits - R of good treatment of its de- Kg tear interest at 5 per cent. K ell as the business men to do g r. F. HONEYCUTT, Cashi er 1 ' LV'.y-JtU > bankTI JND, S. C. desire to please. Leave vjl I it. We pay interest four ^ j L. S. TROTTI, m \ President Kuj j BsBSSSSnrniT orrn 11UN uLLU We Are Mi i II I GET all kinds of Fai , REVERSIBLE CERY DE] r s i >ODS, I ell every thing. P. R lfuiMfm LOBE DBY 01 . ^o^src^Ton S'JT, - of Your Valued Pa Legislature Met Yesterday. The General Assembly of Sonth Carolina met in annual session yesterday at noon. The senate was organized by the election of W. L. Manldin of Greenville, president pro tem: M. M. Mann of St. Matthews, clerk; Dr. W. S. Stokes, reading clerk; J. F. Shnmpert,reelected sergeant-at-arms; the Rev. A. N. Brunson, chaplain. In the House. The Hon. R. S. Whaley, of Charleston, reelected speaker without opposition; Jas. A. Hoyt, clerk; J. E. Smith, reading clerk; the Rev. R. N. Pratt, chaplain. Both Houses ^tand by Tillman. T> ^ i-U "1-. 1 1 J x>oui nouses unanimously auopteo resolutions endorsing Senator Tillman's course in the United States senate and assuring him of their confidence and high esteem. The Governor's message will be read today. Abraham Jeffords Pardoned Zy Gov. Ansel. Gov. Ansel has granted a pardon tc Abraham Jeffords, of this county, who has served twenty years of a life sentence for breaking into the home of Lee Tillman and "stealing there * a _ j _ - _t - * ? J ? ? * * ? irom gooas ana cnatxeis to tne value six dollars and twenty-five cents.' The articles stolen included a shotgur valued at $2.50, a pair of pants valuec at 60 cents, a pair of cuff buttons value not stated, and a pair of cuffi valued at 25 cents. The Governor acted upon a letter he received two months ago from the ne gro written from the State farm a Boykin, stating the crime for whicl he was convicted, saying he was nov 53'years old and wanted so much tc die "a citizen." The Governor grant or} tVio riQT^rin Anlv oWem n v\? K?iv J^>u?viuu VUIJ amci a bUUlU'J^l examination. It, ACID, sadquarters OUR PRICES iminor Tmrklomon'f Q nil ViJ. li E DISC PLOT* PARTMEN1 E L E C MOTIONS You are always OODS COHFAH >T, Tie., itronage. Polite and Pre Br. Siuler's Apples. Dr. J. L. Shuler, of Selwood, presented The Dispatch with several apples last week which were taken from a tree in his orchard. The Doctor i . states that this was the second crop ! which this tree had produced within j I rnu 1 ?u:i i. i kjiiv j car. jllio appics wune UUU HU I large were delicious in flavor. Notice! Notice! I have hulls at ?6.00 per ton, also cotton seed meal at $24.50 per ton. You can't buy any cheaper elsewhere. H. STEELE, Ethan, S. C. EVERYTHING IN ItWIRV Ill UjLII LLI1I ! FINE Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, > Silverware, Handpalnted > China, Cut Glass, Lock eis, Chains, Etc. 5 ' ' Your orders promptly attend} ed. Send your repair work. , It will be examined and 3 j charges made known at once. 3! Everything guaranteed. : : : C, L JONES, JEWELER, ' Bafesburg, - S. C. For Anything BEFORE BUY] ;s. OHATTANOO( fS, BUGGIES, V 1 IS ALWA' TED >, SHOE! ~ WC1UUUL1U. F, Y, COLUMBIA, IS. C, >mpt Attention. October lrtf ispi A D0LU| ls worth only half as mu ^|v-^ere ^easf twice in Put temptation out of yc ^' V Citizens ^1 BATESBURG &1 !<S ^?S Sa^er ^iere ari V NVA ^0X* Start your aeeouii jf have. Make it a rule to I ^lpulMy ^ J^j A nnv oil Kill a Ktt nVicol WAA MlliU KJ J V/UVV/IV* , left for yourself every tir U. X. GTJNTER, Pres. 1892. Lexington Sayi] LEXINGTON, ' Capital, Surplus and Undivided 5 per cent, interest paid on sa*u being* computed semi-annually. Depo received. Commercial accounts also given s] Ample facilities for handling yo account will be appreciated. Safety deposits boxes for rent, $1.( W. P. ROOF,: RATE SOOA, I I You May WA hi || [NG >A, OLIVER, JOHN WAGONS, HARNES V S F TT Ti T, OF CO 0 1 5 AND H CTON, SOUTH CARC :rr:~::rr C?C?C?^^C3 C5C8C?C??? R IN HAND ich as one in the bank. For the temptation to spend it. >ur way by depositing|your r fif Dnfnnhiiwn . U! UOOJUry, r, : : : S. C. y than in your safe or carh it, today with what you deposit all your cash and You'll find you have more oe you balance your books, ae deposits quarterly. SS, Cashier. CARTER, Asst. Cashier. 1909. tigs Bank, - s. c Profits $30,000.00. ings deposits, interest aifa nf ?1 HO anil nnnn ^AIVV UIIU VTVA pecial attention, ur business, and your 30 per year. President and Cashier iSSHSiSBSS '01ASH ^ S3 NT IN 83 DEERE S. I THE D S m ATS. || I LIN A. ?? ULJ