?? gjL GINGH. We have a big line of Gingl d?y-_ _ . . H We offer Amoskeag in cnec 9 15c. yard. ' Some very prefcty patterns 3 y yard. 1 Cheviot Shirting stripes an n goods that have been sold in th 9 A big line of Apron Checks C at 6 l-4c a yard. H Economic "buyers will find { 1 MAI ^ J Mail Orders I PENCIL AND SCISSOSS. K-i Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. While in town don't forget to call in and settle for your paper. If you want a good building lot in town, see Mr. A. J. Fox. Miss Lizzie Harman is visiting relatives in Columbia. Mrs. Addie Hayes is visiting Mr. Irving Long's family at Prosperity. . The Rev. W. D. (>uiek is assisting in a series of revival meetings near Leesville this week. Mr. E. J. George has been on a visit to his son William D. George, at Buffalo, S. C. Mr. W. H. Snber, a prominent merchant and clever gentleman of Peak, was here on Monday. Mr. J. W. McCartha, a popular salesman for J. C. Glover at Batesburg, was in town on Monday. Dr. Frank Roberts of Georgetown is spending a few days at his old home here. Mrs. Jane Harman spent last week ? with her daughter, Mrs. Thos. L. Harman. If you are not coming to court, send your dues to The Dispatch by your neighbor. Those in arrears are requested to tend in the amount of their dues to this paper. Mr. W. H. Hendirx a prosperous farmer residing on Gilbert R. F. D. No 2, was in to wn Monday and gave us a pleasant and prodtable call. When you want groceries of any kind?heavy and fancy?call on or write T. B. Aughtry & Co., Columbia, S. C., for your wants. Miss Rosa Ranch left Monday for Rock Hill to attend the marriage last night of her brother, Mr. J. J. Rauch, to Miss Iva Hull, of that city. Mr. Julian Miller, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Sim J. Miller, has been quite sick with fever for the past ten days. Mr. .J. S. Boykin, of Kershaw, has rentea Col. D. T. Barris old home and the Colonel will reside at Gilbert for the present. Hon. A. F. Lever left yesterday for Greenwood where he will deliver ?n address at the county fair tomorrow. E. or 4 Carry a line of Machines, Stoves \ ^**| EES 1^1'I . MILLINEEY! We invite the women of I and the State at large to a d: Millinery that lias never teen iu the Soutli. Never have hats been more < ||gi?k or more graceful; never have i been handsomer than this seas* Trimmings this season are vt orate. Gorgeous Satins, rich ^ and Rep with Novelty Feathe and handsome ornaments all male the hats graceful and b Roses and Poppies are much in also. Then, too, this is a s< colors. Beautiful results are from the leading shades of cant Taupe, Peacock Maroc and Er Withal, the hats are simply | jpy Come view our stock. We a sure your "visit will not be dis ing" A.MS, HOSIERY, ETC. bams?values that you don't happen acre >ks, plaids and stripes, at 8 l-3c., 10c., 12 ] for dresses and Skirts in Pereales are offei a cnecKs, suitaDie lor coys' suits ana men is store for 12 l-2c a yard, for only, yard, I i goes at 5c a yard, while a better quality: *reat bargains in our Hosiery departmer L ORDERS FILLED. J, L, Miss Lucille Efird is in Prosperity attending the annual meeting of the woman's nome ana roreign missionSociety. Maj. W. W. Lumpkin, of Columbia, as grand deputy, will meet with the next regular communication of Lexington Lodj?e A. F. M., on next Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock. An eye specialist will te at Derrick's Drug Store on Saturday, the 7th and Monday, the 9th. Will fit glasses free. Everybody with weak eyes be sure and be there. Misses Carro and Ruth Efird, Annie Martha Meetze and Mae Boozer, students at the college for Women, Columbia, spent the week-end with their parents here. . Prof. B. H. Raw?, of the dairy department of the United States, spent a few days with relatives and friends here this week. Mrs. K. R. Taylor, of Gilbert R. F. D. 3, was in town Saturday and did not forget to renew her subscription to The Dispatch. Mr. T. W. Amick, a practical workman and builder of Peak R. F. D. was in town Saturday and gave us a pleasant call. Judge A. B. Bachman, the popular Magistrate at New Brookland, was in town Monday holding the preliminary in the case of Z. W. Wooten. Still we grow, and why? Because our shoes wear longer and cost less. Try us. Harman's Shoe Store, Columbia, S. C. Col and Mrs. J. Brooks Wingard and their daughter, Miss Lucye Danial Wingard, attended the State fair in Columbia last week. For your blacksmith and wheelwright material go to T. B. Aughtry & Co., Columbia, or, if you can't go, order by mail. Their prices are always the lowest. Remember that it takes money to run a newspaper. If you owe us anything on subscription, we ask that you kindly send it to us at once. We need money, and need it badly. Sheriff P. H. Corley entertained a number of his friends at a barbecue dinner on Thursday evening from 6 until ten. Those who were fortunate enough to receive an invitation spent a most delightful evening. The Lexington string band furnished music which added greatly to the pleasure I of the occasion. 1 OWES rerything in Gene and Ranges. The th: w a>tcli ^ P. S. Hij j STRESSES* 1I\JI N i lis 3^ In MB??I? i nw fin i i rrr r^vrw?rw??*? mmimii > '!. ' j] DRESS 6 | Onr Fall Dress Goods anci .exmgton .^g ^ar(j ^ j,eep ^.j1Q g0CMj3 in , LSplaj O mogfc Jf yOU g}l0p exce e sure to get what you want at pay for the goods elsewhere. elaborate tt a yt^c Materials VALUES 3ii. Oar Jewelry Department elab adding''something new." 1 "r^l " priced a little lower than else' ^vets ^e have beautiful Coral , . . chains are offered 50c. and G5< ohelp t0 at from 25c. up. ecommg. this department we she demand rel tes, and call especial att-ent 3ason ?! popular, obtained >rd blue, REMNANT DR: a^ire x' ' We have placed on a Ren gorgeous, j Dress Goods and Silks contair ,re quite stock." Beautiful materials i [appoint- goods are Silks, Albatros, Nu: goods that yon want. They ? value. WHITE ( iss every We call especial att8nti Economy Linen goes duri L-2c. and white, brown, tan and blue st ed at 15c Ihiring the Opening we o cheap. 's shirts, We have the largest line ? j some speciel prices now. is o ere Qur Lexington friends a: headquarters while in the ci MAIL ( Columb Mr. J. A. Summer on Route 2r Chapin, kindly sent us his dues fi r the Dispatch and a renewal for another year. Thanks. We certainly appreciate your promptness. Let others do likewise. Mr. John K. Hayes now fills a "swell" position with the Merrimack, at Hunts rille, Ala. He is a good fellow and is always prompt with his payments for the Dispatch. Mr. Thos. W. Gunter, after a pleasant visit to Mr. M. P. Starnes, in the lower part of this county, kindly brought us a dollar for Mr. Starnes' renewal to the Dispatch. The friends of Mr D. H. Witherspoon who served his time in this offiice will be glad to learn that he is now editor and manager of the Wadley Star, a neat and creditable paper published at Wadley, Ga. Col. D. T. Barr, one of our first and regular subscribers since the establishment of The Dispatch, always paying in advance, called in last week and renewed for another year. Mr. Fort Graham who is attending a business college in Columbia, has been spending i> few days here with bis parents, Col. and Mrs. G. T. Graham. Reader are you in arrears for your paper ? If so, please call or send and settle. We need money badly. I nnwAininur nrnnnmirn I UUIUVtUMf Do yon hold things too Near? or too Far? These and many more are the symptomfc of Defective I Vision. * We will tell yon frankly if yon need glasses or not. SYLVAN BROS. ToT-iTCkl ore RiltroromitV\o AntlMftna IfJ Ks ? o y K./J.11I gi O^UIVUO) \/J/VAV4l?ug Cor. Main and Hampton St. Columbia, S. C. COMP ral Merchandise, )ir prices tell the t* EY ARE IN BUS Fltis Sps ghest Prices always Paid 1 ! )?'win?wubm i ?! ii /.yui: ^j-r^-lmr^jdmcxammmmsma-ju?ibu?c*j?i OODS and SILKS. L Silks are so popular this season that stock, but we are receiving shipments early during the fall opening, you are the right price?less than you would ; IN JEWELRY. is growing in favor. We are continually STou will always find something here where. t Brooches at 25c. and 35c. Coral neck 3. We carry a full line of Beauty Pins )w the new creations in combs and bar;ion to the large barrettes which are so ESS GOODS and SILKS. inant Bargain Counter every piece of ling less than 10 yards just to "clean up :or evening dresses in all colors. These n's Veiling, Cashmeres, Silks and other ire all marked at half and less than half i JOODS for pall. on to the White Goods Department. ng the opening at 15c a yard. Comes in ;riped. ffer ladies' beautiful fall Neckwear very of Towels in the Carolinas and offer re especially invited to make our store ty. )RDERS FILLED. ia, S. C. Fi MARES \ "Cotton is not so high and 4 even with all that the world if dome on, boys, its no use to sa; your family to feed and withoi can't" We are tip and about as usi the lead with a nice load of M farm and harness work. Our famous "First in the hear Babcock and had* and not too g Gregory* 1113-111 Buy a Lot in Tots. Four large lots, next to G. M. Harman'a rooidonno r>r> i^anAt af.noof LAIU1A O AUOlUVliVl/) VU UUA VVV* Price from ?500 to ?600 each. Five lota on Fort street. Price from 1250 to $500. fjBF' Terms easy. See me quick. ALFRED J. FOX, Real Estate Agent. A man who has no sympathy foi others is not a man. 0LWY9 The Buggies, Wagons, ale. ;iNESS TO PLEA %ce Nex for all kinds of Country P &2SSSR-'x~' v >? ;.S^SS5S6i? IcSiXiE?;.;,' ESS | ' 1 i J WOMEN'S TAILO We are showing the stylish inno Suits. The high collar, the large rever the profuse use ofT ^aid in the trimming coat and the gored shirt, many finished the new features due principally to the We have stylish suits in new fabrics ai please. tonpny, Mail esh Shipment of Choi ES* JML .? i? i tiiey say the crop is snort, but s not coming to a halt. So y you shan't, for you've got it a good Mare or Mule you iial and right on time and in ares and Horses suitable for "Old Hickory" \ ts of our countryi! Hackney Buggies ood for you. Conder i 5 HAMPTON AVINUE, COLUI 10 Bales Of Cotton On One Acre Of Ground, would sound unreasonable. The fact is, that it is unreasonable, and our Competitors say that we cannot hold up at the low price which we are offering our Furniture, with any more degree of certainty than we could expect 10 Bales of Cotton off of one acre of poor land. See our Furniture Ad in this paper. THE LION FURNITURE CO., Columbia, S. C. Leaders?The Price Pix( Harness, Pianos, lSE. t Week! roduce. ? -SS&'SE: ^ SK S&J?s2 - Idr^SrlaE^^^ay ? -: i?&t.J. J**5& jg? ii * f% ?*%? ij ^ ?rs..wA< !?J FX jgS*&k ?ji $ M & %*J | | ^ mr?jwiawx ytw ra^-^cvTzsr i??u??vm ,^5 NOTHING & GENTS' \ g FURNISHINGS. 1 9 i)nr Clothing and Gents' Fnrn- I lings department- outclasses all g wious efforts?both in quality 3 rl style. Everything that's S vv and stylish at the right ij ices. Come to Mimnaugh's 3 your Fall Suit. I SHOES FOR ALL. | We have all the well known g * inds of Shoes, in all the new ^ ipes and leathers, for men, 0 men and children. || 5L0VES FOR FALL 1 )ur Fall Gloves are here. We n vays "brag" just a little about ffl : Glove Department, for it's a 3 nmon saying among women |j it "if Mimnaugh hasn't it, it ? 't in town." But we've a full e e of both Silk and Kid Gloves a w. That means all kinds in 9 * sizes at lowest prices. RED SUITS. | vations in Women's Tailored ? s, the many satin buttons and 2 *s, the long hipless, semi-fitted * with sash at top of girdle, are j| revival of the Directoire style. jg id the prices are bound to J| ===== J * Orders Filled I ce ORSES y 7 f Vagons are still len." r are the best to be Mule Co.' UBIA, S. C. "Meet Ms At Tapp's." When you are in Columbia meet * your friends and acquaintances at ^ Tapp's department store. Here you will find unheard of bargains. Read the advertisements of this firm in The Dispatch every week and when you f go to Columbia, make the Tapp store your headquarters. You will find the ? omz-1 inaf fKo r% aa/^a tTAff pnCCS X anu JUDU i;uw j vv* have been looking for. m of Bafesburg. , Organs, Sewing f ? *