The Lexington Dispatch 6. M. Harm an, Editor rod Publisher D. R. Haltiw anger, Assistant Editor. Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, S. C., as second class matter. The subscription price of the Dispatch is $1 a year; 50 cents fcr six months; 25 cents for three months?invariably cash in advance. CIRCULATION 2^226. Wednesday, July 1,1908. Good Results Follow. In opposing prohibition legislation, especially when moral questions are involved, some persons argue that morality can not be legislated into people. While this is true, yet, it is also true that when certain temptations and fruitful sources of demoralization are practically removed by the enactment of prohibitive measures, good results always follow. A notable example was the outlawing of the lottery; another in stance is the law prohibiting speculation in cotton futures, and still another, and later example, is the prohibition of gambling on horse races throughout New York and several other states in which horse racing is extensively practiced. To come nearer home: Sobriety can not be legislated into people, but, just as good results were accomplished through the above cited prohibitive laws, the evil of intemperance can by legislation be minimized and the temptation removed to such an extent that fewer of the bright boys of the present generation will meet a drunkard's fate.?Edgefield Advertiser. The above from The Advertiser is all too true. Edgefield is a "diy" . /mawmfcy and we venture the assertion ' that it will always be. Remove the temptation, and where is the young man that will order the vile stuff from a neighboring state? Place a prohi bition law on our statute books and the generation now rising up will be living monuments of sobriety and morality. The men who drink whiskey now will drink less and many of the dollars now going for whiskey will go into the coffers of the merchants for the necessaries of life. Grover Cleveland, one of the greatest men the nation has ever known, .died at his home in Princton, N. J., on Wednesday last at the age of 72 years. Mr. Cleveland was twice elected President 6f the United States and was universally loved. He was beyond doubt the greatest of democrats, and was always looked to for advice when the party's interest was a? stake. The entire nation mourns his death. What is the matter with the Lexington boys?" remarked a charming young lady to the writer a few days ago, "they are so horribly selfish." Not a bit of it, dear; the young men of Lexington appreciate the fact that this is Leap Year and they are only waiting for you to propose. The Dispatch acknowledges the receipt of a very interesting book from ?. Congressman Lever?the Congressional Directory of the 60th Congress. This book contains a world of information and is a valuable addition to our library. Mr. Geo. R. Keister, editor of the Colombia Record, was here for a short while yesterday. Brother Keister is a fine newspaper man and one of the best writers in the state. He is making The Record better every day. What has become of the Williamson Plan? After all the June brides were not "so many." For Railroad Commissioner. I beg to announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Railroad Commissioner. I am making my campaign not on promises. as to what I will do, but on what I have done. Those who have had business with the Railroad Commission will testify that I have ever been ' ready to discharge the duties of my office fearv lessly, inpartially, and to the best interests of the people of South Caro. lina, aBd that I have always been courteous to those desiring informa.tion and relief. I am the only Railroad Commis-aiivner who hne mnvpd to Polnmhiq. to t DAViAVIi fTMV MMV v T v v> Vv % ^ be in daily touch with the work of the office. DnriDg my term of office I have inspected personally every line of railroad in the State, often walking cross-ties that I might be assured that the condition of the roadbeds and : trestles were^afe. I have been often in every county in South Carolina, looking "into the conditions of the stations, and improving the conveniences of the tra veling public. I have stood for lower freight and passenger rates, better schedules, and safer modes of travel. The handsome majority you gave me formerly has always been appre. ciated, and has been an incentive to . a faithful performance of my duties. I hope to have your support in the * coming election, and shall strive to *ever render you faithful service. JRespectfullv, BANKS L, CAWKMAN, . ^ 1 irr.i Bound Over to Higher Court. D. A. Jefcoat, of Swansea, who was arrested last week by iDeputy Sheriff Sim J. Miller upon the charge of disposing of stock under mortgage, has been released from jail on a $400 ? ? ? * J ~ - ? A/1 O bond. Jefcoat, ir- seems, uaucu horse to Mr. Azariah Taylor over which J. W. & R. L. Lybrand, of Swansea, held a mortgage. They took out attachment papers and secured the horse, whereupon Mr. Taylor swore out a warrant for Jefcoat. Barn Blown Down. During $n electric and wind storm, which passed through the Gilbert section la9t Thursday, the barn of Mrs. Henry Monts was blown to the ground. Ho other damage was done, however. ANNOUNCEMENTS. All announcements coming under this head will be charged for at the rate of $5.00 for each announcement. The same to run until the result of the primary. For IT. S. Senate. I beg to announce my candidacy for the United States Senate in the approaching Democratic primary, and I respectfully solicit the support of the Democratic voters of this State. R. G. RHETT. For Congress. I announce myself as a candidate for Congress from the Seventh District of South Carolina and pledge myself to abide the rules and regulations of the Democratic primary. A. F. LEVER. For Solicitor. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of Solicitor of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit. I pledge myself to abide the result of the Democratic primary, and to conform to all the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. George Bell Timmerman. For the Senate. The friends of Col. G. T. Graham announce him a candidate for the State Senate and pledge him to abide the re- * suits of the Democratic primary. I hereby announce myself a candidate P . f Ho Sfofo frnm Tjfivinsrton jl\J? iuv k/lymw n/v**w?vv w?. ? fr~C? county and I will abide by the result of the Democratic primary. W. H. Sharpe. For the Legislature. The many friends of Dr. E. C. Ridgell announce him as a candidate for the House of Representatives and pledge him to abide the result of the Democratic primary election and to support the nominees thereof. I hereby announce myself as a candidate. for the Legislature from Lexington county, and Twill abide by the rules governing the Democratic primary. Joseph L. Amick. William W. is hereby announced as a candidate for the House of Representatives from Lexington county and pledges himself to abide the result of the Democratic primary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Representatives from Lexington county and will abide by the result of the Democratic primary election. r W. R. Lowe. J. Brooks Wingard is hereby announced as a candidate for the House of Representatives of South Carolina from Lexington county, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. The friends of R. L. Shuler hereby announce him a candidate for the House of Representatives and pledge him to abide by the result of the Democratic primary election. x I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Legislature for Lexington county, subject to the rules governing the Democratic primary. * Isaac Edwards. For Clerk of Court, t We are authorized to announce Samuel B. George as a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court at the ensuing primary election, and pledge him to abide the result thereof. Upon the solicitation of many friends I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court of Lex ington county, ana win aoiae tne result of the Democratic primary election. Frank W. Shealy. For County Treasurer. The many friends of D. Brona Shealy herebv announce him a candidate for the ofiice of County Treasurer of Lexington county and pledge him to abide the rules and support the nominees of the Democratic party. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the nomination for the office of Treasurer of Lexington county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. r J. M. Malpass. The many frieDds of Esaias L. Wingard, recognizing his integrity and ability and faithful services in the past, hereby announce him as a candidate for County Treasurer of Lexington county and pledge him to abide the result of the Democratic primary. For County Supervisor. The many friends of John W. Frye knowing his qualifications, announce him as a candidate for County Supervisor, and pledge him to abide the result of the primary election. Isaiah Hallman is hereby announced a candidate for tiie office of Supervisor of Lexington county, and will abide by the result of the Democratic primary. The many friends of N. Henry Hite announce him as a candidate for Supervisor and pledge him to abide the result of the primary election. The many friends of Geo. H. Koon, recognizing his valuable services as Supervisor, announce him as a candidate for reelection and pledge him to abide the result of the ensuing primary election. James W. Shealy is hereby announced a candidate for Supervisor of Lexington county and will abide the result of the Democratic primary. Recognizing the faithful services of G. A. Goodwin as county commissioner for two terms several years ago, his friends announce him as a candidate for Supervisor and pledge him to abide the result of the Democratic primary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Supervisor of Lexington county subject to the rules and regulations governing the Democratic primary. Azariah Tavlor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Supervisor subject to the rules of the Democratic partv. T. H. Rawl. The friends of Louis J. Langford, recognizing his faithful services in the past, hereby announce him as a candidate for Supervisor of Lexington county, and pledge him to abide the result of the primary election. Some Fine Apples. We are very much indebted to Mr. D. L. Epting,~ of the Dutch Fork, for a basket of delicious June apples. They are certainly fine and the entire office force was made to feel exceedingly glad. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection for the office of Sheriff of Lexington county, and pledge myself to abide the result of the Deinocratig primary. P. H. Corley. v For County Auditor. The friends of W. D. Dent, recognizing his ability and prompt and neatwork, announce him for reelection as Auditor for Lexington county, and pledge liirn to abide the result of the primary election. For Supt. of Education. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Superintendent of Education and pledge myself to abide the result of the JDemocratic primary election and support the nominees thereof Barrett Jones. The manv friends of Prof. John D. Farr, recognizing his distinguished services as an educator, hereby announce him as a candidate for the office of County Superintendent of Education of Lexington county and pledge him to abide by the result of the Democratic primary. A. D. Martin hereby announces himself a candidate for the office of County Superintendent of Education and will abide by the result of the ensuing primary. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner of Lexington county, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic primary. S. Rufus Smith. Tlie name of J. T. Sawyer is announced as a candidate for County Commissioner and is pledged to abide the result of the primary election. Old Veteran. The friends of J. V. Gunter announce him as a candidate for County Commissioner, and pledge him to abide the result of the primary election. The friends of Henry W. Taylor announce him as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary, Upon the solicitation of my many friends I hereby announce . myself a j ? i.i ..r n canaiuHie lor ine omue ui v^ouuiy utmmissioner of Lexington county subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. W. Toland Craps. For Coroner. The friends of Belton D. Clark announce him for reelection as Coroner of Lexington county and pledge him to abide the result of the primary election. i Alfred J. Fox, j i Real Estate and Insurance, i ! LEXINGTON, - S. C?. | i . c: j WANTED: i : j j 5 Farms quick- j ! 35 to 100 acres- j | not over 6 miles i j irom some goodj I town in Lexington Co j 1 8 to 20 acres ; j hear Lexington, S. C. ! < I < \ i > < ? | i I! Write or call to see me ! ( > ! AT? ! i THE HOME BANK, j J Lexington, S. C. < ?__ J TTTTjfTT T T 11 T ! f" m N N I |] V | [ | T M N J n j J I i in ' N U 1 1 PJ I |x i N W^B V ^ H N n OhhMbBHBM 11 II1 I I * N k vfl y i\y o t u. v. University of South Caroiir "Wide range of choice in Scie Literary. Graduate and Profes Courses leading to degrees of? Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Sc Licentiate of Instruction, Bache] Laws, Master of Arts, Civil Enj and Electrical Engineer. Well equipped Laboratories. L: of over 40,000 volumes. Expenses moderate?many sti make their own expenses. Next session (104th) begins Sept* 23, 1008. For announcement write to the ident, Columbia, S. C. Furnishir ndsome 1 k of buying Furniture, droom Suites, Kitchen ks, Wardrobes, Sideboe and prices. The largest :pets, Matting, Rugs am rest Prices. We have M re a specialty of Porch I or write for prices. Best G-oods and Faires EDWARDS ttesbupg Cut Pr IHHHHHBnnBrai tncing July 10th to goods at astonishingly low pric All other suits in proportion. S hem almost at your own price, id all kinds of pretty Lawns at ci Our prices are always the lowest irantee satisfaction. We want oi my or not. : : : EX. AY" I and 402 I -2 Main Sire TIZENS OF LEXII You Going rURNITU svery article in this line, and our pr *e the very lowest. We take pride ii st what they want at prices that suit carry in stock, but we assure you, if I find any kind of Furniture you ma; ring Room or Kitchen. Think of u: dvertisement and be sure to call wh( fltnwmnrn mini -itwiiMi rum 08 Main Street, Columl [T IN GOLD?$5.00 for one cent oubling you ask me about Fultoi 6 STORE, 1438 Wain SI ? will Lex55 IHOOSIEF end a _ H TI^a E iiv m ? I We Sellntific, I PLUMBS sional We Se|,? I MACHINE ^ineer W ^ _ ibrary ^ \ 9 WOUTHERN U1 ldents 0 Dmber B COLU WHHnnmBn igs! Furniture! think of onr handsome , Furniture, Chairs and irds, etc. We have the ; stock between Columbia a d Art Squares in endless ' [attresses and Springs of furniture, Lawn Swings, V ;t Dealings. nniinmv UUMrAHT, 9 S. C. Tee Sale! August 1st. \ es. Tor instance $10.00 and hoes to fit your feet and pocketLadies' Shirtwaists of latest it prices. See this stock and , and we take pleasure in showit Lexington friends to call and OUB, let, - Columbia, S. C. MGTON, to Buy ' RE! ices, either for Cash or l serving our customers, It is useless to enumyou will only drop in to y need for your Parlor 4 s while at home when ?n in Columbia. mi co. )ia, S. C. , I will mail Free for the asking a's Renal Compound. Ireet, Columbia, S. C. ? i 4 I PUMPS 1 Best on Earth I ic supples I :ry supplies i FATES UUPPLY UO., I MBIA, S. C. I