THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. & Jtepresantatiue Beurspaper. Goners Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Bounties fciha a Blanket. VOT. TTTVTTT ~~ LEXINGTON, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17. 1S08. ~ 33"" ' . - fS. ?y ? ... Fi is generally his money. So it behooves ] isn't taking such to leave it "where it can AN ACCOUNT AT 4 will put an end to all such risks. It wil possible when currency is sent by mail c to a payment, for your check is a receipt THE HOM LEXING1 JULIAN E. KAUFMANN, ALFRE President. * ??????? ?????? Court. 4 When we went to pres9 la3t week the trial of O. E. Harsey, for bastardy was on, and resulted in a verdict of j guilty and a sentence of ?25 per year | for 12 years was imposed. ^ Oscar Cock, colored, was up for ! house breaking and larceny, was j found guilty and sentenced to' two ; years on the gang. The next trial was that of Benton G. Turner, of Brookland, charged by E. W. Fraley with seduction, Mr. Hawe9 assisted the solicitor and Messrs. Graham & Sturkie and P. H. Nelson represented Turner. A verdict of guilty was returned, and Judge DeVore gave him $500 or 18 months. Notice of appeal was given and the judge allowed Turner bail in the sum of $500. > Alex Hall, charged with assault and 4-/n maw/n vvIao^ 1\ya ATirn nQQO illtCUb IV layC) ^/icau julu wnu vuuv> This is the negro who was caught at Perry and carried to the penitentiary for safe keeping. The crime was committed near Edmund in April. Mrs. Sox testified and was the only witness. Hall was found guilty and was given a sentence of five yeare.' Ed. Simons, charged with housebreaking, was found guilty ' and sentenced to the gang for two years. Meet Me at Tapp'i Big Dai SPECIAL NOTICE. Everything sold in this sale will be for spot cash; no goods /-?Vv n rrrnr] o?rl T> rvf Vi l -n rr car f fin V/UaJLg^U UUU UUlUiU^ uviat vu approval. If our money back if you want it. Wash Goods MILL E: One lot of Mill-Ends of all class c these bargains. Come early and m are all gone. Cash Bargaii Mill-Ends of Bleached Muslins, full ya End sale price, while this big lot lasts at Fine sheer Victoria Lawn, full 40 inchi Mill End Sale price, yard, 7>?c. Curtain Swiss in Mill-Ends. Beautiful 40 inch Brown Sea Island. Fine grade Wash Goods ] Tiift ru"?r?nlirr Amnskftftp Dress Ginerhan r~r~- <=? o fancy stripes, plaids, etc. Get your eha: Hill>End Sale price, yard 10c. A big lot of best Manchester Galateas, waists, boys' shirts, etc; Mill-End sale j Immense assortment of the newest, uj Mulls. All the latest colors. White gro Make beautiful mountain or seashore dr values at 36c; special Mill-End Sale pric White Dimities, fancy crosses, dote, ei at unheard of cut prices; Mill-End Sale White Organdies, sheer and fine, full i The Jai Department SI 6 "W. IE3 16^0 MAIN STRE1 Solicits a Share ?? v MTHFUL FRIEND him to take the best of care of it. It be stolen, burned or eaten by rats. THE HOME BANK L do more. It will stop the loss always >r express. It will prevent any dispute as that cannot be denied. [E BANK, PON. S. C. ID J. FOX, KARL F. OSWALD, Cashier. Asst. Cashier. . Walter Buckanean and wife, Silena, were up for the violation of the dispensary law. Mr. Sturkie gave notice of appeal from the verdict and sentence of ?100 or three months. They were allowed bail in the sum of ?100 each. This ended the criminal court and j-t j: : j t> j i tut; juruxa were uiaimsseu rnuay ; afternoon. The common pleas court opened Monday. The case of J. D. Langford against the Piedmont Mutual Fire Insurance company of Spartanburg was called. The case was compromised at $1,000, but Ae company is about to go into receivers' hands and Mr. Langford will not get his money until this fall, if at all. . The first trial was a case of Jacob Baughman against the Southern Railway company, brought by Messrs. Graham & Sturkie, asking damages in the sum of |2,000 for injuries alleged to have been sustained on Oct. 3, 1906, while in the employ of the company as section hand by. being thrown from a moving lever car, etc. The company is represented by assistant division counsel Thompson and local attorney W. H. Sharpe. The testimony was concluded yesterday afternoon. 3 j fs in tl Long knowledge and the < move in the management of this * adequately describe the enthusi back of this sale of new goods a1 serves. Those who have been h ed to greet the crowds certain t< \ , Bargains. NDS. )f goods. One special counter for ake your selections before they i Counters. rd wide. The regular 10c goods; Mill), the yard 5c. bs wide. Best 10c value ever offered; I patterns, best qualities. Yard, 8c. }, smooth, perfect goods, yard, 5c. 3 apartment. ( is. The season's newest styles in ] re before the lot is picked over, at ' newest light colors for suits, shirt>rice, yard, 15c. . >-to-the-xninute styles of Embroidered I mnds with blue, lavendar, red, etc. 1 esses. They launder perfectly; big * ?, the yard, 15c. ^ be., on best 25c and 35cgrades, bought price, the yard, 15c. \S inches wide; price, yard, 15c. i tries L. bore - - LOBE DRY fi( i^consrc^ziro^ ST, ; of Your Valued Pal ?^??? ????8?8?1? MAYOR R. Q. REETT ANNOUNCED FOR SENATE Charleston's Executive Makes Formal j Statement of His Candidacy?Solicits Support of Democratic Voters ?His Decision Something of a Surprise. Charleston, June 10.?Mayor Rhett announced his candidacy tonight for United States senator and will file his pledge tomorrow. Following a conference at his office at the People's National bank he gave out the following statement: "To the Democratic "Voters of South Carolina: I have determined to be a candidate for United States senator at the approaching primary election. I shall tomorrow file my pledge with the State Democratic committee as required by the rules of the party and will abide by the rules of the primary election. 1 respectfully solicit the support of Democratic voters of the State. R. Goodwin Rhett." The announcement of the candidacy of Mayor Rhett will be in the nature of a surprise to the voters of the State, as his name has not heretofore been mentioned in connection with the office. He and ex-Gov. Hevward have been close business and personal friends for years and with the decision of the latter to forego making the race on account of his health, Mayor Rhett decided to enter the race. . Further than the statement given above Mayor Rhett said tonight that he had nothing to say but that in the next few days he will probably make a statement. Mayor Rhett is one of the best known and regarded men in the State and it is admitted that his candidacy is a strong one. He is one of the mo9t successful business men in Charleston, having large financial interests but these have not interfered ^with a close study of public questions and on these matters he is particularly well qualified to discuss and make the race for the office that he seeks. He was a delegate at large to the Democratic national convention four years ago. He entered upon his second adminMeet Me i jareful scrutiny of years on the; j sale, every doubter has become astic business, we know what di ; Mill-End cost. This sale is the ere and those who have not, she o be here. Mill-End Cost on PAill-End Coods I ; by the thousand. This is our j jj greatest sale. Come and get | j your home needs at Mill-End Cost I TJndermuslin Bargains. The Mill-End Sale places before srou the ereatest lot of Undermuelins 3ver shown here and at prices that frill surprise you. Wonderfal bargains ; 10c a garment up to the most elaborate outfits. 1 SILK SUITS FOB $5.00. We will sell a big lot of pretty Silk Units at a sacrifice price. Olieck Silk Eton Suite, Black Taffeta Shirtwaist J Suits and other pretty Suits, all nice- J y trimmed. The regular prices of ;hese suits are $25.00, $22.50 and. $15; pour choice of any, the suit, ! Hill-End Sale V? Silks. See the assortment of all shades of i iilks to be convinced of their cheap- i less. ' Tapp 1 1638 to 1646 T, TIES., ;ronage. Polite and ] ! Presentment of the Grand Jua I To His Honor, Judge James W. ] Vore presiding. We, the Grfe j Jur}-, desire to' make this our p j sentment: We have examined all indictme ! handed out to us by the Solicitor a returned same with our findings the on.i We are glad to note that our r ommendation for decent water elos in the court house has been carr; out. We have examined the.jail a premises and find it well kept and < sire to commend our Sheriff for ke< ing the jail in such condition. ^ recommend that the Supervisor ha the barn on the jail premises coven a9 same is in need of it. We further recommend that t Supervisor purchase twelve (12) bun for the jail, as they are badly needc We present Joe Dominick for v lation of the dispensary law and nai as witnesses, G. W. Lindler, WT. Lindler, Pearce Skealy and J. G. Lever. We desire to thank His Honor a the other court officials for their ui form kindness and courtesies sho^ us, Respectfully submitted, John Bell Towill. Foreman. istration as mayor of Charleston li December, after having served se eral terms as an alderman and h held other positions of public trui Mayor Rhett has spoken before coi mercial organizations in Columbi Anderson and other cities in the i terest of the State, where he h many strong friends and supporte: His discussion of financial and ra road questions have especially h proved his knowledge of matters the kind. This was particularly evidence in the consideration giv to his views recently on the propos reform of currency legislation 1 government officials and writers < financial matters. Mayor Rhett is a good speaker ai he promises to make a hard fight f the office that he 9eeks. He will e deavor tojenlighten the public on t questions of the day and will ma the race on his merit rather than < any attack on opposing candidates. it Tapp's fi I _ JL part of the shrewdest shoppe: a regular customer. Langu, its the power that alwa^ roughly supported by public >uld come now and see a perf Corsets at 3c an Inch. We have arranged a great Coi set sale for the Mill-End Sale All sizes at 3c per inch. Thi means that if you wear a No. 2 Corset it will cost you only 60c and so on. Umbrella Special. 26 and 28 inch Men's and Women' rancy and natural handle Umbrella* paragon frame, steel rod. Guarantee rainproof serge cover, worth $1.25 Mill-End sale price, 88c. Pine silk Umbrellas from $2.95 t *4.44. Shirtwaists Sacrificed, All of our fine Waists will be sacri flced during the Mill-End sale. Beaul iful Fancy Evening Waists and Higi Grade Linen Waists. Co., C Main Street TH3!IE3, COLUMBIA, K. C Prompt Attention. Oi^ohor 13 ?BWPBIJ MJlUIHWH8BPWBBWBM J: I flEglg Figurin re" j Where your m nts ! much labor if 3 to have-an accc I iWaSI fifi7one I 3! iPil WMUHW1 ? sHmEShQ bate ;^s Start one tc iol check and von'] vn de. w. h. tim g U" X' GUNTEE 5t. 5T When m Osiuns orb | The Qualil ed 937 gerva: * Fop Youp Fan ji i ? Heav he ^ Fresh stock of goods a . prices. Pinnacle Flour a rshave failed to find one false iage fades and utterly fails to ys follows honest methods that is confidence, a faith it richly de^^4 ~ -j? -i cui, ouuuessiuii oi uiiaiiges arrangLinen Sh 90-inch wide Union Linen Sheet full suits and separate skirts; specia Torchon Just received special for this big i chine Torchon Laces; special now a only, 2lc. Long Silk The finest long Pure Silk Glove black, tan, champagne and the po] > length, mousquetaire style. The gr - cial price, the pair, 95c. 0 Handker Handkerchiefs by the bunch. W< for about the price of one or two. I '? to be found all kinds. They come i open work, lace trimmed and every 0 ridiculous price of from 8c up to $lJ think of between the figures of 8c ar [- ORDER B ? We prepay mail, express or freight on shipped to any point within a radius of I olumbia, - - Depa: 1 mr??rimiimbiii iihiiiiiiii iimi? g Out oney has gone will not involve rou have a hank account, ed checks will be both vouchers t labor saver it is worth while >unt at lank of Bafesbnrg, 5BTJRG, : : : S. C. >day. Pay all your bills by 11 have less bookkeeping to do, s to your money and what you it. erest on savings accounts qitarMERMAN, Pres. , Vice Pres. C. JONES, Cashier. M. M. CARTER, Asst. Cashier. bia Gail to See IOACH ty Grocer, [S STREET, icy and y Groceries. Iways on hand at lowest specialty. [eet Me at Tapp's BB All pinuanaaBB?MHaBnnaBiiaaBMBBMMBa?r NOTICE. No mail orders filled on special 15 minute sales. You must be on the spot to get the goods. Other Mill-End sale goods orders will be filled, provided goods are in stock when orders are received. If sold out will return money promptly. It will pay you to come miles and miles to attend this big sale. i leeflng. iug, the goods wanted now tor il Mill-End Sale price, yard, 49c. Laces. sale, a lot of beautiful new Mat \f il l_T7!rid Solo r\vi on ?+P n tto r?rl .vi a'IUI-UUU vuxv ^ cu j a i va j Gloves. ever sold anywhere. White, pular shades. Full 16-button eatest value ever offered. Spechiefs. e will sell you a whole bunch n this mighty Mill-End lot are in assorted Linen Swiss, fancy shape and size made, and at the 00 a bunch, every price you can id 11.00. Y MAIL. all purchases ef $5.00 or mora 300 miles e! Columbia. s. c. rtment Store