The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, August 26, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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fBANK OF I : : : CHAPIN, I Our banking facilities . fl place them at your comms I terest paid on time depos ? ? - _ 1 I wiin your Business. I J. F. HG I J. A. BLACKWELDER, I \ The whole object of a Mowing Mac! J less it does that it is absolutely worth gift. Now, what you want is a mower sin cuts the easiest, is easiest on man anc s and get repairs?in short, you want t' least amount of money it can be boug You get all of these combinations WOOD Tubelar Steel Mower?you do 10RICK & LOW n mWo . WlUiUViM) QUALITY Yon have probably bought many things .good, that cost a good price, but under i test of service soon proved themselves wort! It might have been shoes that soon n * the sides, caps broke down, heels gave w: gave out and soles were plated. J To guard ag! wear, and be cor | a wear your mone: I ^iaricL*- and choice stock HPi^i _ ing selections at GaSl ^?le agent ^ m a "n i . a. n Opposite Post Office, The Palmetto I COLUMBI WE AEE A Depository for the Unii of South Oarolina the Co of Columbia. WE OWN $400,000 United States Be Carolina Bonds. WE SOLICIT Accounts of Banks, Firm; - WE PAY Four Per Cent, on deposit terest calculated quarterly WE PBOMISE Our best efforts to transac satisfaction. PALMETTO NATIONAL B CAPITAL $21 Wilie Jones, President. f^OUTHERNJ Y Unexcelled Dining I i Through Pullman Sleeping ^ Convenient Schedules i For full information as /It eonsult nearest Southern Ra: W J. C. LITSK, D. P BROOKS MORGAN, A. G.! us* f BR^KLAN! NEW BROOKU iBy We Want ^our business. It is ou? l/jy your money with us until you need nM times a year. fife J. G. GUIGNARD, Vice-Prosiilen*. CHAPIN, I S. C. : I awaaIIAMI Wa S oi o CAVCIIVIIIi mm w n and. 5 per cent, in- B its. Kindly favor us | iNEYCUTTj Cashier. I President. I ^ft. line is to cut grass, etc., and unless?you would not have it as a iple to operate, lasts the longest, 1 team, no trouble to keep up wvAWAfl morta fni? fV?0 LIC DCOt' liiUWCi ui?uu &vi tuv ;ht for. and more in a WALTER A. ?you'really do. Try one. [RANCE, INC., s. c. SHOES! that looked ;he rugged iless. an over at ' ay, sewing linsfc these things, .especially in footV ifident of getting the best quality footj can buy, take advantage of the large constantly available for making pleasour store. >r W. L. Douglas Shoes for men, $1.50 OYNE, Columbia, S. C. National Bank, A, S. C. bed States Government, the State unty of Richland and the City >nds and $100,000 State of South 5, Corporations and Individuals. s in our Savings Department, inT. t your business to your entire ANE, - - Columbia, S. C. >0,000.00 J P. Matthews, Cashier. & % IAILWAY. % - w Bar Service, $ ; Cars on all Trains, X on Local Trains. ^ to rates, routes,. etc. ilway Ticket Agent, or w.y ; , A., Charleston, S. C. w P. A., Atlanta, Ga. VX* V X' ^ DBAfmTili vp<id, s. c. m < desire to please. Leave t it. We pay interest four y xiil v L. S. TROTTI, 2$ f President fin i ?IF MOTHER WERE ALIVE. " Grover Cleveland's Beautiful Faith in His Mother's Prayers. Nothing said in praise of Mr. Cleveland reflects more credit on him than some words of his own, says an exchange, referring to the following let ter to his brother, written on the eve of Mr. Cleveland's election as governor of New York: 4<I have just voted, and I sit here in the office alone. If mother were alive I should be writing to her; and I feel as if it were a time for me to write to some one who will believe what I write. I have for some time been in the atmosphere of certain success, so that I have been sure that I should assume the duties of the high office for which I have been named, I have tried hard in the face of this fact properly to appreciate the responsibitities that will rest upon me; and they are much?too much?underestimated. But the thought that has troubled me is: Can I perform my duties, and in such a manner as to do some good to the people of the State? I know there is room for it, and I know that I am sincere and honest in my desire to do well; but the question is whether I know enough to accomplish what I desire. "In point of fact, I will tell you, first of all others, the policy I intend to adopt, and that is to mafce tne matter a business engagement between the people and myself, in which the obligation on my side is to perform the duties assigned me with an eye single to the interests of my employers. I shall have in my head no idea of re-election or of any high political preferment, but be very thankful and happy if I serve one term as the people's governor. Do you know that if mother were alive I 6hould feel so much safer? I have always thought her prayers had much to do with my success. I shall expect you to help me in that^way." Granulated Sore Eyes Cured. "TTVvr fxcAntrv vpars I snffprcd from a bad case of granulated sore eyes, says Martin Boyd of Henrietta, Ky. 4 'In February, 1903, a gentleman asked me to try Chamberlain's Salve. I bought one box and used about two-thirds of it and my eyes have not given me any trouble since." This salve is for sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. <. Florence Delegation for Prohibition. Florence, Aug. 20.?It is now an assured fact that in the event of a general prohibition bill being introduced in the next House of Representatives, that Florence county will go solid for that bill. Through the efforts of Dr. F. P. Covington and Rev. R. Herbert Jones, all the candidates for the house from this county have pledged themselves to support a general prohibition measure, wnicn will be introduced at the next session, That is, a measure will be Introduced which will refer the question to the people. All of the candidates are agreed, and it is a source of great pleasure to Messrs. Jones and Covington that their efforts have heen crowned with success. Thev have both been very active in the cause of prohibition in Florence ceunty and this last step is one which they have every reason to believe will bear good fruit. The following are the candidates for the house from this county: Hartwell M. Ayer, T. A. Clarke, Charles A. T "D "R^rvrirn onrl T* W Har. kJU-l J. UU I X JL 11 A AX. O.X.MX lee, Jr. Hay Fever and Summer Colds Victims of hay fever will experience great benefit by taking Foley's Honey and Tar, as it stops difficult breathing immediately and heals the inflamed air passages, and even if it should fail to cure yon it will give instant relief." The genuine is in a yellow package. Derrick's Drug Store. Troops passing through Atlanta on Wednesday raised a big disturbance, and police reserves were called out to quiet them. Burt Hudson, who threw Sandowin Columbia last Tuesday night, had his leg injured in the match. Summer complaints and other serious ailments in hot weather can be traced to the stomach nine times out of ten. Keep the stomach in good order right now by keeping a bottle of Kodol handy in the house all the time, but especially during this month. Take Kodol whenever you feel that you need it. That is the only rime you need to take Kodol. Just when you need it; then you will not be troubled with sour stomach, | belching, gas on the stomach, bloating, dyspepsia and indigestion Sold bv Kaufman 11 Drug Co. Booker Washington gave out a stattnent 011 Wednesday in Baltimore making a plea for the prevention of mob violence. Thp prrnvf honuP nrppv vi 1 'p tv.'JS larnaged by the storm Tuesday mornng, the tin roof having been torn off 5y the wind. Served as coffee, the new coffee substitute known to grocer< evorywh. re as ")r. Shoot's Health Coffee, wilt trie!: ?ven a coffee expert. Nor a grain oi' eal t offee ill it either. Pure ticalthful oasteti grains, malt. nuts, etc., have >oen so cleverly blended as to give a voiidcrfui satisfying coffee taste and lavor. And it is "made in a initiate." oo. No tedions iiO to ">0 minutes boilng. M. D. Hni'Lti.'ia. COMFORTING WORDS. Many a Lexington Household Will Find Them So. To have the pains and aches of a bad back removed; to be entirely free from annoying, dangerous urinary disorders is enough to make any kidney sufferer grateful. To tell how this great change can be brought about will prove comforting words to hun- n dreds of Lexington readers. J W. P. Meetze, living in Brooklyn, near Lexington, S. C., says: 'T suffered severely at times from attacks "1 of what was pronounced by the doc- J tors as kidney colic. Severe pains would strike me in the small part of j my back and at times I was unable 1 to get about for days. My kidneys were very iiTegular in action and a scanty condition of the secretions * ? * ? n i i i -*-v ? 5 existed. i nnany neara aoout .uoan's * Kiuney Pills, procured them at the Kaufman Drug Co., and since I have been taking them, I am free from any f attacks of my former trouble. I feel better in every way and heartily endorse Doan's Kidney Pills to other sufferers." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbur" Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. G-reatsst Clubbing Offer Ever [ Made. ? The Charleston News and Courier is j offering upon extraordinarily liberal g terms several clubs of high-grade monthly magazines. They are positively the greatest money-saving clubbing offers ever put out by any newspaper in South Carolina, and are s naturally attracting attention all * over the State. All propositions are | open for a short time only to new and old subscribers. Write the Magazine ? Department, The News and Courier, ^ Charleston, S. C., at once for full particulars and prices. Some of the magazines represented are: The Out- ? ing Magazine, Bohemian Magazine, Human Life, Paris Modes, Spare Moments, Mothers' Magazine, National Home Journal and the Uncle Remus Magazine. Splendid Magazines may be secured ' very cheaply in connection with The Weekly News and Courier, as well as The News and Courier and Sunday News. For example, a years subscription to The Weekly News and Courier and a years subscription to six standard magazines will cost every old and new subscriber only $2.50. A T*e\ $4- V? "C-Kl rt*, ^ xx xaituiui xiiciiu. e 1 ' "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since it was first introduced to the public in 1872, and have never found one instance where a cure was not speedily effected 1 by its use. I have been a commercial traveler for 18 years, and never start out on a trip without this, my faithful friend:" says H, S. Nichols of Oakland, Ind. Ter. When a man has used a remp edy for 35 years he knows its value and is competent to speak of it. For sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. Miss Guignard, of Columbia, is painting the portrait of the late Senator Latimer, for which the last legislature appropriated $100. The portrait will hang in the state capitol. rv 4 A .1. ti V\. . ... i i .uoes your oacK acne.' jlkj you nave i sharp pains In the side and the small of \ the back? This is due, usually, to kid- I ney trouble. Take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They will promptly relieve weak back, backache, rheumatic pains and all Kidney and Bladder disorders. Sold and recommended by Kauf c mann Drug Co. t The report of the commission ap- t pointed to survey the line between \ Kershaw and Lancaster, which has s been in dispute for several years, gives t Kershaw the better of the situation. 3 The Anderson city council has _ passed a law prohibiting the sale of near beer in that city. a While Kennedy's Laxative Cough Sj-r- p up especially recommended for children, ^ it is, of course, just as good for adults. S1 Children like to take it because it tastes r T J 1 Ti.~ 1 nearly as goou. as rnapie sugar, jus ia.\a- jj tive principle drives the cold from the ? system by a gentle, natural, yet copious a action of the bowels. Sold by Kaufmann ^ Drug Co. y. Governor Johnson, of Minnesota, G was renominated for governor by the K Democrats of that State on Wednesday on the first ballot. There was 0 quite a demonstration of enthusiasm e] for the governor. p( WOOD'S SEEDS. If Best qualities obtainable tl. y Winter or J | Hairv Vetch ? i ? <m f ' j V. mi'.-M riot onlv* nno of lo rrrocf I \C yielding* and be si winter feed and j| ai: ! forage crops you can grow, bui is j fit also one of the best of soil-improv- th ers, adding" more nitrogen 10 the \v: soil than onviother winter crop, c fa ?t( Wood's Descriptive Fall Cat aiogue gives luil information ^ about t!iis valuable crop; also i iVyibout aii other Farm e Garden Seeds i| w' Pfor Fall planting. Catalogue /1 . mailed free on request. Write // ^ol |j for it. \j j | Seeds-^ien^-* Richmond^^a. j WEDDING II t Kj 8,11 1U1 ?11 V11 tnents and Cards print them just the latest styles and see. IT?n D f Dn 1IIG A. L. Dl Law Book Publis Booksellers and I Two Stores ( COLUMBIA, - - MEW STOI JV. I have opened up a full line of Gen< it Saxe-Gotha Cotton Mills, where I w >est goods at lowest prices. A fresh 9t Groceries and Uways 011 hand. I respectfully ask th vhere. JOHN G. Saxe-Gotha Mills, ?????? I want to shake hands with every man, woman or boy in this neighborhood who helps sell harness. I believe the mule has a hard time and am fr win o* tn malm him v*j?b vv ? comfortable by making comfortable harness. I make everything from a gee strap to a horse collar and make it as good as I know how. Let us help the mule Wilse I Martin MAKER OF HARNESS | JIII8 Plain Street I COLUMBIA, : : : S, C, | Barbecue at Bock House. We will furnish a firstclass barbecue md refreshments at the rock house hree miles beyond Irene, on Saturday, he 2i)th of August. Candidates and al; vho wish to enjoy a good dinner anc pend a nice day "off are inTited to atend. Prices reasonable. ;w-13 J. L. Poland & Son. The little attacks of stomach trouble ,nd stomach disorders will undoubtedly cad to chronic dyspepsia unless you ake something for a sufficient time to trengthenthe stomach and give it a hance to get well. If you take Kodol i the beginning the bad attacks of )yspepsia will be avoided, but if you llow these little attacks to go unheeded ; will take Kodol a longer time to put our stomach in good condition again. ret a bottle of Kodol today. Sold by !aufmann Drug Co. An explosion in a mine in England n Wednesday entombed seventy minrs, and it is feared that they have all erished. The coroner's jury holds the Hains pothers responsible for the killing oj nnis at the Bayside club, Long Island August time, tells on the nerves. But lat spirit less no ambition feeling can ) easily and quickly altered by taking hat is known by druggists everywhere ; Dr. Shocp's Restorative. Within 48 >urs after beginning to use the Reorative, improvement will be noticed, f course, full health will not immeately return. The gain, however, ill surely follow. And best of all youill realize and feel your strength and nbition as it is returning. (>utside inlences depress first the inside nerves" VII I ?11" r>i iJil l j i^uui t (uih m\(ut Ti? ill usually fail. Strengthen these ilimr nerves with Dr. Shoop's Relative and see how quickly health ill be yours again. Kohl by Kaufman rug Co. Miss Hassle Turner, a young lady of tiderson, was kilted, by lightning last 3ek. Henry Hardiun, the noted Freneh arnalist, died Wednesday in Paris, Every home with children should vo a box of Dr. Thornton's Easvsether in it. A guaranteed remedy | r all {'.owe1 and stomach trouble in j ?fhing cliiidren. For sale by Dor- I >k Drug Co.; or Easy-Toot her Medi- ! ic Co., Hartwell, tia. NOTATIONS! ;ations, Announce... We engrave or like engraving in and shapes. Call yan Company, hers, Bookbinders, Stationers. : : : m Main Street, S. C. k "W W A i?jj EW GOODS? eral Merchandise in the Oswald Building ill be pleased to serve the public with the bck of Family Supplies at you give me a call before buying elseBOOZER, So. Csr* For Weak Kidneys ? - # .1 _ f-1. J innammanon 01 ine Diaader, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills A Week's Trial For 25c . *1 S. C, DeWITT 6c CO.. QhUaaoj TO* The Kaufroann Drug Co. ] Eefcre You Purchase Any Other WritS^ r?E NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY,1 1 ORANGE, MASS, Many Sewing Machines are made to sell regardless ol Quality, but the 443few Home** is mad# io wear. Our guaranty never runs out. 4 We make Sewing Machines to suit all conditions of the trade. The 44 New Home** stands attht ! head of all Hijjh-ff ra<le family sewing machines Sold by authorized dealers only* 4 FOR SA^E BY W . P. ROOF, Lexington. S. 0. HhairRbalsam C1ms?m and btantifiet tht ntTT. promotet a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Bestore Gray Hair to ita youthful Color. Cunt ?cfti? diHMM a^hair ialliag. WJsSKL- ^ juc.nnafi.wai Aug 30, 1 y WHEELWRIGHT and BLACKSMITH SHOP I _ At BEHLEY & EYZER'S New Blacksmith Shop you will find Mr. L. L. Long ready to give you prompt service. All kinds of repair work, horseshoeing, etc. Give us a trial. Shop situated near the Berley homestead. Marll dm CLOTHES GLEANED I ZkMS'HfcSi&ii. When you want yotir clothes cleaned, pressed or dyed, have it done by j an expert. I make a specialty of j cleaning and pressing ladies' skirts. : rials-felt and straw?made to look j like new. All work guaranteed, i Prices reasonable. Work done on j short notice, (live mo a trial. JOSEPH DAVIS, | ' Rear of Berber S^op, | LEX^GTO^, : : 5. O. ' fa? chUarens safet sure* Jlfo optit9*