"MORRIS CHAIR" 4 Oak frame, velour cushions. The kind other dealers are asking $7.50 and $10 for. Our "Lexington price," $5.50. Order by mail. !. . n y Y <'OAK ROCKER" V ery large and comfortable. OOJ W ell maae. Has steel rods in arm and seat. Wood on cobblers seat, "Lexington price, |2.50. Order by mail. cwcoc9tt>etwi * faQQQQQQ I10CEI i / The firm been disolved business and will sell ever? possible cash pound for yoi The stock ness, Studebs Fencing, Fai chines, Paint Ten head ? ? no 1 a ?TT% l/JLLXO OGItJLV?* m Don't fail (ft) price on good C? Be sure tc Q M I M. E. ?8 BATE Smm mmmm 69696969 NEW Ijr A full line of M Boys' Hats, Me H LADIES' ( 5P Dress Qoods of; ^ Percales, Ging] ||| will find everyl I my store. The vited to see my ?WM:' 1?I 'i1 I . Pv'- -' V ' 4'&:> yZ '-/St mPy ?, , h IV 12 - 'o; jl |l ;d# fbv j: 22x28 inches. Well made. Well finished. Top 18x42 inches. $8.00. ITE COMPLETE Tfl nr i inn It LIUIY Fr< i t umbia, . : , o: cgcaegcgeacacBcac come to see me. Sours for business, RUTLAr SBIJRG, : S. C. 95595969595963599 GOOC Gents' Furnishings, M n's Pants. :loaks and cc all kinds in all the new iams, Worsteds. In 1 ihine that's new and si ? prices are right. La line before buying els r\ ft (1 p 'Ml?& ? 1 * #& rri-> \ - ' T "feS- ' i hi I ! f'p" *'^ -|;ij I ^ WASH STAND, with Toilet, 12x22 inches Well made. Top 17x30 inches, all oak. Glass on top, |5.50. TEH TOILET $19. I Ullill I UIIL ont Bryan's Book Sto RDER - BY - MAI! Fairbar nflncQcaoia TotEditorof? WVWWWW Xnk on pen and BO t:'y to give you a : m *h n #7! h the land. Wkm V JJ2 The school at Pi I M I1H BO Monday, Nov. 2, B ^JJ2| Fulmer as princi] 5fS Epting assistant. - BS ac Pine Ridge a f< Mr. and Mrs. J. 22 cu(*y tiie new ^we 1?LS ffyi home place of the u"Uft The many frie uH" BJJg Long will be sorrj [r T BO has b0en confined ^ jfTri last two months, est zz Mr. and Mrs. Gk BO spending a few da D6r HR On the first ? ? service was held at lie. QO The Rev. E. L. CJO Brooklan, assisted JJ2 livered two excell "ip0 OS Nov. 9. Sft Colds and Crc iylk "My little girl i: j-n ZS says Mrs. Win. H. CJjf St? Wheeling, W. iiy| she had a severe s jrv?CT 22 cough but I cured ^w BO Iain's Cough Remc of a doctor, and m SX prevented many tii CJ croup by the timel; This remedy is for 2S Drug Co. Bj When Major Ge kg g ifc A? Elista, shot a Sout ghe almost pro ^ g combat. It is the olina to spear did fork?not to sh 969686S6@ Georgian. 9C96969 WW Mothers don't f thing that conta " other injurious < having Dr. Thor - | tain any opiates < ^ m | any kind. It i B Ml ik ^ure Food and D B g Mr in No. 11584. Price AS rfjjfiJjV by Derrick Drug & er Medicine Co., en's and jf 61 ^ 8 ammu S SI Sporting C weaves, jp of fact you ill Au,omob,le an( , We carry ii tyiisn at Mm the best mat fu I HA I It a l%an^ _ , J # m 1X1/9, tilt; DCSt ;CllGS 111- ijegu market. "We 1 jH? faction in eve sewnere. we solicit i < Lexington f] l Jf ^ 868 US an^ WG 3. ' If guns & 1 * W 1719 M coltjmbia' - uwMMWi , mm*m~ . m ? -" ? ? fc.w.nrJ*' A414HITO* \\ | || ' I Jj j| .".~ ; ". - ; _ -- - - . j^j | Quartered oak rolls head and foot. All complete with slats and rollers, ?6.50. 98, FREIGHT PAID. re, : : South Carolina. L. iks News. 'he Dispatch: m ^E.*Lindlernow oc- ^ Irin/laTT o r\T-n r-n nniAn ' v y - ^ ^ i -4. >?"^1 >uuv*c?T V/ UIUUJ uuxv/u pan p- \- / \-/ \\s/\ mi IH> ? IkT' IV 5 < 1 n ir KJI i St. Peters' church. B |^vA\/\\/,%// f "T I Lybrand, of New if ) (W? Mil 1^1 i the pastor and de- ^ mpin^Cl^drej^ I her with Chamber- |j idy without the aid S CTVI T? T?TT 4 \TI4 1 y little boy has been g &? 1 JLI% Til Ail II lies from having the Im , y use of this syrup." t are ajj requisite^ value, and 1 sale by Kaufmann g ^ B up of the up-to-date lines we as orge Butler, of Au- B :h Carolina didapper, J9 L voked internecine 8 rogue in South Car. Q | DE All ? appers with a pitch- m :oot them.?Atlanta B THE CLO" ^ I Historic Corner ;ive your baby any- B COLUMBI tins oniatpa ?r anv M vvuwsiibi irugs, but insist on Elton's "Easy-Teethest medicine on the ng babies, and is ab- ^e gerve ^e Best 0f Eyerythicg as it does loads Jr ? , ? _ Call ana try our pl^ce Fair w Every Kind. L. c. kanbl d Bicycle Repairs is 3K THE WHITE ROTARY guarantee satis" yhe design and finish of the stand i ry instance. has yet appeared on the market. $ ;he trade of our STEADY, SWtF nends. Cail to will please yon. Has a very ,arfle B0Dam""?,a! n Ik BALL BE IIPfilFlrPS A LIGHT RUNNFR?STRONG and dt 111 UIIIUI U) (White SHUTTLE Machine has been in APSfCUITIIC HOME stands at the top of I UuRwITII I llv Always on hand good Second Hand Me r x machines attachments, shuttles, belts, and Sin Street, __ __ _ _ ^ ? J. H. BERRY, 1802 it I I ii fl 1 fjj tew i ii || I *T ' ' :. "OAK CHAIR" Rattan Seat well made and well finished. Our special price, "Lexington," 50ceach Order by mail. 5ICELKOY-SHAXNON SPRING BEDS, CROWN THE BEST $3.50 Spring in the United States Our special price, "Lexington," $2.50. Order by mail. * Neighbor! I We desire to shake your hand, form your 8 acquaintance and con- 8 vince you that our place of business should be the 8 objective point when you B are out for the best values g mm ( MsFiisliiMs I is si lis I WORKMANSHIP I ;hese requisites are the make || sk you to inspect. S VI ON." g < MARSHALL 1 rHIERS S U_!? CA B Everything New, Glean and TTp-tn-Date Star Restaurant 1th and Lunch Room Jw ir Ladies and Grntlemen f JUICK SERVICE 1 i :st Coffee Served in the Ci y reek and you will be pleased LOS, Prop. 112 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. < SEWING MACHINE is unexcelled. Nothina to Anmi ? r AMD SURE. i more thread than any other 1ARING-, irable. Ifc is something new. use twenty-five years.) STITTTTT .TT! T1 ~ ' 11 ? r a. i i J i i nuH/Ui-UCJ. x novo but? IttieSS ichines. Needles for all machines and the best pure SPERM OIL, lain St., Columbia, S. C, 1