S. B. M COLUMBIA We have the la Base Ball Go Guns and s] descriptions, General Bej Carolina. Our prices ai Write for ^ when in the k-*" ' S. B. H Colum" wvwvvmv j NEW SPR # Onr store is bubbling J department presents some ^ dress goods in great profu J winter goods now going a ^ while in town. IWM. PLA1 # Main Street J COLUMBIA, - ; *%wwvwv LEE A. LOF i; 1519 Main St JOBBEBS - AM on Stoves and Ranges, r-? Stove Pipe, Tinware, Enamelware, Hollow Ware, 10 Tin Plate, Iron and Asphalt Roofin , bs] Eve Trough Conductor, S to* Wood Manto Grates and T mo % Flue Pipe, .SL? ,V\6; ' t no t'l.J .7ft! si J. B. I Wholesale a General Grocer Pork an ' ? ? ??-air Shop, in South i e the lowest : rhat you want, and citv give us a call. c - AcMASTER, bia, S. C. UNO STYLES. j over with new goods. Every ^ (thing new for spring. Ladiesj 5k sion, and at lowest prices.. All ^ t reduced prices. Come to see us ^ n & son, | , Near Postoffice, i - - - - S. C. f wvwvwwwwv^ in reet, Columbia. S. S. D - DEALERS - IK and beet Metals, & lies, Fire Brick and Clay * Pumps, Pipe, Fittings, Valves, Cocks, Hose, Electric and Gas Fixtures, Paints and Oils, Cutlery, Wire Netting. IERIOT, nd Retail Dealer in ies, Beef, Mutton, d Sausage, ' COLUMBIA, S. C. ries always in stock at lowest m paid for Beef Cattle, Country l the city to get strictly homes. Home-rendered lard a specialty, ity. EIL & COMPANY, I GOODS and NOTIONS, 3! Bank, - COLUMBIA, S. C. >f Staple and Fancy Dry ii , minimum freight ex* ays guaranteed against nore jobbers. ants Only. I >. P. P. PACKING longer. It creates less friction, y saver. We carry a large stock, PPLY CO. . Columbia, S. C. The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, July 15,1908. Lever at Sumter. The State has the following synopsis of Congressman Lever's speech before the Farmers' Union of Sumter county on last Wednesday: "The next speaker introduced was the ever welcome and very popular Congressman A. F. Lever, who has done so much for the farmers and for the business men of his district. Mr. Lever was enthusiastically welcomed. Among the most important things, he said, was that he desired to call attention to the fact that 36 per cent, of the entire population of this country ?nearly 75 per cent, of the South's people?was engaged in agricultural pursuits, hence the importance of all matters touching agriculture. He emphasized the importance of organization and cooperation among the farmers as a class. He strongly warned the Farmers' Union against permitting politics to enter into the organization and divert it from the fundamental lines upon which it rests. He reminded them that history shows that nearly all farmers' organizations have been dashed to pieces on the rocks of politics. This Sumter County Farmers' union is predictated upon the broad lines of cooperation and education and is intended to aid the individual farmer. No organization can fully succeed unless it is made up of men armed with independence. No farmer is independent who has to sell his cotton to buy the necessities of life and whose smoke house is in Chicago and whose corn crib is in Iowa. He pleaded for such diversification of farm methods and products as will make the farms self-sustaining. In discussing the labor question he strongly opposed the idea of throwing open our door to unrestricted immigration. In vigorous bones he said, "I am unalterably opposed to any immigration unless the immigrant comes with sufficient means to become at once a home builder. "I welcome the Americans of the northwest to South Carolina as homeseekers and citizens, but am unalterably opposed to crowding our labor markets with cheap labor or filling up the country districts with the tenant class of whites." He urged the desirability of small fnrma nnHpr the management of white brains, and pleaded with the young men to devote themselves to the farms, so that this Southern country might blossom as a rose. He closed amid great applause and was warmly congratulated." It Can't Be Beat. The best of all teachers is experience. C. M. Harden, of Silver City, North Carolina, says: "I find Electric Bitters does all that's claimed for it. For Stomach. Liver and Kidney troubles it can't be beat. I have tried it and find it a most excellent medicine." Mr. Harden is right; it's the best of all medicines also for weakness, lame back, and all run down conditions. Best too for chills and malaria. Sold under guarantee at Derrick's Drug Store and Kaufmann Drug Co. 50c. Two young men in Abbeville were injured last week by being thrown from an auto which ran over an embankment. A Southern fruit train carrying thirteen cars of peaches was derailed near Greenville last week and peaches were scattered far and wide. Quick Belief for Asthma Sufferers. Foley's Honey and Tar affords immediate relief to asthma sufferers in the worst stages and if taken in time will effect a cure. Derrick's Drug Store. John D. Rockefeller on Wednesday celebrated his 69th birthday. Every home with children should have a box of Dr. Thornton's EasyTeether in it. A guaranteed remedy for all bowel and stomach trouble in teething children. For sale by Derrick Drug Co.; or Easy-Teether Medicine Co., Hartwell, Ga. The Washington County, Virginia, ! grand jury has indicted several night riders. I Agonies I I Of Pain I H Never give Bp, tad thiol; tbtt H iiH women, yourself induded, have fin H to suffer pain. sm flj Thousands of women have writ- OR BB tea to teD bow they have cored in H their womanly ills, and relieved ? H tbeh pains; tod over a million Jfl baie been benefited, is varions 35 B other forms of female disease, dor* fffl 9 ing the past 50 years, by that |B B popular and successful female $5 iitAiiiBttr nm irr WUMAN J KLLICr I"! believe I would now have ?jg been dead," writes Mrs. Minnie ? Lam be, of Lebanon Junction, Ky., WK "if it hadn't been for Cardui. I had suffered with bad cramping $ spells, pains in my back, sides % and arms, and awful bearing-down pty pains. Now these pains have ail gone, as a result of using Cardui." |g At All Druggists || WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, fi stating age and describing svrr.ptoms, to Ladies Advisor// Devi., [kjrj The Chattanooga Medicine Co., K&] Chattanooga, Tenn. E 39 The back is the mainspring of woman's organism. It quickly calls attention to trouble by aching. It tells, with other symptoms, such as nervousness, headache, pains in the loins, weight in the lower part of the body, that a woman'rs feminine organism needs immediate attention. In such cases the one sure remedy which speedily removes the cause, and restores the feminine organism to a healthy, normal condition is LYDIA E.PINXHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. Will Young, of 6 Columbia Ave., Rockland, Me., says: " I was troubled for a long time with dreadful backaches and a pain in my side, and was miserable in every way. I doctored until I was discouraged and thought I would never get well. I read what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had . done for others and decided to try it; after taking three bottles I can truly say that I never felt so well in my life." * Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, Pa., mites to Mrs. Pinkham: "I had very severe backaches, and pressing-do wn pains. I could not sleep, and had no appetite. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured me and made me feel like a new woman." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backaehe, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. ????????g Mr. J. J. McMahon Will Opea Individual Office. Mr. John J. McMabon has withdrawn from the law firm of Lyles & McMahan and will open an individual office on Law range the first of next month. The senior member of the original firm, Mr. Win. H. Lyles, has taken into partnership with him his son, Mr. Jo-Berry S. Lyles, and the firm style will be Lyles & Lyles. The junior member of the new firm was graduated this year from the law school of Harvard university..?Colombia Record, 9th. Pain will depart in exactly 20 minutes if one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets is taken. Pain anywhere. Remember! Pain always means congestion, blood pressure?nothing else. Headache is blood pressure; toothache is blood pressure on the sensitive nerve. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets?also called Pink Pain Tablets?quickly and safely coax this blood pressure away from pain centers. Prinfhl periods with women get instant relief. 20 tablets 25c Sold by Kaufmann Ehug Co. Verses in Memory of S. Patrick Lindler. Ooorocf fatUpr t.lmn hast left na. Thou hast gone to a better home Where pain and trouble and sorrow cease, And storms in thy path shall never roam. Oh! dear father, how much we miss thee, We miss thee at tbv usual place; Oh, dear, we miseth.ee everywhere, But the Lord has seen fit to call thee and he will all our sorrows bear. Dear Jesus wipe our tears, And all our sorrows heal; For in his death Our los9 we deeply feel. Sleep on, dear father 9leep on, Beneath the deep, red sod; And may we? like thee, when life i9 | done, Cling closer to thee All-wise and Eternal God. But yet again, we hope to meet thee, On that bright and blissful shore; Where all will be joy and happiness, Soon to meet and part no more. Well do we remember that last and awrful dying hour; In all the pains and agonies of death. But the Lord was with us; He knew what was best, So he called thee to thy peaceful rest. P. B. L. "noWitf'K Wifph "Ra'zpI Salvft is cord for cuts, burns, bruises and scratches. It is especially good for piles. Recommended and sold by Kaufmann Drug , Co. Many a man gets gay when it isn't his turn to furnish the amusement. Representatives from 22 national banks in this state and Georgia met in Savannah last week and organized the South Atlantic National Currency association. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts gently upon the bowels and thereby drives the cold out of the system and at the same time if allays inflammation and stops irritation. Children like it. Sold by Kaufmaun Drug Co. w< m! the best Shoes that can be SEE OURS BE: E. P. & F. 1710 Main Stre< THE WHITE ROTAR The design and finish of th to equal it has yet appeared oi STEADY, SWI Has a very large Bobbin?H BALL B A LIGHT RUNNER?STRONG and (White SHUTTLE Machine has been The NEW HOME stands at the top of Always on hand good Second Hand machine attachments, shuttles, belts an< J. H. BERRY, 1802 Mail Parlor P BEN DAVIC NEXT TO SKYSCRAPER, Best cooking and finest Restai Special Rates by the We M< {BEST ORGANS At Factory Prices. Every home can afford and fshonld possess the best Organ. Terms so easy. For a limited time we will sell $90 Organs at only $75. Only $25 now; $25 Nov. 1908; $25 Nov. 1909, and no interest. $80 Organs now only $05. Don't pay the peddler a i big profit, but come to us or clip and send this advertise[ t man* Tm'frVi vnnr Ipffpr flslvinc I for catalogue and price list, j J! -i MALONE'S MUSIC | HOUSE, Columbia, S. C. PIANOS & ORGANS. 11 I Qig TWIST 1 This brand is a favorite with chewers o superiority of flavor and quality. Our Virginia and North Carolina and as a i maintained. Beware of twist irtinci: damaged leaf "doctored" to deceive yc unapproached flawless quality. Insist Manufactured by a strictly indep | HANCOCK BROS. 8 j Established 1851 = ii 1908 Ipring and Summer Shoes all kind of leathers to suit r dress and every day wear, irmers' medium and heavy >rk Shoes a specialty. You ay depend that we give you bought and at a small profit. FORE YOU BUY A. DAVIS, st, Columbia, S. C. Y SEWING MACHINE e stand is unexcelled. Nothing a the market. FT AND SURE. olds more thread than any other EARING, durable. It is something new. in use twenty-five years.) r SHUTTLE machines. I have the latest. Machines. Needles for all machines and I the best pure SPERM OIL. i Street, Columbia, S. C. estaurant, I, Proprietor, COLUMBIA, S. C. ? irant in Columbia. For Ladies and Gentlemen, ek. jals at all Hours?Night or Day. , PR. G. HARDING, The Old Veteran .rainless Tootn fixtractor and Dentist, is now located on Route 1, Columbia, S. C.r second house beyond Smith branch, where he will 1 do all kinds of Dental Work in the best manner and with the best material. FIRSTCLASS BOILERS. Atlas and C. T. Engines, and Lombard Boilers, tanks, stacks, stand pipes and sheet iron work, shafting, pulleys, gearing, boxes, hangers, etc. Complete cotton, saw, grist, oil and fertilizer mill outfits; also gin, press, , cane mill and shingle outfits. Building, bridge, factory, furnace and ^ railroad castings; railroad, mills, machinists' and factory supplies. Belting, packing, injectors, pipe fit- * tings, saws, files, oilers, etc. Cast every day; work 200 hands. GET OUR PRICES. LOMBARD IRON WORKS & SUPPLY CO., j Augusta, - Ga I m 1002 rOBACCO f high grade twist because of its uniform ' buyers pick over the choicest growth of -esult the original superiority is forever illy fiavored. as that argues low grade or 4 u. Legal Tender is always the same ia on this brand being given you. endent hrm. c CO., Lynchburg, Vai , Leaders 1908 * Vi ^