The.effect of ma You catch cold down because of th< Strengthen yo "Emulsion sgj It builds new blood a system. , ^ ' ALL DRUGGISTS; ? For Roofing Tro | VULCANITE J Made ready for use, satu] ^ new v ^ Weatherproof, Rot] !BEST : ROOFING : 1 Is extremely durable, cold. Always pliable and together in the rolls, Is e and coated with superior c eaxmot evaporate; therefo * Requires no a: Guaranteed to co Roofing Pitch in 600 lb ba Coal Tar i nniri/ n f LUKiblt 4 J 1NC0RP % WHOLESALE ^ Columbia, QUALITY You have probably bought many thin good, that cost a good price, but undej test of service soon proved themselves wo It might have been shoes that soon the sides, caps'broke down, heels gave gave out and soles were plated. To'guard ASHtP' a wear your mo , and choice stc ^ as-en t. a. : Opposite Post Office, The Palmetto i COLUM] WE AEE > A Depository for the I of South Carolina the of Columbia. WE OWN $400,000 United States Carolina Bonds. WE SOLICIT Accounts of Banks, Fi WE PAY Four Per Cent, on dep terest calculated quart WE PROMISE Our best efforts to trar satisfaction. PALMETTO NATIONAL CAPITAL Wilie Jokes, President. *#999999;5 f SOUTHERN J Unexcelled Dininj i Through Pullman Sleepi ^ Convenient Schedule For full information iiC consult nearest Southern 'f? J. C. LIJSK, D BROOKS MORGAN, A. \? M S-aAASf! A snuvnia?s*ii iig PZEW BHOOi J1]/? V7e Want your business. ?z is i)t/ your money with us untiS you r; [avJ times a year. M J. C. CUICKARD, t^g Vice-President. laria lasts a long time. easily or become run; after effects of malaria. (Q? urself with Sc$ . - _ c?9 nd tones up your nervous ^g, rocess. J proof and Fireproof. 3 MATERIAL : KNOWN r Not affected by heat or J flexible. It does not stick J asily affixed. Impregnated J lamp-proof materials which ^ re \ annal painting. ^ ntain no coal tar. & rrels - $1.25 per 100 lbs k - $4.00 per barrel ck constantly available for making pleasat our store. t for W. L. Douglas Shoes for men, $1.5C BO YNE, Columbia, S. C. National Bank, BIA, S. C. * i Tinted States Government, the State County of Richland and the City Bonds and |100,000 State of South rms, Corporations and Individuals. Dsits in our Savings Department, inerly. Lsact your business to your entire BANE, - - Columbia, S. C. $250,000.00 J. P. Matthews, Cashier. RAILWAY.^ g Car Service, $ ing Cars on ail Trains, S is on Local Trains. ^ as to rates, routes, etc. "Vf Railway Ticket Agent, or >. P. A., Charleston, S. C. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. JS&* jPx f&r cai&r?SE>^5?? r*?a> 5ET1B1SPC1 'KZ r-.?lT\ Q f- Zi'ij itv j .. 5^* 5 a "w ? ?, ' l ; o".-i* c?s3 -s wro i i , ' eanceii"o nv no owia * s i "'('"ii.'O t I Hiddeck Byrnes had in,; pa;.-, iheir | IVat. Tile ( -s'on h. . i vd' r? - 1 ; r.iii'.:i / >< v.'iii lie oner:.: o ; ; t .i1 ( *?:;?p:i.iv owning i;. } S.thv T:j re a:er'S. ; is only one original. !' i - i > ::1 - \ ! lag aud cooling and ?? 1 " ! j idles, told Kauimami L): ng h >. j i ' iiViiTii'iir?H VliflgjBiitfrtMiBMiiiTi w*ng Wjjj "ii in DANGER IN DELAY. Sidney Diseases Are Too Dangerous for Lexington People to Neglect. The great danger of kidney troubles is that they get a lirm hold before the sufferer recognizes them. Health is gradually undermined. Backache, headache, nervousness, lameness,soreness, lumbago, urinary troubles, dropsy, diabetes and Bright's disease follow in merciiess succession. Don't neglect your kidneys. Cure the kidneys with the certain and safe remedy, Doan's Kidney Pills, which has cured people right here in Lexington. Geo. B. Lee, living in Lexington, S. C., says: "i have been a sufferer from attacks of kidney trouble for a good many years, and during that time have taken a great many remedies. I received the best of results from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills, which I procured at The Kaufmann Drug Co., and shall continue using them. It will always give mo pleasure to recommend them to other sufferers." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. White Stone Springs Sold. The White Stone Lithia Springs were sold at auction last week for ?17,000. Mr. John Riha of Vining, la., say9, "I have been selling DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills for about a year and they give better satisfaction than any pill I ever sold. There are a dozen people here who have used them and they give perfect satisfaction in every case. I have used them myself with fine results.'' Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. F. M. Sellers, a white man and cotton weigher at Chesterfield, has been arrested, charged with robbing a store in that town. The store of J. C. Johnson was broken into and a'^out^lOin money stolen, and the circumstances pointed strongly to Sellers as the guilty man. After a preliminary hearing, he was bound over to court. There is a Pink Pain Tablet made by Dr. Shoop, that will positively stop any ^ A * o i Ol I I > /? pain, ally niinu, m A*\j jjuiuu.tca. XJL U.^gists everywhere sell them as Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets, but the}7 stop other pains as easily as headache. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets simply coax blood pressure away Jrorn pain centercongestion. Stop that pressure with Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets and pain is instantly gone. 20 Tablet 25c. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. For INSURANCE, LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, SEE E. G. Dreher, LEXINGTON, S. C. Strongest and Best Companies Lumber and Building Material N. H. DRIGGERS, Columbia, - - S. C. Manufacturer of Lumber, Laths, Shingles Paints and all kinds of building material. Call or write for prices. Will save you money. Lumber bought in any quantity at highest market price. HARDING, The Old Veteran Painless Tooth Extractor and Dentist, 1316 Main street, Columbia, S. C., sign of the Big Tooth, is now at his office and will be all summer. where he will do all kinds of Dental "Work in the best maimer and with the best material. lApr KliMRD'S HOTEL, i. C. K1NARD, Proprietor, Leesville, - - S. C The best attention given guest. Modern conveniences. Tebie supplied with b'.'st (ho ullorc*^. P IM Pi fluni F? 6s?. ?tv/s ' SlwtlP ti >J( U ft LU2 J ti Si \7iP V W ^ pi --, q (T* ' r,'--".- *'3 :s /: ;.; : I ' ' <#? > i. 4 i.- . ? ..?J W J T > * v. . (>?]! op 4 . [ \\ *; [ ..; y,. ..'? ? 7 ; i ;; v . U'.Tll'.iLII'j'fX : . " /il.l. will As usual, we are buj i of the General Orders sent di publishers w: first attention. Law Book Publishers Booksellers and Stati Two Stores on M COLUMBIA, - - - I BANK OP I : : : CHAPIN, i Our banking facilities &j place them at your comma 1 terest paid on time depose P with your business. | J. F. HOi 1 J. A. BLACKWELDE&, F 15 Before You Purchase Ar.y Other Write THE HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY ORANGE, MASS. Many Sewing Machines are made to sell regardW..f fk/% ^ Vaw UAm^ " ic maHfl IC03 U'. V^uailljr, WUt UiC *'Vit MVU?V io wear. Our guaranty never runs out. We make Sewing Machines to suit all conditions of the trade. The "New Home" stands at the a*ad of all High-;?ra S fl ! ~ & ;- -- ""' & ! n:;; 3 I 5i\<:;' I', > t> i ;.'-c v.: i\. ;< ];[ !?v : j , ? I D.'i'i,-'/o. >y printing the HET5S JfLt/iJi >r ? lli K> V, Ali'.UI.'w Q them so. A 25c. bottle ? will convince yen of this g f"'-. i N-J }"?TT ? .i... V. OJ ^ r< - t fr >>< _ ,.-v (5^ - no .i'lurrny vc%, & - " - V.,..,-- . - ? . '. V. " ; -*-> . f . ?A , .-j .'orT->nv _ JL. i\ J .Wn^lviU, ? onv*. ,mi Q 11 5 -i-i v j>u e./.,, I'V V ?Q33S0?*3tfe??CG$e "3 ?? ?