The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, June 24, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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9 Scoffs EmxiU ? nursing mothers by 49 nerve force. " -J0H It provides b and mineral foo< ALL DRUGC J Tor Roofing T ? mil PA MIT f Ukvmvi i i J Made ready for use, sa \ 1161 ^ Weatherproof, F J BEST : ROOFING : \ Is extremely duratt J cold. Always pliable a J together in the rolls, I 5 and coated with superic J cannot evaporate; ther ^ Requires n< ^ Guaranteed to ^ Roofing Pitch in 600 lb ? Coal Tar fLORIGKi g INCO S WHOLESA ^ Columbia, Q UAL IT You have probably bought many 1 good, that cost a good price, but m test of service soon proved themselves - It might have been shoes that s the sides, caps broke down, heels ga gave out and soles were plated. A. Opposite Post Office, The Palmetto COLU WE ABE A Depository for th of South Carolina t of Columbia. WE OWN $400,000 United Sta ^ Carolina Bonds. WE SOLICIT Accounts of Banks, WE PAY Four Per Cent, on d terest calculated qu WE PROMISE Our best efforts to t satisfaction. PALMETTO NATIONS CAPIT; Wilie Jones, President. Southern J Unexcelled Dini i Through Pullman Slec jii Convenient Schedv w % For full informatioi yiw consult nearest Souther W J. C. LUSK, ^BROOKS MORGAN, 1 fBRO^LA m NEW BRO< ]fe We Want your business. It m your money with us until you times a year. W J. C. GUIGNARD, ?3 Vice-President. ston strengthens enfeebled increasing their flesh and ? '"""" 1/ % aby with the necessary fat 1 for healthy growth* ^ ilSTS; 50c. AND $2.00. ? troubles We Advise S E ROOFING | iturated and coated under a J v process. J totproof and Fireproof. ^ : MATERIAL : KNOWN ? Le. Not affected by heat or \ nd flexible. It does not stick ^ s easily affixed. Impregnated J >r damp-proof materials which \ efore 5 o annual painting. ^ contain no coal tar. ^ barrels - $1.25 per 100 lbs Jc $4.00 per barrel \ RPORATED, ^ LE and RETAIL, 5 S* C \ Y SHOES! things that looked ader the ragged worthless. ^ *fef oon ran over at ve way, sewing yT^ ird against these things, especially in footbe confident of getting the best quality footmoney can buy, take advantage of the large stock constantly available for making pleasMis at our store. ?ent for W. L. Douglas Shoes for men, $1.50 EOYNE, Columbia, S. C. National Bank, MBIA, S. C. e United: States Government, the State he County of Richland and the City ,tes Bonds and $100,000 State of South Firms, Corporations and Individuals. leposits in our Savings Department, inarterly. ransact your business to yoar entire lL BANK, - - Columbia, S. C. $250,000.00 J. P. Matthews, Cashier. RAILWAY. ^ ing Car Service, J? iping Cars or ail Trains, lies on Local Trains. y|v a as to rates, routes, etc. n Railway Ticket Agent, or D. P. A., Charleston, S. C. L G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. S)>\ . DKLAtMD, S. C. W is our desire to please. Leave ?r| need it. We pay interest tour ^ L. S. TROTTI, President Delmar Locals. To the Editor of The Dispatch: Crops are in fairly good condition in this section and are growing nicely. The grain crop has been harvested and threshed. Wheat was very short but the yields were generally * better than was expected. Oats were fairly good. Prof. John W. Ballentine, of Little Mountain, is spending a while with his mother, Mrs. W. M. Shealy. Mr. T. C. Moore spent Friday night in Batesburg visiting his brother, Mr. R. C. Moore, who has been dangerously sick. Misse3 Ethel and Iva and Master Leroy Eargle visited relatives in Leesville Saturday and Sunday. Miss Jane Eargle visited her sister, Mrs. Florence Werts, in Leesville, recently. Mr. Horace Shealy has been seriously sick for several days. Aninfantof Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Sanford, of the Cedar Grove section, was buried at Union church yesterday afternoon. Mr. M. L. Eargle has completed his studies in the A. and M. College of North Carolina and is spending the vi V??d f a TVTr* qtiH SUUJiilCl VYIuli Ilio ^/aiviibU) ?-?? Mrs. A. L. Eargle. Messrs. Willie and Leffie Shealy, Calvin Moore and Rufus Oxner, who have been attending Newberry College, are home for the summer. Delmar, June 20. Lloyd. If one feels dull and spiritless, in the spring or early summer, they call it " Spring Fever." But there is 110 fever ?usually. It is (lie after effect of our winter habits. The nerves are mostly at fault. Tired, worn-out nerves leave us lanquid, lifeless, and without spirit or ambition. A few doses of Dr. Shoop's Restorative will absolutely and quickly change ail of these depressing symtoms. The Restorative cf course won't bring youy back lo full health in a day or two, but it will do enough in 48 hours to satisfy yon that the remedy is reaching that "tired spot." Druggists everywhere are advising its use as a splendid and prompt general tonic. It gives more vim and more spirit to tiie spoonful than any other known nerve or constitutional tonic. It sharpens a failing appetite, aids digestion, frees sluggish liversaud kidneys, and brings new life, strength and ambition. Test it a few days and be convinced. Sold by The Kanfmann Drug Co | Summer Excursion Hates, Via Southern Railway. Round trip summer excursion tickets to Seashore and Mountain resort nninto oro rimir nr? colp via SflllthprTl pvillto an/ Jliv H ViX owxv N/v ? Railway at greatly reduced rates. Tickets good returning until October 31st, 1908. Asheville, Waynesville, Hendersonville, in the "Land of the Sky"; Lake Toxaway and the Beautiful Saphire Country, now in their glory. Apply to Southern Railway agents for rates, tickets, etc. J. C. Lusk, Division Pass. Agt., Charleston, S. C. J. L. Meek, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., Atlanta, Ga. "Blind Tom" is Dead. "Blind Tom," famous negro musician, marvel of three generations of playgoers, died in Hoboken, N. J., June 13, where he had been living for years in retirement and subsisting on charity. Thomas Wiggins is the name given in his burial certificate, but the surname was one which the famous pianist adopted. He was born a slave near Columbus, Ga., about 1850. In early childhood Tom, who was born entirely blind and more than half idiotic, showed himself remarkably imitative, frequently stealing into the house of his master to reproduce on the pianoforte pieces he had heard playea by others. In 1861 he became so proficient on the instrument that he was taken to New York and exhibited as a phenomenon and later was wisely heard in the United States and Europe. > ? Sore Nipples. Any mother who has had experience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft qloth before allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best results. For sale by Kaufmaim Drug Co. Rules for a Sappy Married Life Think a little. Have no foolish illusions. Try to understand each other and be chums. Let your life be a partnership which equalizes all joys as Veil as sorrows. Do not, like children, when you have purchased one thing, repine that you do not possess another which you did not purchase. Do not look away from yourselves for happiness; it is in you. Do not marry on impulse. Seek to please your husband or your wife and make'reasonable sacrifices. He or she will then do the . same, and true happiness will result. Lead the "simple life." Will Cure Consumption. A. A. Herren, Finch, Ark., writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar is the best preparation for coughs, colds and lung trouble.. I know that it lias cured consumption in the first stages." You never heard of any one using Foley's Honey and Tar and not being satisfied. Derrick's Drug Store. W. R. Ward, of Dyersburg. Tenn. writes: "This is to certify that I nave used Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup for chronic constipation, and it has proven, without a doubt, to be a thorough, practical remedy for this trouble, and it is with pleasure 1 offer my conscientious reference." Derrick's Drug Store. Antly Robison, the negro boy who was tried in Columbia last week for assault, was given five years in the State reformatory. D. W. Roof, who ran over a Syrian child from the result of which the child died, was found not guilty in Columbia last week. Albert Gilchrist has been nominated governor of Florida over J. C. N. Stockton. The man who overestimates hi9 greatness makes a great mistake. A GOOD REASON. | Lozington People Can Tell Yon Why It Is So. Doaivs Kidney Pills cure the cause of disease, and that is why the cures are always lasting. This remedy strengthens and tones up the kidneys, helping them to drive out of the body the liquid poisons that cause backache, headache and distressing kidney and urinary complaints. Lexington people testify to permanent cures. J. J. Schwartz, living on S. Main St., Lexington, S. C., says: "I have been using Doan's Kidney Pills but a short time, but I have received more benefit from them than any other remedy. I suffered from a too frequent action of the kidneys, and my back pained me severely. The secretions were dark in color and contained a sediment and though I used a number of different remedies, they did not prove of benefit. I finally sent to the Kaufmann Drug Co., procured Doan's Kidney Pills, and am pleased to state that they gave me prompt relief." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. Cotton Mills to Curtail. The South Carolina Manufacturers' association adopted a resolution at their annual meeting at Glenn Springs suggesting a decrease in production by ail mills in this state until Sept. 1. The resolution, however, is not binding on any'mil i, but it is presumed that the majority will adhere to the resolution. A Grand Family Medicine. <(It gives me pleasure to speak a good word for Electric Bitters," writes Mr. Frank (Joiilan of No. 43(? Houston St., -XT J ^ JLMliW IorK. Ml- s ii grauu laimij mcu* icino for dyspepsia and liver complications ; while for lame back and weak kidneys it cannot be too highly recommended." Electric Bitters regulate the digestive functions, purify the blood, and impart renewed vigor and vitality to the weak and debilitated of both sexes. Sold under guarantee at Derrick's Drug Store and Kaufmann Drug Co. 50c. Members on the arrangement committee of the National Democratic convention met in Chicago last week to outline plans for the Denver convention. Badly Sprained Ankle Cured. Three years ago our daughter sprained her ankle and had been suffering terribly for two days and nights?had not slept a minute. Mr. Stallings, of Butler, Tenn., told us of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. We went to the store that night and got a bottle of it and bathed her ankle two or three times and she went to sleep and had a good night's rest. The next morning she was much better and in a short time could walk around and had no more trouble with , her ankle.?E. M. Brumitt, Hampton, i r? ?T xenn. zo ana ou cent sizes lur suie uy Kanfmann Drug Co. ? It is estimated that 14 thousand people attended the National Republican Convention in Chicago last week. Weak women should try Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. These soothing, healing, antiseptic suppositories go direct to the seat of these weaknesses. My "Book No. 4 For Women" contains many valuable hints to women, and it is free. Ask Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., to mail it. Ask the Doctor in strictest confidence, any questions you wish answered. Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. Enraged because of his wife's divorce proceedings an ex-convict of Sing Sing in New York killed his mother-in-law and seriously wounded, his wife. Final Discharge. This is to fiofifv all persons that I will apply to Gteo.JS. Drafts, Esq., Judge of Probate for Lexington county, South Carolina, on June BO, 1908, for 'a final discharge as administrator of the estate of Kate S. Boatwright. Geo. M. Adams, 4w3* Administrator. Barbecue at Pelion. T\ O mil "P?^ i fl i o ^ w in luiaxsu ti iiiaiiiaad uai uci uc and refreshments at Pt?lion, 011 Saturday, July 4th. The candidates will be present and address the crowd. Come one,come all. Josh J. Shealy, 5w3cp L. L. Gantt. RmARD'S HOTEL, J. C. KINARD, Proprietor, Leesville, - S, C The best attention given guest. Modern conveniences. Table supplied with best the market affords. Sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, fine china, clocks. A fine stock always on hand for you to select from. Keep us in mind when want- j ino1 nnvthinor in Jp^'plrv nr ! Silverware. Good watch work and best eye glasses. If vou can't come, send for our catalogue or telephoneyour order to us. P. B. LACHICOTTB & CO, JEWELERS, 1424 Main St, Columbia, S, C 'Phone Vdi June Wings, Call for Invitatic ments and Cards. A print them just like the latest styles and and see. The R. L Bp Law Book Publishers, 1 Booksellers and Statioi Two Stores on Mai COLUMBIA, I BANK OP ( 1 : : : CHAPItf, S. | Our banking facilities a | place them at your cornmam 3 terest paid on time deposits, p with your business. 1 J. F. HOWS | J. A. BLACKWELDER, Pn NEW ' STORE' j^gBggggggggaggfifiBgBgBBgBBBiEgBSSBBSSa JVEV I have opened up a full line of General Me] at Saxe-Gotha Cotton Mills, where I will be pli best goods at lowest prices. A fresh stbck of Groceries and Fai Always on hand. I respectfully ask that you $ where. JOHN G. B< Saxe-Gotha Mills, ????j I want to shake hands { { | with every man, wo- ^ man or boy in this 2 neighborhood who helps J sell harness. A I believe the mule 2 ^ i i j jj J m Inns a iiaru lime miu am ? trying to make him comfortable by making S ^ comfortable harness. I 2 B r? f I make everything from ^ | a gee strap to a horse y, I collar and make it as | fi | good as I know how*'. J | f Let us help the mule j c p Wiise W. Martin I MAKER OF HARNESS |j I i!i8 Plain Street j Ik ? COLUMBIA, : : : S. C. | || ^ ? 1111 iriWATiliiiUiTT' | K^aI EW &'VI | r Indigestion i Our Guarantee Coupon gl] If, after using two-thirds of a Sr.oo bottle of Kocoi, you can honestly say it has not bene- , pu_ ? fited you, we will refund your money. Try j H Kodo! today on this guarantee. Fill out and i sign the following, present it to the dealer at | Many the time of purchase. If it fails to satisfy you 1 j. f* return the bottle containing one-tbird of the 1 ^ , medicine to the dealer from whom you bought j *? wea: it, and ws will refund your money. We rr _ i of the t Town l Sn. , head o. State Sign here ! t CutThUOut \ Digests WhatYouEat And Makes ifoe_Stomach Sweet ! ?. C. DeWITT & CO., Chicago, III. SEEl The Kaufmann Drug Co. lIpP Thinks it Saved His Life. j SHI ju-ster al.-Aeison, oi rsapies, ALaine. ; ? 0 says in a recent letter: "I have used lg Dr. King's New Discovery many years. TnrTX* for coughs and colds, and I think it WH. saved my life. I have found it a reliable remedy for tliroat and lung complaints. and would no more be without a bottle than I would without food." ^ For nearly f *ty years New Discovery * . has stood at toe head of throat and lung -"lacKS remedies. As a preventative of pneu- L. Lo monia, and healer of weak lungs it has service no equal. Sold under guarantee at ]10rses Derrick's Drug Store and Kanfmann Drug Co. ">0c. and $1.00. Trial bottle shop s free. stead. rns, AnnounceVe engrave or s engraving in . shapes. Call ii Company, Bookbinders, lers. : : : n Street, - - - S. C. BMaBBaw?k 1APIN, C. : : : re excellent. We i. 5 per cent, inKindly favor us iYCUTT, Cashier. ?siderc*. f 9 V GOODS? rchandise in the Oswald Building eased to serve the public with the mily Supplies jive me a can Deiore Diiying eiseDOZER, So. Car. SEE ! HERE! | 0? # Is your Liver all right? } xeyour Kidneys in a { ealthy condition? If so, J HILTON'S LIFE for S the LIVER 5 and KIDNEYS S rill keep them so. If not, [ilton's Life for the Liver ad Kidneys will make lem so. A 25c. bottle rill convince you of this ict Sold wholesale by | The Murray Drug Co., t Columbia, S. C. 5 or sale at 1?he Dazaar, $ Lexington, S. C, | Before You Purcta^ Any Other Write EW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANTORANGE, MASS. ] ' Sewing Machines are made tc sell regardguaiity, tut the **lXcw Home" is made . Cur guaranty neve- runs out lake Sewing Machines to suit ail conditions fade. The ''Sen Home" stands at the ail Hlsh.sra?!e family sewing machines Jd by authorized dealers only* f'CR S/2. C 9V IV . HOOF, Lesicgton. S. C. , ., , /. ' ||?M PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM SBeSOjeM Clm.'W ar.d beaatifiee the n*i7. <2 Promotes a ltMuriaot growth. ^g=^JB9Ncver Fails to Eestcre Gray v. h?M3 Hair to its Mouthful Color. Km|Cutci tcalp <1."eaves & hair tailicg. jV} ft'c.ana^.wat unigema ? : 30.1 v EEL WRIGHT and ~~ BLACKSMITH SHOP BE RLE Y & KYZER S New ;mith Shot) you will find Mr. L. lip ready to pive you prompt All kinds of repair work, hoeinp, etc. Give us a trial, ituated near the Berley homeMarl 1 6m