AM WWW'W I aDjjp That hacking < prf Because your II yI your powers of re Take Scoff ^ It builds up and strenj It contains Cod Liver ( prepared that it is easy I Cjjl ALL DRUGGISTS ????M??????M? V, . JWHWVUU S For Roofing Tro f VULCANITE ^ Made ready for use, satu: \ S new i ^ Weatherproof, Rot] ^ REST : ROOFING : I ^ Is extremely durable, cold. Always pliable and together in the rolls, Is ei 5 and coated with superior a 5 cannot evaporate; therefo: iRequires no ai ^ Guaranteed to co Roofing Pitch in gCO Ih bai K Coal Tar - ILORICEC & J INCORP< > f WHOLESALE # Columjbia, , C^VVVVWWVVV ' QUALITY You have probably bought many thin, t / . \ good, that cost a good price, but under \ test of service soon proved themselves woi It might have been shoes that soon / the sides, caps broke down, heels gave gave out and soles were plated. & _ . wear, and bec J | Zorfi^SBp' M i wear your moi ? I and choice sto< 1 T. A. ] Opposite Post Office, The Palmetto COLTJME WE ABE A Depository for the U of South Carolina the ( of Columbia. WE OWN ' $400,000 United States Carolina Bonds. WE SOLICIT v Accounts of Banks, Fir WE PAY Four Per Cent, on depo terest calculated quarte WE PROMISE Our best efforts to trani satisfaction. PALMETTO NATIONAL CAPITAL : v Wilie Jones, President. ?? ??tmmimm?????? ?southerF Unexcelled Dining JliThrough Pullman Sleepii ^ Convenient Schedule! For full information i yiC consult nearest Southern I W J. C. LUSK, D. BROOKS MORGAN, A. C \. x*w wv > BROOK LAIN NEW BKUUK We Want your business. It is < \m your money with us until you r.e fly times a year. M J. C. CUICNARD, LJg Vice-President. cough continues J? system is exhausted and fa distance weakened. fa s Emulsion. jthens your entire system. J )il and Hypophosphites so fa to take and easy to digest. ^ i: 50c. AND $1.00 fa ubles We Advise ^ ROOFING | rated and coated under a \ >rocess. % aroof and Fireproof. ? MATERIAL : KNOWN # Not affected by heat or % flexible. It does not stick \ asily affixed. Impregnated ^ [amp-proof materials v/hich ^ re ' J mual painting. $ ntain no coal tar. $ rrels - $1.25 per 100 lbs ^ $4.00 per barrel >RATED, A and RETAIL, $ S. C SHOES! gs that looked ; tjie ragged thless. inn over at way, sewing igainst these things, especially- in footonfident of getting the best quality footley can buy, take advantage of the large 3k constantly available for making pleasat our store. for W. L. Douglas Shoes for men, $1.50 BOYNE, Columbia, S. C. National Bank, ?IA, S* C. nited States Government, the State bounty of Richland and the City Eonds and $100,000 State of South ms, uorporauons ana maiviauais. sits in onr Savings Department, inrly. >act yonr business to yoar entire BANK, - - Columbia, S. C. 5*250,000.00 \ J. P. Matthews, Cashier. RAILWAY, f ; Gar Service, ig Cars on all Trains, ^ i on Local Trains. ^ is to rates, routes, etc. ifi'jf tailway Ticket Agent, or P. A., Charleston, S. C. t. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. & LAND, S. C. jur desire to please. Leave plj ed it. We pay interest lour L. S. TROTTI, W. President Evelyn Thaw May Take Charge of Estate. New York, May 21.?That Mrs. Evelyn Thaw is to withdraw her suit for tne annulment of her marriage to Harry K. Thaw in order that she may later ask the court to appoint her a committee of her husband's personal estate, was a statement made today by friends of the former artists'model. Daniel O'Reilly, counsel for Mrs. Thaw, would neither affirm nor deny the statement, although he admitted that such a course was probable. "It is the custom of the courts to j appoint the wife of an incompetent to look after his estate," Mr. O'Reilly j said, "and in case JusticeMorschauser j finds Thaw insane, I suppose Mrs. j Thaw will be named if she applies for | appointment." The Lyon's Share Belongs to Him. If the Attorney General needed legal assistance "to prosecute the 1 grafters why didn't he employ South j I Carolinians instead of Georgia Colonels. There are plenty of aDle lawyers in this State who are also good men. Looks like he wanted to be < the only man in the State to get any i credit if there should be any.?Ex. The Most Common Cause of ? Suffering. Rheumatism causes more pain and . suffering than any other disease, tor the reason that it is tiie most common of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying to sufferers to know that Chamberlain's Pain J Balm will afford relief, and make rest and sleep possible. In many cases the relief from paiu, which is at first temporary, has become, permanent, while in old people subject to chronic rlieu- j matism, often brought on by dampness * or changes in the weather, a permanent ^ cure cannot be expected; the relief from ' pain which this liniment affords is 1 alone worth many times its cost. 25 < and 50 cent sizes for sale by Kautmann 1 Drug Co. 1 Young Man- ! You must not get into debt. Avoid < debt as you would the devil. Make 1 few promises. A man who means to ' keep his promises can not afford to 1 make many. Be scrupulously careful of ail state ments; either nothing or accurate 1 truths. ( When working for others sink your- ; self out of sight. Make yourself necessary to those who employ you by industry, fidelity and integrity. Do not speculate or gamble. Never speak evil of any one; if you can't say good, say nothing. Do not forget your father's and your mother's God. Tired nerves, with that "no ambition" feeling that is commonly felt in spring or early summer, can be easily and quickly altered or taking what is known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop,s Restorative. One will absolutely note a changed feeling within 48 hours after beginning to take the Restorative. The bowels get sluggish in the winter-time, the circulation often slows up, the Kidneys are inactive, and even the Heart in many cases grows decidedly weaker. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is recognized everywhere as a genuine tonic to these vital organs It builds up and strengthens the worn-out weakened nerves; it sharpens the failing appetite, and universally aids digestion. It always quickly brings renewed strength, life, vigor, and ambition. Try it and be convinced. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co, Be Got What Be Profanely Desired. Cumberland, Md., May 21.?George Marlin, living near Hancock, was killed by ligntning yesterday while sitting under an appJe tree. When the storm came up, his two compan ions remarked about the danger and went into the house nearby. Marl n said he would stay where he was and "wished the good Lord would strike him with lightning." In a few minutes a bolt shattered the tree, killing Marlin instantly. He W2s about So years old and an eccentric character. Bad Attack of Dysentery Cured. "An honored citizen of this town was suffering from a severe attack of dysentery. He told a friend if he could* obtain a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy, he felt confident of being cured, he having used this remedy in the West. He was told that I kept it in stock and lost no time in obtaining it, and was promptly cured, says m. Leach, druggist, 01 Wolcott, Yfc. For sale by Kaufmaun Drag Co. Secretary Wilson of the department of agriculture gave out an in- ' terview in Washington in which he praises Sumter and the recent meeting there very highly. TonrFlyn, a white man arrested in Charleston for vagrancy, tried to hang himself in the city jail. He j made a noose out of his undershirt and was trying to use it when he was discovered. , "The trouble with most cough cures is that they constipate. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup does not coi>tipate, i bur on the ether hand its laxative prin- J ciples gently move the bowels, it is i ! pleasant to fake and it is especially re- | ; commended for children, as it tastes or* rr AA/"1 n m a* /1 r\T* Kaufmann Drag- Co. A minister in West Virginia killed j his wife last week while temporarily j insane. The Charleston blind tiger cases were argued before the supreme court last week. Insurance Commissioner Mr-Master has made out a list of sixty life and fire insurance companies which he will investigate to see if they are doing business according to the law. Insist upon DeWitr's Witch Hazel Salve. There are substitutes, but there is only one original. It is healing, soothing and cooling and especially good for piles. Sold by Kaufinaun Drug Co. c RHEUMATIC FOLKS! An You Sure Your Zidue; Are Well? Many rheumatic attacks are due uric acid in the blood. But the du of the kidneys is to remove all u acid from the blood. Its presen there shows the kidneys are inactn Don't dally with "uric acid solvents You might go on till doomsday \vi them, but until you cure the kidne you will never get well. Doan's K ney Pills not only remove uric ac: but cure the kidneys and then danger from uric acid is ended. He is Lexington testimony to prove it. Mrs. E. L. Corley, living two mi] northeast of Lexington, S. C., sa\ 'T had been a sufferer for sevei years ffom rheumatism and I also h symptoms of kidney trouble. J head ached severely and I endured great deal of misery from pains throu: the small of my back. I finally c cided to try Doan's Kidney Pills a procured a box at The Kaufmai Driur Co. I used them in aceordan with the directions, and can trut fully say that they helped me a gre leal. I do not hesitate torecomme: four remedy to other sufferers." For sale by all dealers. Price 2ents. Foster-MiIburn Co., Buff'a] N'c.v York, sole agents for the Unit States. Remember the name?Doan's?a: :ake no other. ~ ''VETEEAtf SPECIAL?'" Special Train from Columbia, S. ( tc Birmingham. Ala., via Southern Railway. Arrangements have been madewi \Iajor-General Thos. VvT. Carwil Commanding Soutli Carolina Divisii United Confederate Veterans for special train from Columbia to Bin ngham for the accommocation of tl ^nTiforlevyt-o Votoriin ci o nrl t.Vioirfripn tvho desire to attend the annual i anion at Birmingham, June 9-11, 19( This train, which will be known the "Veterans' Special," consists Df baggage car, high class coach md Pullman sleeping car, will lea Columbia 1:45 p. m., Monday, Ju: 3, going via Newberry, Greenwoo Greenville, picking up veterans a: their friends enroute. This arrant ment will enable veterans frc Orangeburg, Sumter and points in t eastern part of the State, also frc Camden and Chester to arrive in ( lumbia on noon trains in time to lea on the special at 1:45 p. m. The "Veterans' Special" will ha on board leaving Columbia, Maj General Carwile and members of . staff; Miss Elizabeth Norwood, Abbeville, and Mis9 Bonham, of A derson, State sponsors, will join 1 special enroute and accompany 1 veterans to Birmingham, and it especially desired by General Carw that as many of the veterans as c possibly arrange to do so join 1 special at Columbia or the most c< venient point enroute. Those who contemplate joining 1 special at Columbia will please co municate with B. H. Todd, Passenj and Ticket Agent of Southern r; way, Columbia, S. C., and those w expect to join at Greenville, corami icate with T. P. P. Carson, Passer^ and Ticket Agent, Greenville, stati whether accommodations will be < sired in day coaches or Pullmanslei ing cars, and how many there will in the party, etc. Tickets will be sold at very 1 rates from all points, June 6, 7 and limited Juue 20, 1908. Round t rates from principal stations as f lows: Abbeville, $6.40; Chester, $8.: Lancaster, $8.75; Rock Hill, $8A Anderson, $6.40; Columbia, $8.1 Newberry, $7.70; Spartanburg, $7.Blacksburg, $S.05; Greenville, $6.J Orangeburg:, $8.70; Sumter, $9.< Camden, $9.20; Greenwood, $6.' Prosperity, $7.85. Pullman berth rate Columbia Birmingham, $2.50. If two people < cupy same berth the rate can be vicled accordingly. See that your tickets read via Soul em Railway to Birmingham and : turn. For further detailed informati apply to Southern Railway lici agents or address J.C. LUSK, D. P. A., Charleston, S. C . It Beached The Spot. Mr. E. Humphrey, who owns a lai general store at Omega, O., and is pr ident of the Adams County Telephc Co., as well as of the Home Telelepho Co , of Pike County, O., says of I King's New Discovery: "It saved 1 life once. At least I think it did. seemed to reach the spot?the very se of my cough?when everything e failed." Dr. King's New Discovery 1 only reaches the cough spot; it lies the sore spots and the weak spots tiiroar, lungs and chest. bold una guarantee at Derrick's Drug Store a Kaufmann Drug Co., at 00c. and ?l.< Trial bottle free. The Aleghany National Bank Pittsburg, Pa., has closed its doc with apparently a shortage of abc two million dollars due to the m deeds of the cashier. Mr. John Riha of Yining, la;, sa; 'T have been selling DeWitt's Kidn and Bladder Pills for about a year a: they give better satisfaction than a; pill I ever sold. There ore a doz people here who .have used them a they give perfect satisfaction in evj case. I have used, them, myself wi fine results.'' bold by Kaufmann Dr Co. The Arkansas legislature failed meet in extra session at the call acting Governor Humiier. ManZan Pil?i Remedy comes r<. ady use, put- up in a collapsible tube wi nozzle attached. One application prcv its merit. Soothes and heals, reduc inflammation and relieves soreness a itching. For all forms of Piles. Pri 50c. Guaranteed. Sold by Kaufma: Drug Co. Secretary Ta?t was in Chariest last week* returning from Panam He said dirt was Hying down on t isthmus. For a burn or scald apply Chamb Iain's Salve. Ir will allay the pain most instantly and quickly heal the i jured parts. For sale by Kaufimi] I>rug Co: As usual, we are Acts fo ice re. til of the Gener; (V 8 idSi Orders sent re publishers " ?y first attentio a Rh le- ^ ^ Lid ? Law Book Publisl f0f Booksellers and S LC^ | Two Stores o: nd | COLUMBIA, - - - - I a?w iii wnm r mir i i | ^ BBgBHBBBBMBMBBSSHB BBS & I ' " ': : : CHAPI a | Our banking faeiiifii 1 place them at your corns dg | teres! paid on time dep< e- I with your business. >8. I J. F. t as ? J. A. BLACKWELDER lie i ? A ?e- | I want to shake hands >m 9 ' -i he I with every man, wo)m I - xi 3o a man or ooy in this I neighborhood who helps or- 1 sell harness. of 1 I believe the mule -he | has a hard time and am is 9 trving to make him He 8 ;an B comfortable by making :he | J ^ ^n- comfortable harness. I -he make evervthing from m- ^ ?er a gee strap to a horse 'ho collar and make it as in?er good as I know how. ng ? 3e- Let us help the mule ep- > * t Wilse W. Martin np a ol~ I MAKER OF HARNESS 35; I HfS Plain Street p| I COLUMBIA, : : : S. C. ro: I Kodol For -i Indigestion set | ^ Uur Guarantee Coupon j If. after using two-thirds cf a $1.00 bottle of Kodol, you can honestly say it has net benej fited you, we will refund your money. Try j Kodol today on this guarantee. Fiil out and i sign the following, present it to the dealer at the time of purchase. If it fails to satisfy ycu | return the bottle containing one-third of the '?0 , . medicine to the dealer from whom you bought es- j it. sad we will refund your money. : I Tnwr ' ne j i )r. j state j ! Sign hers $ it - ' CntThUOut?? ?J ke Digests What You Eat And Makes the Stomach Sweet in ?. C. DeWITT & CO?? Chicasoi III* -r The Kaufmanrv Drug Co. iid WEEELWEIGHT and cf BLACKSMITH SHOP )rs '.at At BEELEY & KYZEE'S New 1SBlacksmith Shop you will find Mr. L. ... ; ju. .uuiij? reauy tu >uu wiuiiipi ev I service. All kinds of repair work, ml j horseshoeing. etc. Give us a trial. j Shop situated near the Berlev liomendj stead- Mar! 1 Cm s minm hotel J. C. KINARD, Proprietor, Lessville, - - S. C ^ The best attention given guest. Mod. ,s em conveniences. Table supplied with ,'.s best the market affords. nd - There is a Pink Pain Tablet made by j 1111 | Dr. Shoop, that will positively stop any J j pam. anywnero, in minutes. i;rui-.- i on gists everywhere sell them as Dr. j ia. Shoop's Headache Tablets, but they stop i he other pains as easily as headache. Dr. 1 Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets simply eoax [>r- blood pressure away from pain center? al- congestion. Stop that pressure with in- Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets and pain nn is instantly gone. 20 Tablet 2">c. Sold by j Kaufmann Drug Co. ' busy printing the r 1908 al Assembly, direct to the will receive m. pn Company, Lers, Bookbinders, tationers. : : : ti Main Street, S. C. a??ww ?iirmawTiinwini?w???? ??a? N, S. C. : : : ' 1 es are excellent. We | mand. 5 per cent, in- | osits. Kindly favor us g *ONEYCUTT, Cashier. ? , President. | Sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, fine china, clocks. A fine stock 1 always on hand for you to select from. Keep us in mind when wanting anything in Jewelry or Silverware. Good watch work and best eye glasses. If you can't come, send for our catalogue or telephoneyour order to us. P. B. LACHICOTTE & CO., JEWELERS, 1424 Main St., Columbia, S. C 'fihone 934 i | [see i ! HERE!: i s ??? s 5 Is your Liver all right? Are your Kidneys in a healthy condition? If so, J J HILTON'S LIFE for 2 I the LIVER % s and KIDNEYS | 9 1 . ? m. ^ W I | win Keep them so. It not, Hilton's Life for the Liver ? and Kidneys will make ! ? them so. A 25c. bottle J I | will convince you of this | fact Sold wholesale by J The Murray Drug Co., S i % Columbia, S. C. g 2 For sale at The Bazaar, 2 2 Lexington, S, C. 2 _ i _ ? , | Before You Purchase Ar.y Other Write rwp NPii; wnwr stwiitn KAr.uiNt r.nMDAVV CHANGE, MASS. 1 Many Sewing Machines are made to sell regardless o*, cut t.;e *' ?w ISoine" is mad? lu wear. Our guaranty never runs cut. J w'e make Sev.- ng Machines tc sui: ail conditions j :f the trade. The >? ??' ilomc** stands at the | head cf a Iligh-sriMk'feiiy sewing machines. Jjoid by authorized di alers only. " FOR ?./ U. E 9* W . P. KOOF, Lexington. S. C. HASRRBALSAM Hfirvi and beautifies the nl/. Promotes ft luxuriant growth. jgP!^ vHNevcr Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. aK3W?^?i Cures rcaip d ??a?fs & hair fading. I