When This week we offer some rare when in Columbia. When we sa^ we say at cost, we mean cost. Bel All of our flowered, figured ai at, 4c a yard. All of our 15c and 20c Bordei In our Clothing Department t MIMIO t s PS2TCIL A2TD SCISSORS. I Wayside Notes Gathered Here ahd There by a Dispatch Man. Whenever you are in town drop in to see us and leave your dues. Peaches and watermelons are quite plentiful nowaday. FOR SALE?15 fat sheep. Apply to J. J. Fox, Lexington, S. C. Go to O. B. Addy' scue on July 18th. j The candidates will be there. Mr. B. P. Roland, was in town Monday and made us a pleasant call. Mr. W. B. Fallaw, of Monetta, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. EliCorley. Mrs. Sim J. Miller, after a pleasant visit to relatives and friends around Barre, has returned home. . Barbecue tickets and candidates' cards printed on short notice at The Dispatch office. Mrs. L. C. Hartley, of Batesburg, has been on a visit to the family of Mr. A. L. Hartley. Misses Lncile and Caro Efird leave today for a two weeks visit to friends in Savannah, Ga. Mr. P. I. Rawl, of the Boylston section, was among the farmers here yesterday. Mr. John T. Sawyer, of Batesburg, candidate for county commissioner, was in town vesterday. A full lino of harness, all styles and prices, at W. P. Roof's. Don't Uuy until you see my line. ,Everybody go to Barbecue at O. B. Addy's store, near Cedar Grove, on Saturday July 18th. Dr. L. K. Sturkie, now of Gteangeburg, clever, and prompt in all things kinaly sends us his dollar for a renewal. i Have your measure taken for your fall suit by the expert cutter with E. G. Dreher & Co., on July 20-21st. MissM. E. Epting, of the Fork, kindly sent us her subscription on Monday. Mr. B. E. Frye wants to keep up with his county news, and handed us his subscription for the Dispatch. J. Clarence Spann, of Batesburg, is annoueed as a candidate fcr county treasurer in this issue. Misses Helen Oorley and Iceoline H&rman have returned from a delightful visit to Miss Leora Hook, at mno. Mr. G. L. Slice an ; industrious farmer from the Irmo section, was in town Monday and did not fail to call and pay for his paper. Mr. John C. Price of Priceville, was in attendance at the farmers meeting here yesterday and made us a pleasant and profitable call. Mr. James Dooley kindly remembered The Dispatch force with one of. his delicious watermelons on Saturday, for which he has our appreciative thanks. Miss Anna Martha Meetze left yesterday for St. Matthews, where she will be a guest at a house party given by Miss Sadie Raysor. Miss Anna Hartley who has been Spending several days with her brother, Mr. A. L. Hartley, has returned to her home at Batesborg. Mr. Fort Graham, who is taking a course in shorthand at a business college in Columbia, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents here. Mr. J. Quiney Ballentine who has been taking a special course in telegraphy at Millegeville, Ga., is spending ' a few days with his parents, Mr. ana Mrs. D. E. Ballentine. Miss Martha Hendrix Caughman has returned home after a most delightful visit to her friend, Miss Willhelmina Harman, in the Fork. Mr. Charlie Pety, the popular traveling representative of Lorick & Lowrance, Columbia, spent Monday in Islington. His many friends are always glad to see him. Capt. J. J. Bickley has been confined to, his bed for the past week with fever. Hie many friends hope to ^e him out again soon. Little Mary Susan Roof, who has been quite ill with fever for the past several weeks,' is rapidly improving. Dr. E. C. Ridgell, of Batesburg, candidate for the House of Representatives, was shaking hands with his numerous friends here on yesterday. The Board of Health is having the town "cleaned up"., the old wells shut up, all of which guarantees health to the residents of the town. " * " " ? > A TTT 1 nave your luoaBiuc wt&cu uv? iui suit, overcoat or trousers?October delivery. Expert tailor and cutter with E. G. Dreher & Co., July 20th and 21st. Mrs. S. E. Jeanerette, of Georgetown, spent a few days this week with her lovely daughter, Miss Cecile Jeanerette, at the home of Col. and Mrs. M. D. Harman. * Master Rufus Daley, the bright young son of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Haltiwanger, has been sick with fever for the past ten days. For your fruit jars,?Mason* standard jars, the best?all sizes, go to M. D. Harman's grocery, where you find a lot of good things to eat. Mrs. W. E. Barre of Laurens, is visiting her father, Col. D. T. Barre, of Rocky Well, who, we regret to say, is in quite feeble health. / We Sa bargains and it will pay you to ins t reduction in price our friends kno^ low we quote a few of the many baj id striped Lawns that we have beer -ed Lawns at, 12ic a vard. bis week we will sell some $9.00 Si LUGH'S C< A New Acme, drop head, ball bearing sewing machine, guaranteed for 10 years service, $18,00 cash, or sold on easy terms. Apply at this office. In this issue Mr. J. E. Buff announces himself a candidate for Clerk of Court. Mr. Buff has been before the voters before and needs no introduction to the people of this county. Misses Olive and Myrtle James, of TBishopviile, are spending some time with their grand-parents, Col. and Mi$. D. T. Barre, at Rocky Well. Southern prolific pole or running bean seed, a popular variety in the South for late planting, 10c. the package at The Bazaar. BARBECUE?I will furnish a barbecue and refreshments at Styx, on Saturday next, the 18th of July. Candidates and everybody invited. H. R. GOODWIN. Capt. S. M. Roof, that brave Confederate soldier and prince of good men, called in to see us last week and left a dollar for The Dispatch another year. Would that we had more such men as Capt. S. M. Roof. Mr. B. B. Hiller, of Newberry, who is now a traveling salesman, called in to see us on Wednesday. Banks is a jolly, good fellow, and has many friends here who are always glad to see him. 500 styles of woolens and worsteds [ for fall and winter suits on display at E. G. Dreher & Co's., with expert to take your measure?Monday and Tuesday, July 20-21st. For Sale?A new Davis (Dayton) sewing machine, improved . drop head, cheap either for cash or on easy payments?installment plan?a bargain. Apply at this office. tf I In this issue will be found the announcement of Dr. D. M. Crosson, of Leesville for'the State senate. Dr. j Crosson is known ,to all our people having served the county in this capacity before. FOR RENT?Store room at Swansea, S. C., near the depot. The best location for business in the town. Apply to, or address, * T. L. Martin, 1724 Main Street, Columbia, S. C. If you are needing a new set of harness, see the new stock just received at Caughman & Harman's. They also have buggy tops to fit your buggy and at prices to suit your pocket book. We call special attention to the barbecue notice of Mr. C. S. Goodwin at Gaston, on the opening of the campaign, 4th of August. He hat the reputation of serving a good dinner and will not fall short of anything on this occasion. Special and prompt attention given to all watch, clock and jewelry repairs. I also carry a select stock of jewelry at right prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a call. 3w39 LEWIE HALL. Mr. Lem Sox, who has been with the popular clothing firm of E. G. Dreher & Co., for severeal years is taking a much needed rest. He will leave in a few days for Greensboro, N. C., where he will spend some time. Hon. N. B. Wannamaker, is announced as a candidate for reelection to the House. He has made a most excellent representative during the short time he has been in the legislature and his friends assert that he is entitled to reelection. New buggies arriving every day at our store. We have them in all the standard makes and at prices that will appeal to your pocket book. Don't buy elsewhere until you get my prices and terms. W. P. Roof. Mr. W. Henry Wise, a brother of the late Jeremiah Wise, has returned to his old home near Macedon, after living many years in Georgia. Mr. Wise has recently lost his wife by death. and he has the svmoathv of a very large circle of friends in this his hour of trial. FLORIDA?Farm and city real estate for sale in Tallahassee and Leon county, the world famous Sumatra tobacco growing section. The most fertile, beautiful and healthy section of the State. Write description of what is wanted. J. E. Minter, 2w38 Tallahassee, Fla. Mr. Owen Cannon, of Leesville, Route 3, accompanied by his son, was in town last Wednesday. Re is a native and true type of old Ireland, is one of the brightest men in the county and even at his advanced age, is quite active. He is a progressive farmer and always has plenty of the necessaries of life. While here he called in and left a dollar for the continuance of The Dispatch. Mr. J. E. Haltiwanger, of Selma, one of the most popular and prcjfressive citizens from over on Broad -.river, attended the county Farmers' Union, here on Saturday. It had been several years since Mr. Haltiwanger was in Lexington and he says the place has grown wonderfully. He was accompanied by his son-in-law, Mr. Perry Wise. While here Mr. Haltiwanger was the guest of his nephew, Mr. D. R. Haltiwanger. 2Tew Tank for Jail. The county commissioners have just had erected a new and substantial iron water tank at the jail, which furnishes sufficient water for all necessary purposes for the jail and oourt house. wmmmmmm?mmmmmmm???i? y at C< pect our goods and get our prices &T that it is not mere talk. When rgains: l selling at 6}c and 7c, this week lits at $4.75. Just the thing to olumbia, : : 1 ^? "> j**> | ^~ ?> v ^ I Good morning! Won't yon come in and see our new style Low Shoes for Ladies? The kind we sell at $2.00 you will find nicer, finer and better made than the kind you have been getting. Tan Aid, Tan Call and iJIacK Kid are the most popular this I season. ] EHRLICH'S, rj sesifc i Columbia, s. c. Wearing Jewelry Shows Good Taste Wearing jewelry has never been more fashionable than it is now. But, of course, the jewelry must be in stylet Ours fulfills every demand It is right in style, quality and in price. The stock is large and of a very wide range. We invite every reader of this paper to visit us while in Columbia. If you can't come, write us. Mail orders receive careful and prompt attention, > wwwwvww CHARLES F. SENTZ, JEWELEB, 1439 Main, Columbia, S. C Barbecue, We will furnish a firstclass barbecue and refreshment? at J. B. Sox's famous | barbecue grounds on July 18, 1908. There will be music, dancing and speaking. Come one, come all, and enjoy the day. L. C. Sox, 4w37p A. L. Sox. ! Fine Place for Sale. I offer for sale one tract of land situated in the southern part of Fai.-field county containing 301 acres; 4-horse farm open; 30 acres of bottom land under cultivation; well watered and timbered; some fine saw timber. Very good six room dweDing and good well of water in the yard; 3 tenant houses with spring near each. Will be glad to show the place to any one who may be interested. Price $8 per acre, ail or part cash to suit purchaser. T. C. LEITNER. Rockton, S. C., July 3, 1908. 2w37 Barbecue at Steadman. We will furnish a firstclass barbecue at Steadman, on Saturday, August 1st. The candidates are invited to come out and address the voters. F. W. Quattlebaum, 4w39 H. C. Oswald. Barbecue at Pelion. We will furnish a firstclass barbecue with refreshments at Pelion on campaign day, Thursday, August 6th. The speakers will be on hand. 5w40 Shealy & Gantt. Stomach troubles are very common in the summer time and you should not only be very careful about what you eat just now, but more than this, you should be careful not to allow your stomach to become disordered, and when the stomach goes wrong take Kodol, This is the best known preparation that is offered to the people today for dyspepsia or indigestion or any stomach trouble. Kodol digests all foods. It is pleasant to take. It is sold here by Kaufmann Drug Co. ost, W( finish out the summer with. All Pants, this week only, at 25c and 50c Neck Ties, new We carry the largest line of 5 and Bannister Shoes. We pay special attention to r prices at any time. Make Mimna 9LRTME : : So. Ca MULES We ke time. We ke of YEH time.. ui cyui ja 1113-11 If i 1892. I hexing 1 Capital, Surpl I 5 per cent. II being computed k received. I Commercial I Ample facil account will be Safety depo AVERY] The J eweler, 1637 Main St., Columbia, S. C. M y Lexington I friends are invited to come in and see me pP \*| in my new store. Good things to feast the eyes, and Jewelry for every one and )i every Pocket. Mr. wjymI Geo. H. Burch is the W^jVi time maker and will tP4w\ care ^or wa^^es ! and fix them. Don't forget to see the Wedding Gifts in my stock Got all kinds, and reasonable in price. W. E. AVERY. JEWELEB, 1637 Main St., Columbia, S. C. 5 Mean Cost. line; 21c each. shoes in the city. We are sole agen nail orders and will be pleased to se: tugh's your headquarters when in th - i IT. AND I ep A feis sep a lai*? ICLES Conder f > HAMPTON AVENUE, COLUM ;ton Sayings LEXINGTON, - - S. C us and Undivided Profits interest paid on savings dep< . semi-annually. Deposits of $1 accounts also given special atte ities for handling your busine appreciated. sits boxes for rent, $1.00 per yea W. P. ROOF, President i i \ FITZMAl tuocc a or i nrvtb nnv 1704 and 1706 Main SI WHOLESALE, Dry Goods, Notions, Clo Squares and Rugs, H to-Wear Suits Spring and Summer Goods r line. A finer selection we hav< showing you, or so reasonable a well selected stock of dependab ply your wants, and you will fir here than you will find them els McCall Fashion Sheets Free Notice. 10c and 15c each. Dr. Thornton's Easy Teether has saved tne lives or Hundreds or Daoies and will safely carry your baby through the most trying period of its life as it is a guaranteed remedy for Teething, Summer Diarrhoea, Flux, Indigestion, and all stomach and bowel troubles of infants. 25 cents. For sale by Derrick's Drug Co.; or Easy-Teether Medicine Co., Hartwell, Georgia. i Cost! t ts for the Famous Queen Quality i ad vou samples or quote you e city. HORSES! * nnnhnran r mil tlie \ stock mil tlie m, Vlule Co. :bia, s. c. V 1908. I Bank, I $27,000.00. 1 asits, interest 1.00 and over I. ntion. 8 fss, and your and Cashier. < ?> JRICE'S rH STORE, treet, Columbia, S. C. AND RETAIL thing, Furnishings, Art lillinery and Readyi and Skirts. <4 eady for your wants in our e never had the pleasure of * t this time. We carry a large, le goods at all seasons to supid prices for goods much less 3ewhere. and Patterns at a Moment's ???a?- _ Final Discharge. This is to notify all persons that I will apply to Geo. S. Drafts, Judf.e of Probate for Lexington count v. S. 0.. on 1st day August, 1908, for a final dis- . charge as administrator of the estate of Paul E. Counts, deceased. H. H. Counts, Administrator. June 30, 1908. 4w38p. I