S. B. Mc COLUMBIA, We have the larg Base Ball Good Guns and spo] descriptions, . General Bepai Carolina. : Our prices are 1 Write for wh t when in the cii S. B. M CoMimbi JUiUUUW 1 NEW SUMW # Onr store is bubbling o J department presents someth ^ dress goods in great profusio J winter goods now going at i 2 while in town. IWM. PLAT ^ Main Street, I tCOLUMBIA, - ?vv wvwvvw LEE A. LORI 1519 Main Stre JOBBERS - AND Stoves and Ranges, Stove Pipe, Tinware, Enamelware, Hollow Ware, Tin Plate, Iron and Asphalt Roofin , Eve Trough ai Conductor, She Wood Mantels Grates and Til Plue Pipe, 1 I I C T P U V JL# t Mb Wholesale and General Grocerie Pork and 932 GERVAIS STREET, Heavy and Fancy Groceri* prices, and the highest prices Produce, etc. This is the only place in t killed and hfne-cured meats, dall to see ust while in the cit] *^???????? n JULIUS H. WE! WHOLESALE DRY G Rear of Palmetto National E ~ 1-4- -4-AL Af I 1 VfOmpieic sivvn vi | | Goods and Notions. 1 | Quick shipment, i I 8 pense, prices aiway II New York or Baltinu I a We sell to Merchai Dont Experiment ni ini Use the old reli- rf 1^1 KB able roofing that Mwk * has been the stand* ard for 16 years, im COLUMBIA SUPPLY MAST E R,J - - s. c. _ _____ T1 est stock of s, Fishing Tackle, beg rting goods of all 1D? Automobiles and tun r Shop, in South Yor D t itev the lowest : : chu it you want, and M , . an i ty give us a call. m ______ Misi mai and M cMASTER, I f O TV* La, S. 0. i'ngt _ here *W%V*WWWVJ Mr! ^ is m flER STYLES. f3 ? Ai ver with new goods. Every ^ "] J led ing new for spring. Ladies! \ mea ^ avai ?n, and at lowest prices. All ^ jPPV r ^ Coli educed prices. Come to see us J ^ bott r W edv; ^ Befc ?^ stan ?????1?^ well ^ as n ^ by E r & son, 7 ^ To 1 fear PostoflS.ce, i f;bl ^ the ^ helf s. c. 5 def' Q antl ICR & BRO., 1 9 rick et, Columbia. S. S. cine i . DEALERS IX M thai he < W mis: M id jet Metals, w , No. es sho? ' soot. 'ire Brick and Clay The 'umps, Pipe, Rac Sittings, Valves, T] locks, Hose, Electric and Juij Gas Fixtures^ m Paints and Oils, Cou Cutlery, Wire Netting. a do ? ? xieui ERIOT, f Retail Dealer in I js, Beef, Mutton, I . Sausage, I COLUMBIA, S. C. I bs always in stock at lowest fl paid for Beef Cattle, Country B he city to get strictly home- I Home-rendered lard a specialty. B IL & COMPANY, II "n! OODS and NOTIONS, | lank, COLUMBIA, S. C. I wmvm 3 Staple and Fancy Dry I H minimum freight ex- I B s guaranteed against I 9 jrc jvwuvb a* _ _ nts Only. 11 m "DAin Weather-Proof pj 1KUIU Fire-Resisting 0! fcf. 0. S. Pat. Off. ? nILI "Will not melt, rot, | 1^1 crack or rust, & ' CO., Columbia, S. C. tie Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, August 12,1908. From Batesburg. he members of the Episcopalian gregation in this town have pur- I 3ed a lot near the depot and will in the erection of a church buildthereon in the near future. t. and Mrs. W. C. Farber have reled from a ten days' trip to New k. r. Theo. A. Quattlebaum, of Granule, worshipped at the Baptist rch here on Sunday, iss Ruby Glover has returned from ixtended visit to Graniteville. rs. J. C. Cullum and daughter, 3 Hattie Bess, will spend the render of the summer in Greenville Western North Carolina, iss Maud Farr, of Chapin, return lome last Thursday arter spending ] w days here,?the guest of Miss ] , Hite. 1 rs. M. E. Rutland is visiting rela- 1 s at Ware Shoals. 1 on. George Bell Timmerman and ily, who have been living at Lex- 1 on for several years, will reside i in the future. Batesburg is cenly located in this circuit, of which Timmerman is solicitor, which ' ore convenient for his work. He been attending court at Saluda week. r. Cyril E. Jones has been spend- ; this week in Chicago on business. , gust 8. C. : Diarrhoea Cured. ilv father has for years been troubwith diarrhoea, and tried every j ns possible to effect a cure, without 1 1," writes John H. Zirkle of Phil- 1 , W. Ya. "He saw Chamberlain's 1 c, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy 1 jrtised in the Philippi Republican 1 decided to try it. The result is one le cured him and he has not sufferitli the disease for eighteen months. >re taking this remedy he was a con- t sufferer. He is now sound and 1 , and although 60 years old, can do i it n _i ji mcli wort as a young man. ' ooiu Caufmann Drug Co. A Card of Thanks. he Editor of The Dispatch: ease allow me space in your valu\ paper to extend my thanks to , many kind friends who so kindly j >ed me duHng the sickness and 1 bh of my wife. May God abnnd- ; y bless them. N. M. Derrick. mo, Aug. 8. ?. a j very home with children should e a box of Dr. Thornton's Easy- c ther in it. A guaranteed remeay 1 all bowel and stomach trouble in g hing children. For sale by Der- i : Drug Co.; or Easy-Teether Medii Co., Hartwell, Ga. c an wants but little here below? J b is, he wants a little more than jan get. rhen used as a cloak, religion is a St on most people. en flatter merely to protect them- ^ es from women who flirt. 1 reak women should read my "Book 4 for Women." It tells of Dr. J Dp's Night Cure. Tells how these hing, healing, antiseptic supposi- J js, bring quick and certain help. J "Rrw-kt io froo ArlHroac Fir SV?nnrv 1 Lne, Wis. Kaufmann Drug Co. J lere have been five murders in j rberry county for the month of ^ r. All were negroes. * r. and Mrs. Earl Smith, of Gray rt, had a little child to fall out of or one day last week. The child's z was broken by the fall. t EasyI j Confinement 11 II yoti have cause to fear the H r pains of childbirth, remember that H they are doe to weakness, or dis- BJ ease, of the womanly organs, and H that healthy women do not safer, like weak ones. H c Tho specific, medktnal, sett* H 0 table ingredients, of which that H g famous, female medicine and wo- 9 i] Duly tonic B x CARDUI: WOMAN'S RELIEF ts composed, will build tip the H womanly organs to a healthy state H 8 and thna prevent needless sufferInf. "Before my confinement," writes Mrs. Rose Schubarth, of Monu- jg meat, Colo., "I had snch bearing- [9 down pains I didn't know what to Sra a do. Cardni quickly relieved me. ?n Some months later 1 bad a fine fl? 1 12-lb. baby, was sick only thirty |S minstes, and did not even have ffl a doctor." g|f At All Druggists j|j i WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, f| [ Stating age and describing symp- fig? h toms, to Ladim Advisory Dept^ Kg S The Chattanooga Medicine Co., 5$ p Chattanooga, Tenn. F. 35 fflg t c r am ?* a mother How many American women ii [onely homes to-day long for thii blessmg to coir > into their lives, anc bo be able to utter these words, bu because of some organic derange tnent this happiness is denied them Every woman interested in thi subject should know that prepara tion for healthy maternity i accomplished by the use o LYDIA E. PIN KHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUNC ?Mrs. Maggie Gilmer, of Wes Union, S. C.,writes to Mrs. Pinkham "I was greatly run-down in healtl from a weakness peculiar to my sex when Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabl< Compound was recommended to me. I not only restored me to perfect health but to my delight I am a mother." Mrs. Josephine Hall, of Bardstowr Ky., writes : "I was a very great sufferer froc female troubles, and my physician failei bo help me. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound not only restored m to perfect health, but I am now a prou< mother." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, mad from roots and herbs, has been tb standard remedy for female ills and haks positively cured thousands o women who have been troubled witl displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities periodic pains, backache, tiiat bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness or nervous prostration Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sicl women to write her for advice thAUDOnHfl fi JUCK9 ^ IIIUVIA I/UVUOMUUO ?n health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Senator Allison Dead. United States Senator Allison diet it his home in Dubuque, la., on tb< ifternoon of the 4th. The immediate ;ause of his death was heart failure rhe end came as a resalt of a serioui linking spell, due to a prostatic en argement, complicated with kidney lisease, and during a period of un jonsciousness which had lasted fo: our days. Why James Lee Got Well. Everybody in Zanesville, O., know Mrs. Mary Lee, of rural route 8. Sin vrites: "My Husband, James Lee, firm y believes lie owes his life to the use o Dr. King's New Discovery. His lung vere so severely affected that consump ion seemed inevitable, when a friem ecommended New Discovery. Wi ried it, and its use has restored him t< >erfect health." Dr. King's New Dis sovery is the King of throat and lunj emedies. For coughs and colds it ha; 10 equal. The first dose gives relief Crv it ! Sold under guarantee at Der ice's Drug Store and Kaufmann Drug 3o. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. A Card of Thanks. I wish in this public manner to re urn my sincere and heartfelt thanks or the sympathy shown, and the as istance given in this my hour of sor tst trial and greatest loss in the sud len death of my husband, John A hromer. The way is dark, oh, sc lark, but your kindness has shed i ay of light upon the otherwise darl oad. May God bless you all! Mrs. John A. Cromer. Lexington, Aug. 8. There are many imitations of DeWitt's Jarbolized Witch Hazel Salve but jusl ne original. Nothing else is just at ood. Insist on DeWitt's. It is cleans ag and soothing. Sold by Kaufman r )rug Co. Put More Za. One morning, just before starting o school, little Bobbie, aged sis ears, was watching his mama put up is noon lunch. Suddenly he said: 'Mamma, I wish you'd let Katie put p my lunch instead of doin' it yourelf. Won't you?" "It's no trouble, my dear." "I know." ' "TVion titT-II* " JL A J ii ? X J jr ''Cause, mamma, she's got a better ppetite than you, an' she puts more ."?The August Dalineatcr. Pain anywhere stopped in 20 minutes ure with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain 'ablets. Th.e formula is on the 25-cent ox. Ask yonr doctor or druggist about tiis formula! Stops womanly pains, eadache, pains anywhere. Write Dr. ihoop, Racine, Wis., for free trial, tc irove value of his headache, or Pink ?ain Tablets. Sold by Kaufmann Dru^ Jo. f the best Shoes that can be bou SEE OURS BEFOI E. P. & F. 1 1710 Main Street, C fc i THE WHITE ROTARY I I The design and finish of the st | to equal it has yet appeared on th t STEADY, SWIFT i Has a very large Bobbin?Holds BALL BEi i, A LIGHT RUNNER?STRONG and dura (White SHUTTLE Machine has been in u: The NEW HOME stands at the top of SHT Always on hand good Second Hand Macl ? machine attachments, shuttles, belts and the i J. B, BERRY, 1802 Main 8 1 ? Parlor P*@; I BEN DAVID, P : NEXT TO SKYSCRAPER, I* L ----------------------^ Best cooking and finest Bestaurai 3# 3 ? Special Rates by the Week. Meals l ' For Sale. F Prettiest and cheapest lots on the s market for speculative and building - purposes, at Eau Claire Heights, within j incorporate limits, convenient to trolley line, |80 to $266 each. Terms$10 cash; $5 per month, no interest or taxes. 5 < p per cent, discount for cash. 1 One store house and lot at Livingston, size lot 240x120, corner lot. Price $650. i Store house and dwelling attached at 1 Livingston. Size of lot 120x60. The * dwelling has four rooms. Price $500. < 8 1,100 acres of land, 900 acres < s cleared, 200 acres second growth pine. ^ - Operating now a 17-horse farm, 8-room brick dwelling, 4-room cottage, 14 ten- J 8 ant houses, two barns, one brick store 1 house 25x50, blacksmith shop, ginhouse, < 1 12-horse Tozer engine, saw mill, one 5 80-saw gin and Murray system, 600 < 3 acres in pasture. S. A. L. railroad t - passes through the middle of the place. t ? In the survey is included the town of < 8 Leeds. Price $16,500; $6,500 cash, bal- c ance one, two and three years. The 1 - place lias plenty of labor and the land ? 1 -i-_ i-- _ J* 1 x c * is in a gooa stare- 01 cumvanon. v An improved place, 173 acres, three miles from Solly and four miles from I Perry, 100 acres in cultivation and will make bale of cotton per acre. Some U saw timber, balanee woods. HI An improved place three miles from J Lexington, 155 acres, three hundred . thousand feet saw timber, 500 cords good oak wood. Price* $1,000. An improved place of 334 acres on Ancrum ferry road, twelve miles from . Columbia, sixty acres in cultivation, balance saw timber and woods. Grist . mill and Gin. Price $3,500, easy terms. 1 500 acres of land on road to Augusta, ss; : nine miles from Columbia and two and one-half miles from Lexington. About fifty acres in cultivation, saw timber enough to cut one million feet of lumber, balance woods. Price $4,500. Large store house, dwelling over the store and rooms on the side. Also on 3 same lot a two and single story dwellfc ing Rents for $56.25 per month. Price 3 $5,100, $1,500 cash, balance one, two, . three and four years. i An improved place of 840 acres, 12 _. miles from Columbia on the CamdeD I Q road. The place has a 8-horse fara | open on it, also 15o acres in pasture t well watered. Price $5.50 per acre Tn Terms, $2,000 dollars cash, balance one tnv ' two and three years. Ro : 110 acres of land, five miles from the be] > city, on the Winnsboro road, 50 acres in aoj cultivation, 60 acres in wcods. Price ma $37.50 per acre, 1-3 cash, balance on ' easy terms. ? 43 acres of fine bottom land three and half miles from city, and will make a bale of cotton to the acre or 75 bushels of corn. Price $100 per acre, easy ? t s- .. ,,u , ba'i XT'-r ~^.,11 A.AJ muqun itrs \> ui ue tt^^eicu jjiumpuj, and will take pleasure showing the ge{5 property. q J. F. MOBLEY & CO., ? EEAL ESTATE, mi: 1 1507 Main St., Columbia, S. C. i ; tin. Phone 1816. c : ? L( [ Do Witt's Little Early Risers, sate r easy, pleasant, sure, little liver pills, bold by Kaufmann Dmp. Co.. Al 1908 ring and Summer Shoes kind of leathers to suit ess and every day wear, ers' medium and heavy Shoes a specialty. You lepend that we give you ght and at a small profit. IE YOU BUY A. DAVIS, lolumbia, S. C. SEWING MACHINE and is unexcelled. Nothing e market. AND SURE. j more thread than any other VRING, ble. It is something new. ;e twenty-five years.) JTTLE machines. I have the latest, lines. Needles for all machines and best pure SPLRM OIL. tree!, Columbia, S. C. staurant, 'roprietor, COLUMBIA, S. C. ' it in Columbia. Tor Ladies and Gentlemen. at all Hours?Night or Day. >iano & Organ Economy. If you are interested in the purchase of a PIANO or an ORGAN,, we want to sell you one. Don't think you must go to some nail order house to buy a low priced ciano or organ; nor outside of South Carolina to get the best piano >r organ. We have a great variety )f grades, and all styles, at prices which cannot fail to interest you. We are manufacturers' factory rep esentatives for several of the argest and most famous makers )f pianos and organs. We take old instruments in exchange and make most liberal erms of payment to those who wish ;o buy on time. No house?quality >f pianos and organs considered? can under sell us. Twenty-four ;ears of fair dealing in Columbia ind throughout South Carolina is , )ur reference and guarantee. ^ Write us at once for catalogue, \r?ir*r\ t/Mm lixvt UUI1 lCAi-1-13. lALONE'S MUSIC HOUSE, Columbia, S. C. PIANOS & ORGANS. % MLfc HARDING, S e Old Veteran Painless Tooth Exctor and' Dentist, is now located on ute 1, Columbia, S. C., second house pond Smith branch, where he will all kinds of Dental Work in the best nner and with the best material. FIRSTCLASS BOILERS. mas ana u. T. Engines, and Lom d Rollers, tanks, shicks, stand pipes I sheet iron work, shafting, pulleys, . iring. boxes, hangers, etc. Complete cotton, saw, grist, oil and tilizer mill outfits; also gin, press, ie mill and shingle outfits. building, bridge, factory, furnace and [road castings: railroad, mills, manists' and factory supplies. Belting, packing, injectors, pipe fit- gs, paws, files, oilers, etc. )ast even* dav; work 2