The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, July 29.1908. Xndex to STew Advertisements. Bargains?Mimnaugh. Notice?Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Rawl. Announcement?D. A. Jefcoat. Announcement?J. Feaster Lyles. Announcement?Henry Buff. Notice?J. S. Wheeler. Notice?D. D. Boozer. Treasurer's Report. Mowers?Lories & Lowrance. Pianos?Malone. Announcement?W. L. Addy. Cotton Market. Lexington Uh File Tour Application. What is the matter with our boys that they do not wish to attend the Citadel at Charleston, S. C? Word comes here that no applications are hied. The time is up for this on August 1st. J. E. Rawl Kyzer, County Supt. Education. Divine Services. Rev. Hiller will preach at Pisgah (Lutheran) church, next Sunday,' at 4:30 p. m. Sunday school at 3:30. On Monday, Aug. 3, at 11 a. m., Rev. Groseclose, of Leesville, will preach, and services will continue during the week. Preaching at St. John's, next Sunday at 4:30 p. m. The Chaiagang. The chaingang, having finished their work on the Leaphart road, is now located on the Orangeburg road, leading out from this place to Edmund. This road will be put in firstclass condition, as will other highways in the sand hills. a . _ _ _ For Sale, Improved farm, nice dwelling, 4 tenant houses, store and stock of goods if ' -desired. Terms: One-half cash, balance 1 and 2 years. HUSTLER, 3w41 Care Lexington Dispatch. New Buildings. Mr. J. Frank &yzer is having two meat cottages erected on his lot on Depot street. When completed, they will greatly improve the appearance of that portion of town. The Plaoe to Get a Shave. When you are in Columbia and want an easy shave, as good as a barv ber ever gave, go to Dave Means' barber shop, near the skyscraper. Everything neat and up-to-date. Fine Figs. x XTT /I 3 .xf Qnrnnooo iUTa W. ITiUUUCl) VI liuv unauBvu section, has our thanks for a basket of figs, the nicest we have seen this season. Such remembrances are .greatly appreciated and we assure Mr. Gardner that the figs were much enjoyed by the entire family. ' Dr. S. C. Uitchell President Dr. S. C. Mitchell, of Richmond College, Richmand, Va., has been electro president of the South Carolina University to succeed Maj. Benjaman Sloan, resigned. Dr. Mitchell is. one of the best known and highly honored educators in the South, and . no doubt will make a success as the head of the University. 2?r. Wise Seld Up. Mr. L. B. Wise, a prominent farmer -of the Sandy Run section of this county, was held up by two men in Columbia, on Friaay night and relieved of several dollars. Two men were arrested on Monday as suspects, . -and an investigation will be made. Xsmum, Shoots Sis Son. Lowell, Mass., July 27.?During a " fit of insanity yesterday Elisha Drake, - a quarryman, shot and probably fatally wounded his four-year-old son. * Walter, and then shot and killed himself. Fairyland. Have you evei been to Fairyland, the popular little theatre in Columbia ? If you have not, you should go the next time you are in the city. We have never seen a better class of attractions than is now being shown at the Fairyland. There is no place in Columbia where the evenings are more pleasantly spent. It will relieve your minds and refresh your bodies. Go when you ^re in Columbia and you'll be pleased. The music is furnished by Mrs. Dr. L. B. Folk, of Columbia, and the selections are a pleasing feature of the entertainments. Mothers don't give your baby anything that contains opiates or any other injurious drugs, but insist on having Dr. Thornton's "Easy-Teether", as it is the best medicine on the market for teething babies, and is absolutely harmless as it does not contain any opiates or injurious drugs of any kind. It is guaranteed under Pure Food and Drugs Act, Guaranty No. 11584. Price 35 cents. For sale by Derrick Drug Co.; or Easy-Teeth er Medicine Co., Hartwell. Ga. .Delmar Reunion. The Delmar re-union of Newberry College will be held at Delmar school house on Friday before the third Sunday in August, the 14th., at 10 oclock. There will be an attractive program announced next week. The public is assured that this will be the best reunion ever held at Delmar. All are invited to-attend. Everybody will be expected. W. Aug. Shealy, President. Unclaimed Mail. List of letters remaining uncalled for in this office for the week ending July 20, 1908: Males: Holm an, Mr. Mood. Jones, Mr. A. B. Mosely, Mr. J. L. These letters will be sent to the dead letter office August 3. 1908, if not delivered before. In calling for the above please say "advertised,"' giving date of list S. J. Leaphart, Postmaster. * j NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS. For County Treasurer. The friends of J. Feaster Lyles, of the Edisto section, hereby announce him as a candidate for County Treasurer and pledge him to abide by the Democratic primary election. For Magistrate of 4th District The friends of D. A. Jefcoat announce him as a candidate for Magistrate of the 4th judicial district, Swansea, and pledge him to abide the result of the primary election. For Magistrate of 5th District The friends of Henry Buff, of New Brookland, hereby announce him as a candidate for Magistrate of the 5th judicial district of Lexington connty, and pledge him to abide the result of the primary election. Tor County Commissioner. W. L. Addy is hereby announced a j candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the rules of the Democratic I pauy. Friends. tfegro Escaped Jail, But Zs Recaptured. Henry Moore, a negro, escaped from the jail on Saturday afteroon by knocking down Lester Miller, the i young son of Deputy Sheriff Miller, who was passing a bucket of water to the prisoners inside. He had not been gone many minutes before Sheriff Corley's blood hound was on the trail of the fleeing man, but owing to the excessive heat, the chase was given up until later in the evening. About ten o'clock the dog took up the trail and carried it ve ry successfully to a j negro house two miles beyond Edmund, where Moore was found fast asleep on the floor in a room. Deputy Sheriff Miller was soon on his man and Moore was brought back to the i'ail and locked safely in a cell, where le will remain until the court disposes of his case. Sheriff Corley was at Hilton, in the Fork, and Deputy Sheriff Miller was at Edmunds at the time of the escape, and it is supposed that Moore, who is a desperate character, knew tliis and took advantage of their absence. The negro is said to be an * _ v? escape irom Georgia, ucbiuco uc is wanted in Georgetown, in addition to the charges against him here. Dolmar Locals. We are very much in need of rain in this section. Early corn will be fairly good, but if it don't rain in a few days, late corn will be almost a failure. The indications are for a poor cotton crop. Miss Annie Cannon, of Dallas, Texas, is visiting her father, Mr. Owen i Cannon. Miss Ethel Eargle is spending a while with her aunt, Mrs. Florence Werts, in Leesville. Prof. W. E. Monts and sister, of near Prosperity, spent Tuesday night of last week with Mr. W. H. Hare. Mr. J. W. Hare, of Augusta, spent a couple days with relatives in this section last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Hare, of Summit, attended the cue here on Wednesday and spent the night at Mr. A. L. Eargle's. Mr. Wesley Lindler and daughters, Misses Josie and Cole, of the Dutch Fork, attended the cue and spent the night with relatives in this section. The 'cue here last Wednesday was well attended. The crowd was estimated at from 1200 to 1500 and they were quiet and it seemed as if everybody had a nice time. Solicitor Timmerman and a number of candidates from both Lexington and Saluda addressed the crowd. Mr. J. Ed. Shealy was chairman of the meeting. Lloyd. Edmund Defeats Irene. Edmund and Irene crossed bats at C. W. Sox's cue at Edmund on Saturday, resulting in a score of 14 to 6 in favor of Edmund ^ Batteries?Irene, Miller, Kyzer and Miller; Edmund, Sox and Ivey. The Lyric. The Lyric theatre, in Columbia, has a new program this week, which is attracting large crowds at every performance. The program this week is one of the best ever put on, and the crowds are enormous. The small price of admission?ten cents?makes it possible for all to enjoy an evening of fun and amusement. When you are in the city never fail to go and see it. Doors open from 4 p. m. to 11:30 at night. Crop Coalitions. Reports coming in from all sections of the county are to the effect that rain is badly needed in many places. In some sections rain has not fallen in several weeks and young corn and cotton are suffering to a great extent. Old corn is practically made, therefore not needing rain. But cotton, young corn peas, potatoes, etc., are needing water. Notice, Trespassers. Tills is to notify all persons not to trespass in any manner whatever on our lands. The law will be rigidly enforced against all trespassers Mr. Jas E. Rawl, 4w42. Mrs. Jas E. Rawl. DAVE MEANS, BARBER, 1 332 Main Street, Near Skyscraper, Columbia, S. C. o Expert Barbers, Sharp Razors and Clean Towels?everything firstclass. His Lexington customers and many friends will be served in the highest art 01 the profession. Be sure to call. Don't be a kicker; but if you must kick make it swift and sure. Nothing pleases the average girl more than to be mistaken for an actress. ?. ? PAREGORIC FOR BABY isn't the only remedy we have to soothe his pain. We keep all the standard remedies for THE ILLS OF CHILDRFN. Better have a supply of them at home #. A l*i il _ n? lor use in emergencies, a niue meaicine given at the start of the trouble will save the baby a lot of suffering and its parents a lot of worry and lots of rest. Get your supply at once. Hot weather is here. THEKjHNN DRUG CD Lexington, S. C. Barbecue. We will furnish a barbecue and refreshments at my place, 6 miles south of Gilbert, on campaign day August 8, 1908. Come and hear the speakers. Special attention given to ladies and children. Azariah Taylor, 4w4Q J. A. Ta}7lor. Help for Those Who Have Stomach Trouble. After doctoring for about twelve years for a bad stomach trouble, and spending nearly five hundred dollars for medicine and doctors' fees, I purchased my wife one box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which did her so much good that she continued to use them and they have done her more good than all of the medicine 1 bought before.?Samuel Boyer, Folsom, Iowa. This medicine is for sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. Samples free. Heavy and Fai Grain ar I have removed my busine Main and Blanding street, solicit a share of the Lex giving them lowest prices and you will be pleased. J. A. I 1701 Corner Main and Blandin MEET ME JXJ SAX New Voi Just received a big shipu Skirts, made of the best qui latest styles from one of the guarantee the styles and th< filllr hands. Three sneeial The $15.00 qualities, s The $12.50 qualities, s The $10.00 qualities, s Umbrella Sale. You can't go away for the summer without a nice Umbrella, We will sell a lot of Ladies' 25-inch Silk Umbrellas, natural and fancy handles, extra strong frames; special, $2.50 and $2.95. White Skirts. Linonette Skirts that wash like linen. They look like linen skirts but they don't cost what linen skirts cost you. Beautifully made. mi 1 . sr r\ .1 ine regular qi.okj shut; special, each, 95c. ORDER We prepay mail, express or freight < shipped to any point within a radius o BEPAETMI 1G38 to 1C4S Main Street, I I p j j ji jjjxlLU N M n H E iimiiiiiii " FROM S10.00 UPWARDS And liave a checking account at this Bank. A bank account keeps your cash safely and also gives you prestige among business men. "When you are known as a reliable depositor, and wish to borrow, your request is given consideration. This bank accommodates its depositors in preference to others. Why not have a checking account here? Capital and Surplus $310,000. Carolina National Bank, COLUMBIA, s. c. W. A. CLARK, President. T. H. MEIGHAN, Cashier. For Sale. Three hundred and ten acres of timbered land eleven miles from Augusta on Georgia railroad, one mile from depot; can saw four hundred thousand feet of forest pine lumber, and cut tliree thousand cords of wood. Land well watered, four springs and branch run through place, high, dry and healthy, only three miles from , Grovetown, a beautiful summer resort, clay gravel road from.AagU9ta right through tract of land. Four room house, barn, stable and smoke house; one-horse farm cleared, balance in woods. Price $10.00 per acre; reason for selling, owner leaving State. Terms cash, qjfone-half cash and balance on time. For further information call on or write W. G. Ford or J. M. Busbee, 209 Kollock St., Augusta. Ga. Sore Nipples and Chapped Hands Are quickly cured by applying Chamberlain's Salve. Try it; it is a success. Price 25 ce' ts. ncy Groceries, id Feed. ss from Gervais to corner convenient to the trade, and ington patronage, always possible. Give me a call > i a a CRIM, g Sts., Columbia, S. C. AT TAPP'S IANCE JJEZSZ le Shirts. Lent of the season's newest ilities of black voiles. The i leading manufactures. We 3 qualities. Trimmed with prices: pecial - - $12.50. pecial - - 10.00. pecial - - 8.00. New Belts. All the newest styles of Belts. Latest summer styles Special July Clearance Sale prices. Talcum Pewder. Riveris Talcum Powder, scented with the essence of Rivera violets. A luxury for the lady's toilet table. A necessity for the baby's health and comfort. Delightful after shaving. In large glass jars, 25c. BY MAIL. on ail purchases of S5.GC cr more if 6C0 miles of Columbia. INT STQIiE, Columbia, 3. C. JVWWVWWW 1 SHOES AT C HAT \ CARPETS, MATTINGS ? A Tripple Allia I All a V Beginning THURSDAY ^ we offer our entire stocks ( r and Bugs at Actual Cost. ^ Sale. Nothing Reserved. ^ fall season with complete a # in uppH nf SViftpa TTofc ftr i W AAA AAVVMk VA MAAVVWf AALA VM VA ^ time to save money on you # ever had. Our stocks in tl T plete, as we receive new g< ^ out the entire season. Eve & down to cost and a great m ^ less than cost. Buy your v ^ the usual profit Sale stari ^ and closes SATURDAY, 1 ^ your farming and househol # sale. A SHOES! A Stetson ?6, ?7 and $8 shoes, $4 25 \ $5 44 3 95 ^ Crossett $5 shoes 3 75 A $4 3 35 ^ $3.50 44 2 75 ^ Whitten's $3 Specials 2 45 A ' 44 $2.50 44 1 95 ^ Queen Quality $4 shoes 3 35 A 44 44 $3.50 2 75 A $3 2 40 ^ Women's patent vamps $2, 1 38 ^ 44 black & tan kid $2, 1 65 A 44 44 $1.50, 1 20 X 44 44 44 $1.25, 95 % HATS! A Straw, Wool, Felt and Panamas \ $6.50 Panamas (new) $4 50 T 5.00 44 44 3 50 A 5.00 Stetson 3 75 ^ 4.00 44 3 35 " a.uu specials soil cc- sum) z zo & 2.50 soft and stiff hat9 1 75 i 2.00 44 41 1 50 C 1.50 44 4 4 1 15 f 1.25 44 44 ? 90 r PANTS, ETC. W $5.00 Men's Linen Suits at, $2 68 ^ $1.50 Blue Checked Cotton ^ Coats, at 95c W Cottonade Boys' Pant9, 15 & 103 ^ $2.50 Blue Serge Men's Pants ^ at $1.65 0 Millinery at half price. iwhitten or' J BATESBURG, CWWWWWWi pianos o BOARDMA Establishe BRICCS PIAR Establishe From ilie Factory 0 BOARDMAN & GRAY wer< makers of America. Their in as good as money and brains after seventy-one years of coi S itv. embody everything that < I the highest grade. THE BRIGCS PIANO CO. wa attention to uprights, and cor ment of the upright piano of 1 is its soul. Herein lies the gr making. Mr. C. C. Briggs w < draughtsmen of America. T1 such a wonderful sympathetic to the hearts and souls of mei If you are interested in Piano which are sold direct, with a. profit eliminated, address O. JBL. Xu P. O. Box 490 Fine Tuning and all Pi 25c. Lawns at 15c. Lawns at 121c. Lawns at 10c. Lawns at I>ig lot of Chambrays, all colo Straw Hats at half price. Clothing, Shoes and Hats at g 'rrvrkr? cfr?r>L" fmill ft 1 00 1 Jl UUlOj IV/V.1VJ .f . . , _ Shoes at prices to suit the trad See us for Buggies and Furnit J. W. & R. L SWANS! Barbecue at Belion. We will furnish a first class barbecue . wit!) r< tivsnmercts at, Pel ion on cam- i ; iinv, Thursday. August f?th. The speaker.- will be on hand, i 5\v-iw Shealy A Gantt. feWVVVWWVW* m j S AT COST! * and RUGS at COST! I nee Sale? 5 t COST * MOBNING, JULY 23rd, 5 )f Shoes, Hats and Carpets # It is to be a Clean Sweep ? We intend starting the # md new lines. If you are ^ Carpets now is the best ^ r purchase that you have f Lese departments are com- ^ aods every week through- w >ry item has been marked ^ lany odd lots will go for ^ rinter shoes now and make # bs THURSDAY, JULY 23, * LUGUST 1st. Sidetrack ^ d affairs and attend this ^ MATTING, RUGS, ETC. 5 50c. cresent, 36-inch Carpet, 37c J 75c. wool, 44 Ingram 44 40c ^ 35c. Mattings 25c 30c. Mattings 22c f 25c. Mattings 18c ^ 20c 16c K 9x12 Tanestrv Brussels Rues. W beautiful pattern, worth $16.50 } in city stores, our price, $11.50. ^ 9x12 all wool Ingram Art Squares ^ $8.50 values, now, $6.25. f LAWNS, ETC. J 5,000 yds. 40 inch Sea Island, 5c ^ 5,000 yards heavy 40 inch Sheet- ^ ing, 10c value, at 7}?c J 1 case 12j^c Hickory stripe, 9c ^ 1 case 10c Hickory Stripe... 7j^c ^ 1 bale Riverside Plaids 7c f 123-^c and 15c Bleechings 10c ^ 15c Cambrics, now 10c ^ Standard Calicos 5c f Simpson Calicos 6c ^ |15c Ginghams 12>?c ^ 123^c Ginghams 10c ^ 10c Lawns 7%c ^ 8c Lawns 6c W 10c Linen Envelopes 3c & Startling Bargains in J Clothing, Millinery and J Dry Goods. i If GOODS CO., | SOUTH CAROLINA. J ? F QUALITY N & CRAY d in 1837 10 COMPANY id in 1868 irect to Your Home 2 .among the pioneer piano istruments have always been could make them, and today, atinued progress and prosper2an make up artistic pianos of s one of the first to turn their ltributed much to the developtoday. The scale of a piano eat mystery of artistic piano is on^of the few expert scales aat is why his pianos have ; tone and so tenderly appeal . B s of the very highest grade, fl 11 unnecessary expense and B lUCAS, I Augusta, Ga. I iano Work a Specialty 8 JE* 20c. 12c. 10c. 71c. rs, at 8c. reatly reduced prices. to ?4.00. !e. ure. . LYBRAND, 3A, S. C. Barbecue at Gaston. "Wewill furnish a line barbecue with refn^shmejit>af (T;j>rci: oi; OaTnpjdjni da}', Tuesday, August 1th. Chnrpes lor dinner moderaic. JAS H. PRICE. C. H. HARTLEY.