The Lexington Dispatch 6. M. FT arm an, Editor and Publisher D.'R. HALTrWANGER, Assistant Editor. Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, S. C., as seoond class matter. The subscription price of the Dispatch isfl a year; 50 cents for six months; 25 cents for three months?invariably cash in advance. * = CIRCULATION 2,266. Wednesday, September 9,1908. Swansea. On our trip to Swansea last week we iounu every tmijg oivu6 smoothly. The merchants?all of them ?hopeful of having a large trade a little later in the season. New cotton is beginning to come in and the farmers are paying their debts, as they should do. They are not buying to any great extent yet. The mer chants are receiving new goods by every train, and in a few days all will be ready for the big fall business. The Bank of Swansea is erecting a hand some and commodious banking house of compressed brick, opposite the % store of Lybrand & Lybrand, and when completed will be an ornament to the town and a credit to the institution. The bank has made a most creditable showing indeed, and its business is destined to grow. Hutto Brothers are the contractors. Other buildings are going up, and on every side the hand of prosperity is in evidence. There is no finer business center than Swansea. f> * ' -r . As the winter season approacnes the little theaters in Columbia are - growing more popular. The attend-, : ance throughout thevsumrrer season has been all that could be expected and the proprietors have arranged a fine schedule of vaudeville and moving pictures for the winter months. The price of admission is small, and everybody can enjoy an evening of fun. We advise our Lexington readers to visit these little theaters while in Columbia. Congressman Lever has contributed seventy-five dollars to the national democratic campaign fund. Congressman Lever is hopeful of a demo cratic victory this fall. He has been requested to give as much of his time v as possible to speech-making in the doubtful states, but the brilliant young congressman's throat will not /permithim to make any more speeches during the next couple months. X1' The Columbia police department is doing some excellent work in breaking up the many violations of law in that city. Recently several clubs have been raided and quite a lot of liquor and beer seized. This is as it 8honldbe. The Jaw should be enforced and social clubs made to comply with the law or be put out dl business. .K% Now that the campaign is over let U8 all work with one accord for the best interests of Lexington county, the State of South Carolina and the "United States. Let all prejudices be laid aside; let all broken friendships be re-united and let us all join hands and congratulate the successful candidates. Now that E. D. Smith is elected to the United States Senate the farmers of the State and of the entire South will expect him to fulfill the promise accredited to him?to raise the price of cotton to 25 cents a pound. The State and News and Courier have made good use of their opportunitv to repay the Hon. John Gary Evans for some of his acts of the long ago. So, after all, "every dog has his day." State Chairman Wilie Jones has sent out a personal letter to all of the county chairmen requesting them to solicit contributions to the national democratic campaign fund. i" x ============= The Columbia State is leading all other papers in collecting cash contributions to the Bryan and Kern \ Campaign, fund. The hottest campaign that has ever J been waged in .Lexington county ia ended. Who said: ''Have a drink?" Scms Fiaa Bo&d Work. Supervisor Koon is to be congratulated upon the excellent work he is doing with the chaingang. They have just completed claying andturnpiking the Two-Notch road frara the sycamores to the Orangeburg road, and is now at work on the Orangeburg rc?d leading out from Lexington to Red Bank crrek. Four miles of this road has already been completed and is a fine piece oi road building. The good work will continue, we are told, until all the roads in the sand hills have been clayed. From Satesbtirg. The Batesburg graded and high schools opened Monday morning with a good enrollment. Especially gratifying was the enrollment of the high t.Mr'tv at.ndpntfl annlvincr fnr ovuwij vj WWV?VA< w **"0 -?admission thereto. The teachers and their classes are as follows: High school classes, Prof. H. A. Brunson superintendent, and Prof. W. E. Black principal. Seventh grade, Miss Evelyn Cooner; fifth and sixth grades, Mrs. Mattie C. Kneece; fourth grade, Miss Margaret Clements; second and third grades, Miss Cora Belle Rogers; first grade, Miss Isabell Brooker; music, Miss Essie Efird. Mr. D. R. Haltiwanger, of Lexington, spent Saturday night and a portion of Sunday with_relatives in town. Solicitor Georee Bell Timmerman is spending a few days at Anderson. Mr. Cecil H. Seigler, who was recently elected county superintendent of education of Aiken county, in the first primary, was a visitor here Monday. Rev. Charles A. Jones, of Bennettsville, preached an interesting sermon to the congregation of the Batesburg Baptist church Sunday morning. Several young men of this town left this week to enter Clemson College. Batesburg, Sept. 8. C. Letter to Mayor Taylor. Lexington, S. C. Dear Sir: Experience teaches some people sometimes; it teaches a few somethings; it's a mighty slow school a.i? u L'UUUgli, LUttli SdlliC CA^CiiClJUC. Lots of people paint lead-and-oil, paint once in three years, and think themselves wise;-; they are wasting half their money and fuss. They're Iso' sure they are wise, they die as they live, paint-foolish. Experience teaches them nothing. There's another set, who buy paint by the gallon, and go by the price of a gallon. They think one price is high, and another is low; and they pay about middling; why don't they pay low? They know that milk isn't dear or cheap by the price of a quart; that the miik has something to do with it. They don't buy "cheap" milk; but they buy "cheap" paint and pay double. Experience teaches them nothing. There's another set. They painted years ago lead-and oil; exhausted that. Then tried something else; it was better or worse. Then Devoe; it cost about half and wore twice as long. That's how experience teaches some of us. Yours truly, 64 F. W. Devoe & Co. P. S. The Kaufmann Drug Co. sell our paint. County Teachers Examination By order of State Superintendent the next regular examination for teachers of the free schools will be held in the court house at Lexington, < S. C., on Friday, October 16, 1908, beginning at 9 a. m. and closing at ,4:30 p.m. All teachers who did not attend the , county institute, whose certificates < are not of force and who do not hold ( diplomas from colleges recognized by ( the State board of education will be ( required to take this examination if t they desire to teach in the free schools | t of this county. . > J. E. Rawl Kyzer, County Supt. of Education. IN EM I beg to announce to Department Store bui including Dry Coods, N I have some extra sp< |jSt call. HONESTY ha UrnM an honest basis. Everybody is invited IWaLw Have wflpron vard an< MO Dispensarie Total Invoio Dispensary. No. Location. Stock on H Day of 3 Lexington 1 Lexington .$4,(;0( Lewiedale 2 Gilbert 2,411 Peak 4 Pv-ak 4,07c P>rool;land 4 New Brookland 4,41.1 Total 614,40' ~STATE OP SC Lexinctc T . ] I . I If ?.i 7 i i rivjui'ii r u1 y Le xi i C on i : (y I del<;ses lUK^ saJs t,!: Swon. i Alfred J. Fox, i j i Real Estate < > and Insurance, i < 7 i _ > J LU2LUH IjTUIK, - B. U ; < > < ?? ? ? < > ! WANTED. | One 100 acre Farm, ! ! quick. ! | FOR SALE. ; ] One lot in town of Lexington. [ t ATI orrroa xxnfhiTi nno milo nf i J Arthur, 2 acres open land. Plenty [ { of water on the place. > ' One lot on Main street of Lex- [ { ington; good building. > { One lot on Main street of Lex- > < ington; store building and ware- > < house. > < 250 acres 21 miles from South- > ( em railway. GO acres open land. J Fruit never fails. Good orchard [ ( on the place. Two buildings. j | One lot with two story building [ { at Irene, S. C. > ] Resident lots in town of Lex- [ { ington. > J Lot in Lexington with 3-room | ( dwelling. > J 158 acres 21 miles from South- j ' ~ ;i. cn i 3 ' 4 BILL laiiwaj, uvs uues upen iauu. | | Two story dwelling painted and > J has 8 rooms. Store house and | 2 good barn and stables. Fruit > ^ never fails. > I If you have a farm to sell write > I me. > j Write or call to see me ! J > i ?at? ; i THE HOME BANK, i j Lexington, S. C. ; iu?nitnmnwiniiiiwt>wmnn , Mothers don't give your baby anything that contains opiates or any other injurious drugs, but insist on having Dr. Thornton's "Easy-Teeth- j er", as it is the best medicine on the j market for teething babies, and is ab- ' solutely harmless as it does not contain any opiates or injurious drugs of any kind. It is guaranteed under Pure Food and Drugs Act, Guaranty No. 11584. Price 35 cents. For safe by Derrick Drug Co.; or Easy-Teether Medicine Co., Hartwell, Ga. Notice. The trustees of Brookland Joint Stock School Company have called a meeting )f the Stockholders at 10 a. m. Saturlay, Sept. 19, 1908, to determine what iisposition to make of the property of he said company. All are requested ;o attend as business of importance vill be attended to. : M. H. WITT, President. Sept. 7, 1908. 2w46 / STC ??a?? my friends .that I am opening up Iding a new and complete line of C lotions, Shoes, Groceries, Etc. jcial bargains to offer and it will pn s ever been my motto and I propos ? to make my store headquarters wl 3 stalls for horses in rear of store. Ill P" 111 I Nt WIL ingtoxi, ? NTHLY STATEMENT OF TH is in Lexingto For Month of August, 1908. o Including Operating Ex] and first- Total Sales. of Each -lonth. Dispensary ; o'o $1,527 85 $188 55 i no 8(>0 i>5 US ,-,o : 01 1,288 05 121) 50 i 75 1.208 70 140 07 r 02 81,8s 1 0J $582 02 IITil CAROLINA, > >:< count v. t ed R. L. Keisler, J. L. Shah-rand J. W. A )ispeusnry Board, who bein# each duly a at the fore^oiii^ statoaienr is true and cor l to and subscribed before me this 71Ii day Ct. A. Di:uii FALL CLOTHINt r n tu STOP! X Just received a nev and colors to select satisfaction. Big lot of new Shoe buy. Everybody knows t from Seaboard dep( Union depot. ALE ft f O ItAURIAIA AmJ 919 iiorvaio oucci aim | CITfZ Do You I FU B We have every ai Installment, are the v giving them just what erate what we carry ii see us, you will find ai Bed Room, Dining Rc I you read this advertis< NEW HOME SE installments. See us MM 1208 I During the term of her engagement a girl thinks life is a continuous mat- * inee. 3 RE! I ?MMi MW in the Lexington 3IC ieneral Merchandise |t|| Hats, Caps, M ra! ty you to give me a jsi | e to sell goods on Mtt len in Lexington. | HAMS, | =>. C. || :e 1 s n County I ; c ! s I e >ensws Stock 011 Hand La st I \ ^eaKa^c. Day of Month. ? i 20 ?3.1:1 78 i \ 1,049 05 ' $ 2 20 2,2>S 89 , 1 10 2,105 81 I ? j 9 S10 00 S9,0('.C> 00 i ! 4 ! ? . . ; ni rL* /\t tn?? ' tfj \ : y y i: ia :ijl *x d \/i iav v iid severally sworn, I $ i 6 IV' T. j q of St ]>tfini?cr, 1U08. ' 3 ICK, iNo'uirv Public. ? I G J !, DRY SOODS, GENTS' uvicamce and cumti iiimuiniiuu miu uiiului LISTEN I 7 and full line of Fall Suits, latest styles from. We guarantee a fit and will give s, all styles and prices. See us before you 4 ;he place?Blum Old Stand?three doors >t, and our Main street store is opposite I , X. AYOUB, 1402 1-2 Main Street, Columbia, S. C. CklQ HIE I CVINCTMI kiiv wi kb^iny uiij Need Any Kind of IRNITURE! i IHMBBBMgBHBgMBMB 11II Id III IIIIIMIWIIIIBB 1 rticle in this line, and our prices, either for Cash or t I 1 i tTT i 1 "1 ery lowest, vv e take priae in serving our customers, ; they want at prices that suit. It is useless to enum- ] 1 stock, but we assure you, if you will only drop in to ay kind of Furniture you may need for your Parlor . | >om or Kitchen. Think of us while at home when sment and be sure to call when in Columbia. WING MACHINES?Low prices for cash and liberal bofore you buy. TO FMTDRI CO. loin SirAfil noliimhio 5 f! IIMIII VllVVlf VVIUIIIMIM) VI VI ^ .***-*4. *+* 4.4+ riEw7FALrGo?rj ?fl* | "We are now receiving all the ad- | ^ \ yanced styles in early fall and * ^ . s winter goods. : : : : ) ^ \ We invite an inspection of our ? * s goods before buying elsewhere. ? *|* | Lexington county people are always ) yjf* ^|* \ welcome. Come early and get ? | first choice. : : : : j ^ : * | Win, Piatt & Sons, | ^ 1804 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. ^ ! ? * I KNOTIS, DOWLING S CO. { j Swansea, - S- C. j We carry everything in General Merchandise. J You will find our store headquarters for 5 Shoes, Clothing and Gents' Furnishings, Dry j Goods and Notions, Hats, Etc. Z Our Grocery Department is always full of ? fresh, reliable <**oods?we only handle the best Z and guarantee satisfaction. j i - - . n . O We pay highest prices tor cotton seed and ? sell meal and halls at lowest nriccs. We are ? it <" ( 1 ( ? also buyers or cotton. Come to us before you ? sell. ' t -J & ? Convenient wuyon yard, with ample room for % stock. % e G99SQQG9