M?B?P I ill IIIII -13??amwi 1T1II1TM I flL Where y< 1 ? ^cn y0 ^|p3 )*oj[ o.)'(jsmok( in some: It might have been shoes that soon the sides, caps broke down, heels gave gave out and soles were plated. ' <5^" \ o | guard j ? Wear, and be c I i wear your mo: ' tand!- aiid choice sto ing selections t . a . : Opposite Post Office, The Palmetto coltjm] we abe A Depository for the t of South Carolina the of Columbia. we own $400,000 United States Carolina Bonds. we solicit Aocounts of Banks, Fi we pay Four Per Cent, on dep< terest calculated quart we pbomise Our best efforts to trau satisfaction. palmetto national CAPITAli Wilie Jones, President. f SOUTHERN T Unexcelled Dininj T Through Pullman Sleep! T Convenient Schedule Tor full information j*L consult nearest Southern. J. C. LTJSK, D L. MEEK, A. G. P. A., P. M. J * CHAPI | I carry full stock in r and pay highest; I and Count] KTe are offering barg K and Yalises, Ladi K- x and Dress Good to please, |gg?j >a want it? Mnn 1 \l IV' n want it? I Mr i?no smell?no trouble. y^jj you want heat in a hurry room in the house the furs not reach.. It's so easy to f*/, and carry a W V Oil Heater I Smokeless Device) fi t?suitable for any room in the ss device absolutely preventing Jru wick as high as you can or /ml ss font holds 4 quarts of oil mi /// I heat for 9 hours. Fin- j nickel?an ornament ^j_E\\\\\\\\ y heater warranted, f " >1]) :kel plated aad equipped j| 1 ?r==5^| ll 11 i Every lamp warranted. ///////mTV ^rfTJli I a or Rayo Lamp from ij I///////.'/fe]^p7 I |3 J | iu\n\mn\iu\\\u\\u\uu\mWf^iUUV j igs that looked \ r the rugged '^r i^ FL^k i rthless. ^fea&nSL l run over at " way, sewing t igainst these things, especially in footionfident of getting the best quality footaey can buy, take advantage of the large ck constantly available for making pleasat our store. ; for W. L. Douglas Shoes for men, $1.50 BOYNE, | 1 m ? r* n uoiumDia, b. u, ??^?= National Bank, 3IA, S. C. rnifced States Government, the State County of Richland and the City Bonds and $100,000 State of South y rms, Corporations and Individuals. Dsits in our Savings Department, inerly. sact your business to yoar entire * BANK, - - Columbia, S. C. $250,000.00 J. P. Matthews, Cashier. *y RAILWAY. viz % Car Service, J! m Cars on ail Trains, i w s on Local Trains. ^ as to rates, routes, etc. Railway Ticket Agent, or vy . P. A., Charleston, S. C. 4fi , Atlanta, Ga. . If/ ^ ^ ^ . ?r PRICK IV, c. % iv/r rk'wrt 1"\ n i-* rl i nri i VXCUCi CLi -LYJ.C1 prices for Cotton :y Produce. ains in Rugs, Trunks es' Cloaks, Skirts s. We are here ill and see us. \ * ~ THE LAST ACT. Now Touslehead is fixed for bed And. following her habit. Darts in aud out with romp and shout With no more than a rabbit On her wee form to keep her warm. But garmenture is stupid. And such as she need not to be Clothed any more than Cupid. At least at night for pillow fight And rush and roll and fumble Such things as clothes and shoes and hose Just help one to a tumble, And, though she felt no grief at all UOmes to ner wuere sin- s She gives a roll?God bless her soul!? And up she scrambles giggling. And very soon to lulling croon. In her pink nightie smothered, She'll softly creep, almost asleep, To a lap to be mothered, And, snuggled down for Slumbertown And for the journey mounted. Pokes out her feet and coaxes sweet To have her "piggies" counted. "This little pig"?that means the big One?"went to market buying. This piggie small went not rt all. But staid at home a-sighing. This piggie wee had roast beef he Had purchased for a penny. And this pig small let loose a squall Because ho hadn't any. "This piggie wee wished some, for he Imagined he would love it. He squeaked: 'WeeI Wee! Give somo to me! Now, you give mo some cf it!' Did he get it? Nay; not a bit And nearly died of weeping"? Here's where I go out tippytoe. For Touslehead is sleeping. ?J. M. Lewis in Houston Post. I Her Just Deserts. Professor Zueblin. glancing around I to see where the money would do the | most good, comes to bat with a sugi gestion that we pension the mothers j of the land. j There is an idea that may meet with the approval of all, nor should those who fear paternalism is a slow kind <>f poison raise a howl that could be heard a block away, as the measure would j be strictly maternal in its nature. Mother would certainly know what | to do with the money, and father j would stand around on pay day as poi lite and attentive as a bock agent who is explaining the latest things in literature to a millionairess. To the members of the family it would be like having money in the bank. They would always know where they could borrow a quarter while mother had money. On the whole, it looks like a good thing. Let us plug for the mothers' pension. | P'r'aps, P'r'aps Not! t fclrTIfsTri] I The Patient (having escaped from the chair)?I think perhaps I'll call again tomorrow.?Sketch. < , . VFixed. -- ?. "But," said; thii "gdod oldMady, "why don't yon go to work?" "Why, ma'am," began the disreputable old loafer, "yer see, I got a wife an' fire children to support"? "But how can you support them if you don't go to work?" "As I was a-sayin', lady, I got a 1 wife an' five children to support me." ?Catholic Standard and Times. Nocturnal Inventions. Mr. Stubb?This paper states that a genius should never marry. It says that a married man cannot invent things like a single man. Afra Stuhh fcnrpnatfr-flllv^?Xonsensa. John! I notice a married man never has any trouble inventing excuses about getting home late?St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Strength of Mind. Mrs. Oatcake?Your husband 'pears t' be a pow'rful strong minded man. Mrs. Hayrix ? He shore is. I've ^know'd him t' read a patent medicine almanac frum cover t' cover without feelin' that he had enny uv th' symptoms."?New Orleans Times-Democrat. Setting the Date. "Have you any idea when the duke's marriage to Miss Ricbgirl will take place?" "Well, some time within the next three months. lie has a big note to pay which falls due in ninety days."-* New York Herald. The Blessing of Health. "We don't value health nearly as much as we should." "There are times when we do. I know I value it highly after listening to that eld bore of a Binglewccd tell about his numerous ailments."?Cleveland Plain Dealer. Couldn't Feel Superior. "Mabel doesn't make much of a hit with the young men." "Xo; she can't hold one." j "Still, she seems to attract them." ) "Yes, but they soon find out that she knows as much about baseball as they do." Very Unkind. "What is the matter with your eye, man?" "A cross section of timber I was sawing flew up and hit me." "Must have been a mighty cross section and ill tempered as well." -?* i ggMgjrenMju?jJL* rlinmrr Cif the Smith ern will be discontinued over the whole system. Because of the fact that so much of the territory through which the road l s has declared for prohibition, the Southern railway ha9 gone a step further and decided that no liquor shall be sold on any of their dining cars after the new year has been ushered in. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cani not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all busin?>5<5 rrr.vKJu-.rtons. ?7id iinancialiv able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Waiding. Rinnan & Marvin. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces o: the system. | Testimonials sent free. Price, Toe. per | bottle. Sold bv all Druggists, j Take Kail's Family Pills for consripaj tion. i j President-elect Taft, who is spendi ing some time in Augusta, has announced that Philander C. Knox has accepted the appointment of Secrei tary of State. This is WorthJjfteadiiig. Leo F. Zelinski, of <">8 Gibson St., Buffalo, N. Y.f says; "I cured the most annoying cold sore I ever had, with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I applied this salve once a day for two days, when every trace of the sure was gone." | Heals all sores. Sold under guarantee ' at Derrick's Drug Store, Kaufmann j ? ^ - -T ^ d rtl T^I,? /V C^A1?A O LJfUg *JO., UHU OiiUUtU Ul'jit. ~'/w. The Sfcate supreme court has refused to grant bail to W. T. Jones of Union county, indicted,for killing his wife. He will remain in jail until he is tried. ..Every home with children should :ha>ve a bos of Dr. Thornton's Easy||ieether in it. A guaranteed remedy f^br all bowel and stomach trouble in teething children. For sale by Derrick Drug Co.; or Easy-Teether Idedicine Co., Hartwell, Ga. ? ? Many a man looks for work only where he is reasonably sure of not finding it. The average woman doesn't seem to have any use for a pretty man. ESTATE LAND SALE. On the 16th day of January, 1908, the heirs at law of the estate of G. A. Rister, deceased, will sell in the town of Chapin, S. C., at 11 o'clock, a. m., to the highest bidder, at public outcry, the following tracts of estate lands, to wit: Tract No. 1, containing 251 acres, more or less, situated in Lexington county, in the fork of Broad and Saluda rivers, and on branch waters of Waterree creek, bounded by lands of S. D. Rister and others. Tract No. 2, containing 64 j acres, more or less, in Lexington county, in the fork of Broad and Saluda rivers, on branch waters of Waterree creek, bound by lands once owned by Elizabeth and T X ??? \ r.v.;;~ "W"P1U< ' Sra ** j.'*' / ~l-yx me; >\ v.* ' vyv )/u :*, . . : the " i& $!due kni 3 RE. "^S23S2C?-iiL?2^S^L'* 'V We Serve the Pert of Everything ] yjall ana try our pJ> ce Fair Wi L. G. KANELI 13 COLUMBIAGF THE STORE THAT SELLS F( RETAIL Flour, Bacon, Lard and We carry evevylhsngSin th< chief aim is to please. Tr you will be convinced. Corner Plain and Assemble COLUMBIA, ' n? uAnuf^i^iJAriil S uu TUU anuso: We have them at prices that will make you sorry if you ' have already bought, but good j news to those that need good j Shoes at bargain prices. i _ Mens' Shoes 81.25 to 85. ? Ladies' Shoes 81 to 83.50. j I Childrens' Shoes 50c. to $1.75 I M. Li OSIFi^LL, : ] Successor to CAMPBELL BROS., 183! and 312 Main, Columbia, S. G. j life it A rt K our trade mark, INIMENT ?st remedy for all internal and ic trial will convince you. Joints and Muscles, Sore Throat, Colds, Indigestion, Toothache, .-.ndall Nerve, Bone Noah's Ark on every package. 25c., 50c. and 3r money refunded. Sample by mail free. A., and BOSTON, MASS., U.S.A. PANY. D3TRS3UTORS. \YMmm^ aos stor? * COLUMBIA. S. C OUR PIS3S e found favor with everybody ibes and men, the little girl in afores and her mother and her ndmother. They are of the jet, delicious, wholesome, It-in-your-mouth kind, and ,:e anxious to have you try ;n if you don't know the proits of cur ovens. If you do ) w we won't have to ask you. IBUNQER'S STEAM BAKERY, COLOMBIA, S. C. Everything Hew, Clean and Up-to-Date ilar Restaurant v%) and Lunch Room f Jb r Ladies and Grnflemen H IUICK SERVICE 11 ? 4li, ;t Coffee Served in the City ^0* > ' eek and you will he pleased. LOS, Prop. 12 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. \ ?ocerycot, )R CASHAT WHOLESALE PRICES. Sugar our Specialties 2 Grocery hne, and our y us before you buy and m m y Streets, near Market, : : S. C. Sterling Goods r# Sterling silver, cut glass, fine china, clocks. A fine stock always on hand for you to select from. Keep us in mind when wanting anything in Jewelry or Silverware. Good watch work and best eye glasses. If vou can't come, send for our catalogue or telephoueyour order to us. H, lAdCOTT! k CO, JEWELERS, [424 Main St., Columbia, S. C1 'Phone U34 Bring your orders for job work to /i ?he Dispatch office. 1