9 ?' J"l*"*" P? 5-j ^-.n-.^- . I ,iiiii > MiwiiTii iwmnwrwrwi ' nfl Hi 53? \ zS| Ky I 3j N' ' . \ v k ' ., v?t. %. ! * I I v; I r - . i ' . / V : " 1 - , L ' . : t I I Mail Orders 1 ; %j .a j in,! IRMH?BBHM PENCIL AND SCISSOBS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and i There by a Dispatch Man. Next Monday is salesday. If it is a box of fine candy you want you can find it at the Bazaar. Mr. C. A. Barrs was here Monday and left a dollar for his paper. / Miss Emma Ballentine, of Spartanburg, is visiting her parents here. There will be communion service at Nazareth next Sunday at 11 a. m, Mr. Frank Hipp, of Newberry, was a visitor to Lexington on Saturday. Miss Pearle Clark, from Withrop, is here with her parents for the holidays. Mr. W. M. Schwartz, of Columbia, spent Christmas with his parents here. . tx j v\ /-?_ . < ?ii _ mr. jjavia i*,. vjeorge, or ureenvine, S. C., spent Christmas at the old home. Mr3. W. B. Meetze, of Atlanta, has been vistiting relatives here during the week. Mr. J. C. H. Raucn, of Saluda, spent Christmas with his daughter, Mrs. W. E. Black. Mr. F. E. Dreher spent a portion of last week at his old home, in the Selwood section. Messrs. Orin Brodie, J. 0. Wingard, Gus Barre and Hoy Wessinger are here from Clemson. Miss Martha Hendrix Caughman, from the University, is with her parents for the holdays. Miss Ro9a Ranch, and little Miss oai uicL\sJ3? CLL KJ vioiuiig xciauvcs 1X1 : Saluda for several days. Mr. H. A. Lorick, a clever gentleman and a prominent merchant of Irmo, was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaminer, of Spartanburg, are visiting the former's relatives in and around town. Dr. Lucius Dreher, of Leesville, passed through town on Friday, enroute to his old home in the Fork. Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Kaminer, of Spartanburg, are spending some time with Col. G. T. Graham's family. * Messrs. Carl A. and Lewis Roof, of Columbia, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Roof. Mrs. H. S. Roton, from Irmo, while passing through town Monday, settled as usual, for her paper in advance. < Carry a line of e1 Machines, Stoves MEBKaliillMjMBg?EE^HllTT MU BMI, iBWW Tl gggSE^^2^i^?5^B5 1 v J:L. ^|j| ^ si If'HXL If liai I i| con I II es" | Becaus( I every li Is * || ers the' increasi to meet Mimn soon log compare we v county < ing 190* terest, \ ft 4-1 aw 4-a auiun ui/ we have to call a will be i J. L billed I? II mwssMMemRmHumvH ITCH cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotiou. Never fails. Sold by Derrick's Drug Store. 6m31 Prof, and Mrs. S. J. Derrick, of Newberry, spent a portion of last week with the family of Hon. D. F. Efird. Mrs. Simon E. Rikard, Gilbert route 1, wa9 in town shopping yesterday and called in and settled "for their paper. Mr. Oscar L. Derrick, cf Rock Hill, spent a few days with hi9 parents, Judge and Mrs. G. A. Derrick, last week. Christopher, the bright little son of Dr. and Mrs. Julian E. Kaufmann, has been quite ill for the past several days. Prof, and Mrs. W. E. Black are at tending the State Teacher's Association, which is now in session in Columbia. Miss Helen Bradford, secretary of the Agricultural Department of Ciemson, is with her? father, Mr. C. S. Bradford. Mr. *J. Frank Wingard, from the South Carolina University, is spending the Christmass vacation with his parents here. Mr. Saml T. Weed, one of Irmo's good farmers, did not forget to call in Monday while here, and renewed for another year. Miss Mae Boozer delightfully entertained a number of her young friends on Monday evening at the Drafts hotel. Mr. A. B. Keisler was in town Tuesday and made us a pleasant and profitable call. He always pays for his paper in advance. Mr. W. F. Bowe, a prominent contractor of Augusta, spent last Wedensday in Lexington, the guest of Hon. C. M. Efird. Misses Caro and Ruth Efird, Annie Martha Meetze and Mae Boozer, of the College for Women, are spending the Yuletide at home. Mr. and Mrs, Hubbard, and little daughter, from Holland, Ga., were the guests of Mrs. Lena Hubbard for a day or two last week. Mr. J. F. Fallaw, one of Gaston's Rnhntantial pifirpna waa Mon^nv and called in to see us and paid for the Dispatch another year. When you come to town don't forget to call and pay for your paper. OK IBS 7erything in Gen< and Ranges. Th< TH W atcli f P. S. Hi milium ill i hi 4* & m fI **z?\ /&&). fHJ >\3 fc j ' * b 33 v^[?> ^ iocrniiu Aiiiawiiiniifc** rrr,- T.?nv,iv. ""rr*r" .??-> r- .tk xn?'jrrw* {T"? iManoaBeg ??6fcc-n t- m. r r. m- - ?v.iiM.. -.xo.* ar?je?fcarrrj--ete.c E money lias bee dng to a close, Mia business in the hi 5 he always secure hJ ne of merchandise benefit of his "deal ng trade we have the demands of th augh always leads >t amid the avalai ible values at Min Tish to extend to Dur deep appreciat I, and with an eye ?e shall go forwar give you greater I 3 ever been able to ,nd see us whenev< jlad to fill your ws n./Vi ntvi"K vuxuuuu mbb???n pup Mr. Thos J. Roof, from near Brool?land, a clever man and substantial citizen, was here Monday and surely remembered us with his dollar. . * 'm riTEE TO PLEASE. Always glad to see you at SYLVAN BROS. Jewelers, Silversmiths, Opticians Cor. Main and Hampton St. Colusibia, S. C. C OMF. sral Merchandise, 3ir prices tell the t: EY ARE IN BUS Finis Sps ghest Prices always Paid I ^m- #3 W?k wgk i fife a?# eta & ^a '.TtXTT.'?.'.'J u '?f <>? jarwvrzKix v?yt^fifii'c v^r.-.?uj?i*j?i rr.rv\ jMLt^uoi:i.srrri omxur. -cii fw i-xc iur 'jaxixjtiaurc: n scarce during i anaugh lias done .story of his store s the greatest bai and he gives Ms is." As an eviden had to enlarge 01 e trade. --the others follow iche of irresistible maugh's. the people of L< ion of their patron always single to d with renewed d >argains during IS give in the oast. 3r you are in the c ints. ;h & ( ia, S. C. HEznEEg aagMH?a?BBg I *9 Mr. Sam P. Shumpert, one of the good farmers of Platts Springs, was in town Saturday and paid us a pleasant call. He has always been one of our promptest paying subscribers. Mrs. Chas. B. Harman, accompanied by her three charming children, is here from Augusta to visit her parents and other relatives. Capt. Chas. B. TTarrran namp over Satnrdav to ioin his family, and to visit relatives and friends. He returned to Augusta, Ga., Monday morning. 2BL KT Y 9 The Buggies, Wagons ale. )INESS TO PLEA %ce Wex for all kinds of Country P t:. ~}$iZ&%r~ "'/fyS ;r?r ;.--" ~>>;.^r?.-T^ E3 S3 ^ p3 ? tfe&gv ?& fe.'S k% * pj?& m h* m t mm# 4&&P u I ikt? x.",?"tr.?w.T/ rwrszcrsr-rr^rj -.rjcri uwrrrrg r* ?.i -rj.-^w-.r r/^rjrTr - MVtT^Txas^mrcMf tajBouu; tsvj-jjtrcaxs -*.r /.*? . owr*'.ousMtvf?nc JJ tlie year 4- ; <-?. '.'5 Oo uH? Idl Why? || rgains in | custom- li 9 ' ce of our fj ur space j II but are > and inexington Lage duryour inetermin )09 than ?se sure ity. He iompany, Mail i sgggggsggggiBBMBll i FOE SALE?Must be sold some real bargains in second hand Mules, Horses, Buggies and Carriages. GBEGOEY-CONBEE MULL COMPANY, Columbia, S. C. Mr. W. Alex. Malonev, a prominent live stock dealer of Columbia, was in town Monday on business. Mr. Maloney is well-known to many of our people and is a clever and popular gentleman. We learn that the Christmas exercises at Bethlehem church, nearlrmo, Saturday evening, conducted by Mr. H. A. C'ostner, was a success and everyone that attended enjoyed it verv much. ' . ! Leaders?The Price Fixi , Harness, Pianos LSE. t Meek! 'reduce. (r^S? l 9 1^1 >i H ^ISk | 1 m V;: '/ 1 ^ Orders Filled ? I ^ t fl /1 J 0 I Notice Anaal Meeting. J A The County Board of Commissioners for Lexington County, S. C., will meet in annual session in the supervisor's office on Thursday, the 7th day of January, A. D., 1909. All parties having claims against the county will * please file the same with the undersigned on or before said day. J. BROOKS WINGARD, ? 4w9 uierK. ers of Batesburg. M , Organs, Sewing jH I