The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, December 16, 1908. Index to Advertisements. ! "* Christmas Goods?Alex Ayoub. ' Xma Shoe Sale?Lever the* Shoe Man. Cut Price Sale?Derrick's Drug Store. Christmas Gift Givers?R. L. Bryan. Christmas Furniture?H. A. Taylor. Guano?Peruvian Guano Co. Merry Christmas?The Home Bank. Christmas Shopping?W D Bates. , Man's cnristmas?m. h jvmaru. i Tooth Extracting?Dr Harding. Clothing?E A Eargle. Statement?Bank of Swansea. Land Sale?Joseph Frye. Estate Land?Rister Heirs. Clerk's Sales. Final Discharge?Three. Tax Notice?W D Dent. / J- " - 1 Cotton Market. Lexington S>/.c Cut Pries Sals. Read the cpt price sale of Derrick's Drug Store elsewhere in this issue. If you expect to need any of the articles advertised now is the time to * buy. ' Still at Largo. Aiirvfffhp nrisnners who escaped from the chaingang about a month ago are still at large. So far as is inownall trace of them has been lost. Lexington Ginnery Notice. The Lexington Ginnery will run only four (4) more days in this year? December 11th, 16th, 17th and 18th, at which time we will close down for this season. H. D. Lybrand, Mgr. Allen Gillian Released. Allen Gillian, the young white man from Saluda county who was arrested last week upon the charge of obtaining money under false pretence from the Citizens Bank of Batesburg, was yesterday released from custody upon satisfactory bond, furnished by his relatives. x For Sale?Horses and Mules. I have on hand now a car of good young horses, mares and mules, well "broke. I will be at. Gilbert every Saturday. Come and see my stock before you buy. D. D. SMITH, 2w7 " " Gilbert, S. C. ^ T. B. Aughtry & Co. T. B. Aughtrj- & Co., Columbia, carry at all times a full line of wheel wright and blacksmith material, but some how their supply just now is a little above the average and they invite out of town business If you can't go, a postal will bring you prices. All mail orders promptly and carefully filled. Give them a trial order. This Is An Easy Test. Sprinkle Alleu's Foot-Ease in one shoe and not in the other, and notice the difference. Just the thing to use when rubbers or overshoes become necessary, and your shoes seem to pinch. Sold everywhere. 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Bev. Gilbert Voight. | . The Rev. Gilbert Voight, professor of English and German, in Newberry College, filled the pulpit in St. J Stephen's church on Sunday morn- j ing. Rev. Mr. voignt is a young | preacher of force and is possessed of great powers of eloquence. He is a son of Dr. A. G. Voight, dean of the i Lutheran seminary at Mfc Pleasant. He made a profound impression upon all who heard him. Christmas at Piatt's. Everything is in readiness for the yuletide at Win. Piatt & Son's, Columbia. Everybody is in a rush and the goods that are being wrapped up and sent out by special carriers indicate that Piatt & Son have what the shoppers want. This is right, for this very reliable firm always has the best of everything, not only at Christmas, , but every day in the year. It you would be wise, visit Wm. Piatt & Sons while the rush is on. Lots of Grain Being Sowed. Farmers attending the meeting of the county union on Saturday from nearly every section of the county, gave out the information that the i farmers are sowing more small grain this fall than ever before. This is a healthy sign, and shows conclusively that the farmers of this county have made up their minds to raise their home supplies and diversify their ' crops. j Capt. 2?inus to Retire. j a onur.iai from Washington says: | rx v Capt. Josiah C. Minus, U. S. army, j been ordered before a retiring board j to examine him with reference to re- I tifement on account of his ill health. J ' Capt. Minus has been the command- I ant of cadets at Clemson college for j several months. It is not known who ! will succeed him when he goes on the j retired list. . # Nearly everybody knows IWVitt's ! Tyfclle Early Risers are the best pd's ! made. They are small, pleasant, sur- ; Little Liver pills. Sold by Kaunnnmi i Drug. Co. i k HIM *w" m k.vnnwyii.um1' DESTRUCTIVE FIEE VISITS SWANSEA. j Eight Buildings G-o Up in Conflagration Which Started in J. W. & Pw. L. Lybrand's Stors?Lcsses Heavy. Swansea, the beautiful and growing ' * C!noV\r>C)*rl in tllin ilCIie 10WI1 Oil LUC UCOUvaiu, ... county, was visited yesterday morning by the most serious fire in its history. About 3 o'clock fire was discovered in the office of the large st Te building of Messrs. J. W. & R. L. Lybrand, and it was not long before the whole building was enveloped with flames which rapidly spread to the adjoining buildings, and before the fire was checked eight buildings were destroyed, and several others were badly damaged. Particulars are meagre, but from the information received here, the following buildings were totally destrovpd: w-^J ~? Swansea Drug Company, J. W. & I R. L. Lybrand, general merchandise; Drs. Brooker, drug store; Henry Sharp, beef market, etc.; M. L. Williams, groceries; A restaurant owned by J. W. & R. L. Lybrand; The K P lodge hall, etc. The new building of the Bank of Swansea was badly damaged, the whole front being almost totally ruined. The large store of Reynolds & Craft, together with the Swansea hotel, narrowly escaped the flames. The origin of the Are is unknown. The estimated losses, with the amount of insurance, cannot be learned, but it will undoubtedly be heavy, and, coming just at tins season wn^-n the merchants were prepared for a large Christmas trade, makes it doubly heavy. We extend sympathy to cur sister town, in the loss it has sustained, but phoenix like, she will rise from her ashoed, a more beautiful and prosperous town. Columbia Grocery Co. The Columbia Grocery Company, located on the corner of Main and Assembly streets, in Columbia, has a full stock of everything first class in the grocery line. Mr. S. L. Mont gomery is general manager and is a * ' - mi_:_ ? . most piea9anc gentleman. xms mm will treat you right in every way. ESTATE LAND SALE. On the 16th day of January, 1908, the heirs at law of the estate of G. A. Rister, deceased, will sell in the town of Chapin, S. C., at 11 o'clock, a. m., to the highest bidder, at public outcry, the following tracts of estate lands, to wit: Tract Kb. 1, containing 251 acres, more or less, situated in Lexington county, iu the fork of Broad and Saluda rivers, and on branch waters of Waterree creek, bounded by lands of S. D. Rister and others. Tract No. 2, containing 64! acres, more or less, in Lexington county, in j the fork of Broad and Saluda rivers, on branch waters of AYaterree creek, bound by lands once owned by Elizabeth and | Jacob Lindler and others, i Tract No. 6, containing .87 ; acres, in ' Lexington county, in fork of Broad and Saluda rivers on branches of Waterree creek, bounded by lands once owned by Robert and John Eieazer and others. Terms of sale: One-half cash, remainder to be paid in one year, secured by a mortgage of the premises sold. Purchasers to pay for papers. All heirs of the estate of G. A. Rister will be present to sign papers. HEIRS OF G. A. RISTER, Deed. December 15, 1008. Honesty 1 in Jewelry | I "If it came from Sentz's. yon ^ know it's ail right," is what one | of our customers remarked to 1 I another the other day. ^ I When you buy Jewelry, you | generally have to take the "Jew- | eier's word for it" whether it is M good or not ^ I That's just warn- our reputa- B tion lor honesty and fair dealing j| And furthermore, we will al- a ways ;;ive you your money back [? and ask no questions any time |j you ate dissatisfied with a pur- p I Special attention to mailorders, || CHARLES P. 1NTZ, JEWELER, | 1439 Main, Columbia, S. C 1 | SE53E5B3f3rr From Billy Feiis. j To the Editor of The Disptch: The Sunday school here lias de- j cided to celebrate Xow Year with a I picnic and prizes for the little ones, j Several prominent speakers have been invited to address the school. Don't forget the time?Friday, .January 1, 1909. Everybody invited to come and bring well filled baskets and let us have a love feast unto the Lord. A toll .ant-inn fnr missions will follow. Billy Felix. Gaston, Dec. 14. ? ^ Paster Called. St Stephens congregation on Sunday morning extended a unanimous call to the Rev. T. S. Brown, of Alleghaney, Pa. It is not.'known if he will accept or not. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION of Tin-: BANK OF SWANSEA, Located at Swansea. S C., at the close of business Nov. 27, 11)08. resources. Loans and Discounts ?0,040 40 Banking House 1,1178 80 Oueriture and Fixtures 1,510 45 ! Fnrtli Real Estate 0,00 00 Due from Banks and Trust Companies 38,002 do Currency 1,000 00 Silver and Other Coin. ... 857 85 rr"fo1 &25.0S5 40 JLUiai 7 liabilitifs. Capital Stock Paid in ,97(> 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 120 81 1 Individual Deposits subject to Check 12,721 47 Savings Deposits 2,270 18 Total $25,QS"> 40 State of South Carolina, / County of Lexington. \ Before me came B. E. Craft, Cashier j of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition i of said bank, as shown by the books of ! said bank. B. E. CRAFT, ' "? * - ? * ?- J K-4.* Sworn to anci stiDscrioen ueiure me, this Sth day of Dec., r.>08. R. L. Lybraud, (L. S.) Notary Public, S. C. Correct Attest: J. C.Reynolds, W. H. Witt, R. E. Inabinet, Directors. Jfy THE QUESTION*) y i SOLVED i I ers, can never go amiss?noth fcV iy \n an me vuv* j v* ( r \ I jjkr the very best makers in holi- JfcUf j fllw5 day packages from 25c up. Y*3hl J Rieg'er W vly C/>e California "Perfumer Jy C i^P has just sent us his line, which ff?j with our other specialties, jrt makes us justly proud of the Vv bLS Holiday array which we invite you to inspect. vjw W KAUFMANN DRUG CO. & ? Lexington, S. C. ]f ' Good morning! Won't you ! come in and see our new style | Low Shoes for Ladies? j The kind we sell at S2.00 | you will find nicer, finer and better made than the kind yon j have been getting. Tan Kid, Tan Calf and Black ! Kid are the most popular this ! season. ! EHJILICH'S, JCtt Main St.. i fift! Ha-miS ? fi 1027 Mam .St., i wULUftlBaMj W? V. j Harriages. Marriod, Nov. J2:iu, I!K)s, at the res- ; idence of the bride's father, Mr. Luther Eargle, by the Rev. J. A. Cro- j mer, Mr. Backman l.angford and Miss I Cora Eargle, all of near Elythewood. Deo. 1st, 190S, at the residence of : the officiating clergyman, Rev. J. A. ! Cromer, Mr. Haskell Meetze and Miss I Emma Kaminer, all of near Lexing- | ton. On Dec. 10th, 1908, at the residence ! of the bride's father, Mr. Samuel Le- j ver, Mr. Matthe Wingard and Miss [ Jesse Lever, the Rev. J. A. Cromer | officiating. Ail of near Lexington. On Dec. 13th, 1908, at the home of | the bride's father, Mr. J. R. Lucas, near Swansea, Mr. ]). S. Sturkie and j 44b Toilet Sets, Collar and Cuff swellest line of Clothing to be Come and look it all over. BVil, l*a main's 1523 Main Si. MEET ME i THE JEWELRY Fi offers startling prices in Solid Gold and day.s. Solid Gold Stick Pins with beautiful J settings SI.03 ' Solid Gold Beauty Pins, pretty ; styles, the pair 48c. i Solid Gold Cuff Buttons, for the | 86.00kind ....$3.98 ! Solid Gold Children's Signet Rings, each 29c. j Sterling Silver Hat Pins in many ; new partem? 25c. i UMBRELLAS FC Just a few of the many good things ; to select your Christmas presents j from all at special prices. Umbrellas, 24 and 26-inch, plain, , substantial Umbrellas. 3Irde for ser- j vice, special 50c. j : 6-inch plain and fancy handle, i stc el rod, paragon frame and tape bound, guarantee 1 rain proof. A regular .SI.50 value, special Si.00 The largest and handsomest assortment of rolled gold and sterling silver mounts in the Carolinas to select from, all at special prices with a lovely case and our absolute guarantee on each as to quality and wear. Prices range from, each $3.9-5 to ?15.00 i SANTA CL?y All kinds of beautiful t and China. L< ORDER All mail orders entrusted to uh by a special shopping lady in the stc guarantee satisfaction or your money I: customers cheerfully and promptly ar a special feature with this store and 1 85 00 when cash accompanies order. TfilE sj AMEii L I'EFAHTME 1G38 to 1G4G Main Street, Miss Mary Lucas, the It" v. \V. i.. 1 Keel oiticiatinp:. On J)cc. 2nd, 190S, by \V. I'. Hill. ! notary public, at the hmne of the i bride, near Swansea, Mr. Summers j Jefeoat and Mrs. Corrie Lucas. j Nov. 19, 19US, at the residence of j the bride's father, Mr. J. C. Fulmer, | Mr. Chas. X. Frick and Miss Ada I Eunice Fulmer were married, the | Rev. Enoch Kite oliiciatinff. Nov. 26, 190S, at the residence of Mrs. Qnilla Derrick, the bride's mother, Mr. Perry H. Derrick and Miss Martha Ada Derrick were married by Rev. Enoch Kite. It makes a woman on a railroad train awful nervous to think she isn't dressed for a wreck. iHRISTMAS ~ PRESENTS will very naturally be gotten from a place like ours. HeTl appreciate them. i For a man will have a tie more than he wants. The swellest and handsomest Neckwear you'll find here, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Mocha and Kid Gloves $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. Smoking Jackets. Fancy Suspenders and SupPorters, sets in boxes, 75c and $1.00. Boxes, Card Cases, etc., and the seen. m the ituj clothier Columbia, b. u, j ??i wm aT TAPP'S OR CHRISTMAS Sterling Silver Novelties for the holiGold Filled Cuff Pins, the pair. .25c. -t -i in .i *n!n . .1 T> /?o^ tjnuaren 9 ltoiu nueu nrauucis oo-j. Misses Gold Filled Bracelets.. 81.97 Gold Filled Cuff Buttons, pair . .50c. Sterling Silver Cuff Buttons, the pair 35c. Thousands of lovely presents, both in solid gold, gold filled and Sterling Silver, at prices never before heard of in all of Dixie land. We have the gifts you want. Buy now. )R CHRISTMAS The Best Suits | I and Coats in America at $25 IS AT TAPP'S >ric-a-brac, toys, dolls,! owest prices. i BY MAIL | I are carefully ami promptly executed j )re, who is very painstaking, and we ! >ac!r. All inquiries from out-of town ! iswered. The mail order business is we pay express on all purchases over ??? j i ;nt store, Columbia, S. C. i i W. S. STEWART ?yi:;.LS? HEATING STOVES for OIL, WOOD and COAL, RANGES and COOK STOVES, MANTLES, GRATES and TILE,and BUILDERS HARDWARE a specialty. "Quality and Price." "Reliable." 1526 Main St. Phone 1294 COLUMBIA, S. C. THE JEWELER 1637 Main St., Columbia, S. C. Unsurpassed opportunity is given hero to find attractive articles for gif; purposes, and Dispatch readers ar* cordially invited to do their shopping at Avery's. A Store Full of good things awaits inspection and attractive prices prevail. so none may go away (lissatis- * fied. Can mention hut few tilings in rlii.. rdnee "For f'nlh r details visit Avery's. Watches of ail styles, sizes and prices. We prefer to sell the finest, but whether its ?100.00 or $1.00 you wish to spend you get good value any time. Umbrellas make useful gifts for women and men. Finely mounted in gold and silver from $13.50 to $*25.00. Fans are essentially feminine. Dainty white and black designs, and hand painted effects. Prices very reasonable. Silverware from leading factories, and this stock comprises goods in sterling silver from Tea Sets to Tea Balls with all the spoons, forks and knife family. The silver plated goods for common every day use is likewise complete. Jewelry in all forms comprise a carefully selected stock and whether its 25 cents or 2o dollars you have to spend you can tind it at Avery's. Eyes that need glasses get most scrupulous attention by a graduate optician. j Free. I am giving away a few pictures?a reproduction of a $12,500 painting. J.O get 11 you must register your name at this store before Dee. ^-'ith. It's free?there is no .;?tiiiiGe.,no drawing for it. Ask any one in the f^-ore about it, flt/ERY, The Jeweler 1637 Main St., Columbia, S. C. ! Alfred J. Fox,! I * < Da^I CAIAIA ? llliHI i and Insurance, | j LEXINGTON, - S. C. I j WANTED I ! Five 100 acre Farms, \ \ FOR SALE. ; ; 1(>5 acres one mile from Lexing- > ( ton depot; To acres cleared: .young | ( orchard; creek runs through > | place; fruit never fails. > | 20 acres near Lexington. | d 00 acres 4 miles from Steedman > ? ?18 acres cleared. 1 One lor in town of Lexington. [ < 00 acres within one mile of > j Arthur. 2 acres open land. Plenty > < of water on the place. < One lot on Main street of Lex- > | ington; good building. > { One lot on Main street of Lex- | < ington; store building and ware- > J house. * 1 i 80acres 2 miles from Lexington. [ i Plenty water. Fruit never fails. > | So acres near Lexington. Good > i for truck. Fruit never fails. | < 250 acres 21 miles from South- > J ern railway. i Fruit never fails. Good orchard | < on the place. Two buildings. > | *25 resident lots in town of Lex- > < ingfou. P ? Lot in Lexington with 3-roorn [ | dwelling. I < -15 acres, miles from Lexington, ? < !> acres open land. Plenty water. ? | 158 acres 2'. miles from South- I < ern railway. 50 acres open land, r ( Two story dwelling painted and f { has N rooms. Store house and * j good barn and stables. Fruit | ( never tails. > : 95 acres, 25 acres open land, > ( 35 acres round timber, 35 acres [ < boxed timber. 2 4-room houses, ? J barn and stables. Church and > ( school house within 2 miles of | ( jiiace. > j 4 one-half acre lots on Depot > < Street. [ <1 4 one-half acre lots on new > | street to be called Fort Street. > 2 One large lot, fi-room dwelling [ 1 ar.d bam on Main Street, Lex- > f ington. 2 100 acres 30 acres open land, | " "i- 1 1 1 f (iweiiiuj^ <11 hi i/ciiu, kjimivii miles > | from (Jaston,() miles from Swan- * 6 sea. > < 1 acre, 5-room dwelling just > ! outside the incorporate limits of [ i Lexington. I < ;> acres, good dwelling near > | Lexington, [ (i lots on Hast Church Street, > I Write or call to see me ! | AT [ the hoie mm, \ , l Lexington, S. C. j