The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 09, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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The Lexington Dispatch Wednesday, September 9,1908. Index to Hew Advertisements. Citation?Estate Edward Black. Notice?W. D. Quick. County Teachers' Examination. New Store?T. H. Williams. New Goods?Whitten. Groceries?Col. Grocery Co. Wagons?J. W. & R. L. Lybrand. Clothing?Knotts, Dowling $ Co. * . Bry Goods?Alex. Ayoub. ?; uispensary itepor&. Tri-County Fair. ' - Flour-^J. B. Heriofc. . Shoes?Harman's Shoe Store. Fall Suits?Tapp. Notice?M. H. Witt. Cotton Market. Lexington S%c > i Prepare to Enter P. C. Z. School will open on September 7. A tenth grade has been added and another teacher will be secured. Each teacher will have two grades. We desire to have in our school those boys and girls who wish thorough preparation either for college or for life's duties. Apply to the principal ' ~-<-i _ for catalogue ana any uwier xuivxuuation which you may desire. 42tf ? . / Beaeaber I am in the market for your cotton " seed. Don't sell your seed before you get my prices. G. H. ROOF, Barr, S. C. Win Fencing by The Carload. Reynolds & Craft, of Swansea, have just received a carload of wire fencing of all sizes, j They sell at the low* est prices and on terms to suit all. oior> fV?o lpaHincr dealers in JLUC/J OJL OilOV vuv general merchandise and cotton buy era. If you want to save money be 4 sure to see them before you buy. * m m ^ : ; Ginnery Notice. I will run my gin for the public on | the following days: Mondays, Wed- 1 nesdays and Fridays. Terms 25 cents j per hundred, cash. Prompt and courteous attention given to all. Pelion, S. C. J. W. Scoffill. J. W. & B. L. Lybraai. Messrs. J.' W. & R. L. Lybrand, of 'Swansea, have anew ad in this week's issue. They are receiving new goods by every train, and they solicit an inspection of their goods before you buy elsewhere. They are also buyers of cotton and country produce. Read '. their ad elsewhere. V it* i ? > The Tri-Connty Fair. ^ In this issue will be found an announcement of the Tri-County Fair at Batesburg. The fair this year will be held on October 13, 14,15,16 and 17. The fair last year was an entire success, and everything points to a much "better fair this fall. Everybody in -the three counties should have an exhibit at the Batesburg fair. Shoes for All. A line of beautiful winter shoes? > -gun metals, patent leathers and tans for men, women and children. I want you to examine this stock before buying. W. P. Roof. ? ? --/ Saotts, Bowling 8s Co. The firm of Knotts, Dowling & Co., of-Swansea, are telling the readers of The Dispatch about the new fall goods that they are receiving every oay. This firm is too well known to the people of Swansea and surround, ing section to make any comments. Suffice it to say that they will treat you right. Call to see them before making your purchases. ^ . V f Iffeeting at Old Bothal Church, I There will be a series of meetings held at Old Bethel church starting September 20, and continuing all the week. Everybody invited to come | and enjoy the meeting. I r 1 Bock Souse Bartecus. The barbecue at the Rock House, a few miles below Lexington, was very largely attended on Saturday la9t, a number from Lexington going out to spend the day. Mr. Roland furnished a most excellent dinner, and everything passed off quietly. But few of the candidates ^ere present , but each had friends on the grounds. VT. H. Monckton. Mr. W. H. Monckton, manager of the Globe Dry Goods Co., Columbia, has ju9t returned from the Northern markets, where he went to purchase his fall stock of goods. They are now arriving and his store is crammed and packed with new and seasonable goods too numerous to mention here. When in Columbia visit the Globe t Dry Goods Co. Their prices are bound to please. For Bent, Very desirable farming lands in the * Greenbriar section of Fairfield couii ty, S. C., finest cotton section in the county; splendid neighborhood; fine graded school and church, with services every Sunday, within easy walking ' distance; fine water and plenty of wood. These lands can be rented or leased for a term of years by desirable white tenants at reasonI able rentals, and in farms of from two to twenty-five plows. For further particulars address, V T. W. RUFF and p - J. M. JENNINGS, W Executors, 4w47 Winnsboro, S. C. ?i??W 'O'aclaimed ACaii. List of letters remaining uncalled for in this office for the week ending Sept. 7, 1903: Males: Biebley, Wiley. Allen, B. Watts, Lewis. Wilson, Berry. Females. Howell, Amanda. | Shoemaker, Mrs. J. E. | These letters will be sent to the i dead letter office Sept. 21, 1908, if not delivered before. * In calling for ! the above please say "advertised," giving date of list S. J. Leaphart, Postmaster. | NOTICE! Parties having visitors -will confer a j favor upon us by sending in or telej phoning The ^Dispatch office. It is impossible for a newspaper man to get the names of all parties, and if your visitors are left out don't blame the editor. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Lexington County. By Geo. S. Drafts, Esq., Probate Judge. Whereas, Sarah Black made suit to me. to crant her letters of ad ministration of the estate of and effects of Edward Black. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Edward Black, deceased, that they he and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Lexington, C. H., S. C., on 18th of September, 1908. next, after publication hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be grantI ed. ! Given under my hand, this 3rd day I of September, Anno Domini, 1908. George S. Drafts, [L. S.] Probate Judge, Lexington county, S. C. Published on the 9th day of Sept., 1908, in the Lexington Dispatch. 2w46 Notice, Debtors and Creditors. This is to notify' all persons having claims against the estate of Ike Is. Stone, deceased, to present them properly attested, and those indebted to same to make payment to the undersigned by September 26, 1908. 3w47 W. D. Quick, Executor. Good for Biliousness. "I took two of Chamberlain's Stomach arid Liver Tablets last night, and I feel fifty per cent, better than I have for weeks," says J. J. Firestone of Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly a fine arti' cle for biliousness." For sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. Samples free. L * A Sure-Enough, Snooker. T n nf Reidsville. N. C.. says: "Bucklen's Arnica Salve is a sure-enough knocker for ulcers. A bad one came on my leg last summer, but that wonderful salve knocked it out in a few rounds. Not even a scar remained." Guaranteed for piles, sores, burns, etc. 25c. at Kaufmann Drug Co., and Derrick's Drug Store. PAREGORIC FOR BABY isn't the only remedy we have to soothe his pain. We keep all the standard remedies for THE ILLS OF CHILDRFN. t Better have a supply of them at home for use in emergencies. A little medicine given at the start of the trouble will save the baby a lot of suffering and its parents a lot of wony and lots of rest. Get your supply at once. Hot weather is here. THE KAUFMANN DRUG CO Lexington, S. C. FROM $10.00 UPWARDS And have a checking account at this Bank. A haul: account keeps your cash -al'oly and also gives you prestige among business men. I When you are known as a reliable depositor, and wish 10 borrow, your request is given consideration. This bank accommodates its deposi! tors in preference to others Why not have a cheeking account | here? ! Ca pital and Snrplu.s .$310,000. i x ' J* ^ | g COLUMBIA, S. G, W. A. CLARK. President. T. H. MEIGHAN, Cashier. ( Dsath of Mr. Ballentine. Mr. Arthur Ballentine, son of Mr. George Ballentine, of Ballentine, died 1 at the home of his sister, Mrs. Wise, in Gilbert, on Sunday night at 9 j o'clock, after a brief, but severe, illness of typhoid fever. 1 It was just three weeks ago that he , left his parents, with fond hopes and anticipations, to visit nis sister, a j few days later he was taken ill and ] gradually grew worse until the end j came on Sunday night. Arthur Ballentine was just 22 years ( old and had a bright future before < him. By his amiable disposition he , made friends with all in whom he came in contact, and his death has brought sorrow to many a heart. 1 The remains w ere carried to his ] home in the Fork where they were interred in the presence of a large circle of sorrowing relatives and friends. ^ < VEST LOW SATES J To Lexington, Ky., and Return, Via 1 Southern Railway. 1 Account 28th annual session Nation al Baptist Convention, the Southern ] Railway announces greatly reduced ] rates to Lexington, Ky., and return. ^ Tickets to be sold Sept. 13, 14 and 15, . good to leave Lexington returning September 23, 1908. i The Southern Railway has been selected as the "official route" from South Carolina, and special high-class ' coaches will be provided and leave Columbia 7:05 a. m., Tuesday, Sept. i 15, via Spartanburg, Asheville and Knoxville, arriving Lexington the following morning. For rate8, tickets, etc., apply to ? Southern Railway ticket agents, or ; address J. C. LUSK, D. P. A., . Charleston, S. C. J. L. MEEK, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. THE CHILDREN LIRE IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE rrtiir.H svbiiii 11 W W V* W * w H : : : GOMI [THE TRI-CO 1 BATESBURG-, 9 And Tell Your Ft I October 13, !4, 15. ? Three big days?Tuesday Hj Balloon ascension and free aU 3 the support of Saluda, Aiken Rg make this Fair a success. So H ready to bring to the Fair and gg Write the Secretary for pi 30 1t1* n Walter j. McCarthy, WAGONS, BUGG 0 c Just received a carload of | ! ROCK HILL BUGGIES. N< I"! gies oil the market than the , !-! right. !;| Our line of FURNITURE i ! !;! should see it before you buy. 0 For your Dry Goods, Notic I and Grocerios. We are here prices. Never buy anything : : COTTON ] J. W. & R. L. SWANSI n _ L_ l_J l_J __u-u? SAINT ANGELA : : : A1KEP SELECT DAY and BOARDING SCHCC This well known institution affords ? excellent opportunities for a thorough | practical and refined education. j The courses are Primary. Gram- 2 mar, Commercial and Academic, j with edditional facilities for pcrfec- | THE LOCATION IS IDEAL IN Academy Opens Se j For information apply per E I COLUMBIA GJ ! THE STOEE THAT SELLS T , j 5ETAII i Flaar, Baess, Lard and We carry evevytheng m it. chief asm es to please. Ti you will be convinced. i i Corner Piain and Assemfe I COLURSSiA. "WRESTLING HATCH. ;<Kid" Reilley Defeats Harry Lewis in a Lively Contest. The grapple fan9 of Lexington were :reated to a lively contest on the mat 3y "Kid" Reilley and Harry Lewis at Roof's hall Saturday night. Though Reilley looks to be much the heaviest Lewis made a very creditable showing, demonstrating that he has ability and sleverness. Many times did he es3ape by breaking holds very cleverly, Eteilley winning because he is the heavier and stronger, not from superior ability. The first contest was between John Hamilton and Kerby Jacobson, two jlever light-weights. Jacobson proved the most clever, winning two straight falls in eight and seven minutes, respectively. Hamilton wants another try with Jacobson. The Reilley-Lewis contest came next and was a very clever and clean piece of wrestling. Reilley won the Q L wviwntfiO TTTlfV* O Lirsb liiH 111 lliinccu minutcoj ry xiu ? half Nelson. The second fall was not so easy and Lewis demonstrated his ability and the cleverness of both the young men, Reilley finally getting a half Nelson and barlock, putting his 3houlders to the mat in 20 minutes. Mr. Corbett announced that during fair week he would give another show and those who like wrestling, boxing, and feats of strength will get their money's worth who attend. How a woman dislikes to have people tell her she i9 getting fat. The little a man wants here below tie usually wants above the ordinary. awmw?DWivmi it n i aiCTa?? 2 TO : g 11NTY FAIRl South. Carolina, S lends About It. B , 16 and 17, 1968 I Wednesday and Thursday, g| ractions each day. We need H and Lexington counties to B be sure to get something B I carry off first premium. B remium list. B E. RUTLAND. President. fl ; Secretary. B IIES, HARNESS i AUBURN WAGONS and j ) better Wagons and Bug- ]! se makes. Prices always |l ls always complete. You | i ins, Shoes, Hats, Clothing | i to please you in goods and ! ; before you see us. BUYERS : : ; , LYBKANU SA, S. O. J VS ACADEMY, J, S. C. : : : >L for YOUNG LADIES and GIRLS. tion in Music, Painting, Needlework and Domestic Science. The one aim in every course is to equip the student Physically, Mentaify and Morally tor the performance o5 duties. BEAUTY AND HEAL7HFULHESS. >pisrriher 14,1908. b'recfress, P. O, Box 342, EtOCEBY CO., OR CASK. AT WHOLESALE PRICES Sugar our Specialties se Grocery line, ant! our ry e-3 before ycis buy ared . a * a ly Streets, near Market , ; : 5. C. [ Fall Goods Ar On Evi i Our Great CI I Clearance Sale c J order to make ro t goods coming in. r Whittfin ha.s b 5 Northern marke t purchased the la $ for every depart J store that we hax S If you want to ? i gains, now is you | WHITTEi OBY i ^ BATESBURG, SOT] U PLUMBING mi MACHI 1 PULLEYS - I BELTING === I PACKING ? H ROOFING 5 Southern States 1 COLUMBIA B 810-81 2-814-81 6-818 CI MEET ME AT I | Handsome Sni Poj While in New Vork Mr. Tapp ha: showings of smart Suits and he has sh garments of the season. Misses' and I styles, made so that they fit perfectly, a suit from Tapp's. We guarantee a j you get from us. These stylish suits from ?15 to ?35. The line of suits we best we have ever had. We know we you want at the price you want to pay and semi-fitting effects in self-striped n attention. They are very swell. We day and let us fit you. $10.00 SKIRTS, A special line of ?10 values in brc best Skirts ever offered in the South fo: ll-i *aii/vh/\n^ All htaa! PnnotriO [ USCU llllUUgllUUl. XVII >VVJUX JL auamu. j down the front and skinner satin band j lengths; special; each | WASH GO American Printing Go's, newest V The Fall's newest designs; yard New Dress Ginghams, the very la checks, etc. Solid blues and grays; th -45x30 Pillow Cases, hemmed, at.. Sheets, 81x90, French felled seam 81x90 Sheets from , The Hemstitched Sheet at 98c is i Complete line of best grades of bk s ings in 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4. All bought buy them now at a bargain. Among other new arrivals for fall Dainty stipes, checks and plaids. Mai assortment is complete. The yard... . I ORDER BY I We prepay mail, express or freight on ail shipped to any point within a radius of 6Q< pay you io buy your Rugs, Waitings, etc., IM JAMES E? i DEPAETMENT 5 1630 to 1646 Main Street, v^vmwwj riving jj ;ry Train! i ean Sweep S >ontinues in t om for new J Our Mr. i een in the i ts and has J rgest stocks 5 ment of our i ever made, t jet big bar- i r time. ? rTH CAROLINA. ? WWWWWVt) NERY SUPPLIES Supply Co., f i ERVAIS STREET. I 1 TAPP'S ts at nlar Prices 3 attended some of the speciaj lpped us some of the swellest ^adies' Suits in all the latest That's the beauty of buying perfect fit in every garment are priced exceedingly low, i are selling now at ?25 is the can please you with the suit . The fashionable long coats laterials are attracting much have your size. Come in toAlT $6.98. >wn, blue and black. The r this price. Best materials Trimmed with large buttons Is. Very stylish. 37 to 41 ?6.98 ODS. /ash Fabrics in light colors. iir> test styles in stripes, plaids, e yard 10c 10c to 25c in middle, at 50c 75c to 98c i beauty. ached and unbleached Sheetat low prices. You can V" i u ! IN-LL. are some beautiful Outings, ce your selections while the . 10c MAIL. i curchascs of S5.00 or more ) miles o? Columbia, so it will from Tazsr.-. Write today. TAPP CO., STOBE, Columbia, S. C.