y Consumption is les A Certain relief and Y will result from the fc A Hope, rest, fresh Y Emulsion. i X ALL DRUGGISTS I This WALTER A. WOOD MOW Light Running, Durability and S roller and ball bearing, and the ] therefore there is little wear and The team is closer to the actual mower made. It cuts the grass driver balances weight of pole. ' exist. "It is just a little bit the A complete line of Wood Mowei LORICK & li WHOLESA] X Columbia, QUALIT V. . i - , . You have probably bought many t good, that cost a good price, but ui * ' test of service soon proved themselves It might have been shoes that sc the sides, caps broke down, heels ga^ gave out and soles were plated. 9 T. A. Opposite Post Office, The Palmetto COLTJ] WE ABE A Depository for th of South Carolina t of Columbia. WE OWN $400,000 United Sta Carolina Bonds. WE SOLICIT A o^rm n fo nf Rftnta WE PAY* Four Per Cent, on d terest calculated qu WE PROMISE Our best efforts to t: satisfaction. PALMETTO NATIONi OAPITi Whje Jones, President. ^SOUTHERN ^ Unexcelled Dlni A Through Pullman Slee ^ Convenient Schedu For full informatioi ... AAmenU nonrncf finntlior' ^Ak l/UUOUlb 1H/?1 V/iau wvuvuvi. W J. C. LUSK, BROOKS MORGAN, I \? X'VV wx itbro^kla ffi NEW BRO( jfo We Want your business, ii VA your money with us until you jjM times a year. m J. C. CU!CNARD, gg ^ Vice-President. 8 deadly than it used to be. jr usually complete recovery $ allowing treatment: Jgj air, and?Scott's Jsffa, t 50c. AND $1.00.* Mi | ER stands out above all others for Simplicity. It runs light because it is main frame is cast in one solid piece, I tear orf machine. : : : : load by several feet than on any other uniform, going up or down hill. The Neck weight on the team cannot BEST mower made." : : : repairs. :::::: 1WRANCE, INC., "F "B "FT ATT. jii auu s. c. f SHOES! hings that looked Lder the rugged worthless. gi'^r liBl >on run over at re way, sewing rd against these things, especially in footbe confident of getting the best quality footmoney can buy, take advantage of the large stock constantly available for making pleas)ns at our store. rent for W. L. Douglas Shoes for men, fl.5C r BO YNE, Columbia, S. C. Wat!Ana I Rank iiuuiviitfi uuun9 MBIA, S. C. e United States Government, the State he County of Richland and the City tes Bonds and $100,000 State of South Firms, Corporations and Individuals. eposits in our Savings Department, inarterly. ransact your business to your entire h BANK, - - Columbia, S. C. LL $250,000.00 J. P. Matthews, Cashier. 'railway ifi> ing Car Service, ping Cars on all Trains, lies on Local Trains. cii i as to rates, routes, etc. u Railway Ticket Agent, or * y D. P. A., Charleston, S. C. L G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. ND BANK,1 SKLA'iD, S. C. 1 is our desire to please. Lea ve all need it. We pay interest four XII] L. S. TROTTI, 4| President j Xn Memory of Henry Bundrick. Dearest father thou hast left us, Thou hast gone to a better home Where pain and trouble and sorrow cease, And storms in thy path shall never roam. Oh! dear father, how much we miss thee, We miss thee at thy usual place; Oh, dear, we miss thee everywhere, But the Lord has seen fit to call thee, and he will all our sorrows bear. Dear Jesus wipe our tear9, And all our sorrows heal; For in hie death Our loss we deeply feel. Sleep on, dear father sleep on, Beneath the deep, red sod; a 3 ?A S\r\ TT-rV* lifo ifl ADU 111ihy WCj u&o irncc) nu^u utv done, Cling closer to the All-wise and Eternal God. But yet again, we hope to meet thee, On that bright and blissful shore; Where all will be joy and happiness, Soon to meet and part no more. Well do we remember that last and awful dying hour; In all the pains and agonies of death, But the Lord was with U9; He knew what was best, So he called thee to thy peaceful rest. J. A. Bundrick. Sow to Register. The registration board i& meeting every day, except Sunday, in the court house heie, and will continue to meet every day, except Sunday, in July and August. No matter how many registration certificates you have, vou must get a new one. You do not need to do anything but present yourself to the board. If you can read and write you are entitled to a certificate. If you cannot. read or write but can show a tax receipt to the effect that you pay taxes on ?300 worth of property, that will also entitle you to register. The books will be opened for one day in each township during the month of September. If you fail to | register it is your own fault. It is an I easy matter to present yourself and get your certificate. Messrs. J. M. Malpass, J. O. Shealy and W. P. Roof, Jr., compose this board and the office is kept open from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Would Have Saved Him $100.00. "In 1902 I had a very severe attack of diarrhoea," says R. N. Farrar of Cat Island, La. "For several weeks I was unable to do anything. On March 18, 1907,1 had a similar attack, and took Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which gave me prompt relief. I consider it .one of the best medicines of its kind in the world, and had I used it in 1902 believe it would have saved me a hundred dollar doctor's bill." Sold by Kaufmapn Drug Co. EdgeUeli Baa Stingiest Man in South Carolina. Edgefield claims to have the stingiest man in South Carolina, if not in the world, and a premium is offered for his superior in close fistedness. He got married to a home girl to save /N?nnnnnn TUan TrrnlWa/^ amnn/1 tho A11CJ namcu uiwuuu vuw public square and Confederate monument for a bridal tour. He bought her a nickl's worth of stick candy for a wedding present, and then suggested that they save the candy for the children,?Edgefield Chronicle. " 1 ? "* Insane Motbsr Srowns Babies. At Newark, N. J., on Thursday Mrs. Maud Dousette, 26 years old, drowned her twin daughters, Edna and Lena, 11 days old, in a tub of water, and then caused her own death by asphyxiation. She evidently intended to cause the deaths of her two older children by asphyxiation, but they escaped harm from the gas which killed their mother. Mrs. Dousette is believed to suddenly have become insane. The Eemedy That Does. "Dr. King's New Discovery is the remedy that does the healing others promise but fail to perform," says Mrs. E. R. Pierson, of Auburn Centre, Pa. "It is curing me of throat and lung trouble of long standing, that other treatments relieved only temporarily. New Discovery is doing me so much good that I feel confident its continued use for a reasonable length of time will restore me to perfect health." This renowned cough and cold remedy and tliroat and lung healer is sold at Derrick's Dmtr St.nre and Kanfmann Druff Co. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. A young man narrowly escaped being lynched at Greensboro, N. J., last week for kidnapping a little girl. Experiments show that cane reeds are excellent substitutes for yellow pine laths. Taft has been elected a member of the International society of steam shovel men. W. E. Beattie, a prominent mill man of Greenville, had his arm broken last week by the turning over of his automobile. Five fishermen in Beaufort have been arrested for using fish traps. A policeman in Charleston shot a negro who had shot at him and the bullet struck a little white girl inflicting a wound from which she died a few hours later. A large basket factory in Europe has selected Columbia as the distribnfinc noinf fm* its foods in the South. A drunken negro, fleeing from arrest in Charleston last week, fell over the battery wall and was drowned. Get my "Book No. 4 For Women." It will give weak women many valuable suggestions of relief?and with strictly confidential medieai advice is entirely free. Simply write Dr. Shoon, Racine. Wis. The book Xo. 4 tells ail about Dr. Shoop's Night Cure and how these soothing, healing, antiseptic suppositories can be successfully applied to correct these weaknesses. Write for the book. The Night Cure is sold by Kaufmann Drug Co NO REASON FOB (T. When Lexington Citizens Show the Certain Way Out. There can be no just reason why any reader of this will continue to suffer the tortues of an aching back, the annoyance of urinary disorders, the dangers of diabetes of any kidney ills when relief is so near at hand and the most positive proof given that they can be cured. Read what a Lexington citizen says: C. A. Geiger, living on Depot St., Lexington, S. C., says: "For several months I had been suffering from dull pains across the small of my back and as they did not disappear, I came to the conclusion that my kidneys were affpntpd. A f. niaht ?ftar IvinflT down my back would pain me intensely, and I also noticed an irregularity in the action of the kidneys. The secretions were much to frequent and I was feeling miserable when I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at The Kaufmann Drug Co. I used them as directed ana they proved to be the remedy I needed. They have helped me so much that I feel I will soon be entirely well. It gives me pleasure to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to other sufferers." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. Two desperadoes got on a rampage in Boston last week and shot eleven persons before they were taken. Three are expected to die. Six persons were killed by a collision of an automobile and a train at Fort Wayne, Ind., last week. Taft savs the ReDublican Dartv will make public all campaign * contributions and that it will accept none from corporations. Two murderers died in the electric chair at Sing Sing last week. Heat prostrates the nerves. In the summer one needs a tonic to off-set the customary hot weather nerve and strength depression. You will feel better within 48 hours after beginning to take such a remedy as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Its prompt action in restoring the weakened nerves is surprising. Of course, you won't get entirely strong in a few days, but each day you can actually feel the improvement. That tired, lifeless, spiritless feeling will quickly depart when using the restorative. Dr. Shoop's Restorative will sharpen a failing appetite; it aids digestion ; it will strengthen the weakened kidneys and heart by simply rebuilding the worn out nerves that these organs depend upon. Test it a few days and be convinced. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. For Sale. j Prettiest and cheapest lots on' the market for speculative and building purposes, at Ran Claire Heights, within mcornorate limits, convenient to trolley line, |80 to $285 each. Terms $10 cash; $5 per month, no interest or taxes. 5 per cent, discount for-cash. One store house and lot at Livingston, size lot 240x120, corner lot. Price $650. Store house and dwelling attached at Livingston. Size of lot 120x60. The j dwelling has four rooms. Price $500. 1,100 acres of land, 900 acres cleared, 200 acres second growth pine. Operating now a 17-horse farm, 8-room | brick dwelling, 4-room cottage, 14 tenant houses, two barns, one brick store house 25x50, blacksmith shop, ginhouse, 12-horse Tozer engine, saw mill, one 80-sav gin and Murray system, 600 acres in pasture. 6, A, L, railroad passes through the middle of the place. In the survey is included the town of Leeds. Price $16,500; $6,500 cash, balance one, two and three years. The place has plenty of labor and the land is in a good state of cultivation. An improved place, 173 acres, three miles from Sally and four miles from Perry, 100 acres in cultivation and .will make bale of cotton per acre. Some saw timber, balanee woods. An improved place three miles from Lexington, 155 acres, three hundred thousand feet saw timber, 500 cords good oak wood. Price $1,000. 20 acres three miles from State house, $90 per acre. House and lot Miller Heights, $625. Tliree nice dwellings, real cheap, very little money required down, good terms on balance. An improved place of 334 acres on Ancrnm ferry road, twelve miles from Columbia, sixty acres in cultivation, balance saw timber and woods. Grist mill and Gin. Price $2,500, easy terms. Timbered right on 1,000 acres of land in Appling county, Georgia, five miles and naif from shipping point, and has been estimated to cut three million feet of lumber. Price $1,000, cash. 500 acres of land on road to Augusta, nine miles from Columbia and two and one-half miles from Lexington. About fifty acres in cultivation, saw timber enough to cut one million feet of lumber, balance woods. Price $4,500. House and lot on the car line to Hyatt Park, corner lot, size of lot 52x406. Price $1,050. Large store house, dwelling over the store and rooms on the side. Also on same lot a two and single story dwelling Rents for $56.25 per month.. Price $5,100, $1,500 cash, balance one, two, three and four vears. An improved place of 840 acres, 1*2 miles from Columbia on the Camden road. The place has a 8-horse farn open on it, also 150 acres in pasture well watered. Price $5.50 per acre Terms, $2,000 dollars cash, balance one two and three years. 110 acres of land, five miles from the city, on the Winnsboro road, 50 acres in cultivation. 00 acres in woods. Price $37.50 per acre, 1-3 cash, balance on easy terms. 43 acres of fine bottom land three and half miles from city, and will make a bale of cotton to the acre or 75 bushels of corn. Price $100 per acre, easy terms. Enquiries will be answered promptly, j and will take pleasure showing the j property. I HSBLS/ ? 00c.; REAL ESTATE, 1507 Mail. St., Columbia, S. C. j Phone 1816. ' WEDDING IH Call for Invitj ments and Cards, print them just 1 the latest styles a and see. The R. L. Brj Law Book Publish Booksellers and St Two Stores 01 COLUMBIA, - - - BANE OP : : : CHAPI] Our banking facilitic place them at your comr terest paid on time depc with your business. J. F. U J. A. BLACKWELDER w?? NEW STOR N1 I have opened up a full line of Gener at Saxe-Gotha Cotton Mills, where I will nii 1 ArrrAflT- A UCSlf gUlFUS a If iUVYMli pil-LV^GO. il JLICOII OlfUV. Groceries and I Always on liand. I respectfully ask that where. JOHN G. Saxe-Gotha Mills, * II want to shake hands with every man, woman or boy in this neighborhood who helps sell harness. I believe the mule has a hard time and am trying to make him comfortable by making comfortable harness. I make everything from a gee strap to a horse collar and make it as good as I know how. Let us help the mule Wilse W. Martin MAKER OF HARNESS 1118 Plain Street COLUMBIA, i ! : S. C. For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the bladder, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills A Week's Trial For 25c ?. C. DeWITT & CO.. Chicago, UL The Kaufmann Drug Co. Chapin, S. C., ^ j Has an up-to-date line of D0FF1HS &8S CASKETS On hand, at prices to suit everybody. Prices range from $1.50 up to $50 00. j Call on me and I will save yon money. J I am pr< pared ro furnish a hearse when- j ever desired in connection with my tin- | clertakiiig business. Jan. 2. 3m I i I ROTATIONS! itions, AnnounceWe engrave or ike engraving in ,nd shapes. Call fan Company, ers, Bookbinders, ;ationers. : : : 1 Main Street, S. C. CHAPIN, cr, S. C. : : : is are excellent. We nand. 5 per cent, in>sits. Kindly favor us IONEYCUTT, Cashier. , President. * ? ?! 5W GOODS! al Merchandise in the Oswald Building [ be pleased to serve the public with the :k of Family Supplies ; you give me a call before buying elseBOQSER, So. Car. SEE I | HERE! I ?o? J Is your Liver all right? { 5 .are your luaneys mas healthy condition? If so, J S HILTON'S LIFE for 2 J the LIVER 2 S and KIDNEYS 2 will keep them so. If not, 8 Hilton's Life for the Liver g and Kidneys will make g j them so. A 25c. bottle g g will convince you of this g g fact. Sold wholesale by g 2 The Murray Drug Co., 2 S Columbia, S. C. 2 j For sale at The Bazaar, 2 2 Lexington, S. C. J Before You Pureh^^ Any Other Write fHE NEW HOME 8EWIN6 MACHINE COMPANY] ORANGE, MASS. j Many Sewing Machines are made to sell regardless of Quality, but the "New Home" is mads to wear. Our guaranty never runs out I We make Sewing Machines to suit all conditions of the trade. The " New Home" stands atth# noad of all Hijj h-?rrade family sewing machines So Id by authorized dealers only. 4 FOR SA1. E BY W . P. KOOF, Lexington. S. C. mm0m~ PARKER7!* HAIR BALSAM and beaut: fiei the nair. Promote* a laruriant growth. ^ iSff N.^vf-p Fails to Heetore Gray ii'Tp'Jiak'- -Zwfijk Hair to ita Youthful Color. a'pyfe* A hair.tailing, Aug 30. i y WHEELWRIGHT and BLACKSMITH SHOP At BE RLE Y & KYZZR'S New Blacksmith Shop you will find ATr. L. L. Lonjt ready to jrive yen prompt service. All kinds of repair work, horseshoeing, etc. Give us a trial. Shop situated near the Berl y homestead. Marll Gm.