MMWBpBiggEaaMBjWBM I COLUMBiA"i , " THE STORE THAT SELLS RETi Flour, Baeon, Lard an We carry evevything in chief aim is to please, you will he convinced. Corner Plain and Asser COLUMBI V The name WALTER A. WOOD 01 , TION every way?it does?it truly d A 4-3 mower at ?40.00. A 4-6 mc hand dump, at $18.00, andean 8-20 te< We carry a full line, of repairs. LORICK & Lt Columbia, QUIA LIT' , You hare probably bought many t good, that cost a good price, but or test of service soon proved themselves It might have been shoes that so the sides, caps broke down, heels ga^ gave out and soles were plated. T. A. Opposite Post Office, The Palmetto COLTJl WE ARE A Depository for the t of South Carolina fcl of Columbia. WE OWN m $100,000 United Stat Carolina Bonds. WE SOLICIT <* Accounts of Banks, WE PAY Four Per Cent, on d< terest calculated qua WE PROMISE Our best efforts to tr satisfaction. PALMETTO NATIONA CAPITA Wiue Jones, President. J ^ w ^ W f SOUTHERN 2 Unexcelled Dini * #1% ilv Through Pullman Slee ^ Convenient Schedu For full information aw consult nearest Southen W J. C. LUSK, J. L. MEEK, A. G. P. L ^ X* ^ ^ ^ NEW STORE We wish to announce that we kav< merchandise and propose to sell go ask is for you to give us a chance 1 . convince everyone that we mean w GOODWIN & WILi SWANSEA, Q R O C E R Y~C ?., I FOR CASHJL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. d Sugar our Specialties i Cmnecv i?ne. atid our Try us before you buy and a ? nbly Streets, near EVtarkef, IA, : : S. C. q a mower machine means SATISFACoes. >wer at ?42.50. A 8-20 tooth all steel rake, 3th all steel rake, self-dump, at $20.00. MCE, INC,, S. C. MB???????i , ? SHOES! hings that looked ider the rugged worthless. oil run over at re way, sewing d against these things, especially in foote confident of getting the best quality footnoney can buy, take advantage of the large stock constantly available for making pleasas at our store. Bnt for W. L. Douglas Shoes for men, $1.50 BO YNE, Columbia, S. C. National Bank, OIA, S. C. > United States Government, the State le County of Richland and the City ;es Bonds and $100,000 State of South Firms, Corporations and Individuals. sposits in our Savings Department, intfterly. ansact your business to .yoar entire L.BANK, - - Columbia, S, C. .L $250,000.00 J. P. Matthews, Cashier. RAILWAY. % . . . a/ ng uar service, ping Cars on ail Trains, ^ les on Local Trains. m i as to rates, routes, etc. i Railway Ticket Agent, or D. P. A., Charleston, 5. C. 5^ L, Atlanta, Ga. ^ VV^ wv A m f^TTTT" A i.Trcn A OLi. PWillNgiiJAI 3 opened a new and select line of general ods at the Very Lowest Prices. All we :o serve you, and a call at our store will 'hat we say. Give us a trial. : : : ! JAMS The New Merchants, - - - s. c. I JUST A CHEAP ONE. Spsi Ibinder Delivered Great Speech, but Could Have Done Better For $25. I lie bod mode a fair speech in favor of bis political candidate* for governor and against the other, and when be had finished a friend stepped forward and shook bands with him and said: i "l wane to compliment you on your i I effort It was great." ' "Theruy'ou liked my remarks, ch?" "They were bang no. I, didn't know | it was in you to orate the way you | did." "Oh, I did fairly well, I guess! But ! you must remember at the game time that this was only a cheap speech. The regular orator failed them, and they rung me in for $15. Of course I could not spread myself for that. Say, I wish I had been making a regular twenty-fire dollar speech. If I had been I should hare called the opposition candidate a liar. "I should hare shown bin utter unfitness for office. "I should hare proved that his election would ruin the country. "I should have advanced statistics to chill the blood. '/I should have appealed to my hear ers not to bring about a state 01 anarchy and bankruptcy. "1 should bare summoned every patriot in the audience to go to the polls early and die for American liberty. "I should haTe trotted out Bunker Hill, the American eagle and the star spangled banner and waved them around until men would have busted a lung in*cheering for them. "As I said, this was only a cheap effort?a few remarks for $15?but if they have pleased you and strengthened your belief in our cause, whywhy"? And they drank together and figured out that the country was saved again.?CinciMwiti Enquirer. Nutting Time. They had been married only three weeks, and he was lifting her up on his broad shoulders to the lower branches of the giant oak "inn I heavy, dear?" she asked. No, sweetheart. I feel like Atlas," he responded gallantly. "But Atlas bad the.whole world on his shoulders." "Well, dean, you are all the world to me." And the squirrels ceased searching for a corns to bark their approval.? Detroit Tribune. Her Giddiness. T suppose Catherine Brown has her bair bleached now," said the returned traveler. "Yes," replied the stay at home, "but how did you know? You've been away nearly a year." "Yes, but I thought that would be the next step; she had just begun to spell her name 'Eathryn' when I went sway."?Philadelphia Press, w anrl AmmmrKrl. The TVLisHcred One^Am I all light for the 7/00 ? rr-i r> ^ >? . t -L lie L guv UW. J. iUU I a naturalist.?Tatler. All on Him. Tow no?Yes, lie certainly is in hard luck. Browne?Well?1 he has only himself to blame. ' ? Towne?Of course. That's the biggest part of his bard luck.?Catholic Standard and Times. Liked the Remedy. Diggs?You believe that whisky is good for a cold, don't you? Swiggs?Yes, but how did you know? Diggs?Oh. I've noticed that you nearly always have a cold!?Chicago News. Helps Most. "You know a man is a true friend if he will lend you money." "I don't know. Often it turns crut that the man who refuses is the best friend after all."?Kansas City Times. a Second Thoughts. Harry, when you propose.! to me last night In that blunt, clumsy way of yours, although It was not unexpected. I took fright And answered "No." The wedding ring has terrors for me, Harry. Its apparition set me in a whirl; Eut, all the same, I don't want you to marry Some other glrL The very thought torments mo. Though prepared? Nay, satisfied?to face tho world alone^. What would my future be should yours be shared Ey Grace or Joan? Don't you look upon the thing as settled, will you? Why should we, either of us, suffer pain? And I, for one^can't eat or sleep until you ^ Ask me again. ?Punch. Does the Baby Thrive If not, something must be | Wrong with its food. If the . mother's milk doesn't nourish it, she nc ;ds Scott's Emulsion. It supplies the elements of fat required for the baby. If baby is not nourished by its artificial food, then it requires SCOTT'S j EMULSION Half a teaspoonful three or four times a day in its bottle will have the desired effect. It seems to have a magical effect upon babies and children. A fifty-cent bottle will prove the truth of our statements. ???? Send this advertisement, together with name i of paper in which it appears, your address and four cents to cover postage, and we will send you a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World.' SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St, New York Charged With Bigamy. George Brandon, a young white man, an employee of the Southern railway, running as a brakeman between Columbia and Winston-Salem, N. C., i9 in the Richland county jail, charged with bigamy. The prosecuting witness is Eli Smith, a brother of a young lady whom Brandon says he married as Miss Mamie Smith -.n June 10th, 1908. G. W. Smith, a well known motorman of the street railwav r?nmnanv ia thp hpnrl of thp " ^ ? ? - Smith family. He is alleged to have married a Miss Lily Gerald in Greensboro, N. C., in 1901, and later deserted her. He came to Columbia in April and was married in June. The Smith family heard rumors of another wife after Brandon had married Miss Mamie Smith and investigations were made which resulted in Brandon's ar- j rest. He waived preliminary hearing and was committed to jail in default of ?500 bond. The woman from Greensboro claiming to be the first wife was present to appear against Brandon. She had|one child with her and stated that they had one child dead. ? Kodol contains the same digestive juices that are found in an ordinary healthy stomach, and there is, therefore, no question but what any form of stomach trouble, Indigestion or Nervous Dyspepsia, will yield readily yet natur ally to a short treatment of Kodol. Try it on our guarantee. Take it for a little while, as that is all yon will need to take. Kodol digests what yon eat and makes the stomach sweet. It is sold by Kanfmann Drug Co. The latest wrinkle in surgery is to take tucks in one's stomach. A great many persons need to have their stomachs tucked up. To quickly check a cold, druggists are dispensing everywhere, a clever Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Preventics. Preventics are also fine for feverish children. Take Preventics at the sneeze stage, to head off all colds. Box of -18?25c. Kanfmann Drug Co. '"'taxnotice^ I WILL ATTENDiTHE FOLT OWING MEN1 tioned places for the purpose oj receiving taxes for the fiscal year, 1908: Lexington C. H., from the 15th of October to the 14th of November, 190S. Edmund, Monday morning from 11 to 12, Nov. 1G. Gaston, Monday evenlDg, Nov. 1G. Swansea, Tuesday, all day, Nov. 17. T. J. Mack's. Wedesday morning, Nov. 18. Pelion. Wednesday evening. Nov. 18. Jacob Williams' X Roads, Thursday morning, 9 to 10, Nov. 19. Steadman, Thursday morning. 11 to 1, Nov. 19. Samaria, Thursday evening, 3 to 4:30, Nov. 19. Batesburg. Friday, all (l?y, Nov 20. Leesville, Saturday to 2 o'clock, Nov. 21. Summit, Saturday evening, Nov. 21, Gilbert, Monday morning, Nov. 23. Franklin Keisler's, Monday evening, Nov. 23 E. H. Addy's, Tuesday morning, Nov. 24. pronfo rrii ncd o it nt'finincr VlUUl/ O Utyi JL UV/OUU/ ? -./iaint, 1 .< />. >?<1 Chapin, Wednesday, .all day. Nov. 25. Peak, Thursday morning, Nov. 2<;. / Hilton. Thursday evening. Nov. 2H White Rock, Friday morning, Nov. 27. Ballentine Friday evening, Nov. 27. Irmo, Saturday morning, Nov. 2S. Brookland. Saturday, Dec. 5. The balance of the time at Lexington Court House until P-'-eniber 31st. 1'JOS, alter which time the jollowing penalties will he added by the County Auditor and collected by the County Treasurer. On January 1.1%9 l per cent, penalty will be added to those who have not raid. On February 1st. l;xw. an additional 1 per cent. wjH be added to those who have not paid, making 2 per c?nt. for Feb. will be adue.l on March 1st, making 7 nor cent, penalty to be paid by those who have not paid by March 1st, 1 *? -'i i-ii- n?r 1- ic innn lax Is ocxs win ciose jaaica w, The hours for closing the tax books will positively be at ll o'clock for the morning and 4 o'clock fur the afternoon appointments. LEVY. For State Purposes Mills For Ordinary County Purposes ... 3bi Mills For Constitutional School Tax 3 Mills Total 32 Mills Special School Levy Pis. No. la 3 Mills Special School bevy Dis. No. IS 1 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 10 4 Milis Special School Lew Dis. No. ST? C Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 34 Mills Special School Kevy Dis. No. 37 c Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 42 3 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 7.' ~ Mills Special School Levy Dis- No. (W 3 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. S3 2 Mills l'uli Tax *1.00 RAILROAD LEVY. Saluda Township 7- 7 Mil's Rroad River Township 7'a Mills Fork Township ? 7Mills Commutation Road Tax *3.00, payable from October ir?th to March 1st, l'.ioo Parties owning property in more than one township must so statu to the Treasurer. When writing1 for information concerning taxes always give Township or School L'istrict and name in full, nor initials. THANK W. SHEALY. Treasurer Lexington County. , UWOLflHW LJlllll I llf SH? 11 I .III II awagnmiHTPTIT r2"5'5?? "S -"a? ?!i?' S;-"3'.r'S-S'." I SIXTY-FOUR YEAR! iv % I We SuBiiiv all llse & | ?1' ! MKS and SCI # $ Being State depository f & I BEST PRINTING ? HIE R. L I I ? $ Two Stores or I COLUMBIA, < ijf HARMAN, The Man Thai Saves Ycu Money on al SHOES Having purchased our stock when th leather market was at its lowest this sea son enables ns to give yon the advantag of buying your fall and winter Shoes a the right price. See us before you buy We can do you good when it comes t prices. We have now a complete line t select from. Farmers' heavy shoes ; specialty. HAB,MAN'S S Post Office Block r ?i ** (DO IT Save Twenty-1 By having us I WALL PAPER Our stock of 40,000 rolls is ?r and seasonable papers. AH pj built for wear. 25 per {pnt. < courteous treatment. : WEBB'S AF 1 627 Main Street, Opposite Kirby's 5 a Cured Rheumatism. Nearly everybody is susceptible to a twinge of rheumatism, sciatica, toothache, headache or neuralgia, and it's never safe to be withbut a good remedy for an emergency of this kind. No matter what kind of pain you have the beneficial effect of Sloan's Liniment is immediate. You lay it on lightly ?no rubbing whatever and a pleasant warmth is felt at once. The Liniment penetrates right to the bone and quickly stops the pair. Mr. Chas. J. Budlong of Anthony, It. I., Box 125, writes: "For many vears I was a ed. I used only some six or eight bottles of your celebrated Liniment and was cured. I cheerfully recom- j mend its use to all rheumatic sulferers. Refer to me if you so desire. Ail letters answered." A rural mail carrier reported in ! Rock Kill that birds are being I slaughtered by game hunters alo: g . 8 hi* rmitp. The Audubon Society will I r . _ ~ I probably put a stop to this. V , m 4' How is Your Digestion. c Mrs. Mary Dowling cf No. 228 Sth r Ave., San Francisco, recommends a c remedy for stomach trouble. She says: "Gratitude for the wonderful effect of t Eleotric Bitters in a case of acute indigestion, prompts this testimonial. I am fully convinced that for stomach and liver troubles Electric Bitters is the J best remedy 011 the market today." This great tonic and alternative medicine invigorates the system, purifies the 1 Liood and is especially helpful in k.11 r forms of female weakness. 50c. at Der- , rick's Drug Store and Kaufmann Drug f Co., and Sandel Drug Store. ? 1" KIDNEYS. J