RELIABLE Guaranteed FURNITURE FOE EVEBY BOOM IN THE HOUSE. I VanMi I FUNERAL DIRECTOR > THE PRICES TELL. J. B. FRID Wholesale s J " [ . . * Grocers, Flo ' ' Fee i We Want the Merchants, Pla ington County to Call and Set Purchases. We Can Fill Yt Money. t 1823-1825 Main Sti 1 HONEWAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and lung . troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic. * Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is in a Yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Prepared only by Foley A Company, Chicago. Derrick'8 Drug Store. KILLCOUCH I m CUR, w LUMC8 w,tm Dr. King's New Discovery j FOR C8!&HS 5v&J AND ALL THROAT AND Ll'NG TROUBLES. I GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! OR MONEY REFUNDED. || C. HAYNESWORTH, BARBER, 1332 Main Street, Near Skyscraper, Columbia, S. C. o Expert Barbers, Sharp Razors and Clean Towels?Everything Firstclass. His Lexington customers and many friends will be served in the highest art of the profession. Engine and Boiler Fiztures. I have ju9t opened up a new and full line of engine and boiler fixtures, consisting of valves, gauges, couplings, etc. Piping cut and threaded to order. Engine and boiler repair? "im Goticfar? trna ran iiig diOU UVliV/# kJUVt^iWVWAVU ^ ?>?>. . . teed. Give me a trial. J. J. RIKARD, 45tf Lexington, S. C. Seed Corn! Seed Corn! The World'9 Premium Seed Corn which took the Premium at the World's Fair. Raised and sold only by the Daisy Seed Farm. Write to-day for circular, Price List and Sample, free. THE DAISY SEED FARM, R. F. D. Xo. 3, Winston-Salem, X. C. j Feb. 19?3mo. Prices as low I as good mer-1 chandise can ! be retailed for. I 1313-1319 SAIN STEEET, COLUMBIA, S. C. ETRE'S i Akin ruDii uro THE QUALITY SELLSAY & CO., ind Retail ur, d and Grain* nter& and Farmers of Lex? ? Us Before They Make Their mr Wants and Save You \ eet, Columbia, S. C. [Light-More Light I / Do you want to save money? Then use the "Best" Incandescent Vapor Gas Lights and burn air instead of money. They give 50 per cent, more light than a Rochester Coal Oil Lamp, consume 80 per cent, less oil and make 90 per cent, less heat. All Lamps guaranteed for a period of two years, provided they are bandied according to our instructions. "Best" Incandescent Gas Lights, 100 1 candle power each, 300 candle power, one gallon of gasolene per burner, GO hours, 6c., cost $3.60. The above is for lighting a room 20x60, 100 hours a month for one year. For prices, etc., write C. H. HARTLEY, . GASTON, S. C. 9pjy and WHISKEY'HABITS JLtlan'taj! fcia. O&ce^W N?rii jr bU-eet. | Wirathrop College Scholarship and Entrance Examination. The examination for the award of vacant Scholarships in Winthrop College and for the admission of new students will be held at the county court house on Friday, July 3, at 9 a. m. Applicants must be not less than fifteen years of age. When Scholarships are vacant after July 3 they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for Scholarships should write to President Johnson before the axamination for Scholarship examination blanks. Scholarships are worth ?100 and free tuition. The next session will open j September l(i, 1008 For further information and catalogue, address Pres. D. B. Johnson, Rock Hill, S. C. tf The World's Best Climate. is not entirely free from disease, 011 the high elevations fevers prepail, while on the lower levels malaria is encountered to a greater or less extent, according to altitude. To overcome climate affections lassitude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague, and general debility, the most effective remedy is Electric Bitters, the great alterative and blood purifier; the antidote for every form of bodily weakness, nervousness, and insomnia. Sold under guarantee at Derrick's Drug Store and Kaufmunn Drug Co. Price 50c. ! The Lexington Dispatch. : Wednesday, May 20. 1908. Ch&pia News Budget. ; To the Editor of The Dispatch: Dry, windy and dusty; rain badly I needed. ; Small grain is looking fine, but is ; cut short considerably by the long J drouth. I Most all of the cotton is planted, : but we have very poor stands, due ! to cool windy weather. Corn is looking fairly well, while j there is a lot to be planted yet. We are enjoying fresh beans, Irish j notatoes. cabbage and beets, gath- ; ered from our gardens: Oar little town is still 011 a boom; six or eight new dwellings have been ! built quite lately. Our brick man, ! 3Ir. Robinson, is placing brick on the ground to erect a big brick store for Mr. P. M. Frick, on lot between depot j and Chapin Drug Go's store. We now have ten stores and one bank, and Mr. Morris, editor of the Chapin Home Journal, is giving us the news each week; a good school and between 700 and 1000 inhabitants. The political pot is simmering and we have a lot of candidates hanging on the bushes, just a few shakes, ana the}7 will come rolling out. What has beco&e of our free bridge, we'never hear any more about it? The majority of us want it, while there are a few opposed to it, think ing that their taxes will be a little { higher. They are like the big frogs? j more fuss than anything else. i Chapin, May 16. H. j Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. Ti1 T ott A- C^.r\ TTr?l?fln O u . VlAViiVJ V*/ \/V., a. v*vv*v, N^t I Sold by Druggists, ?5c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipaticffi. Strychnine in An Bennettsville, May 13.?Mrs. W. H. Peters recently discovered among j some eggs which she had bought one ! which contained strychnine. In j breaking the eggs she noticed that it had a little hole in it and she broke it in a separate saucer. Her husband, Mr. W. H. Peters, of the Marlborro Drug Company, analyzed the mixture and found that it contained enough strychnine to kill several people. The egg came through the hands of R. D. Rogers & Bro. and had been bought j by them from the country. They were, of course, entirely ignorant of the whole matter and thought that the egg was fresh and bought it for such. It is probable that the egg had been fixed by the person who j sold it for a dog and that it became mixed up in the number of fresh eggs which were brought to town and sold to R. D. Rogers & Bro. It is fortunate that Mrs. Peters discovered the matter in time, else there might have been a different tale to tell. , Money to Lend. The First National Bank of Batesburg has mqney to lend to their farmer patrons who can furnish satisfactory security. "Tell your friends about it." IRAjC. C A.RSON, Cashier. W. W. WAXSUix, -rresxuenu It lteached The Spot. Mr. E. Humphrey, who owns a large general store at. Omega. O., and is president of the Adams County Telephone Co., as well a? of the Home Teleluphone Co , of Pike County, O., says of Dr. King's Now Discovery: "It saved mv life unct?. At least 1 think it did. It seemed to reach the spot?the very seat | of my cough?when everything else t failed." Dr. King's New Discovery not only reaches the cough spot; it heals the sore spots and the weak spots in throat, lungs and chest. Sold under guarantee at Derrick's Drag ?tore and Kaufmaim Drag Co., at 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Tornadoes Sill Kany. According to reports sent out from Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas, hundreds of lives were lost, with heavy damages to property, in a series of j tornadoes which visited those states j last week. ! Georgia Peach Crop Damaged. | It is said that the recent cold snaps i in Georgia have injured the peach ' crop 25 per cent. ? A great many people imagine they i have heart trouble when the fact is j that the whole trouble lies in the stom ach. The pains in the side around the j region of the heart are not necessarily ; heart trouble. We suggest that you i start with the stomach and whenever j """ ?%1 n aftar cohn rr AT* , \ UU XCV-'i. CI uc^ivwivii V.UUJIJ. . whenever your food seems to nauseate j take Kodoi. It will not be very long ! until all tliese ''heart pains" will dis- i appear. Take Kodcl now and until you j know you are right again. There isn't! any doubt about what it will do and you will find the truth of this statement verified after you have used Kodol for a few weeks. It is sold here by Kaufmann Drug Co. j John Bowles, a white man, fell j down the steps of the police station ; in Columbia last week and died from ! his injuries. Ill news travels fast when it is going to a doctor. Rings Little Liver Pills for biliousness j and sick-headache. They clean the sys | tem and clear the skin. Price 2oc. Try j | them. Sold by the Kaufmann Drug Co. j I My Hair is i| (Scragglyll, tn i f^yFTvrr **-' ' "* gj". 'f vyjiy*m J^t.'1 *v^C P Do you like it? Then why 1 i * be contented with it? Have a | 1 to bt? Gh, no! Just put on 1 ! | Aysr's Hair Vigor and have! ! S3 long, thick hair; soft, even | p hair. But first cf all, stop 1 i vcur hair from coming out. ? p! ' ~ (3 f; Save what you have. Ayer s 5 | Hair Vigor will not disappoint It feeds the hair-bulbs; I * j :;:akcs weak hair strong. S The beet kind of a testimonial ? R " Sold for over sixty years." H ^ Stado by J. C. AyerCo., i/owell, Haas. B jfri Also manufacturers of B > SARSAPAR1LLA. 1/ 1 1IPTQ.p,LLSIA JLiy v; O CHERRY PECTORAL. White Man Arrested on Charge of Assaulting White Woman John Groves, a white man 55 years of age, wa9 lodged in jail at Spartanburg last week on a warrant charging < him with criminal assault upon the person of Miss Annie Dobson, a daughter of Mr. John Dobson, a well-to-do * farmer of the Wellford section of that county. Groves denies his guilt. Weak women should read my "Book No. 4 For Women". It was written expressly for women who are not well. The Book No. 4 tells of Dr. Shoop's 'Night Cure" and just how these soothing, healing, antiseptic suppositories can be successfnlly applied. The book, and strictly confidential medical advice is entirely free. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Night Cure is sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. m -T ? * 1 1. ~ "U1L ~ ^ ? ?ome men iau iu int me icugeo ui | success because they aim too high. Lots of men would be meaner than they are if they were not too lazy to exert themselves. What a lovely world this is to a { girl the first time she falls in love. I Mrs. S. Joyce, 180 Sullivan St., Claremont, N. H., writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It cured me of a severe case of kidney trouble of several years' standing. It certainly is a grand, good medicine, and I heartily recommend it." Derrick's Drug Store, mm r?iiwi ?-rr,-.T- .7.' .. - ' T " ? " 1 Delinquent Tax Sale. I will sell under tax executions at public outcry at Lexington C. H., On the first Monday in June, next, during the legal hours of sale, all that piece, parcel or tract of land belonging to J. W. Sandel; tract No. 1, known as the Lattakoo tract, containing 31 acres, more or less, bounded 011 the east by Jacob Haltiwanger, south by John Summer, west by Ben Barrett and the north by Hill Shealy. Tract No. 2, containing 44 acres, more or less, bounded on east by Hill Shealv, south and i west by Geo. Fulmer, north by Paul Ellisor. Levied on as the property of Dr. J. W. Sandel for taxes. Terms of sale. cash. P. H. CORLEY, S. L. C. I May. 13, 1008. Tax Notice?Town of Lexington, S. C. Taxpayers are hereby notified that by an ordinance duly enacted by the Town | Council of the Town of Lexington, S. C.? a levy of (o) five mills has been made on all the taxable property -within the corporate limits of said town ior municipal purposes for the year 1008. The tax books will be kept open by the undersigned, at his usual place of business in ^aid town, for the collection of the said taxes so levied, from May 4, 1908, to May 30, 1908, both inclusive. | After which time, a penalty of five per cent, will bo added and the books kept open until June 15, 1908, for the collection of delinquent taxes and penalty. Tax executions will be issued against all defaulting taxpayers after June 15, 1008, to enforce the payment of all unpaid taxes. SAM P. ROOF, Treasurer of town of Lexington, S. C. ! April 13, 1908. 10w33 , I E. A, FELLERS, ! THE HARNESS MAN, |1 833 Gervais Si, Columbia, S. C. j ! I Harness, Saddles, Collars, j Whips, etc. Repair work a j specialty at short notice. Prices always right. Solicits a share of the Lexington trade. ! cBKBari ip ajHWHUiLm IMMJBM?lmmh I j "Nv e) An improvement o system of a eoid by satisfaction or mone Sold by Kuufniaim Drug Co. [(IN COLUMBIA.) f The place to buy your every- a I day and Sunday go-to-meeting El Shoes. Largest handlers of S Shoes in the Carolinas. Prices g are extremely low at this sea- 11 son. Come and inspect our |g LEVER, "The Shoe Man" | (In Columbia.) I C. 0. BROWN a BRO.,] 1730 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C., I ;jl Is where you can find one of the best stocks of j> 1 ?PAINTS^ I j:j OF ALL KINDS. | DOORS, SASH, BLINDS if4WB&X&SMaS!B^ 1 CITY HOTEL and CAFE 1 Jg AMERICAN and EUROPEAN. gg ^ Fine Coo3 Wewly Furnished Roomsss f?ear Theatre and State Capitci. ^ * X American Rates S1.CQ to $2.00 Per Day. fig European Rates Rooms 50c. and Up. ^ 1213 Main Street Phone 851 | MRS. L. S. KAMSNER, Proprietress. 3| Columbia, S. C. h V W. P R OO F, . ' | J'LEXINGTON, S. C., . I rW Agent for all kinds of iSjBL. Implements. WRITE FOR PRICES, f n m m esnm m. ra et e?h ABfo ? R kb M /S*\ v\ ?? ra n em CONFORP/.S TO NATIONAL FURE FOOD AND DRUGS LAW. ver many Cough. Lung and Bronchial Remedies, because it rids the acting as a cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to give y refunded. Prepared by PINEULE MEDICINE CO., CHICAGO. U. 5, Aj 41 9