I Memories. I love to think of boyhood days, When life was free from care, When all seemed bright and there were joy And gladness everywhere. I love to think of those old days, It cheers my heart?and yet I can't forget the lickings that T nrvwi rkf ^ w ac? f/\ n?Af A 9UUIU11U1C9 UOCU IV 'Tis ever thus?the lfeppy thoughts That memory revives Are always tinged with sadness when We look back on our lives. So when I think of boyhood days It thrills my soul?an 1 yet I can't forget the lickings that I sometimes used to get. ?Exchange. For Eczema, Tetter and Salt Rheum. The intense itching characteristic of these ailments is almost instantly allayed by Chamberlain's Salve. Many severe cases have been cured by it. For sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. * 9 Barred From the Mails. The postoSice department, recog- j nizing the fact that this is the time cf i the year when local lotteries and raf- j fles are promoted for the holidays, j has called attention of the newspapers to the fact that papers containing any advertisement of a game or scheme of chance or any announcement of them are barred from the United <; States mails. Guilty of Co^erfeiting. Passing counterfeit money 21b worse soito pnjfipws woruh* y ? Honey and Tar, Mreat cough and pold remedy that the most obstinate Qpughs and ftV Snick's, at', -.>?< . ft is a large bottle Horehonnd, Mullien and Tar and at any hour of the I day or night it will relieve you of our fongh and threat affections. The Murray Drug Cd.j MikiW# --- , Columbia, S* 0. i Granulated Sugar 7 _ ^ _ 18 lbs. $1.00 ' . FEES. EOASIBD COFFEE 10c. ot 85c. Gsm, Black aid HztsD Teas 30e. to 80* I <5HEGNTEA The bait 50a. value in Amartat Our ^Special" Ooffa it 25c. it a Cup Favorite, Baker'* Oioeolate apt Qocoa, '* A" | SUGARS AT COST 75 Stores ir United Ststel | .1). KENNY CO. 1638 Vain Phone MJ. - : DR. e. R. HARDIN8, fe-r. | Fainlost Tooth Extractor ana Prafwiiwii Dontiot, P.- Wo. ft 11 At) Columbia, S. 6, Hyatt Park oar run* by the ontti T ?? ^ I N Not. \ M INTERIM NATIONAL ? always THE S Exquisiteness cf desigr ^ rectness in style: Perfe w IN SHORT all that ^ Metropolitan City tail y perience Unrivalled E< (Methods, at Competit: .1 'C ? ]? ??ih/?ont nAW !: I mis niT. Barr. ' m. m ? w M W1&* Down odd x ee* CacjAfe fctftein; to New York* sift ( there some of the very "bar gaiws *ih FMHiture that irQ beinj offersfcfo this paper, !&!& 'h&ppened to Mr. E. G. Cook tfee'MVer for The Lion Furniture Co. ?dltttefoia. See their ad. in this issue ^Sm^^SSaEESEEmSaSEESESES^^SSa^^EEEEE^EEEEISi BSSBS^ | Sole COLUMBIA': Is the Ch Everything on Ej prices which will ast As to Clothing we are hai country of imported material an For the Ladies' and blisses' we on exhibition in any market. They like to outshine the most fastidious i In the Shoe ITne we have some Leather will stand an}" weather, suit Boys' and Girls of any kind. C: Kris Kringle has promised to j lot of the nicest Christmas Tricks ev | people and nice little boys and girls Make our place headquarte I suie to come again. We are c< ! the Union Station, where we ^ we defy! We lead, others foilo\ Thanking you kindly for Year, I am, I Ml IF MLr M a Mfesasa Brew 919 Gervais Street a i ['? Tw< Pas Has Pull Sou We still Wire Fen exactly rig > 7 7 1 < ? ? Dr? Our lii Hats suf] part; fav< taave eV6 i childife'fa. 'WcW 'bc&^at \ W. Sec ! RE T ? SWAN > I ** . WBl n \3f\ '-wr gMpf I v 'IAN GUA Importers, icapest Store ai irth for Men, Women onnd the nations. idling the latest New York Patt d sold at prices to defy conipetitio : have without a question the JSebbiest are sold so low that it will cause you t( ielle buy our Skirts, for they lit sunren 'thing* extra fine. Our Ladies' and (iei Our Standard Tan is the best Shoe o Dine and see our stock for in Shoes we make our store his headquarters duri: -er witnessed by human eye. Doll Bab rs when in Columbia and we will Dnveniently located just three doo viil always be gdad to serve you. past patronage, and wishing yov Yours for buslnes?, nd 402 1-2 Main Sirei ) Elections sed and Ni i Stopped the ling at Swa th Carolina. I have plenty of the famous Pi ce for all purposes. You will 1 ;ht. \ v A Goods, Notion, Shois ie of 3e&son*feU t)ry Goods, Not ^ass anytfeiftg we Taave ever show Otahiy any in this section of tytfeteg in wearing apparel for n Oon't buy others until you hav .Ve a full line of Staple and Fane money can buy. Our prices and i us befiaje you buy. We are here YN6LDS & ( The Leaiers SEA, : : : : Best Crops Were Those Which Was xuvian Write for the NO COR? CHARLEST mamassmmm t the Capitol and Children to wear at erns, made by the best Tailors of the 11. Skirts and Underwear that has ever been } wonder how we can do so. If you would lcly well. its' fantastic toe is all the go. Our Patent n earth for any man. Our smaller line will have Columbia "Chock-a-block." ng the Holidays, and has sent in advance a ties, Wagons and ail kinds of Toys for big treat you so clever that you will be irs from the Seaboard Depot and near Opposition we invite! Competition i a Merry Christmas and Happy New si, - Columbia, S. C. Have either Wire nseaj ttsburg Perfect ind our prices i M 'w#' ?? SJV. and Hafs ions, Shoes "and n, and will com' the State. We len, women and e seen ours, y Groceries?the terms williplease to please. SRAFT : s S. C. Last Season J Under J ? Used I Guano I Proofs! H ORATION 1 ON, S. C. I